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Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 10 • What happens during nuclear decay? • What are the three types of nuclear radiation? • How does nuclear radiation affect atoms? • What devices can detect nuclear radiation? Key Concepts • 1896 – French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel • Experiments with uranium salts • Thought that the salts – which glow after exposure to sunlight – would produce X-rays while they glowed • Discovered the salts didn’t need to be exposed to sunlight to emit rays; uranium salts emitted rays that had never been discovered before Nuclear Decay • Radioactivity – the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles and energy. • Becquerel’s experiment marked the discovery of radioactivity. • Any atom containing an unstable nucleus is called a radioactive isotope or radioisotope. Radioactivity • Isotopes can be stable or unstable (radioisotopes). • Radioisotopes spontaneously change into other isotopes over time. • When the composition of a radioisotope changes, it is said to undergo nuclear decay. • During nuclear decay, atoms of one element can change into atoms of a different element altogether. • Example: uranium-238 decays into thorium-234 Radioisotopes • Scientists can detect a radioactive substance by measuring the nuclear radiation it gives off. • Nuclear radiation is charged particles and energy that are emitted from the nuclei of radioisotopes. • Common types of nuclear radiation include: • Alpha particles • Beta particles • Gamma rays Types of Nuclear Radiation • Alpha particle – a positively charged particle made up of two protons and two neutrons (same as a He nucleus). • It has a 2+ charge. • When uranium-238 decays, it emits alpha particles. • Common symbol for alpha particles 42𝐻𝑒 • Subscript = atomic number (# of protons) • Superscript = mass number (#protons + #neutrons) • Other common symbol for alpha particles α (Greek letter) Alpha Decay • Alpha decay refers to nuclear decay that releases alpha particles. • Alpha decay is an example of a nuclear reaction. • Like chemical reactions, nuclear reactions can be expressed as equations. 238 92𝑈 → 234 90𝑇ℎ Alpha Decay + 42𝐻𝑒 • Alpha particles are the least penetrating type of nuclear radiation. • Most travel no more than a few centimeters in the air. • Can be stopped by a sheet of paper or by clothing. Alpha Decay • Beta particle – an electron emitted by an unstable nucleus. • During beta decay, a neutron decomposes into a proton and an electron. • Common symbols for alpha particles −10𝑒 or β • Because of its single negative charge, a beta particle is assigned an atomic number of -1 and a mass number of 0. 234 90𝑇ℎ → Beta Decay 234 91𝑃𝑎 + 0 −1𝑒 • The proton stays trapped in the nucleus, the electron is released. • Due to their smaller mass and faster speed, beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles. • Can pass through paper, stopped by thin sheet of metal. Beta Decay • Gamma ray – a penetrating ray of energy emitted by an unstable nucleus. • Symbol for a gamma ray is γ. • Gamma radiation has no charge and no mass. • Like x-rays and visible light, gamma rays are energy waves that travel through space at the speed of light. Gamma Decay • Atomic number and mass number of the atom remain the same but the energy of the nucleus decreases. • Gamma decay often accompanies alpha or beta decay. • Gamma rays are much more penetrating than either α or β particles. It can take several centimeters of lead or several meters of concrete to stop gamma radiation. Gamma Decay • You are exposed to nuclear radiation everyday. • Background radiation – nuclear radiation that occurs naturally in the environment. • Radioisotopes in air, water, rocks, plants, and animals all contribute to background radiation. • Cosmic rays are also a source (cosmic rays are streams of charged particles from outer space). • Background radiation levels are generally low enough to be safe. Effects of Nuclear Radiation • Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive element that is formed in the decay chain of uranium-238. • Radon gas is produced underground as the uranium in rocks and soil decays. • As the radon seeps up through the ground, it can get into buildings by passing through cracks or holes in their foundation. • Most areas – amount of uranium in rocks and soil is very small. • Higher concentrations of uranium and its minerals are commonly found in light colored igneous rocks, granite, dark shale, phosphate-containing sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rock derived from these rocks. Soils derived from these rocks also have high uranium concentrations. • EPA - RADON Radon • When nuclear radiation exceeds background levels, it can damage the cells and tissues of your body. • Nuclear radiation can ionize atoms. • When cells are exposed to nuclear radiation, the bonds holding together the proteins and DNA molecules may break – cells may no longer function properly. • α and β particles and γ rays are all forms of ionizing radiation. Effects of Nuclear Radiation • Devices used to detect nuclear radiation: • Geiger counters • Film badges • Geiger counter – measures ionizing radiation with a gasfilled tube . Detecting Nuclear Radiation • Film badge - often worn by people who work with or near radioactive materials, monitors exposure to nuclear radiation. Detecting Nuclear Radiation Film Badge Radioactive Isotopes and Half Life 20 Radioactive Isotopes Radioactive elements are unstable. They decay, and change into different elements over time. Not all elements are radioactive. Those that are listed below are the most useful for geologic dating of fossils are: U-238 K-40 C-14 Half-life = 4.5 Billion Years Half-life = 1.25 Billion Years Half-life = 5, 730 Years 21 Radioactive Decay and Half Life Here are some facts to remember: 1. The half-life of an element is the time it takes for half of the material you started with to decay. 2. Each radioisotope has it’s own half-life 22 Radioactive Decay and Half Life 3. Each isotope decays into a new isotope C14 decays into N14 4. The half-life of each element is constant. It’s like a clock keeping perfect time. Now let’s see how we can use half-life to determine the age of a rock, fossil or other artifact. 23 Radioactive Decay and Half Life 3. Each isotope decays into a new isotope C14 decays into N14 4. The half-life of each element is constant. It’s like a clock keeping perfect time. Now let’s see how we can use half-life to determine the age of a rock, fossil or other artifact. 24 The grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click, one half-life goes by and you see red. Ratio of Half % C14 %N14 C to N C14 – blue N14 - red lives 14 14 0 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 50% 1:1 After 1 half-life (5730 years), 50% of the C14 has decayed into N14. The ratio of C14 to N14 is 1:1. There are equal amounts of the 2 elements. 25 The blue grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click, one half-life goes by and you see red . Ratio of Half % C14 %N14 C to N C14 – blue N14 - red lives 14 14 0 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 50% 1:1 2 25% 75% 1:3 Now 2 half-lives have gone by for a total of 11,460 years. Half of the C14 that was present at the end of half-life #1 has now decayed to N14. Notice the C:N ratio. It will be useful later. 26 The blue grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click, one half-life goes by and you see red. Ratio of Half % C14 %N14 C to N C14 – blue N14 - red lives 14 14 0 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 50% 1:1 2 25% 75% 1:3 3 12.5% 87.5% 1:7 After 3 half-lives (17,190 years) only 12.5% of the original C14 remains. For each half-life period half of the material present decays. And again, notice the ratio, 1:7 27 What is the half life represented in this graph? 28 Time Half-lives Parent Remaining Daughter 0 1/1 0 1 1/2 ½ 2 1/4 3/4 3 1/8 7/8 4 1/16 15/16 5 1/32 31/32 29 PRACTICE PROBLEMS Sodium-24 has a half-life of 20 hours. How much sodium-24 will remain in an 18.0 g sample after 60 hours? After 40 days a 2.0 g sample of phosphorus-32 contains only 0.5 g of the isotope. What is the half-life of phosphorus-32? Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How “old” would a real fossil be if it has gone through 3 carbon14 half-lives? 30