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Name _____________________________
Review for Science Final - KEY
Use this experiment to answer questions 1-6. A student loves hockey and wants to determine how to
score the most goals this season. He tries several different lengths of hockey stick to see which one
results in the best accuracy from a certain distance (which one hits the target the most number of
times). He has always used a shorter length and wants to know if he should switch.
time it takes water to boil
1. What is the independent variable?
length of the hockey stick
2. What is the dependent variable?
accuracy - number of times the target is hit
3. What are some constants?
distance, person, puck, number of times shot
4. What is the control?
shorter stick - length of the hockey stick he normally uses
5. Write a hypothesis for this experiment.
If the shorter stick is used, then the target will be hit the most times.
If the shorter stick is used, then the target will be hit the fewest times.
6. Write a title for this experiment.
The Effect of the Length of the Hockey Stick
on the Number of Times the Target is Hit
7. When conducting an experiment what types of things do you need to keep in mind?
keeping everything constant except IV, have only 1 IV and 1 DV, number of trials necessary,
materials, environmental conditions, subject being tested, if the dependent variable is really
measurable, etc...
8. Summarize the graph right below it.
amount of salt (tsp)
As the amount of salt is increased, the amount of time it takes water to boil is decreased.
9. What do plant cells have that animal and bacteria cells don’t have?
cell wall, chloroplast
10. What is the difference between bacteria cells and plant and animal cells?
There is no nucleus in a bacteria cell.
11. What is the result of mitosis?
2 identical daughter cells
12. What is the result of meiosis?
4 different daughter cells
13. How are photosynthesis and respiration related?
they are opposite processes
14. What organisms use photosynthesis?
15. What organisms use respiration?
16. What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid – the chemical code that contains an organism’s genetic
17. What does DNA look like?
twisted ladder
18. A bird has an allele for purple feathers but its feathers are blue. The blue allele is
__________________ and the purple allele is ___________________.
dominant; recessive
19. In a dog white (B) is the dominant allele. Brown (b) is the recessive allele. Which genotype
would a brown offspring have?
What would the phenotype be?
20. Complete the Punnett square:
21. What provides the energy for the beginning of most food webs?
the sun
22. What is a habitat?
A habitat is a place where an organism lives and gets everything it needs to survive.
23. In a forest what is an example of a consumer?
deer, bird, bear, rabbit, fox, etc...
What is an example of a producer?
tree, grass...
24. What is an herbivore?
plant-eating animal
25. What is a carnivore?
meat-eating animal
26. An eagle eats rabbits and a rabbit eats grass. What would happen if the rabbits died in a particular
The eagles would have no food so their population would decrease and grass would grow
27. In food chains what organisms do there need to be more of?
plants – producers
28. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
Primary succession involves the first living organisms moving into an area. Secondary
succession involves living organisms moving into an area after a disturbance - such as a
29. What is mutualism?
+/+ a relationship between two different species in which both organisms benefit
30. What is parasitism?
+/- a relationship between two different species in which one organism benefits while
harming the other
31. What is commensalism?
+/0 a relationship between two different species in which one organism benefits while
the other organism is neither helped or harmed
32. What is the difference between natural selection and evolution?
Evolution is change over time while natural selection is Darwin’s theory of how things
change over time.
33. Describe the impact that humans have on the environment.
Overall, humans have a negative impact on the environment.
34. Where is population growth the highest in the world?
less developed countries
35. Where is resource use the highest in the world?
more developed countries
36. Why should we pursue alternative energy sources?
to lower pollution and not use as many non-renewable resources
37. What is the order of the classification categories from largest to smallest?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
38. What are the seven kingdoms?
Animal, Plant, Virus, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Fungi, Protist
39. What are the five classes of vertebrates?
mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians
40. List some invertebrates.
octopus, earthworm, coral, snail, slug, jellyfish, crab, butterfly, spider, etc...
41. Put these in order from simplest to most complex: organ system, cell, organism, tissue, organ
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
42. What is an example of the body trying to maintain homeostasis?
sweating when hot, shivering in the cold, vomiting after eating bad food, etc...
43. What is the purpose of each of these systems:
skeletal – protects organs, gives shape, allows movement, produces blood, stores vitamins &
muscular – allows us to move, generates heat
respiratory – exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
cardiovascular – carries oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from cells
digestive – breaks down food, absorbs food molecules, eliminates wastes
excretory – remove wastes
nervous – transmit and receive electric signals to and from the body
Integumentary – protection, regulate temperature, eliminate wastes, retain fluids, produce
vitamin D
lymphatic – drains fluid back into the blood, filters lymph, fights infections
endocrine – controls the body’s daily activities and long-term changes
reproductive – produce testosterone & estrogen, sperm & eggs, and nourish a fetus
44. Know what system a diagram represents.
45. In what ways are comets and asteroids similar and different?
They both orbit the sun. Comets are mainly ice and asteroids are mainly rock.
46. If a planet has a denser atmosphere, how would that affect the temperature?
Denser atmospheres would create hotter temperatures.
47. What types of objects are found in our solar system?
Star, Planets, Asteroids, Moons, Dwarf Planets, Comets
48. The graph shows the results of a restocking program in which shrimp raised on a shrimp farm are
released into the wild. If this trend continues, about how many metric tons of shrimp will be
released in 1999?
13 metric tons
49. Why does the white-tailed deer population drop when the
carrying capacity is exceeded?
The carrying capacity is the limit to the number of a
species that can be supported by a specific habitat.
Their population will remain fairly steady around this
number unless other forces (predators, disease,
weather) further reduce their population.
50. Which organelle has the most control over a cell’s
a. Cell membrane
b. Ribosomes
c. Nucleus
d. Vacuole
51. The colorful petals of a flower benefit a plant by doing what?
a. absorbing radiant energy
b. attracting insect pollinators
c. protecting it from predators
d. catching windblown pollen
52. This graph shows the average number of rabbits and
coyotes in an area over time. Which conclusion is
best supported by these data?
a. The rabbit population obtains energy by
consuming young plants.*
b. The coyote population is influenced by the
available number of rabbits.
c. The number of rabbits will decrease during
summer months.
d. The number of coyotes will be greater than the number of rabbits within a ten-year
53. The chart shows the results of growing a yeast culture
in a 10% fructose solution. The number of bubbles
produced each minute was used as an indication of the
yeast respiration rate. If all other factors remain
constant, after 10 minutes the respiration rate will most
likely be what?
a. 61 bubbles per minute
b. 64 bubbles per minute
c. 69 bubbles per minute
d. 78 bubbles per minute
54. Male collared lizards are larger than females. According to the pictures, the difference in
length between the male and the female collared lizard when measured from the tip of the nose
to the tip of the tail is approximately what?
a. 3cm
b. 8cm
c. 12cm
d. 15cm
55. If a single plant species is removed from a food web, then what will most likely happen?
a. an animal species will fill the unoccupied niche
b. other plants will produce enough food for herbivores
c. dependent herbivores will have to find new food sources
d. carnivores will be unaffected by the loss