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Midterm Date: Wednesday, January 25th (PM)
Name :______________________
Science 1206: Midterm Exam Study Guide
Unit 1: Sustainability of Ecosystems
Define/Explain sustainability - know an example be able to identify something as a sustainable
o The ability to use something (an ecosystem)without it being completely used up or
Define paradigm and paradigm shift -know an example and take a stand (defend your opinion)
o The modern paradigm views the Earth as a sustainable system provided that renewable
resources are not used at a faster rate than they are replaced or recycled
Define ecology
Define ecosystem - be able to describe an example
o the set of relationships between populations of species AND between those populations
and the abiotic (non-living) factors of their environment
“Ecosystems with greater biodiversity tend to be less fragile: For example, if a predator
has to rely on a single species as a food source, its very existence is tied to the survival
of the prey.”
Know the big picture: individuals –> populations ->communities ->ecosystems ->biome ->
Define/describe abiotic factors – Know EXAMPLES
o the nonliving factors which affect life in any ecosystem
 Space
 Temperature
 Oxygen
 Light
 Inorganic and organic soil nutrients
Define/describe biotic factors–Know EXAMPLES
o refers to the living environment and includes all other organisms that interact with the
individual both of the same species and all other species
 Decomposing animals and plants (detritus)
 Disease
 Predator/prey interactions
Symbiotic relationships (know some examples)
 Mutualism ( 2-way benefit); Commensalism (1 way benefit);Parasitism
(Parasite – Host); Parisitoidism (Parasite – Host- death);Predation
Explain how biotic and abiotic factors affect ecological interactions: Make the connections! : )
o For example: In primary succession, pioneer plants (a biotic factor) aid in soil formation
(an abiotic factor). Good soil (an abiotic factor) provides an environment in which more
plants (biotic factors) can grow. More plants in an area, attracts other organisms (like
bugs) to move in. The plants provide food (a biotic factor) and shelter (an abiotic
factor). Small organisms in turn attract larger organisms (birds) and so the ecosystem
grows. As all living things die, their nutrients are recycled back into the environment
making the abiotic soil richer.
o Explain the meaning of the terms ecological succession and community
 Ecological succession refers to the series of ecological changes that every
community undergoes over long periods of time.
 Community: The collection of all the populations of all the species in an
 Remember the big picture: individuals  populations  communities
o Distinguish between primary and secondary succession– give EXAMPLES
 Key ideas:
 Pioneering plants and soil formation
 Succession in the plant life is paralleled by a succession in animal life
 Development through increasing complexity
 Primitive community  Climax community
o Identify the factors that contribute to succession.
 Environmental conditions: climate, soil, geographical features
 Disturbances: Remember the cycle!
 Natural: forest fires, floods, volcanic activity
 Human Influenced: acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, clear
cutting, over-fishing)
o Identify the characteristics of a climax community:
Other key ideas:
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Study Guide (Part 1)
Every ecosystem exists because there is a balance between its members (producers,
herbivores, omnivores, predators, scavengers, parasites, competitors, decomposers,
etc.)AND its abiotic environment (climate, soil, availability of sunlight, pH, oxygen
levels, salinity, etc.).
It is this balance between thebiotic and abiotic factors that creates the stability of
the ecosystem.
The greater the biodiversity, the greater the stability!
Describe the trophic structure of an ecosystem – Know EXAMPLES
o refers to the feeding relationships within the ecosystem
o includes 5 trophic levels
Define trophic level
o Each step in the food chain; a feeding level
o 5 Trophic Levels:
 Primary producer, Primary consumer, Secondary consumer, Tertiary consumer,
Classify organisms as: know EXAMPLES
o Producer, Consumer, Autotroph, Heterotroph, Decomposer, Herbivore, Carnivore,
Omnivore, Saprobe
Identify the sun as the ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem.
o The importance of photosynthesis: “ Without photosynthesis, energy would not move
from the abiotic environment to living things”
Describe the Albedo Effect
o Albedo is a measure of the amount of light reflected from an object
o Albedo affects the amount of energy from the sun available for an ecosystem.
 The Higher the albedo the less the energy available to an ecosystem!
Describe the flow of energy with a food chain or food web
o Food chain
o Food web
o Top carnivore
o Limits on the flow of Energy see
 “Once energy is used, it is not available to be transferred.”
Describe energy flow in an ecosystem using:
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Study Guide (Part 1)
Since the primary producers are the ONLY photosynthetic organisms, THEY determine
the amount of energy (trapped from the sun) that can be passed up through the food
Ecological pyramids
 Pyramid of energy – follows 10% rule
 Pyramid of biomass – follows 10% rule
 Pyramid of numbers
Describe the conditions necessary for a stable, sustainable ecosystem …. (Recycling of
Key Ideas:
Stability means that there is an ECOLOGICAL BALANCE between the various organisms
that make up the food web, and because of this balance the ecosystem is self-sustaining
over long periods of time.
To be stable there must be a balance between food production, food consumption, and
decomposition of dead organisms and/or their wastes. (Without the decomposers to
recycle nutrients, there could be NO LIFE since plants would run out of nutrients.)
Roles in an Ecosystem:
o Define niche and habitat
o Define competition and explain how competition arises among organisms
 What do organisms compete for?
o Differentiate between intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
 Intra = within
 Inter = between
o Describe feeding relationships in terms of competition, food chains and food webs
 Example: If more than one organism feeds on the same prey, competition will
arise. How might this affect competition affect the overall food web of the
o Explain how biodiversity of an ecosystem contributes to its sustainability
o Describe the role of keystone/indicator species
o Define a pest and a pesticide
o Describe the use of pesticides over the course of human history: types of pesticides
used (fat soluble-water soluble) and shifts in paradigms
o Describe the concept of bioaccumulation or bio amplification caused by pesticide use
o Explain the potential impact of bioaccumulation on the viability (normal growth and
development) and diversity (variety) of consumers at all trophic levels
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Study Guide (Part 1)
Describe the impact that DDT usage has had on bird populations (the peregrine
falcon for example)
Describe some possible solutions/improvements in the use of pesticides:
 water soluble pesticides, integrated pest management, biological control, etc.
Biogeochemical cycles:
o Illustrate (be able to draw) the cycling of matter through biotic and abiotic components
of an ecosystem
 Carbon cycle: photosynthesis, cellular respiration, combustion
 Oxygen cycle: photosynthesis and cellular respiration
 Describe the importance of oxygen to ecosystems
 Nitrogen cycle: nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification
o Describe how humans have altered the carbon, oxygen and nitrogen cycles in
 Discuss the significance of global warmingand the depletion of the ozone layer
 Discuss the significance of eutrophication (oxygen and nitrogen cycles)
 +N levels (overuse of fertilizer) + runoff = algae blooms = lack of O2 =
eutrophication of water systems
o Describe what is being done to negate human impact on cycles
 Describe possible solutions to global warming, pollution (gas emissions),
depletion of the ozone layer, eutrophication etc.
o Describe soil composition and fertility
o Describe how soil composition and fertility can be altered and how these changes could
affect an ecosystem
Short term stress – Long term change:
Explain why the ecosystem may respond differently to short-term stress and long-term
 Defines short-term stress (e.g. seasonal peaks in temperature, water supply,
sudden but limited human impact)
 Defines long-term change (e.g. climate change, permanent human influence,
infestation of flora and fauna)
 Examples:
 Describe the potential impact that a large scale logging project could
have on a native species such as the pine martin
 Explain the impact that an abnormally dry summer could have on a bog
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Study Guide (Part 1)
o Explain why ecosystems (such as biomes) with similar characteristics can exist in similar
geographical locations (in Canada and around the world): latitude and altitude
 Describe the distribution of biomes (where they are found) within Canada:
Tundra, Taiga (Boreal Forest), Grassland and Temperate Deciduous Forest
 Describe the characteristics of the 4 biomes of Canada.
Unit 2: Chemical Reactions
Define chemistry
Define matter
Describe WHMIS system and its use
Identify the 8 WHMIS symbols
Describe MSDS sheets and its use
Identify the nine categories on the MSDS sheet
Describe the appropriate methods/tests to investigate the presence of chemicals.
Oxygen gas (glowing splint - combustion)
Hydrogen gas (lit splint - POP)
Carbon dioxide (lime water – milky)
Water (cobalt chloride paper – turns pink)
Acid (litmus paper – Blue turns RED)
Base (litmus paper – Red turns BLUE)
Aqueous solution of salt (conductivity - electrolyte)
Describe the usefulness of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry) naming system
Define molecule
Define simple ion
Define polyatomic ion
Define formula unit: (chemical formula)
 Define molecular formula: chemical formula which denotes the number
and type of different atoms in a molecule Ex: H202 (hydrogen peroxide)
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Define empirical formula: simplest chemical formula that can be written
for a compound (smallest whole number ratio of atoms) Ex. H0(hydrogen
Based on their composition and bonding
 Molecular compounds:
 consists of two non-metals
 Involve the SHARING of electrons resulting on covalent bonding
 Exist as individual molecules
 Ionic compounds:
 Consists of metals and non-metals (oppositely charged ions)
 Involve the TRANSFER of electrons resulting in ionic bonding
 Do not exist as individual molecules
Name and write formulas for COMMON MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS, using prefixes
 Monoatomic Molecular Elements: Noble Gasses
 Diatomic Molecular Elements: Halogens and Group 7
 Polyatomic Molecular Elements: ozone (O3), Sulfur (S8), Phosphorus (P4)
Determine names and formulas of binary molecular compounds:
Name several molecular compounds using trivial names:
 Water H20
 Ammonia NH3
 Sucrose C12H22011
 Hydrogen peroxide H202
 Hydrogen sulfide H2S
Name and write formulas for SOME IONIC COMPOUNDS, using the periodic table*, a list
of ions and appropriate names for metals and non-metals.
Binary Ionic Compounds: simple ions and multivalent ions
Polyatomic ions * (Found in the box on the periodic table of ions)
Hydrates – (Water)
Distinguish between physical and chemical property
Physical (characteristic); Chemical (behaviour)
Distinguish between physical and chemical change
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Physical (change in characteristics); Chemical (rearrangement of atoms and
formation of new products)
Based on their physical properties (*Core Lab)
 Simple tests:
 State of matter
 Melting point
 Solubility in water
 Electrical conductivity
Define aqueous solution: solution in which water is the solvent (aq)
Define electrolyte/electrolytic solutions (IONIC) and non-electrolyte/ non-electrolytic
solutions (MOLECULAR).
Classify simple ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS on the basis of their names and formulas
Define acids as: molecules that ionize (dissociate) in water to produce hydrogen
ions (H+)
Define bases as: ionic compounds that contain the hydroxide ion (OH-)
Name and write formulas for some common acids and bases, using the periodic
table, a list of ions and rules for naming acids
Define salts as: ionic compounds
Classify substances as acids, bases on the basis of their characteristic properties
Define pH scale in terms of a measure of acidity (strength of acid) and alkalinity
(strength of base)
Define acids and bases operationally in term of:
 their effect on litmus paper
 pH
 sour and bitter tastes
 reaction with active metals
 reaction with each other
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Study Guide (Part 1)
List FOUR (4) pieces of evidence for a chemical reaction
 Energy Change (Absorption/Release)
 Define exothermic and endothermic reactions and know/draw
diagrams representing both
 Colour change
 Precipitate formation
 Gas formation
CHEMICAL REACTIONS and the conservation of mass
o List FOUR (4) pieces of evidence for a chemical reaction
 Energy Change: Define exothermic and endothermic reactions
 Colour change
 Precipitate formation
 Gas formation
o Define the law of conservation of mass
WRITE AND BALANCE EQUATIONS that illustrate a variety of reaction types:*
 (Element +Element  Compound)
 (BinaryCompound  Element + Element)
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Single replacement
 Metal + ionic compound
 Nonmetal +ionic compound
Double replacement
 Two ionic compounds
 Acid + base (neutralization)
Complete Combustion
Incomplete combustion
: Midterm Exam 2015
Science 1206
Study Guide (Part 1)
Acid + Base  Salt + water (similar to a double replacement reaction)
(STATE OF MATTER) of ALL reactants and products (including the use of the
solubility table* for reactions in solution)
: Midterm Exam 2015
Science 1206
Study Guide (Part 1)
: Midterm Exam 2015
Science 1206
Study Guide (Part 1)