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UNIT EXAM: Atomic Theory
Ms. McLaughlin, Ms. Tingley, & Mr. Stewart
Name: _______________ Date: _______________
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer.
1. The rows of the periodic table are called:
a. classes
b. periods
c. groups
d. families
Answer: B
2. As a result of Rutherford’s scattering experiment, it was concluded that:
a. most of the atom is empty
b. the center of the atom is empty
c. the center of the atom has a negative charge
d. atomic mass is spread over the whole atom
Answer: A
3. The atomic theory was given by:
a. James Chadwick
b. J. J. Thomson
c. John Dalton
d. E. Rutherford
Answer: C
4. The particle discovered as a result of the cathode ray experiment is the:
a. nucleus
b. electron
c. neutron
d. proton
Answer: B
5. The smallest particle of an element which can take part in chemical reactions and may or may not
exist independently is the:
a. compound
b. nucleus
c. neutron
d. atom
Answer: D
6. In the space below, please draw the structure of an atom, but please include and label the following:
a. nucleus
b. protons
c. neutrons
d. electrons
e. atomic orbitals
f. electron cloud
7. The atomic number of an element is equal to:
a. the number of neutrons in the atom
b. the number of protons in the atom
c. the number of protons plus the number of electrons
d. the number of protons plus the number of neutrons
Answer: B
8. The nucleus of the atom is held together by:
a. electrons
b. magnetism
c. nuclear forces
d. electrostatic attraction
Answer: C
9. The mass number of an atom is determined by:
a. adding the protons and electrons
b. adding the neutrons and electrons
c. the number of protons only
d. adding the neutrons and protons
Answer: D
10. According to atomic theory, electrons are usually found:
a. in the atomic nucleus
b. outside the nucleus, yet very near it because they are attracted to the protons
c. outside the nucleus and often far from it – most of an atom’s volume is its electron cloud
d. either in the nucleus or around it – electrons are readily found anywhere in an atom
Answer: C
11. Sodium is an example of an element belonging to which element group?
a. alkaline earth metal
b. alkali metal
c. transition metal
d. halogen
Answer: B
12. Which of these elements is a noble gas?
a. chlorine
b. hydrogen
c. oxygen
d. krypton
Answer: D
13. What evidence indicated that each atom has a nucleus?
a. When alpha particles are shot at gold foil some alpha particles are deflected
slightly or at large angles.
b. Each time an alpha particle hit this zinc sulfide coating, a flash of light was
produced at the point of contact.
c. Positively charged alpha particles were deflected rather than attracted by the
gold nuclei.
d. Nearly all the alpha particles passed straight through as though there were no
foil there.
Answer: A
14.Two isotopes of an element have different ___________
a. numbers of electrons.
b. Numbers of protons.
c. Atomic numbers.
d. Mass numbers.
Answer: D
15 .Atomic mass is a relative scale based upon which of the following?
a. carbon-12
b. nitrogen-12
c. oxygen-16
d. hydrogen-1
Answer: A
16. Which subatomic particles are of approximate equal mass?
a. Protons and electrons.
b. Neutrons and protons
c. Neutrons, protons and electrons.
d. Neutrons and electrons.
Answer: B
17. A substance that is composed only of atoms having the same atomic number is classified as:
a. a compound
b. an element
c. a homogeneous mixture
d. a heterogeneous mixture
Answer: B
18. In a sample of the element potassium, each atom has:
a. 19 protons
b. 20 neutrons
c. 39 protons and neutrons
d. 39 neutrons
Answer: A
19. What is the mass number of an atom that has six protons, six electrons, and eight neutrons?
a. 6
b. 12
c. 14
d. 20
Answer: C
20. Elements in different groups in the Periodic Table (eg. sodium and chlorine) generally have different
chemical properties because they have:
a) different numbers of outer shell electrons
b) different shells as their outer shell
c) atoms that are different in size
d) different mass numbers
Answer: A
SHORT ANSWER: Use complete sentences.
1. Using the information from the periodic table, what can you tell about the element, Krypton (Kr)?
Krypton belongs to the Noble Gases group. The atomic mass is 83.80. The atomic number is 36.
This element has 36 protons, it also has 36 electrons. Based on its atomic mass, it has 48 neutrons.
2. How did Dalton describe chemical reactions?
Dalton said that chemical reactions involved the rearrangement of combinations of atoms.
3. How can atoms of the same element be different?
Atoms of the same element can have a different number of neutrons. Atoms want to have the
same number of neutrons and protons but the number of neutrons can change.
4. What evidence was there that atoms are mostly empty space?
Rutherford came to this conclusion after his Gold-Foil experiment. He found that most of the
alpha particles (when released) went straight through the gold foil of which consisted of atoms. In the
middle of the atom there is a small nucleus that has mass and positive charge. Because the nucleus is so
small the alpha particles were able to go straight through leading to the conclusion that atoms are
mostly empty space.
5. What are the four parts of Dalton's Atomic Theory?
His atomic theory, stated that 1.) elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms. He said that
the reason an element is pure is because 2.) all atoms of an element were identical and that in particular
they had the same mass. He also said that the reason elements differed from one another was that 3.)
atoms of each element were different from one another; in particular, they had different masses. He also
said that 4.) compounds consisted of atoms of different elements combined together.
ESSAY: Use complete sentences and support your ideas.
1. How is the Periodic Table organized and why? What can it tell us about the elements and their
The periodic table is set up into columns and rows. The columns are known as groups or families.
The vertical rows are called periods. The elements that share a period have the same number of atomic
orbitals. The elements that are within the same group have the same number of electrons in their outer
atomic orbitals. All the elements within a same family have the same properties. It is organized in
ascending order according to their atomic number which is the amount of protons within that element.
Every element belongs to a category, such as: metals, non-metals, noble gases, alkali metals, alkalineearth metals, transition metals, rare earth metals, and halogens. Each category has certain properties
that all elements will share. For example, elements that belong to the metals share the following
properties: high melting points and densities, good heating and electrical conductors, they are malleable,
and solids at room temperature except mercury. The metals can all be found on the left-hand side of the
periodic table, whereas the non-metals are found on the right, with metalloids separating them.
Test Blueprint
Periodic Table
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