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Institute of Oceanology of
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Atlantic Branch
United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Lithuania Environmental
Protection Agency
Multi-stakeholder seminar in Kaliningrad region
“Local climate change and needs for basin-related adaptation” in Kaliningrad region in the
framework of the project: River basin management and climate change adaptation in the
Neman river basin (NEMAN) and Integrated water resources and coastal zone management
in European lagoons in the context of climate change (LAGOONS)”
21-22 January, 2014, Kaliningrad region, Russian Federation
The project “River basin management and climate change adaptation in the Neman river basin”
is one of the pilot projects on climate change adaptation in transboundary basins under the
UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and
International Lakes (Water Convention) (, implemented under
the Environment and Security initiative (ENVSEC The overall objective of the
project is to improve integrated river basin management and transboundary cooperation in
times of a changing climate in the Neman river basin. The project aims to strengthen the
capacity to adapt to climate change of the countries sharing the Neman river through supporting
dialogue and cooperation on the needed steps to design an adaptation strategy in the
transboundary context. It helps to reach a common understanding on future water availability
and water use taking into account possible climate change impacts.
The project “Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European lagoons in
the context of climate change” is supported by the European Commission under the
Environment (including climate change) Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research.
The project covers 5 lagoons in Europe, including the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea. The
project focuses on the issues of integrated management of water basins and coastal lagoons
under the climate change and development of strategy for sustainable management of
transboundary water basins.
21 January, Tuesday
Venue – hotel “Triumph” (236039 Kaliningrad, Bolhevitskaya, 3
20.30 – 21.30 Dinner (for participants of the seminar from Belarus and Lithuania)
9.30 – 10. 00 Registration
10.00 – 10.30 Introduction and welcome
Moderator - Igar Tchoulba, United Nations Development Programme Belarus (UNDP Belarus)
Welcome by the Administration of Kaliningrad region, Ministries of Environment of Belarus, and
Lithuania, Kaliningrad Centre for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Ministry of
Infrastructure of the Government of the Kaliningrad Oblast, United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe (UNECE), Zoï environment network, United Nations Development
Programme Belarus (UNDP Belarus).
Introduction of the participants (tour de table)
10.30 – 11.30 Basin management and climate change adaptation in the Neman river basin
Moderator - Sonja Koeppel, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
The NEMAN project rationale, plan and expected results:
Sonja Koeppel, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva,
Project Neman results to-date:
Vladimir Korneev, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources,
(CRICUWR), Minsk, Belarus
Egidijus Rimkus, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Q&A (discussion)
11.30-11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 12.45 Regional aspects of climate change
Moderator – Kolmogorov Valeriy Pavlovich, Head of Kaliningrad Centre for Hydrometeorology
and Environmental Monitoring
Strategy for regional economy adaptation to climate change, Dr. Elena Akenteva, Voeikov’
Main Geophysical Observatory, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Climate and socio-economic impact analysis in the Vistula Lagoon, Dr. Grzegorz
Rozynski, Institute of Hydro-engineering of Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland
Regional climate changes and their influence on the Vistula Lagoon, Dr. Boris
Chubarenko, Atlantic Branch of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
12.45 - 13.45– Policy, development of water management plans (schemes of complex use
of water resources) in Neman basin riparian countries
Moderator – Zavyalov Sergei Vladimirovich, Ministry of environment, Minsk, Belarus
Policy of the Republic of Belarus in the area of management of water resources, Sergei
Zavualov, Ministry of environment, Minsk, Belarus
River Basin Management Plans in Lithuania, Audrius Sepikas, Environmental Protection
Agency, Vilnus, Lithuania
Development of the water management plans (schemes of complex use of water
resources) in Kaliningrad region - Ludmila Kovtun, Neva-Ladoga River Basin Management
Board, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
13.45 – 14.45 Lunch
14.45 – 15.30 Round-table on climate change adaptation activities by different sectors
Different sectors will be invited to inform about their climate change adaptation activities and
Moderator - Nickolai Denisov, Zoï environment network, Geneva, Switzerland
The following issues will be discussed:
- Which climate change impacts do you expect for your sector/ oblast?
- Did your sector/ oblast prepare any plans/ strategies/ measures for adaptation to climate
change? If yes what do they contain? If not what would be needed in terms of adaptation
to climate change?
How do you cooperate with the water authorities in the Neman basin in general and
regarding climate change adaptation in particular?
Short speeches from representatives of the Kaliningrad region:
Proposal for Regional Strategy for climate adaptation, Natalia Shchagina, Atlantic Branch
of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences / Kaliningrad Centre
for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
Results of the monitoring for the state of transboundary water bodies of Curonian and
Vistula lagoons, Oleg Bass, Associated Professor, Chair of geography, use of natural
resources and spatial planning, Immanuel Kant Federal University
Sergei Aleksandrov, Atlantic scientific institute for fishery and oceanography (AtlantNIRO)
15.30 – 16.00 Possible directions and measures for basin-wide adaptation
Moderator - Sonja Koeppel, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Initial ideas and the results of stakeholder consultations in Belarus and Lithuania, presentation
the draft strategic framework for adaptation for the Neman River Basin
Nickolai Denisov, Zoï environment network, Geneva, Switzerland
Vladimir Korneev, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources,
(CRICUWR), Minsk, Belarus
16.00 – 16.15 Coffee-break
16.15 - 17.30 Prioritization of climate change impacts and development of adaptation
measures for different levels and sectors.
Group discussion
Moderators for the groups:
Nickolai Denisov, Zoï environment network, Geneva,Switzerland
Egidijus Rimkus, Vilnus University, Lithuania
Vladimir Korneev, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources,
(CRICUWR), Minsk, Belarus
17.30 - 18.15 Conclusions
Presentation of the results of discussion in groups
Discussions of the results of the workshop - moderated by Sonja Koeppel and Nickolai Denisov
Closing of the workshop
18.15 – 19.00 Open buffet for participants of the seminar
22January, Wednesday
Venue - Atlantic Branch of P.P.Shirshov institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of
9.30 – 12.00 Working meeting of the NEMAN project group with some invited
representatives from LAGOONS project or other participants of 21 January
Feedback on the consultations and the technical cooperation meeting (tour de table)
Next steps in the project and outstanding issues
- Preparation and finalization of the strategic framework for adaptation:
o content
o process
o responsibilities
o timeline
Input to the Lithuanian river basin management plan and Neman agreement
Next steps within and after the project
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
17.30 – 18.20 Dinner for participants of the seminar from Belarus