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Year 8
IntoScience Homework Guide
Term 3, 2016
A subscription for the Year 8 IntoScience program of $12 will need to be finalised before homework which
is worth 10% of a student's final mark can be recorded for terms 3 and 4. If payment is required please
contact the student office or pay online through the school's website at .
Once a receipt has been shown your child will receive a username and password to access the program.
Name ______________________________________________________
Class 8SCI Circle one letter
Teacher ____________________________________________________
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 0
This booklet is the term 3 homework guide for the IntoScience activity tasks that are to be completed
weekly. The class teacher can view activity within the program and will check on your child's progress.
These online tasks reinforce the key ideas and skills taught in the science classroom.
All learning activities completed throughout the year, including this revision booklet,
contribute towards your grading in the Science course.
 You are expected to complete all revision online tasks in this booklet by the end of the term.
 Every week you will have to log onto ‘IntoScience’ using the internet. Sign in using your username
and password provided.
 You are to log in and sign in as yourself and complete doing all your own work, the tasks allocated
per week.
 Navigate to the ACTIVITIES tab at the top.
Click on TOPICS to view the "Activity to be Completed". This is listed in the tables that you are
required to fill out. Every week there are new activities and you will have to complete all of the
activity to earn all your inquiry points.
 You are to have your parent's check that you are completing each task.
 It is your responsibility to make sure your parents CHECK and SIGN your homework at the end of
each week.
You must then bring this homework guide booklet to school for your teacher to CHECK and SIGN at
the end of each week. Your teacher has access to view all your activity so please fill in the amount
of homework (i.e. inquiry points earned) accurately and honestly.
 This booklet is my responsibility. If I lose this booklet I can download it from the school's website.
I am then responsible for the printing of this booklet.
 Incompletion of revision tasks or a non-genuine attempt will result in you completing this work
during lunch supervision.
 Some of the skills in this booklet will be used in the yearly examinations, so you are helping
yourself succeed by completing the booklet!
I have read the above information and am aware of what is required from me and the consequences of
not completing my homework revision tasks.
Name: ________________________ Signature __________________________
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 1
All learning activities contribute towards your child’s academic achievement. Tasks including this
homework guide are used as a regular part of the teaching and learning process to clarify your child’s
understanding of concepts, to remedy their misconceptions, and to support their further learning and the
development of deeper understanding.
 You can assist by asking your child to show you the online revision tasks for each week.
 When the weekly tasks have been completed, please sign the table to indicate they have
completed the task for that week.
 You child will ALWAYS have Science revision.
Additional resources: to access student portal including email. Science syllabus documentation Information regarding grading can be located at the
Board of Studies Assessment Resource Centre. The general performance descriptors for each of the five
grade levels is documented in the table below. Clickview documentaries (access codes via the library) BBC Science clips, explanations, quizzes and interactive.
The general performance descriptors describe performance at each of five grade levels.
The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this
A knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes
and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of
B competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and
these skills to most situations.
The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved
an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level
of competence in the processes and skills.
The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has
achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any queries please contact the Science Faculty on 4658 1110 during business hours.
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 2
Week 1: Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”
There are 6 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. How far towards the centre of the Earth do you think we have been?
Your estimate (in km): ________________
Actual answer (in km): ________________
2. What provides the best evidence for this layered model?
3. Complete the table using the resources in the toolbox
Layer of the Earth Thickness (km)
Temperature (oC)
Upper mantle
Lower mantle
Outer core
Inner core
4. What are the 5 areas that have provided evidence for what the Earth is made of (despite the fact
that we haven’t physically travelled there)
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Teacher signature:
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 3
Week 2: Introduction to Rocks and Minerals
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Introduction to Rocks and Minerals”
There are 2 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. After labelling the two layers indicated on the diagram fill in the blanks on the following
statement: The lithosphere is made of ________________ and _____________________. The
asthenosphere is a layer of _________________________, _________________________ rock.
2. What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
3. a) Is diamond a rock or a mineral? ____________________________________
Why? ____________________________________________________________________________
b) Is granite a rock or a mineral? _____________________________________
Why? ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Complete the table to list examples of minerals and rocks:
Type of substance
Igneous rock
Sedimentary rock
Metamorphic rock
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EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 4
Week 3: Weathering and Erosion
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Weathering and Erosion”
There are 6 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. a) Define the term ‘weathering’: ______________________________________________________
b) Define the term ‘erosion’: _________________________________________________________
c) Define the term ‘biological weathering’: _____________________________________________
2. a) Weathering is classified as physical or chemical. Physical weathering is often caused by
changes in temperature. Complete the sentence: Rocks expand when ______________ and
______________ when cooled.
b) True or False: Acid rain is the main cause of chemical weathering. ___________________
c) A pH _________________________ indicates an acidic solution.
d) The gas in the atmosphere that causes rainwater to be acidic is: __________________________
3. What are the four main agents of erosion?
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EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
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Week 4: Sedimentary Rocks
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Sedimentary Rocks”
There are 6 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. Fossils are found in ______________________ rocks. These organisms were __________________
by sediment and because ________________ was ___________________ they did not
2. In sedimentary rock, the lower layers contain sediments that are _______________ than the
upper layers. This is known as the Law of ____________________________.
3. Order the steps involved in turning sediment into sedimentary rock
_________ Sediment settles and is deposited into layers
_________ Erosion transports the weathered material
_________ Minerals dissolve, cementing sediment into rock
_________ Lower layers compact under the weight above
_________ Rock is broken down into pieces by weathering
4. With your knowledge of how sedimentary rocks are formed, use the words sediment,
compaction, and cementation to describe why fossils are found inside rock.
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Teacher signature:
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
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Week 5
No IntoScience Homework 
Please work on your Assessment Task that is due next week on:
1. Ensure all the criteria of the marking key is met to the best of your ability.
2. Answer all parts of the assessment.
3. Double check and have someone review your work.
4. Write or label your first name and surname on the assessment.
5. Have it ready to hand in by the due date and no later or marks will be
6. Write your full name on the marking criteria sheet and hand it in too!
7. Submit in person, your assessment directly to your class teacher during your
allocated science period. Do not go to the office to drop it off via other
teachers or students or else it may be misplaced!
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
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Week 6: Rocks Mid Challenge
 Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
 Click on the topic called “Rocks”
 Click on the sub-topic “Rocks Mid Challenge”
What was your Challenge Score? ____ /10
What concepts do you need to revise?
In the space below write down the questions you got wrong, followed by the
correct answer:
Parent signature:
Teacher signature:
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 8
Week 7: Igneous Rocks
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Igneous Rocks”
There are 4 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. a) The term ‘igneous’ has its roots in Latin. What is the meaning of this word? ________________
b) Igneous rocks are formed from _______________ rocks that have moved deep into the
____________ and _________________. The molten, _____________________________ liquid is
called a _______________.
2. The melt collects in chambers beneath the surface of the Earth. When this substance is below the
surface of the Earth it is called _______________________.
3. When magma reaches the Earth’s surface it is called _____________________.
4. Rocks formed by fast cooling magma are called v_________________ or e_________________
rocks. Examples of these types of rock are: b________________ and o______________________.
5. Rocks formed by slow cooling magma are called p_________________ or i_________________
rocks. An example of this type of rock is: g_______________.
6. Igneous rocks can be _________________ (plutonic) or _________________ (volcanic). Lava cools
more _________________ than magma because it’s _________________ the Earth’s surface.
Intrusive igneous rocks have _________________ crystals than extrusive igneous rocks because
the magma cools _________________ giving _________________ time for crystals to form.
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EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 9
Week 8: Metamorphic Rocks
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “Metamorphic Rocks”
There are 4 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
Complete the following activities
1. Metamorphism tends to occur where there is high ___________________ and ____________
pressure. The deeper into Earth you go, the ______________ pressure. The deeper into Earth you
go, the ______________ heat. All metamorphic rocks are ______________. If rocks go too deep
beneath the Earth’s surface, they will _______________.
2. Which type of metamorphism would be known as high temperature, low pressure?
3. List the four correct observations on metamorphism:
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EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Page 10
Week 9: The Rock Cycle
Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
Click on the topic called “Rocks”
Click on the sub-topic “The Rock Cycle”
There are 4 inquiry points to be earned in this activity
1. Draw a line between the rock cycle process and its matching description
Heat and pressure
Changes rock from solid to liquid
Weathering and erosion
Sediments collect and compact together
Cooling and crystallisation
Need to change the fine structure of minerals
Breaks down and transports rocks and minerals
Deposition and cementation
Molten rock solidifies and forms regular structures
2. Colour each of the following boxes a different colour. Colour each arrow to match its
corresponding process.
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EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
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Page 11
Week 10: Rocks End Challenge
 Click on Activities (a list of topics should appear)
 Click on the topic called “Rocks”
 Click on the sub-topic “Rocks End Challenge”
What was your Challenge Score? ____ /20
What concepts do you need to revise?
In the space below write down the questions you got wrong, followed by the correct answer:
Parent signature:
EHS Year 8 Science Revision Booklet 2016 Term3
Teacher signature:
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