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Plate Tectonics: Ocean Features
Learning Target: Illustrate how internal and surface processes operate to form ocean
floor features.
Success Criteria:
 Identify and describe the formation of ocean floor features.
 Develop a model to show the relative sizes of ocean floor features.
 Seamount
 Mid-Ocean ridge
 Volcanic island
 Guyot
 Trench
 Abyssal plain
Rift valley
Continental shelf
Submarine canyon
Continental slope
Continental margin
Continental rise
 Features of the Ocean Floor Labeling
 Graphing the Ocean Floor using Sonar Data
The part of the ocean floor that separates the oceanic rise from the thick continental crust and is between
the shoreline and the continental shelf break is called the continental_.
A. rise
B. shelf
C. slope
D. margin
Ocean trenches are formed when_.
A. two oceanic plates slide past each other
B. an oceanic plate goes under another oceanic plate
C. two oceanic plates grind past each other along transform faults
D. two oceanic plates hit each other causing both plates to rise up.
On the continents, land that rises high above the ground is called a mountain. In the oceans we call this the
A. delta
C. mid-ocean ridge
B. abyssal plane
D. continental shelf
Trenches in the ocean are_.
A. close to the shore
B. on the continental shelf
C. part of the intertidal zone
D. the deepest part of the ocean
What is the action force responsible for seafloor spreading?
A. the destruction of ocean crust in trenches
B. the intrusive of magma forced up towards the ocean ridge
C. the force of the ocean crust sitting on the asthenosphere
D. the differences in mass of the ocean and continental plate
Sequence the seafloor features as you move from the shoreline outward into the ocean.
A. continental slope – abyssal plain – mid-ocean ridge
B. continental slope – continental shelf – abyssal plane
C. continental shelf – continental slope – abyssal plane
D. continental shelf – continental slope – mid-ocean ridge
Volcanic eruptions that begin under ocean water, rise up, and form islands, like the Hawaiian islands, are
called _.
A. deltas
C. seamounts
B. dunes
D. shields
The Atlantic Ocean gets about 3-5 _ wider each year.
A. centimeters
B. meters
C. kilometers
D. miles
What process does the image represent?
A. creation of rift valleys by the divergence of tectonic
B. formation of an oceanic trench by the subduction of
tectonic plates.
C. convergence of tectonic plates, resulting in the
creation of fold mountains.
D. spreading of new crust created by volcanic activity
near a mid-ocean ridge
10. What statement is true about ocean trenches?
A. They are located at the rift zone.
B. They are the deepest part of the ocean basin.
C. They are made up of low hills and flat plains.
D. They are almost as deep as valleys found on land.