Download Yr 11 - Biodiversity Biology Term 3 - TCC-Yr11

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• Ecosystem All the living and non-living things that interact in an area.
• Organisms Any living thing
• Species Taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
• Population A group of organisms of the same species populating a given area
• Communities
Different populations that live together in a defined area
• Habitats Places where animals or plants naturally live and grow
• Niche
the status of an organism within its environment and community
• Abiotic Factors Non-living factors including temperature, water, sunlight,
salinity, pH, wind, rocks and soil
• Biotic Factors Living things in an ecosystem - producing, consuming,
competition and predation.
• Symbiosis The range of interdependent relationship between two different
• Mutualism both species benefit equally - humans and their gut bacteria
• Commensalism One organism benefits and the other is not affected (e.g.
epiphytic ferns and orchids on rainforest trees).
• Parasitism one species benefits, the other is harmed - mosquitoes, ticks or
intestinal worms
• Predation
interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another
• Competition Rivalry between members of the same species (intraspecifies) or between species (inter-specifies).
• Camouflage Disguising appearance - thereby making themselves virtually
invisible; stick insects are a striking example of this.
• Organic compounds having a carbon basis - relating to having properties
characteristic of living organisms
• Inorganic
Not formed from living things or the remains of living things
• Producer organism that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it
to produce food from inorganic compounds; also called an autotroph
• Consumer organism that relies on other organisms for its energy and food supply;
also called a heterotroph
• Chemotroph eg bacterium, that obtains its nourishment via the oxidation of
inorganic chemical compounds
• Decomposer
bacteria or fungi break down organic matter at a microscopic level
• Carnivore
an animal that feeds mainly on flesh
• Herbivore
feeds chiefly on grass and other plants
• Omnivore
an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
• Detritivore organism that eats dead organic matter - eg worms
• Predatoranimal that hunts and eats other animals (prey)
• Scavenger A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms
• Parasite an organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the host
• Biomass the total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level
• Food chain series of steps in an ecosystem in which organisms transfer
energy by eating and being eaten
• Food web network of complex interactions formed by the feeding
relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem
• Food pyramid the loss of energy from one trophic level up to the next level producers at the bottom with consumers on the higher levels.
• Biomass
the total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level
• Producer organism that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and
use it to produce food from inorganic compounds; also called an autotroph
• Consumer organism that relies on other organisms for its energy and food
supply; also called a heterotroph
• Chemotroph eg bacterium, that obtains its nourishment via the oxidation
of inorganic chemical compounds
• Decomposer
bacteria or fungi break down organic matter at a microscopic
• Carnivore
an animal that feeds mainly on flesh
• Herbivore
feeds chiefly on grass and other plants
• Omnivore
an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
• Detritivore organism that eats dead organic matter - eg worms
• Predatoranimal that hunts and eats other animals (prey)
• Scavenger A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms
• Parasite an organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the host
• Producer organism that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and
use it to produce food from inorganic compounds; also called an autotroph
• Consumer organism that relies on other organisms for its energy and food
supply; also called a heterotroph
• Chemotroph eg bacterium, that obtains its nourishment via the oxidation
of inorganic chemical compounds
• Decomposer
bacteria or fungi break down organic matter at a microscopic
• Carnivore
an animal that feeds mainly on flesh
• Herbivore
feeds chiefly on grass and other plants
• Omnivore
an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
• Detritivore organism that eats dead organic matter - eg worms
• Predatoranimal that hunts and eats other animals (prey)
• Scavenger A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms
• Parasite an organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the host