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Experimental research on magnetic pulse welding of dissimilar metals Jan Broeckhove, Len Willemsens Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Wim De Waele Begeleiders: Koen Faes (BIL), Thomas Baaten (BIL) Masterproef ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek Vakgroep Mechanische constructie en productie Voorzitter: prof. dr. ir. Patrick De Baets Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen Academiejaar 2009-2010 “De auteurs en de promotor geven de toelating deze masterproef voor consultatie beschikbaar te stellen en delen van de masterproef te kopiëren voor persoonlijk gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de beperkingen van het auteursrecht, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de verplichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit deze masterproef.” “The authors and the promoter give permission to make this master dissertation available for consultation and to copy parts of this master dissertation for personal use. In the case of any other use, the limitations of the copyright have to be respected, in particular with regard to the obligation to state expressly the source when quoting results from this master dissertation.” Gent, mei 2010 De promoter De begeleider De auteurs Prof. dr. ir. W. De Waele dr. ir. K. Faes Jan Broeckhove Len Willemsens ii Acknowledgments With these words, our master thesis is almost finished. We would like to acknowledge the help of several people during the course of this year. First of all, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our promotor Prof. dr. ir. Wim De Waele, and our mentor dr. ir. Koen Faes. Despite their busy schedules, they were always prepared to help us and push us in the right direction. We very much appreciate all the effort they put into revising several drafts of this work. We would like to thank the people of the Belgian Welding Institute, which helped us a lot during this year: Michel De Waele for showing us how to embed and etch our specimens, and the technical staff for making the workpieces and for helping us with many practical problems. Also, we much appreciate the help of Prof. dr. ir. Luc Dupré and dr. ir. Lode Vandenbossche, during the development of the magnetic field measurement probe. Finally, we would like to show our deepest gratitude to our parents, for offering us the opportunity to complete these studies and for their support throughout the years. Jan Broeckhove Len Willemsens Ghent, 27 May 2010 iii Experimental research on magnetic pulse welding of dissimilar metals by Jan Broeckhove and Len Willemsens Master thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Academic year 2009-2010 Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Wim De Waele Mentor: dr. ir. Koen Faes (BIL) Faculty of Engineering Ghent University Department of Mechanical Construction and Production Chairman: Prof. dr. ir. Patrick De Baets Summary This thesis describes the MPW process, the main parameters and some of the occurring phenomena. Furthermore and of more importance, a number of experiments have been conducted in order to obtain practical knowledge concerning MPW. The major goal of this work is to develop weldability windows which can be used as a tool when welding with magnetic pulses. For parts which are constructed by magnetic pulse welding, no testing methods are readily available and thus some methods have been developed and others were examined. This provided the ability to evaluate the weldability and can also be useful for the development of testing methods for the industry. Keywords: Magnetic Pulse Welding, analytical model, experiments, evaluation methods iv Experimental research on magnetic pulse welding of dissimilar metals Jan Broeckhove, Len Willemsens Supervisor(s): Wim De Waele, Koen Faes Abstract – This paper describes magnetic pulse welding (MPW) and the influence of different parameters on the process. A proposed analytical model is investigated and some limitations are described. Further, some experiments are conducted to develop weldability windows for copper-brass and copperaluminium connections. To evaluate the quality of these welds, different testing methods were used (both NDT and DT) and a leak test was developed. Keywords – Magnetic Pulse Welding, analytical model, experiments, evaluation methods shaper is placed inside the coil. The changing magnetic field will induce eddy currents in the outer work piece, also named the flyer tube. Further due to the shielding effect of an electrical conductor the flyer tube will prevent the magnetic field of passing through. So considering the Lorentz force, the magnetic field outside the flyer tube will exert a force on the flyer tube due to the eddy currents, thrusting the tube inward in radial direction. The high velocity of the inward motion and thus the high-energy impact between outer and inner work piece will result in a cold weld. I. INTRODUCTION The contemporary construction industry is evolving with a rapid pace and is pushing technological boundaries. Joints of dissimilar metals are becoming more important as they offer numerous advantages: light weight constructions, corrosion resistant parts, etc.. Magnetic pulse welding (MPW) is a cold welding process which is able to create bonds between dissimilar metals. Yet only a small number of experimental data is available nowadays. To confirm whether the process is suited for industrial applications, it is important that a large number of experiments is performed. II. PRINCIPLE III. ANALYTICAL MODELLING Magnetic pulse welding is a cold welding process which uses the energy of a high velocity impact to join two parts. The process can be compared to explosion welding, but using magnetic force to accelerate the object instead of explosives. Unlike conventional welding processes no melting is involved and thus no major changes in material properties take place. The working principle is based on the theory of the Lorentz force, dictating that an electrically charged particle, moving in a magnetic field, undergoes a force normal to the direction of the magnetic field and to the direction of movement: ) = ( Figure 1: System schematic [1] (1) In equation (1) F is the force (in Newton), q is the electric charge (in Coulombs), B is the magnetic field (in Tesla) and v the speed of the particle (in m/s). The force exerted by an electric field has been neglected since no significant electric field will be present in this application. The main components of the welding machine can be schematically depicted as shown in Figure 1 . First a bank of capacitors is charged to an energy level chosen by the operator. Once the bank is fully charged, the high current switch can be closed, sending a current through the coil. This current will induce a magnetic field in the coil. To concentrate the magnetic field in the desired region, a field An analytical model which was proposed by the manufacturer of the welding machine, is discussed in this work. It appears that too many simplifications were used throughout this model. The MPW process is a high velocity, elastic-plastic process. The proposed model neglects the time dependence of different parameters and it uses formulas which describe linear elastic processes. The development of an analytical model should start with a proper description of the electrical circuit. A RLC-circuit is proposed which enables the calculation of the current in the circuit. The knowledge of the value of this current leads to the calculation of the magnetic field. To understand the influence of the field shaper on the magnetic field, it is proposed to conduct finite element simulations which can lead to a correction factor. This factor can then be implemented in the analysis of the process. Once the magnetic field is known, the magnetic pressure on the flyer tube can be calculated. The magnetic pressure will accelerate the flyer tube to the desired velocity. If it were not for the complicated deformation behaviour of the flyer tube, the time-functions of acceleration and velocity could be estimated by integration of the time-dependant magnetic pressure. Again, FE simulations can be applied to determine the deformation behaviour of the tube. For example, the Johnson-Cook model can be used to model the strain v hardening and the strain rate hardening on the flow stress during the process. If these simulations could generate a set of analytical equations relating the pressure to the impact velocity and angle, the analytical model would be complete. It should be noted that in that case, the model would not be valid in general, but only for the specific coil/field shaper and workpiece geometry applied in the experiments. IV. EXPERIMENTS In the MPW process, a large number of parameters are important. Given the MPW machine (capacitance, coil inductance and field shaper geometry) and the choice of tube and rod materials (electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, mechanical properties), geometrical parameters of the workpiece can be varied. The most important geometrical parameters are the overlap length and the standoff distance. Experiments were performed on material combinations copper-aluminium and copper-brass. A. Weld evaluation methods Both destructive and non-destructive testing methods were applied to evaluate the quality of the welds. Non-destructive tests Because it is an important quality criterion for the welds to be leak free, a simple leak test setup was established using pressurised air. The leak test is quick and easy, and gives a straight-forward measure of weld quality. Both computerized tomography and ultrasonic inspection were performed externally. Although the tested workpieces were not welded, no flaws could be detected using these two inspection techniques. Destructive tests Microscopic examination is used to evaluate the weld length and wave formation. Both compressive and torsion testing were applied to determine the shear strength of the weld zone. The torsion test was abandoned because also flawed magnetic pulse welds passed the test. From the compressive test it was observed that the shear strength increases with the voltage level. For high-quality welds, the shear strength exceeds the buckling resistance of the flyer tube. It was concluded that the compressive test is more suitable to evaluate weld strength. It is important to emphasize the need for multiple testing methods when evaluating weld quality. For example, several welds did not show leakage, but the tube separated from the rod after cross-sectioning. Other welds leaked, notwithstanding a weld with wave pattern was observed during microscopic examination. B. Weldability windows 1) Copper-Aluminium None of the copper-aluminium experiments resulted in high-quality welds, only some were partially welded. It was observed that stand-off distance values of 2,5 and 3 mm were too large. The inner rods were severely deformed, which indicates that the impact velocity was very high. Also, the impact angle was too large. The experiments conducted with a smaller stand-off distance (2 and 1,5 mm) showed smaller leakage. At higher voltage levels (19 kV), several workpieces were partially welded. that further experiments should be performed at low stand-off distances and high voltage levels. A fourth series of experiments was planned but could not be performed due to the field shaper damage. It is recommended that these experiments are conducted in future research. 2) Copper-Brass The experiments in this thesis were performed with an overlap length of 10 mm, because previous experiments showed that this is the optimal value for the copper-brass combination. It was observed that a stand-off distance of 1,5 mm produced higher quality welds than stand-off distance 2 mm. At high voltage levels (18 kV up to 20 kV), high-quality copper-brass welds were produced, without leakage and with sufficient shear strength. By breaking the welds, it was observed that the weld length varied around the circumference. So, the value measured by microscopic examination is not necessarily representative for the entire weld zone. It should be noted that many workpieces are labeled “partially welded”. These welds showed irregularities in the weld zone, caused by the large cracks in the field shaper. The damaged field shaper probably influenced the reproducibility experiments, which showed significant variation with regards to welds performed at the same parameters. Future experiments are necessary to confirm the reproducibility of the MPW process with an undamaged field shaper. Also, tests should be performed using a smaller stand-off distance to further develop the weldability window. V. CONCLUSION A proposal was made for the development of a more realistic analytical model. This method includes the use of finite element simulations and experiments to gain a better understanding in the process. Experiments on copper-aluminium and copper-brass material combinations showed that a stand-off distance of 2 mm can be considered to be too large and that the required voltages are rather high. Welds started to form at a voltage around 18 kV. Inspection of the weld quality showed that no evaluation method was able to confirm the quality with absolute certainty. In the process of developing weldability windows, it is recommended to combine different evaluation methods. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the technical staff of the Laboratory Soete and the Belgian Welding Institute. REFERENCES 1. Shribman, V. Magnetic Pulse Welding. s.l. : Pulsar ltd. Magnetic Pulse Solutions, 2007. vi Experimental research on magnetic pulse welding of dissimilar metals - Nederlandse samenvatting Inleiding Dit werk kadert in het onderzoeksproject “SOUDIMMA” dat wordt uitgevoerd voor de Waalse industrie door het Belgisch Instituut voor Lastechniek en CEWAC (Centre d’Etude Wallon de l’Assemblage et du Contrôle des Matériaux). Het project onderzoekt voor verschillende materiaal combinaties de lasbaarheid met behulp van het magnetisch puls lasproces. Magnetisch puls lassen is een “koud” lasproces dat twee metalen stukken met elkaar verbindt door middel van de energie die vrijkomt bij impact aan hoge snelheid, zonder de materialen echt te doen smelten. Het proces kan dus vergeleken worden met explosielassen maar er wordt een magnetische kracht gebruikt om het werkstuk te versnellen. Vermits er geen smelt optreedt, zal er ook geen verandering van de materiaaleigenschappen optreden. Het werkingsprincipe is gebaseerd op de Lorentz kracht die zegt dat op een geladen deeltje dat beweegt in een magnetisch veld, een kracht wordt opgewekt die loodrecht staat op zowel de richting van het magnetisch veld als op de bewegingsrichting. Het proces is in staat om verschillende metalen met elkaar te verbinden. In de auto-industrie en de koeltechniek is er steeds meer vraag naar zulke verbindingen. Een voorbeeld hiervan is een cardanas bestaande uit een aluminium buis die aan een stalen uiteinden wordt gelast met behulp van magnetisch pulslassen. Door de vaak grote verschillen in de smelttemperatuur van deze materiaal combinaties is het niet mogelijk om zulke verbindingen te maken met traditionele lastechnieken. Het principe van magnetisch puls lassen is reeds decennia gekend maar wordt toch nog niet op grote schaal toegepast. Dit is zeker deels te wijten aan het feit dat het onderzoek naar dit proces tot op het heden vaak van theoretische aard was en dat de praktische bruikbaarheid van het proces nog niet uitgebreid beschreven is. Gestandaardiseerde methoden om de kwaliteit van de las te onderzoeken zijn niet voorhanden en vaak worden geïmproviseerde testen gebruikt. Deze thesis zal eerst een uitgebreide beschrijving van het proces geven alsook van de invloed van verschillende parameters. Verder worden ook de resultaten besproken van proeven uitgevoerd op zowel koper-aluminium als op koper-messing verbindingen. De doelstelling was om de industrieel relevante lasvensters te bepalen voor deze materiaalcombinaties. Om de kwaliteit van deze proeven te controleren werden enkele evaluatiemethoden ontwikkeld. Ook werd de toepasbaarheid van enkele algemene beproevingsmethoden besproken. vii Het magnetisch puls lasproces Het magnetisch puls lasproces gebruikt een magnetische kracht om een werkstuk te versnellen en te doen impacteren op een ander werkstuk. De machine die hiervoor gebruikt wordt kan opgesplitst worden in drie grote delen: de energievoorziening, een condensatorbank en een ontlaadcircuit met spoel. Een schematische voorstelling van dergelijke machine wordt gegeven in Figuur 1. Het magnetisch puls las proces kan opgedeeld worden in een elektrisch/magnetisch en in een mechanisch gedeelte. Figuur 1: Een schematische voorstelling van de belangrijkste componenten van een magnetisch puls lasmachine. [1] Zoals reeds aangehaald, wordt de verbinding verwezenlijkt onder invloed van een impact aan hoge snelheid. De kracht die het werkstuk versnelt, is magnetisch van aard. Via de energievoorziening van de machine wordt een condensatorbank opgeladen. Zodra het gewenste energieniveau bereikt is, wordt een schakelaar gesloten zodat de bank in verbinding wordt gebracht met het ontladingscircuit. Er ontstaat aldus een wisselstroom doorheen dit circuit alsook door de spoel die zich erin bevindt. De stroom die door de spoel vloeit zal in die spoel een wisselend magnetisch veld opwekken. Dit magnetisch veld kan indien gewenst nog geconcentreerd worden door een zogenaamde field shaper. Dergelijke field shaper bestaat uit een geleidend materiaal dat een specifieke vorm bezit om zo het magnetisch veld te concentreren naar de zone van interesse. In de spoel worden twee concentrische cilindrische werkstukken aangebracht. Het wisselend magnetisch veld zal tijdens het proces wervelstromen opwekken in het buitenste werkstuk (dat dus uit een geleidend materiaal moet bestaan). Door het zogenaamde skin effect dat optreedt bij een geleider, zal dit buitenste werkstuk ook het magnetisch veld blokkeren. Zo ontstaat er een verschil tussen het magnetisch veld binnen en buiten de cilinder. Door het verschil in magnetisch veld zal volgens het principe van de Lorentz kracht, een kracht uitgeoefend worden op de geïnduceerde wervelstromen, die naar binnen toe gericht is. Er wordt dus een kracht gegenereerd op het buitenste werkstuk die dit stuk een inwaarts gerichte versnelling zal geven tot het stuk botst tegen het binnenste werkstuk. Indien de juiste parameters worden gebruikt, zal door de hoge energie die vrijkomt tijdens de botsing, een verbinding worden gecreëerd tussen de twee werkstukken. De afstand tussen de atomen van de verschillende materialen wordt dan zo klein dat het delen van elektronen mogelijk wordt. viii In vorige paragraaf werd aangehaald dat het buitenste werkstuk uit een geleidend materiaal moet bestaan. Zo zijn er nog wel andere beperkingen die eigen zijn aan het magnetisch puls lassen. Deze beperkingen zijn vooral op te leggen aan de te lassen onderdelen. Naast de nood aan voldoende elektrische geleidbaarheid, is de geometrie van de werkstukken beperkt tot cilinders en vlakke platen met beperkte grootte. De grootste diameter waarvoor resultaten van lasexperimenten gerapporteerd zijn in de literatuur, bedraagt 121mm. Ook zijn sommige gedeeltes van de werkstukken (zoals hoeken en randen) moeilijker om te lassen en moet er steeds een overlap zijn tussen de twee stukken. Het proces bezit natuurlijk ook enkele voordelen ten opzichte van conventionele lasmethoden. Eerst en vooral is de warmte-inbreng tijdens het proces minimaal. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de door warmte beïnvloede zone minimaal is en dat alle materiaaleigenschappen behouden worden. Verder moeten de te lassen werkstukken niet voorbereid worden en is ook een nabewerking meestal niet nodig. Samen met het feit dat het eigenlijke lasproces slechts een fractie van een seconde duurt, kan er dus een zeer hoge productiviteit bekomen worden. Magnetisch puls lassen is dus een veelbelovende en kostenefficiënte manier om verschillende niet lasbare metalen met elkaar te verbinden. Golfpatroon Bij een impactlas kan vaak een golfpatroon worden waargenomen in het lasoppervlak. Dit principe kan vergeleken worden met het effect van wind over een wateroppervlak. Zodra er twee fluïda over elkaar bewegen met een relatief snelheidsverschil, worden er in de buurt van een Kelvin-Helmholtz instabiliteit golven gecreëerd, met massaoverdracht van het zwaarder naar het lichter materiaal. Door de hoge snelheid die het werkstuk krijgt gedurende het proces, kunnen de materialen tijden de impact als vloeistoffen beschouwd worden. De eigenlijke instabiliteiten ontstaan door de interferentie van drukgolven doorheen het materiaal. Aan het voortschrijdend punt van impact ontstaan drukgolven die zich zowel in het binnenste als het buitenste stuk voortplanten. Deze golven worden gereflecteerd door het uitwendige oppervlak van het stuk, terug richting het lasoppervlak. Daar waar er interferentie is tussen de gereflecteerde golven en het punt van impact (dat nieuwe drukgolven voortbrengt) ontstaan Kelvin-Helmholtz instabiliteiten en dus ook golven. Dit principe is in zeven stappen weergegeven in Figuur 2. Analytisch model Door de fabrikant van de puls las machine (Pulsar) werd een analytisch model voor het MPW proces opgesteld. Dit model beschrijft wel het multidisciplinair karakter van het proces maar het is op al te veel vereenvoudigingen gebaseerd. Het MPW proces is een hoogdynamisch, plastisch vormgevend proces met een grote tijdsafhankelijkheid. Het vooropgestelde model houdt hier geen rekening mee: de tijdsafhankelijkheid van verschillende parameters wordt verwaarloosd en het mechanisch materiaalgedrag wordt lineair elastisch beschouwd, wat zeker niet het geval is. In dit werk worden enkele bouwstenen gegeven voor een meer realistisch analytisch model. Het elektrisch circuit wordt beschouwd als een RLC-keten waarvan de componenten kunnen worden berekend aan de hand van experimentele metingen. Eens de waarde van de componenten gekend is, kan de ontladingsstroom bepaald worden voor verschillende instellingen van de machine. ix Figuur 2: Kelvin-Helmholtz instabiliteiten liggen aan de basis van de golfvorm die het lasoppervlak verkrijgt. [20] De kennis van de ontladingsstroom leidt tot een berekening voor het magnetisch veld in de spoel. De field shaper zal het magnetisch veld echter nog verder concentreren tot in een kleine zone. De invloed van deze concentratie op de grootte van het magnetisch veld is moeilijk analytisch te bepalen. In dit werk wordt voorgesteld om met behulp van eindige elementen simulaties de invloed van de field shaper te bepalen en hiermee een vormfactor op te stellen. Deze vormfactor kan dan in een analytisch model het verband tussen het magnetisch veld in de field shaper en dat in de spoel uitdrukken. Een voorbeeld van een simulatie van de invloed van de field shaper op het verloop van het magnetisch veld wordt gegeven in Figuur 3. Merk op dat deze invloed afhankelijk is van de vorm van de field shaper: voor elke field shaper dient een eigen vormfactor opgesteld te worden. Figuur 3: De invloed van de field shaper op het magnetisch veld [27]. x Eens de grootte van het magnetisch veld gekend is, kan de magnetische druk op het buitenste werkstuk berekend worden. De vervorming van dit buitenste werkstuk gebeurt aan een zeer grote snelheid en is volkomen plastisch. Hierdoor kunnen geen lineair elastische formules gebruikt voor de vervorming van het werkstuk. Er wordt voorgesteld om dit vervormingsproces te beschrijven aan de hand van het Johnson-Cook model. De magnetische druk staat in relatie met de versnelling van het werkstuk. Hier moet echter opgemerkt worden dat het werkstuk weerstand biedt tegen het vervormingsproces en dus ook tegen de versnelling. Indien geen rekening wordt gehouden met de weerstand tegen vervorming, is het snelheidsprofiel van het buitenste werkstuk zoals aangeduid op Figuur 4. Figuur 4: Het snelheidsprofiel van het buitenste werkstuk indien geen rekening wordt gehouden met de weerstand die het uitoefent tegen de vervorming. Indien deze vervormingsweerstand wel in rekening wordt gebracht, zal de snelheid van het buitenste werkstuk terug beginnen afnemen als de magnetische kracht kleiner wordt dan de kracht die nodig is voor de vervorming van het werkstuk. Het snelheidsprofiel ziet er dan uit als getoond in Figuur 5. Merk op dat het dus de bedoeling is dat de impact plaatsvindt rond de eerste piek van de werkstuksnelheid. Figuur 5: Experimenteel opgemeten snelheidsprofiel van het buitenste werkstuk waarin de weerstand tegen vervorming inherent is vervat [23]. xi Er wordt aangeraden om het analytisch model op te stellen in nauwe samenwerking met simulaties en experimenten. Met de hulp van simulaties kan het tijdsafhankelijke vervormingsgedrag bestudeerd worden. Zo kunnen correcties aangebracht worden op de theoretische tijdsfuncties die geen rekening houden met de weerstand tegen vervorming. De resultaten van experimenten kunnen de geldigheid van deze correcties bevestigen of kunnen gebruikt worden om modelparameters aan te passen. Metingen van het proces Om een beter begrip van het systeem te verkrijgen werden enkele methoden bedacht om metingen uit te voeren tijdens het proces. Er zijn twee moeilijkheden die zich opdringen bij eventuele online procesmetingen. Het proces duurt slechts een honderdtal microseconden en de plaats waar het magnetisch veld wordt opgewekt is zeer moeilijk bereikbaar. In de literatuur werden de volgende meetmethoden gevonden: • • • • hoge snelheidscamera meting van de procestijd met behulp van een elektrisch circuit meting van de vervorming van het werkstuk met behulp van lasers meten van het magnetisch veld met behulp van optische vezels Metingen die daadwerkelijk werden uitgevoerd gedurende dit werk zijn: • • Metingen van de ontlaadstroom met behulp van een Rogowski spoel. Metingen van het magnetisch veld met behulp van een probe die hiervoor werd ontwikkeld. De probe die gebruikt werd om het magnetisch veld te meten, bestaat uit een buis uit kunststof waarop een koperen wikkeling werd gelegd. Een schematische voorstelling van deze probe in het systeem wordt gegeven in Figuur 6. Figuur 6: Een probe werd ontwikkeld voor het meten van het magnetisch veld in de spoel of field shaper. Deze probe wordt geplaatst tussen de spoel en het buitenste werkstuk. xii Het meetprincipe van deze probe is gebaseerd op de wet van Lenz. Een wisselend magnetisch veld dat door een geleidende wikkeling stroomt, zal in deze wikkeling een stroom opwekken die de verandering van het magnetisch veld tegenwerkt. Het wisselend magnetisch veld loopt axiaal door de spleet tussen de field shaper en het buitenste werkstuk. Indien de probe in deze spleet wordt aangebracht, zal het veld door de koperen wikkeling stromen. In een elektrische wikkeling waardoor een wisselend magnetisch veld loopt, zal een stroom opgewekt worden. De grootte van deze stroom staat in relatie tot de grootte van het magnetisch veld. Door de opgewekte stroom te meten, kan dus de grootte van het magnetisch veld bepaald worden. Om de opgewekte spanning te beperken, werd de wikkeling slechts rond een kwart van de omtrek van het buisje gelegd. De juiste afmetingen van de meetspoel moesten bepaald worden door ijking met behulp van een Helmholtz spoel. Door de kleine afmetingen van de wikkeling bracht dit enorme moeilijkheden met zich mee. De veldsterkte die de Helmholtz spoel genereert, is afhankelijk van de voedingsstroom. Echter zal de veldsterkte nooit de waarden benaderen die gehaald worden tijdens het puls lassen. De spanning die werd opgewekt tijdens de ijking was erg beperkt en moeilijk te meten met de voorhanden spanningsmeters. Het was na de ijking onmiddellijk duidelijk dat de verkregen oppervlakte (36,95mm²) veel te klein was ten opzichte van de geometrisch berekende oppervlakte (73 mm²). Voor de metingen werd uiteindelijk geopteerd om de oppervlakte te gebruiken die geometrisch werd berekend. Na enkele experimenten was duidelijk dat de meetspoel naar behoren functioneert. Er werden simultaan metingen gedaan van zowel de ontlaadstroom als van de door het magnetisch veld geïnduceerde stroom in de meetspoel. Figuur 7 geeft een voorbeeld van dergelijke metingen. De vorm van de stroom die werd opgewekt in de meetspoel was net zoals de ontlaadstroom een gedempte sinus met een faseverschuiving ten opzichte van die laatste. Figuur 7: Opgemeten tijdsverloop van de ontlaadstroom (blauw) en de opgewekte stroom in de meetspoel (paars). Het is duidelijk dat beide stromen een gedempte sinusoïdale vorm hebben en in fase verschoven zijn ten opzichte van elkaar. xiii De veldmetingen werden uitgevoerd bij verschillende laadspanningen van de magnetisch puls lasmachine. Het werd snel duidelijk dat de veldsterktes die werden opgemeten niet correct waren. Bij sommige voltages was het verschil tussen de gemeten en gesimuleerde waarden enorm. Deze verschillen kunnen niet te wijten zijn aan een slecht gekozen meetoppervlakte want er is geen vaste factor voor de fout. De ene keer is het verschil positief, de andere keer negatief. Deze eigenaardigheid deed vermoeden dat er een fout was opgetreden in de lasmachine zelf. Na inspectie bleek dat de field shaper enorm beschadigd was. Dit fenomeen zal uiteraard aanleiding geven tot foutieve metingen, zelfs met correct geijkt materiaal. Methoden om de laskwaliteit te evalueren Er zijn in de literatuur geen gestandaardiseerde evaluatiemethoden terug te vinden om de kwaliteit van magnetisch puls gelaste proefstukken te beoordelen. In dit werk werden enkele algemene testmethoden en hun toepasbaarheid op het magpuls proces bestudeerd. Deze methoden omvatten zowel destructieve als niet-destructieve testen. Ook werd een eenvoudige opstelling voor lektesten ontwikkeld. De drie niet-destructieve methoden die werden bestudeerd, zijn de lektest, ultrasoon onderzoek en computer tomografie (de zogenaamde CT scan). Tijdens een lektest wordt lucht met een druk van 4 bar in het werkstuk (ondergedompeld in water) gebracht en wordt er gekeken naar eventuele lekken. Deze methode geeft een zeer goede indicatie over de kwaliteit van de las maar blijkt ook niet feilloos te zijn. Eerst en vooral zijn de moleculen in de lucht eerder groot en worden kleine lekken dus moeilijk zichtbaar. Een stuk dat goed scoorde op de lektest bleek toch aanzienlijk te lekken wanneer helium werd gebruikt in plaats van lucht. Een ander stuk was ook lekdicht, maar viel toch uit elkaar nadat het axiaal werd doorgeslepen voor microscopisch onderzoek. Ultrasoon onderzoek werd toegepast op enkele stukken door de firma “Brutsaert”. Ondanks het feit dat de ultrasone methode werd uitgevoerd op stukken die behoorlijke lekken vertoonden, werden er geen fouten gevonden. Het blijkt dat de gebruikte tasters en de manuele hantering ervan niet geschikt zijn voor deze lassen. Er wordt voorgesteld om in een laboratoriumopstelling een aangepaste taster te gebruiken die gefocust kan worden. Werkstukken met behoorlijk uitgestrekte fouten werden gebruikt om computer tomografie te evalueren. Deze testen werden uitgevoerd door CEWAC en de resultaten waren negatief. Ondanks de aanwezigheid van lasfouten, werden er door de CT scan geen fouten ontdekt. De gebruikte resolutie van het systeem was dus te klein. Ook de medische afdeling van de Gentse universiteit kan CT-scans nemen van voorwerpen maar enkel indien de wanddikte van de werkstukken niet te groot is. De werkstukken die in dit werk gebruikt werden, voldoen niet aan deze voorwaarde en konden niet onderzocht worden. Er werden ook enkele destructieve methoden gebruikt om de laskwaliteit te evalueren: microscopisch onderzoek, een torsietest en een doordrukproef. Alvorens een werkstuk microscopisch kan onderzocht worden, dient het axiaal doorgeslepen te worden. Vaak vallen de werkstukken spontaan uit elkaar tijdens dit proces wat wijst op een slechte xiv las. Als de stukken toch aan elkaar blijven hangen, kan het werkstuk in kunststof worden ingebed. Na zorgvuldig polijsten, kan het stuk dan worden bekeken onder een microscoop. Het wordt dan snel duidelijk of de twee materialen al dan niet aan elkaar hangen. Ook deze methode bleek niet feilloos te zijn. Een stuk dat lekken vertoonde, bleek onder de microscoop toch aan elkaar gelast te zijn. Deze beperking is te wijten aan het feit dat je het lasoppervlak slechts zeer lokaal kan bekijken op twee posities van de volledige omtrek. Afhankelijk van de plaats waar de axiale snede wordt gemaakt, wordt een ander beeld verkregen. Het is dus mogelijk dat toevallig een goed deelt van een slechts gedeeltelijke las wordt onderzocht. Het microscopisch onderzoek volstaat dus niet om uitsluitsel te brengen omtrent de kwaliteit van de las. De torsietest en de doordrukproef werden met succes uitgevoerd op verscheidene stukken. Deze methoden bepalen de kracht die nodig is om een afschuiving te verkrijgen in het lasoppervlak. Indien een goede las werd gemaakt zal de laszone sterker zijn dan het zwakste basismateriaal en zal het werkstuk tijdens deze testen falen op een andere plaats dan het lasoppervlak. Deze evaluatiemethoden zijn uiteraard ook niet feilloos. Ze zijn een goede indicatie voor de mechanische sterkte van de las maar vertellen niets over eventuele lekken. De conclusie van deze bevindingen is dat geen van de genoemde evaluatiemethoden volstaat om éénduidig de kwaliteit van de las te beoordelen. Bij twijfel omtrent de kwaliteit van een las, zullen steeds meerdere soorten testen moeten uitgevoerd worden. xv Experimenten In dit werk werden experimenten uitgevoerd op twee materiaalcombinaties: koper-aluminium en koper-messing. Het doel van deze proeven was om de invloed van verschillende parameters te onderzoeken. Er zijn veel verschillende procesparameters die kunnen gevarieerd worden tijdens het magnetisch puls lasproces. De geometrische parameters worden weergegeven in Figuur 8. Verder zijn er ook nog de materiaal-afhankelijke parameters en het spanningsniveau waarmee de machine wordt opgeladen. Figuur 8: Het magnetisch puls lasproces bevat veel parameters die het proces kunnen beïnvloeden. Op deze figuur worden volgende geometrische parameters weergegeven: de dikte van het buitenste werkstuk (t), de grootte van de luchtspleet (s), de overlaplengte tussen field shaper en buitenste werkstuk en de overlaplengte tussen de twee werkstukken [17]. Al deze parameters beïnvloeden de waarde van twee zeer belangrijke grootheden: de impactsnelheid en de impacthoek. Enkel indien deze grootheden binnen een nauw procesvenster gelegen zijn, zal een lasverbinding verwezenlijkt worden. Het belang van deze parameters werd reeds duidelijk bij onderzoek omtrent explosielassen. Zoals reeds gezegd, zijn er grote overeenkomsten tussen beide processen en kan het belang van de impacthoek en –snelheid dus veralgemeend worden naar het magnetisch puls lasproces. Vooropgesteld wordt dat de waarde van de impacthoek zich tussen 6 en 14° moet bevinden. De waarde van de impactsnelheid is vermoedelijk materiaal gebonden. Gedurende de koper-aluminium experimenten werden twee verschillende groottes van luchtspleet gebruikt, 2,5 en 3 mm. De variabele parameters tijdens deze experimenten waren de lengte van het buitenste werkstuk (en dus de overlaplengte met de field shaper) en het spanningsniveau. De resultaten van deze testreeksen waren negatief. Er werden geen lassen met hoge kwaliteit geproduceerd. Hieruit kan geconcludeerd worden dat de gebruikte luchtspleet te groot was. Deze conclusie werd gecontroleerd door schatting te maken van de impacthoek bij eerste impact. Het bleek dat de impacthoek inderdaad te groot was om een goede las te verkrijgen. Ook wordt er xvi verondersteld dat de grote luchtspleet zorgt voor meer tijd waarin het werkstuk kan versneld worden en zal de impactsnelheid dus te hoog liggen. Bij deze hoge snelheden wordt een deel van de impactenergie verbruikt door vervorming van het binnenste werkstuk en wordt slechts een klein deel van de vrijkomende energie gebruikt om een verbinding te realiseren. Tijdens de koper-messing experimenten werd de lengte van het buitenste werkstuk constant gehouden (48 mm). Uit voorafgaand onderzoek bleek dit een optimale waarde te zijn. De parameters die tijdens de testreeksen werden aangepast, zijn het spanningsniveau en de grootte van de luchtspleet. Het spanningsniveau werd gevarieerd van 14 tot 20 kV, in stappen van 0,5 kV en dit voor luchtspleten van 1,5 en 2 mm. Ook hier bleek een grote luchtspleet nadelig: de experimenten met een luchtspleet van 2 mm produceerden geen goede lassen. De experimenten met een luchtspleet van 1,5 mm leverden wel enkele goede resultaten. Alle proeflassen die met een spanning hoger of gelijk aan 18 kV werden gemaakt, bleken na microscopisch onderzoek van hoge kwaliteit te zijn. De las die werd gemaakt met een laadspanning gelijk aan 18 kV was echter niet volledig lekvrij. Nader onderzoek van dit werkstuk toonde dat er een zone aanwezig was waar de las van mindere kwaliteit was. Deze zone was op de omtrek gepositioneerd op precies 180° van de gleuf in de field shaper. Deze slecht gelaste zone was ook zichtbaar bij de lassen met een lagere kwaliteit. Figuur 9 toont deze zone: een deel van de omtrek bevat geen golfpatroon wat wijst op het feit dat op die positie geen las gevormd werd. Dit verschijnsel was enkel te verklaren door een onregelmatigheid tijdens de ontwikkeling van het magnetisch veld. Samen met de onregelmatige veldmetingen leidde de vaststelling van dit terugkerend fenomeen tot de beslissing om de magnetisch puls lasmachine te inspecteren. Na deze inspectie bleek inderdaad dat het koper van de field shaper enorm beschadigd was (Figuur 10). Figuur 9: Op 180° van de gleuf in de field shaper bevindt zich geen golfpatroon in het oppervlak van één van de werkstukken. Dit wijst erop dat deze zone niet naar behoren werd gelast. xvii Figuur 10: Een afbeelding van de schade aan de field shaper die werd ontdekt tijdens een inspectie van de machine. Installatie van een nieuwe spoel Vermits de field shaper ernstig beschadigd was, moest een nieuwe field shaper of een andere spoel geïnstalleerd worden. Er werd geopteerd voor een nieuwe spoel met 1 winding zonder field shaper. Zoals zal blijken uit het volgende was de installatie van deze spoel niet zonder problemen. De installatie van een nieuwe spoel op de transformatorbank moet zeer nauwkeurig uitgevoerd worden. De geleidende oppervlakken van de transformatorbank en van de voet van de spoel moeten spelingsvrij met elkaar in contact gebracht worden om doorslag en vonken te vermijden. Vonken die tijdens het proces optreden, kunnen de geleidende oppervlakken ernstig beschadigen. Door de grote stroomintensiteit die optreedt gedurende het proces, zullen kleine beschadigingen in het materiaal snel groter worden. In de installatiehandleiding van de spoel wordt beschreven dat tijdens de inloopfase wel enige vonken kunnen optreden. Door de bevestigingsbouten verder aan te spannen zouden deze vonken echter moeten verdwijnen. Tijdens de installatie van deze spoel bleven er echter vonken optreden. Het was niet mogelijk om de bouten nog verder aan te spannen want deze werden al tot aan grens van hun sterkte aangedraaid. Er moest dus een andere oplossing gevonden worden om de vonken te doen verdwijnen. Er werd geopteerd om extra isolatie aan te brengen tussen de delen die niet moeten instaan voor het doorgeven van de stroom. De stroomoverdracht gebeurt door koperen staven die ingelegd zijn in de voet van de stalen spoel (Figuur 11). Figuur 11 toont ook dat er grote holtes aanwezig zijn tussen de stalen voet en het koperen oppervlak van de transformator. Het is net in deze holtes dat vonken werden vastgesteld. Om de ontwikkeling van de vonken tegen te gaan werden de volgende stappen ondernomen: • • de koperen staven werden verder uit elkaar geplaatst de holtes werden geïsoleerd met behulp van kunststof en silicone (Figuur 12). xviii Figuur 11: De stroom vloeit van de transformatorbank naar de spoel via koperen staven die zijn ingelegd in het staal. Figuur 12: Extra isolatie materiaal werd aangebracht om de ontwikkeling van vonken te voorkomen. Zelfs na deze ingrepen werden er nog vonken ontwikkeld aan de voet van de spoel. Inspectie van de materialen toont aan dat er wel degelijk beschadigingen zijn opgetreden. Het is dus zeer belangrijk om verdere stappen te ondernemen om vonken te voorkomen. De volgende werkwijze wordt voorgesteld: • • • de oppervlakken die met elkaar in contact staan, moeten bijgeschaafd worden om zoveel mogelijk oneffenheden en fouten te verwijderen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het contact tussen de materialen verbeterd wordt. er dient materiaal verwijderd te worden van de onderkant van de spoel. Door een hoeveelheid staal te verwijderen zullen de koperen staven verder uit de voet uitsteken en wordt het dus moeilijker om een boog te trekken tussen het staal van de spoel en het koper van de transformator. tenslotte moet er voldoende isolatie worden aangebracht tussen het staal van de spoel en het koper van de transformator. Als isolatiemateriaal wordt een flexibele kunststof plaat voorgesteld die in de opening geperst kan worden. Door de flexibiliteit van het materiaal zullen spleten opgevuld worden. xix Aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek Hieronder volgen enkele aanbevelingen voor onderzoek in de toekomst: • De magnetische veldmetingen zouden moeten herhaald worden met een intacte field shaper. Deze metingen kunnen de correcte werking van de probe bevestigen en ze kunnen de B-I relatie bepalen. Deze relatie is belangrijk voor de verdere ontwikkeling van een analytisch model. • Verdere koper-aluminium lasexperimenten zijn nodig voor de ontwikkeling van de lasvensters. De vierde reeks koper-aluminium experimenten (die werd voorbereid tijdens dit werk) dient ook uitgevoerd te worden. • Om de kwaliteit van de partieel gelaste koper-messing verbindingen te bevestigen, zijn verdere experimenten noodzakelijk. Ook zijn extra experimenten nodig om het lasvenster bij een buislengte van 48 mm af te werken. • Het bleek dat de gebruikte evaluatiemethoden niet in staat waren om de laskwaliteit van een proefstuk met zekerheid te bevestigen. Het is dus aangewezen om verder onderzoek te verrichten naar gepaste evaluatiemethoden voor de laskwaliteit. Dit kan leiden tot nieuwe methoden of tot aanpassingen van de methoden die werden gebruikt in dit werk. • Het binnenoppervlak van de field shaper of van de spoel (met één winding) moet regelmatig geïnspecteerd worden om de initiatie van scheuren op te sporen. xx Contents Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................... 1 1.1 Magnetic Pulse Welding technology .......................................................................................1 1.2 Applications and their requirements .......................................................................................1 1.3 Problem statement ..................................................................................................................3 1.4 Overview ..................................................................................................................................3 1.4.1 Chapter 2: Magnetic Pulse Welding .................................................................................3 1.4.2 Chapter 3: Analytical Model .............................................................................................3 1.4.3 Chapter 4: Process Measurements ..................................................................................3 1.4.4 Chapter 5: Weld Quality Evaluation .................................................................................3 1.4.5 Chapter 6: Experiments....................................................................................................4 1.4.6 Chapter 7: Single turn coil installation .............................................................................4 1.4.7 Chapter 8: Conclusions and recommendations for further research ..............................4 Chapter 2 Magnetic Pulse Welding ............................................................ 5 2.1 The MPW machine ...................................................................................................................5 2.2 The electrical process ...............................................................................................................5 2.3 Shielding ...................................................................................................................................7 2.4 The impact..............................................................................................................................10 2.5 Comparison with explosion welding ......................................................................................12 2.6 Material properties ................................................................................................................13 2.6.1 Electrical properties of the material ..............................................................................13 2.6.2 Mechanical properties of the material ..........................................................................14 2.7 Main geometrical parameters ...............................................................................................15 2.7.1 Stand-off distance, s .......................................................................................................15 2.7.2 Thickness of the flyer tube, t..........................................................................................15 2.7.3 Overlap length of the field shaper with the workpiece, LF.S. ..........................................16 2.7.4 Overlap length of the workpieces, Lwp ...........................................................................16 2.7.5 The relative position of the field shaper ........................................................................16 2.8 Weld interface........................................................................................................................17 xxi 2.8.1 The mechanism of wave creation ..................................................................................17 2.8.2 Influence of parameters on the wave pattern ...............................................................19 2.9 Advantages of the process .....................................................................................................22 2.10 Limitations of the process ......................................................................................................23 Chapter 3 Analytical model ...................................................................... 24 3.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................24 3.2 Model by Pulsar .....................................................................................................................25 3.2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................25 3.2.2 Structure of the model ...................................................................................................25 3.2.3 Analysis .........................................................................................................................26 3.2.4 Discussion .......................................................................................................................33 3.3 Electrical circuit ......................................................................................................................34 3.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................34 3.3.2 RLC circuit .......................................................................................................................34 3.3.3 Other electrical circuit models .......................................................................................40 3.4 Electromagnetic energy transfer ...........................................................................................41 3.4.1 Coil..................................................................................................................................41 3.4.2 Magnetic pressure .........................................................................................................43 3.4.3 Field shaper ....................................................................................................................46 3.4.4 Magnetic field measurement .........................................................................................51 3.5 Deformation, acceleration and impact velocity.....................................................................52 3.5.1 Deformation pressure ....................................................................................................52 3.5.2 Time-dependant acceleration and impact velocity .......................................................54 3.5.3 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................59 3.6 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................60 Chapter 4 Process Measurements ............................................................ 61 4.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................61 4.2 Literature Survey ....................................................................................................................62 4.2.1 High speed camera .........................................................................................................62 4.2.2 Process duration measurement .....................................................................................62 4.2.3 Tube deformation measurement ...................................................................................63 4.2.4 Photon doppler velocimetry ..........................................................................................63 xxii 4.2.5 4.3 Magnetic field measurement .........................................................................................66 On-line Measurements ..........................................................................................................69 4.3.1 Discharge current measurement ...................................................................................69 4.3.2 Magnetic Field Measurement ........................................................................................71 Chapter 5 Weld Quality Evaluation .......................................................... 80 5.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................80 5.2 Non-Destructive Testing Methods .........................................................................................81 5.2.1 Leak test .........................................................................................................................81 5.2.2 Ultrasonic Testing...........................................................................................................82 5.2.3 Computerised Tomography ...........................................................................................86 5.3 Destructive Testing Methods .................................................................................................88 5.3.1 Microscopic investigation ..............................................................................................88 5.3.2 Torsion test ....................................................................................................................89 5.3.3 Peel test..........................................................................................................................95 5.3.4 Compression test ...........................................................................................................97 Chapter 6 Experiments........................................................................... 101 6.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................101 6.2 Overview ..............................................................................................................................102 6.2.1 Test configuration ........................................................................................................102 6.2.2 Weld quality evaluation ...............................................................................................102 6.3 Material Characteristics .......................................................................................................104 6.4 Welding parameters.............................................................................................................106 6.4.1 Stand-off distance ........................................................................................................107 6.4.2 Charging voltage...........................................................................................................107 6.4.3 Overlap length ..............................................................................................................108 6.5 Field shaper damage ............................................................................................................109 6.5.1 Occurrence of consistent but unexpected weld defects .............................................109 6.5.2 Nature and cause of field shaper damage ...................................................................110 6.6 Copper-Aluminium experiments ..........................................................................................113 6.6.1 Introductory comments related to field shaper damage.............................................113 6.6.2 Series 1 (SD-CA-1) ........................................................................................................113 6.6.3 Series 2 (SD-CA-2).........................................................................................................116 xxiii 6.6.4 Series 3 (SD-CA-3).........................................................................................................118 6.6.5 Series 4 .........................................................................................................................119 6.7 Discussion on the Copper-Aluminium experiments ............................................................120 6.7.1 Non Destructive evaluation .........................................................................................120 6.7.2 Destructive evaluation .................................................................................................123 6.7.3 Welding Parameters.....................................................................................................132 6.8 Copper-Brass experiments: Test series 1 .............................................................................137 6.8.1 Test series 1.1: Stand-off distance = 0,75 mm .............................................................137 6.8.2 Test series 1.2: Stand-off distance = 1,0 mm ...............................................................137 6.8.3 Test series 1.3: Stand-off distance = 1,5 mm ...............................................................138 6.8.4 Test series 1.4: Stand-off distance = 2,0 mm ...............................................................139 6.8.5 Test series 1.5: Stand-off distance = 2,5 mm ...............................................................139 6.9 Copper-Brass experiments: Test series 2 .............................................................................140 6.9.1 Test series 2.1...............................................................................................................140 6.9.2 Series 2.2: Subset of series 2.1 .....................................................................................143 6.9.3 Series 2.3: Grooved collar ............................................................................................150 6.9.4 Series 2.4 ......................................................................................................................152 6.10 Discussion on the copper-brass experiments ......................................................................156 6.10.1 Destructive evaluation .................................................................................................156 6.10.2 Investigation of the wave interface .............................................................................169 6.10.3 Weldability window .....................................................................................................175 6.11 Conclusions of the experimental research...........................................................................176 6.11.1 Copper-Aluminium .......................................................................................................176 6.11.2 Copper-Brass ................................................................................................................176 6.11.3 Effect of the field shaper slit ........................................................................................177 6.11.4 Wave formation ...........................................................................................................177 6.11.5 Deformation of the inner workpiece ...........................................................................177 6.11.6 Weld strength...............................................................................................................177 Chapter 7 Single turn coil installation..................................................... 178 7.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................178 7.2 Installation of the coil ..........................................................................................................179 7.2.1 Extra insulation - step 1................................................................................................179 7.2.2 Extra insulation- step 2 ................................................................................................181 xxiv 7.2.3 Extra insulation - step 3................................................................................................182 7.2.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................183 Chapter 8 8.1 Conclusions and recommendations for further research ........ 184 Summary and conclusions of this work ...............................................................................184 Process analysis ............................................................................................................................184 On-line process measurements ...................................................................................................185 Experimental research .................................................................................................................185 Weld evaluation methods ............................................................................................................186 Weldability windows ....................................................................................................................187 Single turn coil..............................................................................................................................188 8.2 Future research ....................................................................................................................189 xxv Abbreviations BWI Belgian Welding Institute CEWAC Centre d’Etude wallon de l’Assemblage et du Contrôle des Matériaux CT Computerised Tomography DT Destructive Testing EXW Explosion Welding HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning MAG Metal Active Gas (welding) MIG Metal Inert Gas (welding) MPW Magnetic Pulse Welding NDT Non-Destructive Testing PSD Position Sensitive Controller PVD Photon Doppler Velocimetry SEM Scanning Electron Microscope UGCT Ghent University Centre for X-ray Tomography UT Ultrasonic Testing xxvi Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Magnetic Pulse Welding technology Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW) is a “cold” welding process which uses the energy of a high velocity impact to join two parts. The process can be compared to explosion welding, but using magnetic force instead of explosives to accelerate the object. Unlike conventional welding processes no melting is involved and thus no major changes in material properties take place. The working principle is based on the theory of the Lorentz force, dictating that an electrically charged particle, moving in a magnetic field, undergoes a force normal to the direction of the magnetic field and to the direction of movement: ) = ( (1.1) F is the force (in Newton), q is the electric charge (in Coulombs), B is the magnetic field (in Tesla) and v the speed of the particle (in m/s). The force exerted by an electric field has been neglected since no significant electric field is present in this application. The main components of the welding machine can be schematically depicted as shown in Figure 1.1. A bank of capacitors is charged to an energy level chosen by the operator. Once the bank is fully charged, the high current switch is closed, sending a current through the coil. This current will induce a magnetic field in the coil. If it is necessary to concentrate the magnetic field in the desired region, a field shaper is placed inside the coil (not shown on the figure). The changing magnetic field will induce eddy currents in the conductive outer workpiece, also named the flyer tube. Further, due to the shielding effect of an electrical conductor the flyer tube will prevent the magnetic field of passing through, creating a difference in magnetic field between the inside and the outside of the flyer tube. So considering the Lorentz force, the magnetic field outside the flyer tube will exert a force on the flyer tube due to the eddy currents, thrusting the tube inward in radial direction. If correctly executed the high velocity of the inward motion and thus the high-energy impact between outer and inner workpiece will result in bonding. During the collision, the atoms of the adjacent surfaces are brought together, overcoming the repulsion force which drives them apart. The distance between the atoms is now small enough to enable sharing of electrons and the creation of an intermetallic phase, creating a bond. 1.2 Applications and their requirements Magnetic pulse welding is a cold welding technique which is able to join dissimilar materials. Welding of dissimilar materials is becoming more desired in the automotive industry and for HVAC installations. In the automotive industry for example, aluminium-steel drive shafts can be welded by magnetic pulse welding (Figure 1.2). These welded connections are not always easily to obtain by 1 traditional welding techniques due to the sometimes large difference in the material properties of the materials to be joined. Figure 1.1: System schematic [1] The main demands with respect to these connections are that they are structurally strong and leakfree. To ensure a strong and safe construction, necessary in the automotive industry, the weld should be sufficiently strong. Regarding the substances which are used in the HVAC industry (sometimes containing CFC’s) the joints obviously need to be leak-free. MPW could provide an alternative for conventional welding techniques, such as MIG/MAG-welding, for the production of these welded joints. Although the process has been known for several decades, it is not yet commonly used in industry and certainly not when compared to conventional welding techniques. The largest part of the research that has been conducted regarding this technique is of a theoretical nature. An experimental approach could be interesting to provide more clarity concerning the practical use of the process. Figure 1.2: A magnetic pulse welded drive shaft. (aluminium-steel connection) [1] 2 1.3 Problem statement This work is executed in the framework of the research project “SOUDIMMA”, which is performed for the Walloon industry by the Belgian Welding Institute (BWI) and CEWAC (Centre d’Etude wallon de l’Assemblage et du Contrôle des Matériaux). The project which is funded by the Walloon government, the weldability of several material combinations is investigated. The results of this study will be used for welding prototypes for the industry. This thesis describes the MPW process, the main parameters and some of the occurring phenomena. Furthermore and of more importance, a number of experiments have been conducted in order to obtain practical knowledge concerning MPW. The major goal of this work is to develop weldability windows which can be used as a tool when welding with magnetic pulses. For parts which are constructed by magnetic pulse welding, no testing methods are readily available and thus some methods have been developed and others were examined. This provided the ability to evaluate the weldability and can also be useful for the development of testing methods for the industry. 1.4 Overview 1.4.1 Chapter 2: Magnetic Pulse Welding This chapter provides a more detailed description of the MPW process and the parameters which play an important role. A phenomenon which often occurs when welding pieces with the MPW process is a wavy weld interface. The mechanism of this interface formation will also be explained in this part. Furthermore, an analogy with another impact welding process, explosion welding, will be discussed. 1.4.2 Chapter 3: Analytical Model This chapter is devoted to the analytical description of the process. Since the process is multidisciplinary, this model exists out of both a mechanical part and an electromagnetic part. A model which was found in literature is discussed and some recommendations are given to increase its accuracy. 1.4.3 Chapter 4: Process Measurements In order to obtain a better understanding of the process, some measurements can be conducted during the experiments. Measurements of the magnetic field and the current were conducted during the experiments. Also some ideas are presented for possible future measurements, more specific the flyer tube velocity and the process time. 1.4.4 Chapter 5: Weld Quality Evaluation Chapter 5 describes the methods which were used to test the welded workpieces. Distinction is made between Destructive Testing (DT) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The methods that were used are: • • DT: microscopic investigation, torsion test, compressive (“push through”) test NDT: leak test, ultrasonic investigation, computerized tomography Also a peel test is described. However, this peel test was not performed in this work. 3 1.4.5 Chapter 6: Experiments The actual experiments which were conducted in the framework of this thesis are described in chapter 6. The experiments can be divided in two major groups: copper-aluminium and copper-brass. An overview is given of the different parameters which were used as well as the results of the experiments. These results are derived by using the testing methods which were described in chapter 5. Three series of copper-aluminium welding experiments were performed using different parameters and geometries. As an example, the third series of copper-aluminium experiments were conducted with custom collars on the internal workpieces. Note that no qualitative welds were constructed during all these experiments. Although a fourth series was planned, further experiments were not possible due failure of the field shaper. The copper-brass experiments were more extensive than the copper-aluminium experiments. These were a continuation of tests which were conducted by dr. ir. Koen Faes of the Belgian Welding Institute. This work investigates these welds and additional welds were performed to define the “window” of suitable welding parameters in order to obtain a high-quality weld. Also a reproducibility test was performed in this series. Ten magnetic pulse welds were performed with the same parameters to gain some insight in the repeatability of the process. 1.4.6 Chapter 7: Single turn coil installation Since the field shaper of the multi-turn coil was damaged during the experiments, the coil needed replacement. It was decided to install a single-turn coil for welding parts with an outer diameter of 60 mm. During the installation some problems occurred. Sparks appeared between the transformer and the coil, damaging the parts. Due to the high current nature of the process, it is important to prevent damage to the parts as they will then deteriorate quickly by spark erosion. This chapter describes the problems which occurred and formulates some guidelines to follow during the installation of a new coil. 1.4.7 Chapter 8: Conclusions and recommendations for further research This chapter gives an overview of the most important results of this work. Also some recommendations are made on which experiments should be performed in the future. These can include series of experiments which were already planned but could not have been conducted due to the field shaper damage. 4 Chapter 2 Magnetic Pulse Welding 2.1 The MPW machine The machine used during the experiments was constructed by Pulsar (Figure 2.1). This machine can be divided into three major parts. The first part of the machine is a high-voltage power supply which is used to charge the capacitor bank. This capacitor bank is the second major part of the machine and it stores the energy which will be used to accelerate the flyer tube. The last part of the machine consists of the discharge circuit. This circuit mainly consists out of a coil which generates the magnetic field necessary for accelerating the flyer tube and producing the weld. The maximum voltage to which the machine can be charged is 25 kV (equals an energy of 50 kJ) and the current can be up to 500 kA. The discharge will occur with a frequency 14 kHz. This frequency is specific to the machine and cannot be altered. The only possibility to change the frequency is by disconnecting some capacitors. This however will also decrease the energy level at which the machine can be charged. Figure 2.1: Photograph of the magnetic pulse machine, type MPW 50/25, with power supply (1), capacitor bank (2), coil (3) 2.2 The electrical process As a start, a required energy level has to be selected. This level can be chosen by charging the capacitor bank to a certain voltage which can be selected on the control panel of the welding machine. An AC current is rectified and charges the capacitors to the selected voltage. Once the bank has been fully charged, a switch is closed. Often one or more vacuum switches are used to simultaneously release the stored energy towards the coil [2]. 5 The current which then flows through the coil, will produce a magnetic field as shown in Figure 2.2. The discharge of a capacitor over a solenoid will create a damped alternating current through the latter one. The dampening effect is due to the internal resistance of the system (Figure 2.3). Because of this effect, also the magnetic field will be damped and alternating. Figure 2.2: Magnetic field induced by a current through a coil Figure 2.3: Current through the coil during the MPW process[3] To concentrate the magnetic field close to the flyer tube, the geometry of the coil needs to be chosen carefully or optionally a field shaper has to be used. A field shaper is a core made out of a strong material with preferably an excellent electrical conductivity, which concentrates the magnetic field of the coil to the region of importance. The material of the field shaper which was used during the experiments is copper beryllium (CuBe2). The emphasis was not only placed on the electrical conductivity of the material (for a good efficiency) but also on its strength. This strength is necessary to obtain an acceptable lifespan of the field shaper which undergoes heavy loads during the process. Indeed, the forces which are generated on the workpiece will also be exerted on the field shaper. Furthermore, the currents that flow through the field shaper are several hundreds of kilo ampères. At these high currents, any existing flaw will quickly deteriorate through spark erosion. The same effects take place on the coil and thus the same material requirements are placed upon the coil if no 6 field shaper is used. The main advantage of using a field shaper is an economical one: the same coil can be used for different geometries by simply placing a proper field shaper into the coil [4]. The workpieces, which are made of a conductive material, are positioned into the field shaper or coil. When a magnetic field is created, it will induce eddy currents in the flyer tube material. Figure 2.4 shows the flow of the currents through the system where i1 is the current in the coil, i2 in the field shaper and i3 in the flyer tube. The eddy currents will prevent the magnetic field lines to go through the material of the flyer tube. This phenomenon is called “shielding”. A difference in magnetic field is now created between the space inside and outside the flyer tube. The magnetic field outside the field shaper will be larger and thus the resulting Lorenz force will is oriented inwards. Figure 2.4: The flow of currents through the system[4] 2.3 Shielding To enable shielding, a certain thickness of the material is required because the efficiency of the shielding phenomenon is linked to the skin depth of the material. The skin depth of a material is defined as the depth below the surface of the material at which the current density decays to 1/e of the current density at the surface. Figure 2.5 shows the distribution of the current throughout a section of the flyer material. Jo and Jt respectively stand for the current density at the outer and inner surface. Ei and Et stand for the electric field which is present on both sides of the material. When the thickness of the material equals the skin depth, 86% of the magnetic field is shielded. If the thickness of the material equals two times the skin depth, already 98% of the magnetic field is shielded [5][6][7]. The skin depth δ of a material is given by: = With : 1 . . . (2.1) σ = the electrical conductivity of the material [m/Ω] µ = magnetic permeability of the workpiece [H/m] f = the frequency of the current [Hz] 7 Using formula (2.1), the skin depth at 14 kHz was calculated for several relevant materials. The results can be seen in Table 2.A. Due to the high magnetic permeability of steel, the skin depth of steel is much smaller than the skin depth of the other materials. A steel flyer tube can thus be thinner than a flyer tube of for example brass. Copper Aluminium Brass Steel electrical conductivity [m/Ω] magnetic permeability [H/m] skin depth [μm] 59,6 . 106 1,26 . 10-6 550 37,8 . 10 6 1,26 . 10 -6 691 15,6 . 10 6 1,26 . 10 -6 1076 5,56 . 10 6 8,75 . 10 -4 68 Table 2.A: The skin depth for several relevant materials is given in this table. The frequency which was used to calculate these skin depths is 14 kHz. Figure 2.5: Distribution of the current throughout the material [6] Note that the shielding percentages above are a rule of thumb which provides a quick estimation of the value. If however the shielding effectiveness has to be calculated more precisely the following method can be used. The phenomenon of shielding consists out of three mechanisms, illustrated on Figure 2.6: 1. Incident electromagnetic waves are reflected at the surface. 2. Electromagnetic waves are absorbed in the material. 3. The waves reflect on the back surface of the material. Also waves are transmitted and thus travel through the entire workpiece. Since this phenomenon does not account for an amount of shielding, it will not be used in the further calculation of the shielding effectiveness. The total effectiveness of the shielding operation can be calculated by the sum of the shielding by all three mechanisms. When the shielding factors of mechanism 1,2 and 3 are expressed in dB respectively as R, A and B, the shielding effectiveness, S.E., can be calculated using the following formulas [6]: 8 7. 8. = + 9 + (2.2) = + % + ) 9 = 3,338 . 10 = 20 |1 − > :" (2.3) . ; . ! A (, − 1)$ ? . @10: B . (C :D.$$E.A )| $ (, + 1) (2.4) (2.5) With RE, RH, and RP are the reflection factors for the electric, magnetic, and plane wave fields expressed in dB: = 353,6 + 10 ( % = 20 ( ! " # $ ) 0,462 ! + 0,136 # ( + 0,354 ) ( # ! ) = 108,2 + ( ! . 10+ ) (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) In these equations the following symbols were used: • • • • • • • • G = the relative conductivity of the material referred to copper [-] f = the frequency [Hz] μ = is the relative permeability referred to free space [-] r1 = is the distance between the source and the shield [mm] t = the thickness of the shielding material [mm] Zs = the impedance of the workpiece material [Ω] ZH = the impedance of the magnetic field [Ω] . , = -. / - = 33. ( 2 0 5 1 6 ) 3 45 6 Figure 2.6: Three shielding mechanisms[8] 9 2.4 The impact As stated above, the difference in the magnetic field around the flyer tube will result in a force with as inward direction. This force will accelerate the flyer tube towards the inner workpiece. During that phase, the process is thus comparable to the explosion welding process (EXW). In both processes a bond is created by high velocity impact of two surfaces. This high energy impact is able to overcome the repulsive forces between the atoms of both materials and to decrease the distance between the surfaces to a value small enough so that electrons can be shared between the two materials. This process creates the bond. Greases, oxide films and other surface contaminants could provide a protective film on the surfaces which counters the attempts to bring the surfaces close together. It is assumed that no cleaning of the workpieces is needed prior to welding. This can be contributed to the fact that a jet is formed during the impact of the materials. Although the process appears to be instantaneous, it is in fact a very fast progressive action. The surfaces are collapsed against each other with a high relative velocity. This will participate in surface jetting if the collision angle and the collision velocity are in the range of the weldability window. Often it is prescribed that the collision angle should be between 6-14°. The collision velocity depends more on the materials which are to be welded. This jet will now remove the contaminants of the surface. Figure 2.7 shows the jet, the impact angle (α) and the collision velocity (vc) [2][9]. Figure 2.7: Jet formation during high speed impact [10] In the interface between two bonded materials some phenomena can be observed. Both an intermetallic phase and a wavy pattern can be created during the bonding process. It is important to notice that both phenomena are not a necessary condition for a high-quality weld. In Figure 2.8, a typical wavy interface is shown. This image is taken during microscopic investigation of a copperbrass weld. A more detailed description of the wavy interface will be given in § 2.8 [11]. As mentioned above, also an intermetallic phase can be formed in the weld interface (see Figure 2.9). Note that the weld in this figure (aluminium-copper) does not possess the typical waves pattern. This intermetallic zone is created by the high temperature which occurs during the highly energetic 10 collision. However, the thickness of this layer is only 2 to 20 μm and is thus smaller than the interface zone which is created by solid state welding processes. Figure 2.8: A typical wavy interface which can occur in welds performed by the MPW process Figure 2.9: Copper-aluminium weld. The darker grey zone is an intermetallic phase Published investigations have also led to the knowledge that the intermetallic layer in magnetic pulse welds has a higher hardness than both of the parent materials, though the difference can be minimal. The following figures show the hardness distribution throughout the interface of welded parts (Figure 2.10) and the distribution of the chemical composition across the interfaces (Figure 2.11). Note that the Vickers hardness of the intermetallic layer between the Cu-Al weld and the Ti-Al weld appears to be around 400 HV in both cases. Although the hardness of the titanium is twice the hardness of the used copper, the interface hardness is even slightly higher in the Cu-Al weld [12]. Figure 2.10: Hardness distribution across the interface of welded joints (a) mild steel core, (b) copper core, (c) titanium core [12] 11 Figure 2.11: Distribution of the chemical composition across the weld interface; around 12 μm away from the interface the amount of the other material (non base material) becomes zero [12] 2.5 Comparison with explosion welding Explosion welding (EXW) is a “cold” welding technique that relies on a high energetic impact to obtain a bond. It is often used for the cladding of materials with another material. The main principle of MPW and EXW is thus the same. The difference however lies in the way the flyer material is accelerated towards the other workpiece. In the MPW process the force is of a magnetic nature and in the EXW process it is obtained by the detonation of explosives. Figure 2.12 gives an impression of the explosion welding process. The main parameters of this process are the impact velocity and the angle of impact. These parameters should be chosen so that a jetting action occurs. Phenomena that occur during the MPW process, like wave formation in the interface, also occur in the explosion welding process. This once again shows the analogy between the two processes [9][13][14]. Figure 2.12: Principle of explosion welding: flyer material is accelerated by detonation of an explosive[15] For the EXW process more experimental research has been reported and a number of weldability windows are available. An example of a weldability window is shown in Figure 2.13. This figure shows both the lower and the upper welding limits, and a transition zone between smooth and wavy interface [13]. During the research on the MPW process, these experimental data of the EXW process could provide some guidance. It appears that in both impact welding techniques the same parameters are influential in whether or not a good weld is obtained. The weldability windows of the EXW process could thus be used as a starting point to obtain specific weldability windows for magnetic pulse 12 welding. It should be noted however that the two processes are not entirely the same. It is presumed that the angle of impact is a constant during the explosion welding process. In magnetic pulse welding, this angle is more difficult to control and changes during the welding process. Hence, if an EXW weldability window prescribes certain values for the angle of impact, the weld produced by magnetic pulse welding will only occur in that part of the workpiece where these conditions are met [11]. Practically this means that there are three zones in the MPW weld : 1. Run-in zone: angle of impact is too small at the start of the weld. => no weld 2. Weld zone: angle of impact is in the correct range. 3. Run-out zone: angle of impact is too large at the end of the weld. => no weld This is in direct contradiction with the EXW process where the chosen angle of impact is constant and thus a weld is created throughout the entire work piece. Figure 2.13: Weldability window for 6061 T0 aluminium alloy which also shows a transition zone from smooth to wavy interface [13] 2.6 Material properties The properties of the materials to be welded have an influence on the whole process. The properties can be divided into two groups : electrical and mechanical properties. 2.6.1 Electrical properties of the material Following electrical properties of the material are important for the MPW process: • • electrical conductivity magnetic permeability 13 As explained above, the shielding efficiency of a workpiece is dependent on the skin depth of the given material. This skin depth should be small enough to enable a good shielding operation of the thin-walled flyer tube. If the product of the electrical conductivity and the magnetic permeability of a given material is too small, the skin depth of that material will be too large and the flyer tube will not sufficiently shield the magnetic field. Insufficient shielding will lead to a smaller radial force on the workpiece and thus the process will not be efficient. When a material with a low electrical conductivity is to be welded, a thin but highly conductive so-called driver material can be wrapped around the workpiece to enable a smaller skin depth. 2.6.2 Mechanical properties of the material The main mechanical properties which are of importance for the welding process are: • • • yield strength strain hardening strain rate hardening As the outer workpiece undergoes severe permanent deformation during the welding process, the mechanical properties of that workpiece are very important . The yield stress of the material (σy) and the strain hardening can be related to the pressure which is required to deform the outer workpiece. Due to the fact that severe deformations take place at a very high velocity, the strain rate dependence of the elastic-plastic properties of the material will be of importance. A model that is often used in the description of such processes, is the Johnson-Cook model. The influence of strain hardening and strain rate hardening on the flow stress is obvious in the following equation: J FG = H9 + . IFG K. H1 + L. MNIFO PK. Q1 − With : σpl IFO εpl A, B, n C m θ θtrans θmelt R − RS4TJU X RVWGS − RS4TJU (2.9) : von Mises equivalent flow stress [MPa] : the relative equivalent plastic strain rate [-] : the equivalent plastic strain [-] : yield and strain hardening constants [-] : strain rate constant [-] : thermal softening constant [-] : absolute temperature when the stress is applied [K] : transition temperature defined as the one at or below which there is no temperature dependence on the expression of the yield stress [K] : melting temperature [K] This model describes the influence of strain hardening and strain rate hardening on the flow stress [16]. 14 2.7 Main geometrical parameters As mentioned before, both the impact velocity and the angle of impact are of importance in creating a high quality weld. To obtain prescribed values, the geometrical parameters of the process should be chosen carefully. The main geometrical parameters are shown in the following Figure 2.14 [7]. Figure 2.14: The main geometrical parameters: stand-off distance (s) , flyer tube thickness (t), overlap length between the field shaper and the workpiece (LF.S.) and the overlap length of the workpieces (Lwp)[17] 2.7.1 Stand-off distance, s The stand-off distance is the space between the flyer tube and the inner workpiece. To obtain a proper impact velocity a certain distance is necessary to provide enough space for the flyer tube to accelerate. If s is too small, the impact velocity will be insufficient to obtain a weld. However, a stand-off distance which is too large is not desired either. A large stand-off distance allows the part to accelerate to a velocity which can exceed the optimal impact velocity. At this high velocity, the kinetic energy of the flyer tube will now deform the inner workpiece rather than creating a bond. This phenomenon was also observed during the aluminium-copper experiments which were conducted for this work (§6.6). 2.7.2 Thickness of the flyer tube, t When the thickness of the flyer tube increases, its resistance against deformation increases. The part will also be heavier when the wall thickness increases and so a larger mass is to be accelerated. The pressure (p) required for the deformation of a thin-walled ring increases with increasing thickness: Y = Z# ; (2.10) Note that this formula is only correct for deformations within the elastic region of the material, but it gives an indication of the influence of the wall thickness. 15 Also the pressure necessary for the acceleration of the thin-walled workpiece will become larger. To obtain a prescribed impact velocity the energy level should thus be increased for a larger wall thickness [7][18]. 2.7.3 Overlap length of the field shaper with the workpiece, LF.S. This length describes how far the outer workpiece is placed in the field shaper. It is of importance that this region is large enough to grant the flyer tube with enough energy for deformation. The overlap length is in relation with the axial length of the field shaper. This axial length equals the length of the field shaper over which the magnetic field is concentrated. Hence it is a measure for the intensity of the magnetic field in the working region. It is important that the axial length of the field shaper exceeds the overlap length, as the magnetic field might show irregularities at the end of the field shaper. 2.7.4 Overlap length of the workpieces, Lwp A sufficient overlap length is necessary to obtain a sufficient weld length. Obviously the weld length can never exceed this overlap length. Also, if the overlap length increases, the magnetic field is exerted over a larger part of the material and thus the formability at a certain energy level increases. Measurements of the magnetic field are described in §4.3.2. 2.7.5 The relative position of the field shaper The position of the workpiece in the field shaper plays an important role in the impact behaviour of the workpieces. Two possible ways of field shaper placement are shown in Figure 2.15. In configuration (a), the central part of the flyer tube will first impact on the inner workpiece. Thus a jet is created in two directions and the weld will propagate in both directions. In the “end joint” configuration (b), the end of the tube will impact first and the weld will propagate in only one direction and less material needs to be deformed. This last configuration will thus require less energy [19]. Figure 2.15: different ways of positioning the field shaper [19] (a) middle joint (b) end joint 16 2.8 Weld interface 2.8.1 The mechanism of wave creation During microscopic investigation often a wavy pattern can be observed in the welded area. Figure 2.16 shows a typical example of such an interface of a copper to brass weld. Note the variation in amplitude and period of the wavy pattern along the weld zone. This again demonstrates the analogy with explosion welding. It is important to note that an impact weld does not necessarily require a wavy pattern to obtain a good weld quality. The parameter window (c.f. collision angle versus collision velocity) in which waves are created and the welding window in which a good quality is obtained partially overlap but are not equal. Trying to obtain a wavy interface can in some cases even result in a weld of lower quality [11]. Figure 2.16: Typical wavy pattern at the weld interface between copper and brass. In literature concerning explosion welding and in general impact welding , several mechanisms are described which can be the cause of the formation of this pattern [20]. 1. Penetration of the jetting material This theory dictates that the jet penetrates into the surface of the internal part. Due to this penetration, movement of material is created and humps are randomly formed. This model is considered to be inaccurate for the formation of a continuous wave. If such a continuous wave, with no large jumps in wavelength, would be created by random hump formation, coincidence would be a too important factor. 2. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability This mechanism describes the interaction of pressure waves and the collision point velocity Vc (the axial speed of the contact point). As the weld starts to form, an impact takes place which induces compressive pressure waves through the internal workpiece. At the same time the contact point moves in the axial direction with velocity Vc. Since the internal workpiece is not moving and the outer is, a velocity difference is created between the two materials which can be considered as fluids at these high velocities. When two fluids move over each other with a speed difference, waves are created in the region of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, with mass transfer from the heavier to the lighter material. One can see the analogy with wind over water. The instability necessary for the formation of the waves is created by the interaction of the compressive waves with the collision 17 point. Since the speed of the waves is always at its maximum at the collision point, the pressure peak will be situated at that point [21]. Figure 2.17 describes the mechanism in seven steps: Figure 2.17: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability versus shockwaves [20] a) First, compressive shockwaves are generated at the impact point, which move in a radial direction with an angle proportional to α (= the impact angle). b) The compressive shockwaves reflect on the back surface of the flyer material and thus refraction waves are formed, which are depicted as the blue arrows. The compressive waves in the internal solid workpiece collide and are reflected as compression waves towards the interface of the materials. (black arrows) c) The first wave can only be formed at the location where an interaction of the refraction and compression waves takes place, which happens when their periods match. Furthermore, this interaction should take place in the vicinity of the collision point. That point is under extreme pressure and heat is generated, so the interaction of the shockwaves, in combination with the mutual movement of the metals, creates the source of the interface waves. d) From the moment the first wave is formed, a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability takes place and waves are created periodically. The instability will generate waves as long as nothing decays it. e) New collision points are created and thus new waves are generated continuously. Due to the massive metal movements across the material interface a new interference cannot be created, so the waves form one continuous wave pattern rather than separate waves. The pattern will thus be created by the interference continuity. 18 As the weld progresses, the propagation velocity Vc will decrease severely and the interference point of the shockwaves now will meet the collision point further along the interface. This will make the wavelength increase. g) At last the propagation speed will drop to a amount so small that the interferences will now take place ahead of the collision point and new waves can no longer be generated. f) This mechanism is considered to be accurate and has been experimentally verified on different geometries. The shape of the inner part was varied between a solid rod, a tube and a tube in which an eccentric internal hole was placed. The experiments proved that the wavelength of the interface waves are proportional to the free path of the shockwave propagation in the inner part of the weld [20]. 2.8.2 Influence of parameters on the wave pattern In the MPW process a lot of different process and geometrical parameters should be considered. These parameters will affect the weld and thus will also have an influence on the wave pattern formation. Next, the role of different parameters will be described. The energy level will not be considered separately because its influence will appear in the other parameters (impact velocity for example). Thickness of the workpieces The wavelength will increase with increasing thickness of the internal piece. This is due to the fact that the compressive waves will have to cross a larger distance through the material before their reflections reach the surface[22]. Table B gives an example of the same phenomenon, describing the changes in wavelength when the thickness of the flyer plate/tube increases. These values were derived from finite-element simulations of the impact of a copper flyer plate at a collision velocity of 650 m/s with an angle of impact of 15° onto a 15 mm thick copper base plate[22][23]. Table B: Flyer plate thickness influences the wavelength[22] Impact velocity Generally, it is presumed that the wavelength correlates with the impact velocity. To obtain the wave formation, a critical velocity has to be reached. Below this velocity no interference of shockwaves will take place and thus no waves will be formed. Investigation has shown that the best weld quality is obtained when the impact velocity is around this critical velocity [9]. As stated above, the flyer plate/tube thickness (t) will also influence the wave shape, the wavelength (λ) and the amplitude (A). For this reason these parameters are often normalised as λ/t and A/t. Figure 2.18 shows a chart of the normalised amplitude as function of normalised wavelength for different impact welding methods. It indicates that amplitude and wavelength tend to scale with 19 each other. Large energy levels will not only result in larger wavelengths but also in larger amplitudes [23]. This correlation can be explained by the fact that both the loading pressure and the elastic shearing deformation (the deformation of the surface material) increases with increasing velocity. The jet will then contain a larger mass of material and the amplitude of the disturbance will increase as well as the amplitude. This theory is valid when the impact velocity is in the subsonic region. When the impact velocity exceeds a certain value, the amplitude will no longer increase. This critical value of the velocity seems to be in relation with the mach number of the impact velocity. This mach number equals the impact velocity divided by the speed of sound in air. Figure 2.19 shows the relation between the wave amplitude and the impact velocity for different materials (copper, steel and aluminium) at a constant angle of impact, α=12°. The velocity of impact has been normalised with c0, the speed of sound in that material, so that the relation can be compared for the different materials. It shows clearly that the critical value takes place in the region around M=1 to 1,5 [24]. Figure 2.18: normalised amplitude vs. normalised wavelength for different impact welding processes (EXW= explosion welding, LIW= Laser Impact Welding, MPW= Magnetic Pulse Welding)[23] Figure 2.19: Relation between wave amplitude and normalised impact velocity[24] This phenomenon can be explained as follows: at the critical value, the jet will shift from subsonic to supersonic regime, resulting in a maximum wave amplitude. A further increase of impact velocity will 20 also further increase the sliding velocity between the two metal surfaces. The contact time between the surfaces becomes too small and the waves can no longer be formed completely. Angle of impact There is a lower and an upper limit on the value of the collision angle for which jetting between two materials occurs. Thus the collision angle is very important for the weld quality. The angle of impact should generally be between 6 and 14°. It is important to notice that the impact of the outer tube with the internal workpiece does not occur with a constant angle of impact. During the process, the angle will increase while the weld propagates (Figure 2.20). Figure 2.21 shows the effect of the collision angle on the amplitude and wavelength (a and λ respectively). First, both the amplitude and the wavelength increase with an increasing angle of impact. After the collision reaches a certain value, only the wavelength will increase further and the wave amplitude will decrease. Finally the wave amplitude will reach zero and the weld interface in that zone will not have a wavy pattern[9]. Figure 2.20: The collision angle increases during the propagation of the weld. With α0 the initial impact angle and αe the angle of impact further in the weld Figure 2.21: Effects of collision angle α on the parameters a and λ[9] Stand-off distance Experiments have been conducted using several stand-off distances ranging from 0,5 to 3 t, t being the flyer plate thickness [25]. The results of this investigation showed that the waviness of the interface increases when the stand-off distance increases. Both the wavelength and the amplitude of the waves increase. Figure 2.22 shows the interfaces of a copper-stainless steel weld which were welded with a stand-off distance of 2 and 3 t. In these experiments, explosion welding was used. The weld with stand-off distance s = 2 t resulted in a wavelength of 750 μm and in an amplitude of 130 μm. In the weld with s = 3 t, a wavelength of 950 μm and an amplitude of 150 μm was measured. 21 Together with the amplitude, also the penetration depth of the metals increases resulting in a stronger mechanical lock between the materials. When the stand-off distance is further increased, the wavelength will also further increase and the weld will seem to be free of waves. Figure 2.22: Stand-off distance on the waviness; s= stand-off distance, t= thickness of the flyer material[25] 2.9 Advantages of the process The main advantages of MPW can be summarized as follows [1] [7] [19]: • Since the MPW process is a “cold” welding process, the heat affected zone (HAZ) is only generated very locally over a thickness of about 20-50 µm. All material properties will be maintained. Any heat treatments that were performed prior to the welding will not be influenced. Also the parts can be finished prior to welding. • Due to the low temperature, the part can be unloaded immediately after welding and no cooling down phase has to take place prior to further processing. • No preparation of the parts is required. The parts do not have to be cleaned prior to welding. • Joining of non-weldable or dissimilar materials in a quick and cost-effective manner. • No post weld finishing or cleaning has to be carried out. Figure 2.23 compares a MPW weld to a MIG/MAG-weld. The left part (MPW) is has a very clean appearance and does not need finishing for both structural or aesthetical reasons. • It is possible to improve the work conditions of the welder or operator, since the technology is environmentally clean (no heat, radiation, fumes, shielding gases) and the hardest labour is performed by machines. However, since the process uses a strong magnetic field precautions should be taken. The distance between the operator and the coil should be sufficient and people who use a pacemaker should not be allowed anywhere near the MPW machine. 22 • The process welds the parts together in less than 100 μs. With a good choice of weld parameters and a good clamping device, the process should be able to obtain a large reproducibility. Due these factors the process allows a great degree of automation. Figure 2.23: Automotive AC accumulator. Left = MPW, Right=MIG weld 2.10 Limitations of the process Magnetic pulse welding imposes some limitations regarding the workpieces to be welded [7] [19]: • Since the process relies on the formation of eddy currents in the flyer material, only materials with a high conductivity can be used for the outer piece. • The geometry of the parts to be welded is limited to tubes and sheets. No other shapes have yet been welded. Also some parts of the workpiece are more difficult to weld than others (corners for example). • The size of the parts is limited from 5 to 121 mm. In the open literature, it is reported that the largest diameter of tubes that has been welded until now is 121 mm. The maximum size is also limited by the cost of the machine, which increases significantly with increasing size of the parts. • The parts must overlap to generate the joint and thus no flat surface can be produced. • Due to the size of the welding machine, the welds can only be carried out in a workshop. Hence the process is not suited for in-field applications. However since one of the main advantages of the process is the high degree of automation, the main application lies at large quantities of factory-made parts. So this remark should not necessarily be regarded as a vast disadvantage. 23 Chapter 3 Analytical model 3.1 Introduction An analytical model is essential to gain insight in the parameters governing the MPW process, and to make a quick estimation of the parameter values required to obtain a successful weld. However, it is not straightforward to develop a set of equations that is able to accurately model the MPW process. The discharge current is a damped sinusoidal wave, which results in a time-dependent magnetic pressure. Often a field shaper is used to increase the amplitude of the magnetic field. The pressure exerted on the tube will theoretically be a function of axial and circumferential position, as well as time. Furthermore, the calculation of the plastic deformation and acceleration of a cylindrical tube under a variable radial pressure (acting only on a part of the tube) is very difficult. The complex deformation behaviour of the tubular workpieces and high speed deformation both add to the problem of finding equations that have reasonable accuracy, as well as sufficient simplicity. This chapter intends to give an overview of available analytic equations, with a discussion on their applicability. A relatively simple model by Pulsar is discussed, and the inaccuracies of this model are exposed. It is not possible to develop a complete an improved model within the limits of this dissertation. But, the key analytical concepts necessary for an accurate model are discussed. 24 3.2 Model by Pulsar 3.2.1 Introduction The analytical model discussed in this section was developed by the manufacturer of the welding machine (Pulsar). This model should allow users to choose the parameters of the welding process needed to obtain a successful weld. Although the structure of this model is essentially correct, a multitude of simplifications result in decreased accuracy of the model. The simplifications are described, and afterwards alternatives are proposed. The Pulsar model is quite simple because of the applied simplifications. This is an advantage, because it is intended to be used as a tool for quickly determining optimal parameters. However, corrections are necessary to improve the accuracy of the model. 3.2.2 Structure of the model The structure of the simplified analytical model proposed by Pulsar is schematically shown in Figure 3.1 [26]. Figure 3.1: Schematic overview of charging voltage calculation i. The collision velocity, vc, is first chosen depending on the materials to be welded. Considering the analogy between MPW and explosion welding, this data can be derived from experiments carried out with EW [13][9]. As discussed in Chapter 2, values for the impact velocity and collision angle should be chosen from weldability windows to obtain a successful weld. The required acceleration can then be calculated, under the assumption that the velocity increases linearly from zero to vc when travelling a distance equal to the stand-off distance, the distance between the flyer tube and the inner work piece. ii. This acceleration is generated by an electromagnetic pressure, exerted on the flyer tube. The required pressure can be found as the sum of two components: the pressure necessary to accelerate- and the pressure needed to deform the flyer tube. 25 iii. The exerted electromagnetic pressure is caused by the magnetic field. The magnitude of the magnetic field is calculated from the required pressure. iv. The magnetic field originates from the discharge current, which flows through the coil windings. The current, and subsequently the charging voltage over the capacitor bank are calculated. The voltage is the only machine parameter that can be set. The calculations associated with this structure are discussed in detail in the next section ‘Analysis’. 3.2.3 Analysis Collision velocity (i) This velocity is chosen out of a range of velocities which should lead to a good weld. These values are the same as for the explosion welding process and can be found for different material combinations like steel-steel, copper-steel, aluminum-steel, … [26] It is assumed that the flyer tube is accelerated radially inwards until it impacts the inner workpiece. The acceleration needed to reach the chosen velocity after travelling a distance equal to the standoff distance, is calculated as: [= \ $ 2. ] (3.1) With: a = acceleration [m/s2] vc = collision or impact velocity [m/s] s = stand-off distance = length of air gap between the inner rod and the flyer tube [m] This formula is based on the theory of linear motion with constant acceleration, as a part of the formula: 2. ^] \ = =[= $ (^;) ^; _ (3.2) Based on these equations, the process time is determined as: 2 Δs t= ( a (3.3) This theory is based upon the assumption that the acceleration during the process is constant, which in the case of the MPW process is not valid. Required pressure (ii) The transient discharge current flows through the coil windings, thus generating a magnetic field inside the coil. This magnetic field is concentrated to a narrow axial zone, where the workpiece is located. The transient magnetic field induces currents in the flyer tube. Consequently, the magnetic field exerts a Lorentz force on the current conducting tube. This Lorentz force acts on the part of the tube, where currents are induced. The axial length over which the force acts, is equal to the length that the tube overlaps with the field shaper, hence the name ‘overlap length’. As the Lorentz forces 26 are a direct consequence of the magnetic field, they are associated with a magnetic pressure. This magnetic pressure, exerted on the flyer tube both deforms and accelerates the tube. So, the total required pressure (P) is calculated as the sum of these two components: d = deW2 + dT\\ (3.3) With: Pdef = Pressure required for the deformation of the flyer tube Pacc =Pressure required for the acceleration of the flyer tube Deformation Pressure The calculation of the pressure required to deform the flyer tube is based on the theory of thin walled pressure vessels (equation 3.4). A radial pressure acts on the tube, which is regarded as a thin-walled vessel with radius R and thickness t. deW2 = 2 . ; . fgh (3.4) With: R = average flyer tube radius = (Rout+Rin)/2 [mm] t = flyer tube thickness[mm] σUTS = ultimate tensile strength of the material [N/mm2] Several remarks can be made on this formula proposed by Pulsar. First of all, the formula for thinwalled vessels is valid only for elastic deformations. The tubes deform plastically during electromagnetic compression. It is also assumed that during compression, the circumferential stresses in the flyer tube reach the ultimate tensile strength of the tube material (at which fracture should occur). The tube will deform plastically when the compressive circumferential stresses reach the material’s yield strength. Finally, the formula assumes that the pressure is exerted over the entire axial length of the tube or vessel. In the MPW process, the radial pressure acts only on the overlap length (Figure 3.2). The diameter of the tube is thus not uniformly reduced. In reality, the tubes deformation behaviour is very complicated. Figure 3.2: Geometry of the flyer tube and inner rod. Magnetic pressure acts only on the part of the tube that overlaps with the field shaper. 27 Acceleration Pressure As mentioned before, the flyer tube velocity at impact is chosen. Below a certain limit, no jet will be created and the process will not result in a weld [9] [1]. The tube must be accelerated from standstill to the chosen impact velocity (vc) over the stand-off distance. The pressure required to accelerate the tube, is calculated based on the assumptions that the movement of the tube is linear and that no other forces act on the tube. Equation (3.5) states that when a total force F acts on an object of mass m, this object will be accelerated with acceleration a (in the direction of the total force). The mass of the flyer tube that is accelerated is calculated as the product of the tube volume and the density of the tube material. It is important to note that the Lorentz forces only act on the overlap length, so it is assumed that only this part of the tube is accelerated. = _ . [ = (2 ; i). [ (3.5) With: F = force [N] R = average flyer tube radius[m] l = overlap length [m] t = tube thickness [m] ρ=density of tube material [kg/m3] a = acceleration [m/s2] The force F, which causes the acceleration, originates from magnetic pressure acting on the tube’s outer surface A. dT\\ = = 9 2 (3.6) ; . i . j\ $ 2 .] (3.7) So, the pressure (Pacc) required for the acceleration can be calculated by substituting equation (3.1) and (3.5) into equation (3.6): dT\\ = In the MPW process, the mass of the flyer tube is not accelerated linearly. First of all because the magnetic pressure acting on it is strongly time-dependent (as discussed further in this chapter). In addition, the tube resists against deformation by deforming elastically and (mostly) plastically. Furthermore, the influence of the static part of the flyer tube is not taken into account. The radial pressure acts on the overlap length, and the tube material located to the left of the inner rod collar on Figure 3.2 cannot move. The static part will exert forces on the accelerated part of the flyer tube, causing resistance against deformation. The open end of the tube (right side of the tube on Figure 3.2) will accelerate the fastest and impact first, because the resistance against deformation is the smallest at this location. Because the deformation process is continuous, the entire tube does not impact the rod at the same moment in time. An FE simulation of the deformation profile of the flyer tube during electromagnetic compression is shown in Figure 3.3 [19]. 28 Figure 3.3: Deformation profile of the flyer tube during electromagnetic compression Magnetic pressure The magnetic pressure accelerates and deforms the tube. By substituting equations (3.4) and (3.7) in equation (3.3), the magnetic pressure equals the sum of both components: d = dVTkJWSl\ = ; . m i . j\ $ 2 . fgh + n 2 .] (3.8) Magnetic Field (iii) As previously explained, the transient magnetic field is the cause of the induced currents in the tube, and of the Lorentz force acting on the conducting tube (which can be regarded as a current loop). The Lorentz forces are associated with a magnetic pressure. So, the pressure exerted on the tube is a direct consequence of the magnetic field. Magnetic pressure is in fact an energy density associated with a magnetic field. The magnetic field strength between the tube and the rod is much smaller than the field strength between the tube and field shaper. The gradient in field strength gives rise to a magnetic pressure that compresses the tube radially inwards. The magnetic pressure is calculated by Pulsar with the assumption that the field strength between the flyer tube and inner rod is negligible: d= $ 2. (3.9) 29 With: Pmagn = magnetic pressure [Pa] B = magnetic field [T] μ0 = magnetic permeability of free space = 4π×10−7 H/m Solving equation (3.9) for B yields: = 2. . . d (3.10) Substituting the required magnetic pressure from equation (3.8) into equation (3.10) yields: = (2. . . ; . m i . j\ $ 2 . fgh + n 2 .] (3.11) Current and charging voltage (iv) The magnetic field originates from the discharge current that flows through the coil and field shaper. The MPW machine allows setting only one parameter: the charging voltage over the capacitor bank. The machine, field shaper and workpiece form one electrical discharge circuit. The charging voltage is thus directly related to the discharge current that flows through the coil. The coil current induces a current in the field shaper, which is located inside the coil. The discharge current flowing through the coil windings generates a magnetic field. The field shaper concentrates the field to a narrow axial zone where the flyer tube is located, thus increasing the field magnitude at the welding zone. The relation between the discharge current and the magnetic field strength inside the field shaper is very difficult to calculate analytically. The Pulsar calculations regarding the currents are not fully understood. They involve the calculation of the current density on the inside field shaper surface. The total current flowing on the inside surface of the field shaper Itotal [A], is calculated as the sum of separate components: oSxSTG = oy.z. + 2. oWJe = o + 2. o△ + 2. oWJe (3.12) The following equations allow for the calculation of the total field shaper current. p. ] q1 − r 2 2 p t1 − ln (2)w o∆ = $ p oWJe = $ Qln @ B + 0,423X 2] o= With the magnetic flux: $ p = . 9 = . . (\xlG − $ ) (3.13) (3.14) 30 With: B = magnetic field between field shaper and flyer tube [T] Φ = magnetic flux [Wb] Rcoil = radius of the coil [m] Combining equations (3.12) up to (3.14), the following relation is obtained: oSxSTG = $ 2. . (\xlG − $ ) ] 1 . Q }1 − ~ + (1 − M2 + ln @ B + 0,423)X 4] 2 2] (3.15) The equations in (3.13) describe the current distribution on the inner surface of the field shaper. The shape of the current distribution can be motivated by multi-physics FE simulations. The exact analytical calculations (3.13) are however not fully understood. Alternating electric current has the tendency to distribute itself within a conductor so that the current density near the surface of the conductor is greater than at its core. This is called the skin effect [16]. In several FE simulations, the current density on the field shaper inner surface was calculated. It was observed that the current density is much higher towards the edges [16] [27]. An example is shown further in this chapter, in Figure 3.23. The only figure given by Pulsar to clarify their proposed calculations is shown in Figure 3.4 (left) [26]. Because of the simulation results indicating higher current densities at the edges and the analogy with Figure 3.23, it was concluded that the Figure 3.4 represents a simplification of the current density of the inner field shaper surface. The right figure of Figure 3.4 clarifies this. The partition of the current density into Iwz, Iend, IΔ, and I, is probably used to simplify calculations. There was no discussion on the analytical calculations in the documents provided by Pulsar. Figure 3.4: Simplified current distribution in field shaper [26]. 31 It can be seen that in equation (3.13) and (3.15) the dimensions are not correct. Pulsar claims that the dimension of all the currents in (3.13) is Ampère [A]. In equation (3.16), the SI unit of the ratio ϕ/μ0 is calculated in brackets: q r tw 9 = = = t9. _w q r q $r _ 9 (3.16) It is clear that of the three currents in equation (3.13), only IΔ and Iend are expressed in [A]. Current I is expressed in [A.m]. Therefore, equation (3.15) is not valid, as it is a sum of terms with different units. In addition, it would only make sense to calculate the current at the inner field shaper surface, with the assumption that the magnetic field between the tube and the inner field shaper surface is generated by this current. Indeed, in the calculation of the magnetic pressure, the field strength inside the flyer tube was assumed negligibly small. Therefore the parameter Rcoil should be chosen as the inner radius of the field shaper, not as the coil radius. Several attempts were undertaken to receive clarification by Pulsar, unfortunately without satisfying response. The frequency of the discharge current can be calculated as: = 1 2. . √L. (3.17) With: f = frequency of the discharge current [Hz] C = total capacitance of capacitor bank [C] L = total inductance of the system [H] The final step is to calculate the charging voltage from the total discharge current. j= With: = oSxSTG . L (3.18) oSxSTG,,VWTU4We oSxSTG,,VWTU4We = oSxSTG,,SWx4WSl\ 2. . . L. j (3.19) I1 = first current peak [A] δ = system attenuation coefficient [-] V= charging voltage [V] Another definition for the attenuation coefficient was given: With: I1 = first current peak [A] I3= third current peak [A] = > oSxSTG, ? oSxSTG," .$ (3.20) 32 The charging energy is the energy (E) stored in the capacitor bank after the charging process and can be calculated as: 8= L j$ 2 (3.21) 3.2.4 Discussion The model proposed by Pulsar is (at this moment) the only analytical model available to describe the entire MPW process. However, after critical evaluation it is obvious that several simplifications and assumptions made in this model, limit the accuracy of its predictions. The most important simplification, on which the entire Pulsar model is built, is that the time-dependency of the MPW process is completely neglected. First of all, the acceleration is assumed to be constant. This would require the magnetic pressure exerted on the flyer tube to be constant. However, this magnetic pressure originates from the damped sinusoidal current through the coil. Because the magnetic field is a sinusoidal damped wave, the magnetic pressure exerted on the flyer tube is time-dependent (pressure pulses, discussed further in this chapter). As a consequence, the acceleration is also time-dependent. In addition, the magnetic pressure wave will decrease in amplitude because the air gap increases during the compression of the tube. For accurate determination of the impact velocity, velocity as a function of time should be calculated. This is only possible if the deformation behaviour of the tube is fully understood and can be modeled analytically. In the Pulsar model, the pressure required for deformation is determined in a simplified way. It is calculated as the pressure for which the ultimate tensile strength is reached in a thin walled cylindrical tube subjected to radial compression. This formula can solely be used in case of linear elastic deformations and the simplification would suggest that the pressure compresses the entire tube with a radial displacement equal to the stand-off distance. In reality only one end of the tube is plastically compressed, and this at an extremely large deformation speed. As stated before, several calculations in this simplified model were not fully understood. Because insufficient support was given by Pulsar, uncertainty still exists regarding the correctness of these particular calculations. 33 3.3 Electrical circuit 3.3.1 Introduction The electrical discharge circuit consists of the capacitor bank, wires, the coil and the workpieces. The circuit has been modeled with the goal of calculating the discharge current. Different types of circuit models can be found in literature. There is no consensus as to which model would be optimal. It is a trade-off between a large number of parameters, leading to a precise model but rather difficult to apply and with less insight in which effects actually occur, and on the other hand a rather elementary model with few parameters. The RLC circuit is the most cited model in literature. 3.3.2 RLC circuit Circuit description The electrical discharge circuit can be modeled as an RLC circuit. In this electrical circuit, C represents the total capacitance of the capacitor bank, R the equivalent resistance of the electrical circuit (circuit wires, coil and workpiece) and L the equivalent inductance (circuit, coil, field shaper and workpiece). The advantage of this model is that it is easy to work with, as there are a very limited number of parameters. The relationships between variables are obvious, which leads to an improved insight of the key process variables. The RLC circuit, shown schematically in Figure 3.5, is e.g. used in [28], [29] and [30]. Figure 3.5: RLC circuit An essentially similar representation of the electrical circuit is shown in Figure 3.6. R0 and L0 are the natural resistance, respectively the natural inductance of the discharge circuit. LE is the equivalent inductance and RA the active resistance of the work piece-inductor system. The term workpiece-inductor system is used to describe the system combining the workpiece, coil and field shaper (if present). In the figure of the circuit, an additional resistance RF is depicted. This is a very 34 small (and thus negligible) resistance, used for the current measurement. RF will not be taken into account, as the current measurement in this thesis uses a Rogowski coil [31] [32]. Figure 3.6: RLC circuit, similar to Figure 3.5 The analogy with the RLC model of Figure 3.5 can be explained because these resistances and inductances should be modeled in series. Indeed, when the workpiece is put in the discharge circuit, the current in the workpiece is induced by the coil current. According to the law of electromagnetic induction, the current in the workpiece is reverse to the current in the coil. So the work piece should be regarded as an inductor installed in series with the coil in the discharge circuit. Therefore the total inductance and total resistance are given by: = + = + A (3.22) This reduces this model to the original RLC circuit [31]. Circuit Analysis Kirchoff’s second law states that the directed sum of the electrical potential differences around any closed circuit must be zero. The electrical circuit does not contain an external voltage source. The capacitor bank is charged to a certain initial voltage, as required for a successful welding process. Applying this to the RLC circuit yields: (;) + (;) + (;) = 0 ∀; (3.23) Deriving this equation to time leads to the differential equation of an RLC circuit without an external voltage source: $ 1 (;) + . (;) + (;) = 0 $ ; ; L ∀; (3.24) $ (;) + 2. (;) + $ (;) = 0 ; $ ; ∀; (3.25) This differential equation can be simplified by introducing two parameters: β (damping factor) and ωc (current angular frequency). This substitution yields the following equation governing the RLC circuit: 35 with: = = 2. 1 (3.26) √. L As stated previously, there is no external voltage source in the circuit. The operator of the MPW machine manually sets the initial voltage across the capacitor bank. At the start of the process, there will be no current flowing through the circuit. Equation (3.25) can be solved for the current waveform, using the two initial conditions: at the start of discharge no current flows through the circuit and the capacitor bank is charged to voltage V0. (; = 0) = 0 \ (; = 0) = . (; = 0) = j ; → j (; = 0) = ; (3.27) The current can be expressed as a time function: (;) = j . C :S . sin ( ;) = $ − $ (3.28) The discharge current is a damped sinusoidal wave as shown in Figure 3.7. Three variables determine the circuit (R, L and C), however only the capacitance of the capacitor bank is known in advance. The producer of the MPW machine can provide its value. The capacitance is in most cases not fixed, as the capacitor bank exists of multiple capacitors connected in parallel. Therefore separate capacitors can be disabled and it is possible to obtain a different capacitance. In practice this total capacitance will be a multitude of the capacitance of a single capacitor. Values of resistance and inductance are in most cases not available beforehand. Analytical equations to estimate the inductance of multi-turn coils and of field shapers were found in[33]. The two parameters (R and L) can also be estimated by a current measurement. The measurement of the discharge current waveform is discussed in Chapter 4: a Rogowski coil is placed around the wires connecting the capacitor bank and the coil. The current passing through the Rogowski coil will be measured and visualised on the computer by a digital oscilloscope. Measuring the current is essential in the RLC circuit model used in this thesis, because it is possible to extract the resistance and the inductance from the current waveform. Given the measured current waveform of Figure 3.7, the two parameters β (damping factor) and ωc (angular frequency of the discharge current) can be extracted. The current is a damped sine wave, and the relation between the frequency (fC), the angular frequency (ωC) and the period (TC) is: = 2 = 2 (3.29) The parameter ωc can be found by extracting Tc from the current measurement. The local peak values (positive and negative) are reached at fixed time intervals: Tc/4, 3Tc/4, 5Tc/4, 7Tc/4, etc. and 36 the current is momentarily zero at multiples of Tc/2. So, Tc/2 is simply the time interval between two peak values of the current, or between two points of zero-current. As the amplitude of the wave decreases exponentially, only the first couple of peak values are accurately measurable. Figure 3.7: Measured current waveform[34]. The value of β can be determined by taking the ratio of the first two peak values of the current. The first peak is positive and occurs at tpeak,1=Tc/4; the second peak is negative and occurs at tpeak,2=3 Tc/4. According to the calculated time function i(t), this ratio can be expressed as: g FWT (;FWT ) = =C $ FWT$ (;FWT$ ) (3.30) Using equation (3.30), it is possible to make a good estimate of the damping factor β: FWT B FWT$ (3.31) 1 + $) = 2. . (3.32) = 2. ln @ The experimentally determined values for β and ωc can be used to determine values for the inductance L and resistance R, using equations (3.26) and (3.28) = L. ($ In conclusion: the value of C is given by the capacitance of the MPW machine, and L and R can be obtained by a current measurement (using a Rogowski coil). These three values R, L and C determine the complete electrical circuit, representing the machine and the workpiece. By choosing the initial voltage, the current waveform can be obtained as shown above. 37 Time-dependency The equivalent inductance and resistance of the workpiece-inductor system are time-variant during the electromagnetic forming process. Therefore the electrical circuit can strictly not be regarded as a RLC circuit. However, studies show that most of the energy is transferred to the workpiece during the first period of the electromagnetic pressure wave [31]. As the pressure frequency is twice the current frequency, this suggests that most energy is transferred in the first half period of the current. In addition, the stand-off distance is small so the deformation of the workpiece will be relatively limited. Taking these two arguments into account, it can be assumed that inductance and resistance will not show extreme variations during the process, so an RLC circuit gives a qualitative model to calculate the discharge current [31]. The effect of flyer tube deformation on the current waveform is of importance to realise which effects are neglected when using the RLC model. Due to Lenz’s Law, the current in the workpiece is reverse to the current in the coil. The workpiece can be regarded as an inductor installed in against the coil in the discharge circuit. The presence of a workpiece essentially reduces the equivalent inductance [31]. During the process, the flyer tube is compressed, which results in an increase of the radial gap between the workpiece (flyer tube) and the coil (or field shaper). This motion leads to an increase of the equivalent inductance. Both current amplitude and frequency are affected by this, as illustrated in Figure 3.8 [29]. The influence of the distance (denoted as h) between the workpiece (flat sheet) and the inductor (spiral coil) extensively investigated in [31] by means of experiments. The resistance and inductance were calculated as described in §, for different values of h (which was kept constant during each experiment). The experimental data was fitted to an exponential function, as shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.8: Influence of flyer tube deformation on coil current waveform [29] 38 Figure 3.9: Variation of L and R with h [31] The results clearly show that the inductance increases and the resistance decreases when the distance between workpiece and inductor increases. Both curves converge to a constant value, representative for the situation without a work piece. Note that the relative increase of L with h is significantly larger than the relative decrease of R with h. For example, comparing the measurements at h=0 mm to those at h=150 mm: L increases from 6 μH to 23 μH (283% increase), while R decreases from 104 mΩ to 72 mΩ (only 31% decrease). So, the resistance will not vary as much as the inductance when the workpiece is deformed. As a result the peak current will decrease slightly, as illustrated in Figure 3.10 (left). The damping factor of the current decreases very sharply, which is also illustrated in Figure 3.10 (right). By the same comparison (h=0 mm to h=150 mm), the peak current decreases with 22,5% and the damping factor decreases with 76%. It should be noted that the calculated variations render qualitative insight, but that the exact values cannot be transferred to another MPW machine (as they are dependent on the geometry of the setup). Figure 3.10: Variation of peak current and damping factor with h [31] Conclusion The RLC model for the electrical discharge circuit can be used for the magnetic pulse compression of tubular workpieces. It renders a quick estimation of the waveform of the discharge current. V0, the 39 initial voltage, is chosen for each experiment. The capacitance (C) is inherent to the MPW machine. The resistance (R) and the inductance (L) need to be determined experimentally through a measurement of the current waveform. One must realize that the inductance and resistance depend on the geometry of the field shaper and workpiece, and will even change during the process. Based on the discussion in the previous paragraph, the variation of the resistance is expected to be of less importance than the variation of the inductance. These values, L in particular, will show variation if there is a difference in: • flyer tube material (shielding) • field shaper geometry or material • workpiece geometry (stand-off distance, overlap length) The variations do not imply that the RLC circuit should be abandoned. When using a single MPW machine, an effective method would be to perform current measurements for a set of geometries and materials for each field shaper. Using curve fitting, a function could be extracted to model the influence of the above parameters on the value of the equivalent inductance L. Once this function has been determined, an accurate prediction of the current waveform can be made for each set of future experiments. 3.3.3 Other electrical circuit models More complex circuit models are found in literature. They are solely used for FE calculations, never for analytical equations. An example of a detailed circuit model is shown in Figure 3.11. This electrical circuit models contains thirteen parameters and is used in [33] and [16]. Figure 3.11: Circuit model used for FE simulations This model approaches reality more accurately, but the large number of parameters makes it unsuitable for analytical models. The determination of these parameters is a rather elaborate task, as discussed in [16]. The frequency dependent parameters, are calculated both analytically and using the multi-physics FE model (for comparison). The analytical formulae for the inductance of the coil use the Nagaoka coefficient. [16] states that quite large differences are found between the FE results and the Nagaoka formula. 40 3.4 Electromagnetic energy transfer 3.4.1 Coil The discharge current, as calculated in the previous section, flows through the coil. Within the coil an axial magnetic field ― proportional to the current ― will originate. Figure 3.12 shows the magnetic field lines. Because the current is time-dependent, the magnetic field will also be a function of time. The presence of a field shaper makes the analytical model more difficult to establish. The field shaper is generally used to concentrate the magnetic field, by increasing the magnetic field amplitude in a smaller region. The effect of the field shaper will be discussed in the next section. In this section we will not take its effect on the magnetic field into account. Figure 3.12: Magnetic field lines in a solenoid coil [35] A solenoid coil with length L and N turns, conducting a current i(t) will induce a magnetic field, which can be calculated according to Ampère’s Law: (;) = o(;) (3.33) With: B= magnetic flux density [T] I= current [A] l=coil length (axial length) [m] N=number of windings μ=μ0 . μr = magnetic permeability [H/m] μ0 =4π.10-7 H/m = magnetic permeability of vacuum [H/m] μr = relative magnetic permeability In an ideal solenoid, with large length relative to its diameter and no separation between windings, the magnetic field can be assumed nearly uniform (constant in magnitude and along the axial direction) inside the cross-section of the coil [36]. However, in the larger magnetic pulse welding machines, the currents are extremely high (>100 kA). Therefore solenoid coils are no longer applicable. For the MPW process single turn coils or multi-turn coils with a low number of windings are mostly applied, often in combination with a field shaper (inserted in the coil). On the left of Figure 3.13, the single-turn coil is shown, and on the right a multi-turn coil with 5 windings. 41 Figure 3.13: Single-turn coil (left) and multi-turn coil (right) The problem with these larger coils is that they have no standard geometry, like solenoids. Currents are very high, so the conducting coil metal is no longer in the form of wires (Figure 3.13), and the spacing between windings is relatively large. Also, the coil length relative to its diameter is smaller, which increases the stray fields. The magnetic field is strictly a function of axial and radial position. This is probably too complicated to be taken into account in the analytical model. In conclusion, the coils are often custom made and as a result no general formulae are available for the expression of the magnetic field. In theory the relation between magnetic field and current is determined only by the geometry of both coil and workpiece (which determines air gaps). (;) = (C_C;# & #ZCC). o(;) (3.34) The magnetic field in the gap between coil and workpiece is proportional to the discharge current, and the conversion factor is a constant, based on geometrical parameters. An analytical equation for the conversion factor was found in [37]. Figure 3.14 shows the equation and geometry of the multi-turn coil. Note the many geometrical parameters that have been taken into account. The formula is presumably no longer valid if a field shaper is used. It is not known if the formula is valid in the case of a single turn coil (only 1 broad coil winding and the workpiece length exceeds coil length). If it is valid, it could be directly used in the analytical model for the single-turn coil where no field shaper is present. 42 Figure 3.14: Analytical equation for the conversion factor between current and magnetic field in between coil and workpiece [37]. 3.4.2 Magnetic pressure The damped oscillating current through the coil (i1 in Figure 3.15) generates an axial transient magnetic field inside the coil. Often a field shaper is used to concentrate the magnetic field in the welding zone. The field shaper is built with a radial slit. The induced current flows on the surface. According to Lenz’s law, eddy currents will be induced in the field shaper (i2). This current flows on the inner surface (near the workpiece) because of the radial slit in the field shaper, as shown in Figure 3.15. A current is also induced in the tube (i3). The magnetic pressure will be discussed for the configuration with only a forming coil, but no field shaper. The field shaper will be discussed in the next section. Figure 3.15: Coil(1), field shaper(2) and tubular workpiece(3) [4] 43 The induced currents in the tube flow in the circumferential direction and opposite to the coil current (Lenz’s Law). The magnetic field between the coil and the tube is directed axially, and thus perpendicular to the tube current. An electromagnetic Lorentz force acts on the flyer tube, which is directed radially inwards (direction of the vectorial product of the tube current and the magnetic field). As a consequence, the tube is accelerated away from the coil and collides with the inner tube. The Lorentz force is useful for a single wire, but not for the analytical modelling of the process. Therefore, the concept of magnetic pressure is applied, because the pressure acting on the tube is a consequence of the transient magnetic field. In the Pulsar model, the following equation is proposed for the magnetic pressure exerted on the flyer tube: dVTkJ = With: Pmagn = magnetic pressure [Pa] μ=magnetic permeability [H/m] B= magnetic flux density [T] 1 $ 2 (3.35) This equation is derived from the energy density associated with the magnetic field, taking into account that B=μ0H: With: B = magnetic flux density [T] H = magnetic field intensity [A/m]1 dVTkJ = 1 . 2 (3.36) Equation (3.35) assumes that the magnetic field between the flyer tube and the inner workpiece is negligibly small. In reality, this is not always accurate. Taking into account that the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the flyer tube is of significant value, a more correct equation is proposed in [38]. It should be noted that in these equations the magnetic field is time-dependent, as it is caused by a time-dependant current. dVTkJ = 1 1 ($ − l$ ) = ($ − l$ ) 2 2 (3.37) With: Pmagn = magnetic pressure [Pa] μ =magnetic permeability [H/m] Bu = magnetic flux density between flyer tube and coil (or field shaper, if present) [T] Bi = magnetic flux density between inner tube and flyer tube [T] Hu = magnetic field intensity between flyer tube and coil (or field shaper, if present) [A/m] Hi = magnetic field intensity between inner tube and flyer tube [A/m] In order for the previous equation to be useful, an analytical expression must be obtained for the magnetic field between inner workpiece and flyer tube. The magnetic field between the coil and the 1 The term ‘magnetic field’ is used for two different vector fields, denoted B and H. There are many alternative names for both. To avoid confusion in the formulas in this section, B will be denoted as magnetic flux density and H as magnetic field intensity. The term magnetic field is used in the text for the B-field [79] [80] [81] 44 flyer tube differs from that between the flyer tube and the inner workpiece, due to the shielding effect [34]. :S With: t = thickness of flyer tube [m] δ = skin depth [m] l = . C (3.38) The skin depth of a material is defined as the depth below the surface of the material at which the current density decays to 1/e of the current density at the surface, as discussed in Chapter 2. It can be calculated as: = 1 (3.39) With: δ = skin depth [m] f = current frequency [Hz] μ = magnetic permeability [H/m] κ = electrical conductivity of flyer tube material [S] Quantification of the skin depth δ simplifies the expression for the magnetic pressure [34]: dVTkJ = :$S 1 $ (1 − C ) 2 (3.40) With: Pmagn = magnetic pressure [Pa] Bu = magnetic flux density between flyer tube and coil (or field shaper, if present) [T] t = thickness of flyer tube [m] δ = skin depth [m] It is clear that the magnetic pressure exerted on the tube is proportional to the square of the magnetic field in the air gap (between tube and coil/field shaper). Because the discharge current is a sinusoidal damped wave, so is the magnetic field. The pressure wave is shown in Figure 3.16, together with the current waveform. Figure 3.16: Discharge current and magnetic pressure [9]. 45 The pressure wave has a frequency which is double of the current frequency, and is positive at all times. This can be explained by the fact that when the current changes direction, both the magnetic field and the induced current in the tube change direction. The Lorentz force consequently remains directed inwards. It should be noted that there is a small decrease in magnitude and frequency of the magnetic field due to the deformation of the workpiece (§ 3.4.3 Field shaper The purpose of a field shaper is to concentrate the magnetic field in the welding zone. It essentially increases the amplitude of the magnetic field, in a smaller region (axially). In most cases it will be used with multi-turn coils, for focusing the widely-spread current from many windings onto a small work-zone. In single-turn coils, there is usually no need for a field shaper, as the current flows directly to the work zone of the coil. The coil shape can be directly modified in this case. The field shaper material must have a combination of sufficient electrical conductivity and mechanical endurance against pulse loads and thermal shock. Tantalum and Copper-Beryllium are widely used. Its lower cost (despite the slightly lower service life) makes Cu-Be the most economical choice[39]. The principle of the field shaper was briefly discussed in the previous section (Figure 3.15). The field shaper is located inside the multi-turn coil, as shown in Figure 3.17. Figure 3.17: The field shaper is located inside the multi-turn coil. The magnetic flux is concentrated, resulting in a larger B-field in the inside of the field shaper (at the welding zone) [16]. The discharge current flowing by the coil windings induces a current in the field shaper, which is located inside the coil. The conducting coil generates a magnetic field. The axial length of the field shaper on the inside is much smaller that at the outside. As a result, the magnetic flux, generated by the coil, flows through a smaller cross-section. The field shaper thus concentrates the field to a narrow axial zone, thus increasing the field magnitude at the welding zone. Figure 3.18 shows a comparison of the magnetic field with and without field shaper. The curve with dots indicates the field inside a coil with length 40 mm and the curve with squares indicates the field inside a field shaper with length 15mm, which is placed in the center of the coil. 46 Figure 3.18: The magnetic field at the welding zone is increased in magnitude by the field shaper[27] Analytical equations The main question for the analytical model is by how much does the magnetic field increase because of the field shaper? In [27] an expression is determined by FE analysis to express the correlation between the current and the magnetic field it induces: = ,o (9W22 ) (3.41) With: I = current amplitude [A] B = magnetic flux density inside the coil [T] K = constant depending on the geometrical, material and electrical characteristics f (Aef f ) =enhancement factor [H/m2] The factor K depends on geometrical, material and circuit parameters. The enhancement factor is shown in Figure 3.19 as a function of the ratio of the length of the field shaper nodule (= length of the working zone) to the length of the forming coil. The enhancement factor is almost independent of the inner radius of the field shaper. Because no further information is given for the calculation of K, and it is not clear from the article which current is denoted as I, this formula is not applicable in practice [27]. Pulsar suggests the following formula to calculate the field shaper efficiency (I), based on its geometry (Figure 3.20) [39]: I= With: B=axial length of field shaper[m] a= work-zone radius[mm] b=work-zone width[mm] α=angle of focusing[˚] [. sin (¡) + 1 − cos (¡) (3.42) 47 Figure 3.19: Enhancement factor of the magnetic field [27] Figure 3.20: Geometrical parameters for the calculation of the field shaper efficiency [39]. The article states that greater efficiency results in a stronger magnetic field in the work-zone, for any given energy. However it is not clear which efficiency is defined by this equation. The maximum efficiency is reached for α= 45˚. For α<45˚there will be more current losses on the conical sides, and for α>45˚, a higher impedance reduces the current. [39] But the article states that for best magnetic focusing, α=90˚ is preferred, as shown on the left of Figure 3.21. The only problem with this kind of shape is its mechanical strength. Due to shock stresses, the field shaper will not last for many cycles. Cracks will form in the sharp corners and the work-zone edges will flatten. As a trade-off, the angle is chosen between 45˚ and 90˚, shown on the right of Figure 3.21. However, for the two types of field shaper examples given in this document, the magnetic field level only changes by about 4% [39]. Again, despite several attempts, no clarification was received by Pulsar. 48 ° ° Figure 3.21: Angle of focusing; left α =90 - right 45º<α<90 [39] Radial slit Field shapers are constructed with a radial slit for functionality. The slit allows the current to flow as shown in Figure 3.15. The complication is that the magnetic field will be significantly reduced at the slit region. The effect of the slit was reported in several articles based on results of FE calculations. The magnetic field strength around the periphery of the gap between the field shaper and the workpiece is not uniform, as can be seen in Figure 3.22. The field strength is lower around the slit region. On the right of Figure 3.22, the Lorentz force distribution over the workpiece circumference is shown. The Lorentz force and consequently the magnetic pressure exerted on the tube are reduced at the slit region [40]. At OCAS, an FE model is implemented for the equipment at BWI. Figure 3.23 shows the current distribution as a function of the axial position along the inner surface of the field shaper: the higher curve far away from the radial slit, the lower curve at the radial slit region. The axial length of the inside surface of the field shaper is 15mm. The current density, and consequently the magnetic field, is lower at the slit region. It is also observed that the higher current density is higher at the sides of the surface [16]. This detrimental effect of the radial slit might result in a deviation of the deformation of the flyer tube. In the experiments performed in this thesis, possible phenomena associated with the decrease in magnetic pressure at the slit region were investigated. The observations are discussed in detail in Chapter 6. The weld defects were consistently found at the crack positions of the damaged field shaper, but very few were observed at the slit region. If weld interruptions occurred, they were very small (< 2 mm). In addition, roundness measurements did not confirm the buckling effect, suggested in [17]. So, it is probably not necessary to invest much more research on the phenomena associated with the slit. In addition, it is too difficult to incorporate the effects of the slit region into the analytical model. 49 Figure 3.22: Distribution of magnetic field strength along the periphery in the gap between the field shaper and the workpiece (left), and vectorial depiction of the Lorentz force distribution over the workpiece circumference (right) [40]. Figure 3.23: Current distribution as a function of the axial position along the inner surface of the field shaper. The higher curve is calculated far away from the radial slit, the lower curve at the radial slit region. The current density, and consequently the magnetic field, is significantly lower at the slit region [16]. 50 Conclusion Similar to the custom coils, no general analytical equations were found for field shapers (which can be applied to any geometry). However, finite element simulations offer an alternative. The linear relation between the B-field and the current exists in the case of coil and workpiece (equation 3.34). The linearity also exists in the case of coil, field shaper and workpiece. Because only the amplitude is affected by the field shaper presence, only the conversion factor will be different: (;) = (C_C;# , C ]ℎ[ZC# & #ZCC). o(;) (3.43) The magnetic field in the gap between coil and workpiece is still proportional to the magnetic field, and the conversion factor is a constant, based on geometrical parameters. The model introduced into any FE simulation is of course based on the specific geometry of the coil, field shaper and workpiece. So, FE simulations are specific for the equipment used at each research facility. At OCAS, a model is developed for the MPW equipment at the Belgian Welding Institute. The model includes the exact coil, field shaper and workpiece geometry. In their report the effectiveness of the field shaper is determined, expressed as the ratio of the current in the coil over the current on the inner surface of the field shaper. For the Pulsar coil and field shaper geometry used at BWI, this ratio was determined to be 1,67. This is much less than the ideal factor 5 one would expect, based on the ratio of 5 windings of the coil over 1 “winding” of the field shaper [16]. Besides the ratio of the field shaper current to coil current, the calculation of the ratio of the magnetic field (between workpiece and field shaper) to the primary coil current would be useful to continue the analytical model. It has been requested to perform computations to obtain a value for the conversion factor, which characterizes the relation between magnetic B-field and current. 3.4.4 Magnetic field measurement In the course of this thesis a probe was developed to measure the magnetic field waveform between the workpiece and the field shaper. Combining the magnetic field measurement with the discharge current measurement, it was attempted to determine the relation between B-field and current experimentally. Some problems were encountered during the measurements. First, the calibration of the probe area was difficult. In addition, at high voltages, consecutive measurements at the same voltage level showed quite different signals. At low voltage levels, the measurement of the magnetic field as a function of time resulted in sinusoidal damped waveforms with the same frequency as the current. Also, the linearity between the current and the magnetic field was only found consistently at voltage levels lower than 12kV. The magnitude of the magnetic field differed slightly from that calculated with finite element analysis. The measurements are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The difficult calibration of the probe area is related to the high field strength in the MPW process, as the same problems were reported in literature. The irregularities found at higher voltage levels are possibly caused by the field shaper damage. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the measurements again with an undamaged field shaper. With the measurements, the development of the analytical model could be continued. In addition, they could be used as a tool to improve the accuracy of finite element simulation. 51 3.5 Deformation, acceleration and impact velocity 3.5.1 Deformation pressure In the model proposed by Pulsar, the acceleration is assumed to be constant. This assumption is not realistic, but has the important advantage that calculations can be simplified significantly. The magnetic pressure exerted on the tube both deforms and accelerates the tube radially inwards. With a constant acceleration, the pressure required for acceleration can also be assumed constant in time. The magnetic pressure can be calculated as a sum of two terms: acceleration pressure and deformation pressure. So, if an expression is found for the pressure required to plastically deform the tube and the magnetic pressure is calculated from the predicted discharge current, the acceleration pressure can be calculated. The equation suggested by Pulsar to calculate the magnitude of the required radial pressure to deform the workpiece (equation 3.4) is based on the linear-elastic theory of thin-walled vessels. Another equation was found in [40]: deW2x4V = [. With: = 0,5. exp ( [ ∈ w1,10t −0,5. y ) ¥xy 2 . 2− ¥ $ Q xy − 1X 3. (1 − + ) ℎy . Y (3.44) (3.45) σy = yield stress of tube material [N/mm2] Dow= tube outer radius[mm] hw= tube thickness[mm] lw = tube length[mm] Equation 3.44 is only valid for materials that do not possess strain-rate hardening. It is said that the factor a takes into account inertia effects, strain-hardening, through thickness stresses, anisotropy, etc. However, no analytical equation is given for a, so the formula cannot simply be applied. In reality, the tube deformation is mostly plastic and it occurs at high strain-rates. The pressure required to deform is difficult to calculate analytically, because simple linear-elastic models are not valid. In addition, only a part of the tube length (the overlap length) is subjected to the radial pressure, as illustrated in Figure 3.24. As a consequence, the tube will not deform uniformly over its length, as shown in Figure 3.25. The tube impacts the inner workpiece at a certain angle. 52 Figure 3.24: In magnetic pulse welding experiments, the magnetic acts only on the part of the tube that overlaps with the field shaper [33]. Figure 3.25: Cross-section of copper-aluminium tubular weld Because of the complicated nature of the deformation process, finite element analysis is often used to predict the tubes deformation behaviour, as shown in Figure 3.26 [41]. The FE techniques take high strain rates into account by applying the Johnson-Cook model (Chapter 2). [42] Figure 3.26: FE analysis is used as a tool to model the deformation behaviour of the tube [41] 53 3.5.2 Time-dependant acceleration and impact velocity The complex deformation behaviour adds difficulty in establishing an analytical expression for the impact velocity, because deformation and acceleration occur simultaneously. If the deformation pressure is neglected, equations can be formulated that describe the motion of the flyer tube, when subjected to a radial magnetic pressure. The calculations that are presented were developed in this thesis. Similar calculations were found in [28], for MPW welding of flat sheets. The discharge current is a sinusoidally damped wave, as shown in Figure 3.27: o(;)~ exp(−;) . sin ( ;) (3.46) (;)~ exp(−;) . sin ( ;) (3.47) Because the magnetic field in the gap between the tube and the field shaper is proportional to the discharge current: The conversion factor between the magnitude of B and I is still to be determined, as discussed in the previous paragraphs. Figure 3.27: Current waveform [28] The magnetic pressure is proportional to the square of the magnetic field, so: Z(;)~ exp(−2;) . sin$ ( ;) (3.48) The magnetic pressure is a wave with twice the frequency of the current, as shown in Figure 3.28. 54 Figure 3.28: Pressure waveform [28] If it is assumed that the pressure results only in acceleration (deformation is neglected), then according to Newton’s second law, the acceleration is: And by considering equation (3.48): [(;) = (;) 9 = . Z(;) _ _ [(;)~ exp(−2;) . sin$ ( ;) (3.49) (3.50) The time dependency of the acceleration is too important to neglect. Certainly if we consider that it is not known in advance after which time interval the flyer tube impacts the inner tube. Of course the value of the stand-off distance is known, as it is a parameter that can be chosen for each experiment. Integrating the acceleration yields an equation for the velocity as a function of time: S (;) = « [(;) ; (3.51) The velocity as a function of time is shown in Figure 3.29: the velocity profile is theoretical because deformation is not taken into account. Subsequent integration of the velocity as a function of time leads to an equation for the radial distance travelled by the flyer tube as a function of time. S S ](;) = ¬ [(;) ; = « (;) ; (3.52) 55 Figure 3.29: Velocity as a function of time [28] An example of the calculated displacement as a function of time is shown in Figure 3.30. This graph was calculated in Maple, using the equations in this paragraph. Figure 3.30: Displacement as a function of time Impact with the inner tube occurs after the flyer tube has travelled over a distance equal to the stand-off distance. By expressing that the distance at impact equals the stand-off distance, a value for the time interval can be obtained. This value is then substituted in the velocity function to obtain a value for the impact velocity. It is assumed that the sheet impacts within the first half period of the current wave, or equivalently within the first pressure pulse [28] [43]. Although the magnetic pressure acting on the tube is positive at all times, it decreases sharply at the end of the first pulse. When the magnetic pressure is small (but positive), the tubes resistance against deformation causes the tube to decelerate [40]. This is not taken into account in the calculations, nor in Figure 3.29, where in reality the velocity would start decreasing after approximately 70 μs or 80 μs. 56 Figure 3.31 shows a measurement of both primary discharge current and flyer plate velocity profile in a sheet welding experiment[23]. The flyer plate impacts at about 15 μs, which is slightly after the first current peak. Figure 3.31: Measured primary discharge current and flyer plate velocity in sheet welding (Cu-Al joint)[23]. By comparing the measured data from Figure 3.31 to Figure 3.29, it would suggest that impact would occur at approximately 80 μs in Figure 3.29. The calculated waveform of Figure 3.29 does not take deformation pressure into account, which would cause the velocity to start decreasing after 70 μs, as previously explained. Up to that moment in time, the shape of the measured velocity profile is in agreement with the calculated profile. The following graphs are simulation results of magnetic pulse tube compression by OCAS [16]. Figure 3.32 shows the radial velocity of the tube (left) and the radial displacement of the tube (right), during ‘free’ compression. Figure 3.33 shows the radial velocity of the tube (left) and the radial displacement of the tube (right), during compression against an inner workpiece. Both simulations were calculated in the axial center of the pressurised zone. During free compression the velocity decreases after reaching its maximum value (Figure 3.32). In the compression against an inner workpiece, impact occurs at 22 μs. The velocity has not yet started decreasing when the tube impacts the inner workpiece. The shape of the calculated velocity (Figure 3.29) and displacement (Figure 3.30) curves is similar to the simulated curves, but only during acceleration. The calculations do not take the tubes resistance against deformation into account. After the first pressure pulse, when the pressure becomes very small, the calculated velocity increases only slightly in the calculations. But in the simulations, it starts decreasing It should be noted that during the period where the velocity increases, the shape of both velocity and displacement curves are in agreement, but that they are both overestimated in magnitude by the calculation. The magnetic pressure is large enough not to cause deceleration, but the pressure to 57 deform the tube is still required, and not taken into account in the calculation. So, the acceleration is overestimated, and consequently also velocity and displacement. Figure 3.32: Radial velocity of the tube (left) and the radial displacement of the tube (right) during ‘free’ compression Figure 3.33: Radial velocity of the tube (left) and the radial displacement of the tube (right) during compression against inner workpiece If the stand-off distance is too small, the workpiece might not yet have reached sufficient velocity at impact. On the other hand, if the stand-off distance is too large, the workpiece might have already started decelerating when the impact occurs. It is important to realise that the occurrence of the deceleration for a given stand-off distance is dependent on the frequency of the current, and of its amplitude (which affects the pressure and acceleration). The frequency is primarily determined by the capacitance of the capacitor bank and by the transformer (if used). The amplitude is primarily determined by the voltage level. In [43], FE modelling is applied to investigate the frequency as a ‘tool’ to optimize the electromagnetic forming process. The frequency can be changed easily by changing the capacitance of the capacitor bank. Figure 3.34 shows the effect of frequency on the radial displacement profile in tubular crimping. Again, it can be seen in all curves that the velocity starts decreasing near the end of the displacement (v=dsr/dt). Similar to the previous comparison, it can be seen that the calculated deformation profile 58 (Figure 3.30) has the same shape as the simulated profile (Figure 3.34) during a certain period, after which the velocity starts decreasing. Figure 3.34: Effect of frequency on radial displacement radial profile [43] 3.5.3 Conclusion The equations shown in this paragraph incorporate the time-dependency of the acceleration. A shortcoming of the proposed equations is that deformation is not taken into account. The tube is also assumed to accelerate uniformly over its length. If the complex deformation behaviour is not taken into account, an analytical expression for the acceleration as a function of time could be established. Integration then leads to a time function of radial velocity and displacement. As the stand-off distance is set in advance, a value for the time interval can be obtained and used to estimate the impact velocity. If the stand-off distance is too small, the workpiece might not yet have reached sufficient velocity at impact. On the other hand, if the stand-off distance is too large, the workpiece might have already started decelerating when the impact occurs. Further research is needed to integrate the effect of deformation in the analytical model. 59 3.6 Conclusion Further research is needed to continue the development an analytical model, which takes the timedependency of the process into account. The RLC-circuit analysis can be applied to generate estimates for the discharge current. The variation of the parameters L and R can be investigated by analysing the current measurements. On-line measurements such as time-measurement and deformation measurement (Chapter 4) could provide valuable information. Finite element simulations, customised to the geometry of the experiments, can also be a valuable source of information. Simulation results found in literature are often not valid in general, and cannot be applied to develop an analytical model. In the currently applied workpiece geometry, FE simulations can be used to determine the relation between the magnetic field inside the air gap (between field shaper and flyer tube) and the discharge current. Also, estimates of the angle at which the tube impacts the inner rod can be generated. The calculations are currently being performed at OCAS. It is suggested to first perform simulations for simplified workpiece geometries, such as a tube, which is accelerated uniformly over its length (pressure acts on entire length). The tube does not even necessarily have to impact an inner rod. With this geometry, the analytical calculations are more accurate (no impact angle). If the simulation can provide functions of acceleration and/or velocity and/or displacement versus time, these results can be compared to the calculations using the analytical model as proposed in this section. Perhaps a correction factor could be found to correct the acceleration (and consequently velocity and distance functions) for the deformation pressure. So, first the analytical model should be adjusted based on the suggested simple workpiece geometries. Afterwards, it can be further developed to incorporate the deformation of a tube, pressurised only on the overlap length. 60 Chapter 4 Process Measurements 4.1 Introduction Several options are possible to gain new information about the MPW process. The first method is studying results from other research found in literature. Another approach is to perform experiments in the attempt to draw conclusions based on the results. The workpieces can be analysed after the MPW welding process is completed and can comprise a lot of information of what occurred during the process. This information is limited however. Many aspects of the MPW process – the magnitude of the magnetic field, the deformation behaviour of the tube and its velocity profile – cannot be determined from the analysis of the workpieces. The only way to gather more information on these parameters (which have an important influence on the weld) is to perform process measurements. Measurements during the course of the process are difficult for two reasons. The first major limitation is the duration of the welding process. The entire process, from the start of the current discharge to the final impact of the flyer tube on the internal workpiece, takes a few ten microseconds. No exact value of the total duration is known, but the frequency of the discharge current is 14 kHz (period=71,4 μs). The impact is assumed to occur within the first half period of the current [44]. The second problem with on-line measurements is the fact that the access to the inside of the coil, where the welding process occurs, is extremely difficult. The isolation and clamping devices of the tube and rod, hinder the use of measuring devices. In addition, there is almost no empty space inside the coil. Very few on-line measurements for the MPW process were found in literature. The measurement methods discussed in literature include: • • • • • High speed camera. Process duration measurement, using an electrical circuit. Tube deformation measurement, using laser beams. Photon doppler velocimetry, using laser beams. Magnetic field measurement, using fibre optic sensors. The second part of the chapter describes the two on-line measurements used in this thesis: • • Discharge current measurement, using a Rogowski coil and integrator. Magnetic field measurement, using a custom developed probe. 61 4.2 Literature Survey 4.2.1 High speed camera The development of ultra-high speed cameras opens new possibilities. Cameras were found with a speed up to 1 million frames per second. This means that an image can be taken every microsecond. Even if the total process duration is only 40 μs, this means that 40 photographs can be taken during the process. This would allow investigating the deformation behaviour of the flyer tube, as well as determining the exact duration of acceleration (from standstill to impact). The only problem with the use of a camera is that the inside of the coil is not within the line of sight. In applications of the MPW process for sheet joining, a flat spiral coil is located at only one side of the sheets, and photographs can be taken. In tube welding, the inside of the coil is not accessible for photography. 4.2.2 Process duration measurement A method to measure the collision speed in sheet welding experiments is described in [45]. In reality, the setup measures the duration of the process, rather than the collision speed. Using the measured time interval and assuming a uniform acceleration, the collision speed is calculated. The measurement circuit is shown in Figure 4.1. The voltage difference over the two sheets is measured using a digital oscilloscope. The cables connecting the sheets and the oscilloscope are coaxial cables, to prevent the magnetic field from disturbing the measurement. Figure 4.1: Circuit used to measure the time that the flyer plate accelerates during the MPW process for flat sheets. [45] When the impulse discharge current passes through the coil, a voltage is induced on the two work pieces by magnetic coupling between the coil and these work pieces. The magnitude of the voltage difference between the sheets is of no importance. When the two sheets are in contact (after impact) the circuit is shorted, and there will be no voltage difference. The oscilloscope will generate a graph of voltage versus time, and the duration that a voltage was measured is equal to the process (and acceleration) duration. Assuming that the sheet movement is a uniform acceleration motion, the collision speed just before impacting can be estimated by using the time travelling and stand-off distance. The time that the flyer tube travels before impacting the inner rod, can give valuable information. Especially in combination with the current measurement, the point in time (during the discharge) when impact occurs could be determined. This information could then be used to estimate the impact velocity more accurately, based on theoretical calculations that take into account the timedependant pressure. Then, optimal values for the stand-off distances could be determined. 62 This measurement uses a very simple circuit and it is realistic to implement in the MPW machine for tube welding. 4.2.3 Tube deformation measurement The inner and outer contours of the flyer tube can be measured after the forming operation using a microscope. The obtained geometry at the end of the deformation is not sufficient to allow accurate assumptions about the behaviour during the forming process. For this purpose, a setup was designed to measure the radial displacement of the flyer tube during compression in [44]. The on-line measurement system for tube compression is based on an optical principle. The setup is shown in Figure 4.2. A light source is located at one side of the workpiece in the axial direction. The amount of parallel light shining through the sample is detected by a PSD (position sensitive detector) and depends on the actual inner radius of the sample. This radius decreases during the deformation process. The output voltage of the PSD is proportional to the displacement of point A, in which the maximum deformation occurs. Because the forming process takes only a few ten microseconds, a very high time resolution was realized using a laser diode with line generator. The measurement has an accuracy of approximately 0,1 mm. It is important to note that the tubes in the experiments in [44] are compressed, but not with the intention of welding the tube to an inner workpiece. So, there is only one workpiece (the tube) and free space on the inside to allow the light from the source to reach the detector. The pressure is exerted in the middle of the tube (in the axial direction), causing it to deform symmetrically. Therefore, the deformation of one axial cross section can be measured. The same method was used in [38] to estimate the impact velocity. The position of the laser is not discussed in the measurement setup. In the MPW machine used in this thesis, clamping devices on both sides of the workpieces block the light from the source. In addition, the collar on the inner workpiece prevents the light to reach the detector. In conclusion, this method is not suitable to measure the tube deformation in asymmetrical welding experiments. It can be used for crimping experiments, but the clamping devices should be redesigned to for the laser light to pass. 4.2.4 Photon doppler velocimetry Photon Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) was used as a method to measure the impact velocity, as explained in [46] and [47]. The basic physics of the PDV is illustrated in Figure 4.3. A moving surface produces Doppler shifted light, which is then recombined with the incident light signal to produce a ‘beat frequency’. This beat frequency is proportional to the velocity of the moving surface, and can be analysed with digital equipment to create velocity versus time profiles. Though the principles are simple, the actual measurements are non-trivial and require very modern electronics. 63 The key components of the PDV system include: • • • • • • Laser: High power fiber laser with a very narrow spectral line width. Splitters: Divide laser output to several fiber optic ports for multi channel operations. Circulators: Directional fiber optic device guides light from the laser out to the probe and reflected light from the probe to the detector. Detectors: Short rise time biased photodetector, with high bandwidth. Probes: Collimating or focusing with built in reference partial reflection surface. Oscilloscope: This allows data recording (1 GHz frequency) for periods up to 2 ms on multiple channels. Figure 4.2: Setup for the measurement of the tube deformation during the magnetic pulse crimping process. The amount of parallel light shining through the sample is detected and depends on the actual inner radius of the sample. The output voltage of the detector is proportional to the displacement of point A, in which the maximum deformation occurs. [44] Figure 4.3: Schematic diagram of a Photon Doppler Velocimetry system. The arrows indicate the direction of the incident and reflection beam. [46] 64 In regards to data analysis, a Fourier Transform can be performed to analyse the changes in beat frequency in order to generate velocity versus time profiles. The PDV technique was used to determine the flyer velocity profile in impact seam welding (welding of sheets under a certain angle) and in electromagnetic ring expansion [46] The electromagnetic ring expansion process is briefly discussed as an example. The measurement setup is shown schematically in Figure 4.4. Electromagnetic ring expansion is very similar to the tube compression process. The capacitor bank discharges and the current is conducted by a coil, which is located inside the ring (instead of outside the tube in the compression process). The magnetic pressure causes the ring to expand radially outwards to a larger diameter. The measurement instrumentation includes the PDV system and two Rogowski coils. R1 measures the primary discharge current. A second Rogowski coil (R2) with fine wire loops is placed directly around the sample ring to measure the induced current. The PDV system measures the ring position with temporal resolution on the order of nanoseconds and spatial resolution on the order of microns. This data can be singly or doubly differentiated with time to generate the velocity – or acceleration profile of the ring. The PDV method is easy to implement in the ring expansion process because only a thin fiber optic line (with an inexpensive probe on the end) needs to run between the instrumentation and the target. The measurement results are shown in Figure 4.5. The first graph shows the raw signal from the light detector. The primary current (measured by R1) and the induced current (measured by R2) as a function of time are shown in the second and third graph. The radial ring velocity, shown in the fourth graph, is measured based on the period of each optical oscillation. This plot contains thousands of independent measurements of ring velocity, so acceleration values could also be estimated accurately. Figure 4.4: PDV can be used to measure the radial velocity of a ring in the magnetic pulse expansion process [46] 65 Figure 4.5: From top to bottom – raw PDV signal, discharge current, induced current, ring velocity profile [46] The PDV measurement method is not suitable for tube compression, because the coil blocks the path of the the laser beam. From all the measurements found in literature, it seems that the tube compression is the most difficult variant of the magnetic pulse process to perform on-line measurements for. 4.2.5 Magnetic field measurement The magnetic field strength between a workpiece and the coil of an electromagnetic high speed metal forming device is of special interest as it is the source for the resulting forces during the forming process. The small gap and the high frequency and magnitude of the field make the measurement of the field extremely complicated. A high-tech method for measuring the field strength in the magnetic pulse sheet welding process was found in [48]. The magnetic field between the coil windings and the accelerated workpiece was measured, as shown in Figure 4.6. Small potential free optical sensors were used because of the small gap and the high field strength. Figure 4.6: The magnetic field between the coil windings and the accelerated workpiece was measured. Small potential free optical sensors were used because of the small gap and the high field strength. [48] 66 Fibre optic current sensors use the magneto-optic Faraday effect. An applied longitudinal magnetic field induces circular birefringence in the optical material. Therefore, a linear polarised light wave, propagating through the material, will receive a change in its polarisation angle. Besides the standard application of current measurements the Faraday effect can also be used for direct measurements of magnetic fields. Regarding the electromagnetic and dimensional conditions at a typical setup, only non-conductive miniature field probes are applicable. The problem with conventional optical point sensors in the special case of field determination inside the small gap of an electromagnetic high-speed forming device is their saturation field strength (about 20 Tesla have to be measured) or their dimensions. Nevertheless, the functional principle stays the same, similar to that of the current sensor. Linear polarised light is entering a sensitive fibre or crystal with a defined angle and is subject to circular birefringence. After passing through the optic material, the rotation of the polarisation angle is converted into a variation of the light's intensity. One sensor consists of two crystal blocks with an edge length of 500 µm each. Both blocks have a polarising surface glued to a multimode fibre. They are placed in the gap between the coil and a fixed workpiece. The recorded signals of the field measurement using optic fibres are shown in Figure 4.7, together with the measured discharge current, conducted through the coil[48]. This transient current causes the magnetic field in the gap. As discussed in the analytical model, the magnetic field is proportional to the discharge current. (;) ~ (;) (4.1) This linearity is roughly recognised in the measurements. Figure 4.7: Measurements of the magnetic field in the gap between a fixed workpiece and the coil of a magnetic pulse sheet welding device, using miniature fibre-optic magnetic field sensors. [48] 67 Although, the principle functionality of the measurement is proven, some limitations are mentioned in [48]: • The sensor could not be calibrated before, so only the measured voltages from the evaluation unit were given in Figure 4.7. Accurate calibration of the sensor was not possible due to the high field strength in the MPW process. • Consecutive measurements show different signals. The following reasons were mentioned: The field configuration might be very sensitive to small changes or mechanical coupling may disturb the sensor. The use of these fibre-optic sensors is too complicated to be applied in the magnetic pulse tube welding process. The valuable information that can be generated based on a magnetic field measurement was an inspiration to develop a custom magnetic field measurement probe. The field measurement performed in this thesis is discussed further in this chapter. 68 4.3 On-line Measurements 4.3.1 Discharge current measurement In [49], a test setup was constructed to measure the discharge current waveform that flows through the coil (in which the workpieces are located). The measurement setup consists of a Rogowski coil, an integrator and a digital USB oscilloscope. The helical Rogowski coil is placed around the cables that conduct the discharge current from the capacitor bank to the forming coil, as illustrated in Figure 4.8. The magnetic field produced by the current in the conducting cables induces a voltage in the Rogowski coil. The induced voltage (E) is proportional to the rate of change of the conductor current. This voltage is then integrated by a passive integrator, thus producing an output voltage that is proportional to the current. [50] Figure 4.8: Rogowski coil and integrator, used for the measurement of the discharge current. [50] The output voltage is then used as an input for the digital oscilloscope, which allows visualising the measurements on a computer. Using the software of the oscilloscope, a digital low-pass filter is applied to the measured signal to reduce the noise. The cut-off frequency was set at 100 kHz, which is significantly higher than the current frequency of 14 kHz. Figure 4.9 shows a screenshot from the oscilloscope, with the raw signal (above) and the filtered signal (below). The filtered signal clearly shows the damped sinusoidal current waveform. The discharge current was measured in each experiment. This is required because based on the current measurement a maximum allowable voltage level should be calculated. This is discussed in the chapter on the experiments (Chapter 6). 69 Figure 4.9: Screenshots taken from the current measurement - Raw signal (above) and filtered signal (below). 70 4.3.2 Magnetic Field Measurement Principle When the capacitor bank is discharged, a high frequency current passes through the coil, generating a magnetic field with the same frequency. This magnetic field is concentrated onto the flyer tube with the help of a field shaper. The magnetic field lines will flow in the axial direction through the gap between the field shaper and the flyer tube (Figure 4.10). Figure 4.10: Magnetic field Lines flow in the gap between the isolation and the flyer tube As explained in the analytical model (Chapter 3), it would be interesting to be able to measure the magnitude of the magnetic field. However, narrow tolerances and the difficult access to the work zone of the machine, prohibits the use of the measuring probes which are commercially available. A custom probe had to be developed. The developed probe consists of a tube, made of non-conductive plastic, which is placed around the flyer tube and fills the gap between the flyer tube and the field shaper. The probe tube supports a single turn of copper wire through which the magnetic field lines will flow. The measurement principle is based on Lenz’s law: due to the changing magnetic field that flows through the turn of copper wire, an electric current is induced. By measuring this current with an oscilloscope, the magnitude of the magnetic field can be derived. Due to the expected high magnitude of the magnetic field (about 20 T), a large voltage will be induced in the copper wire. An excessive voltage can lead to several problems: the insulation on the copper wire is not sufficient; the value of the generated current is too high for the oscilloscope… To limit the voltage, the measuring turn is not wound around the entire circumference of the probe tube but merely around a quarter of its section. A cross-section of the measurement device and location are shown in Figure 4.11. Although only a quarter of the probe’s section was wound, calculations had to be performed to exclude the possibility of failure of the copper wire: 1. When charging the capacitor bank to a voltage of 16 kV, finite-element simulations show that the maximum value of the magnetic field is Bmax= 24 T [51]. Since the test can also be performed with voltages up to 19 kV, Bmax = 30 T will be chosen to include extreme circumstances. 71 2. To simplify the calculations, the entire section of the probe was considered to be wound. Hence the real final voltage should be divided by four. The dimensions of the probe are ri=21 mm and r0=24,5 mm. Figure 4.11: Measurement of the magnetic field The total section through which the flux will flow is: 9 = .( # $ − #l $ ) = 500,3 __² = 500,3 . 10:+ _² (4.2) For a magnetic field of 20 T, the total flux through the section of the probe becomes: Φ = . 9 = 30 . 500,3 . 10:+ _² = 15,01 _ (4.3) With a frequency of 14 kHz the voltage induced in the copper wire is: V = 2 . Φ = 2 . 14000 ¯ . 15,01 _ = 1320 j (4.4) Using the entire section of the probe, a voltage of 1320 V would be induced. This is too high for the insulation on the copper wire. By using only a quarter of the total section, the induced voltage becomes (1/4). 1320 V = 330V, which is an acceptable value due to the short time of occurrence. The quarter winding was applied in practice, as shown in Figure 4.11. The magnetic field will exert a force on the copper wire when it is conducting the induced current as described by the Lorentz force law. Since the copper wire is connected to the tube by electrical insulating tape, it is necessary to check whether the tape is sufficient to keep it in its place. The internal resistance of the oscilloscope is 1 MΩ and thus the maximal current in the measuring circuit can be calculated as follows: o= j 330j = = 0,33_9 10+ Ω (4.5) 72 The total length of the copper winding is approximated by 2 times a quarter of the circumference of the average diameter of the measuring probe: = 2#T±W4TkW . 2 = . #T±W4TkW = 71 __ 4 (4.6) The force on the wire becomes: = . o . = 7,03 . 10:³ (4.7) The force is small enough be carried by the insulating tape. Calibration Once constructed, the probe was calibrated using a Helmholtz coil, a coil which generates a uniform magnetic field. The coil is connected to a source which can send various values of excitation current through the coil. The probe is placed inside the Helmholtz coil and the voltage that is induced in the probe is measured for different values of the excitation current. A relationship can be found between the excitation current and the induced voltage which leads to the area of the copper winding. The formula to calculate the area was supplied by the manufacturer of the Helmholtz coil: 9= j 2 . 0,560 . 10:" . o (4.8) The calibration of the probe is performed with a frequency of 50 Hz. Due to the linearity of the process, this calibration will also be correct at the frequency of 14 KHz during the actual experiments. An image of the calibration test rig is shown in Figure 4.12. During the calibration some severe problems occurred: 1. The cables connecting the digital multimeters picked up a lot of magnetic stray fields leading to erroneous measurements. To solve this, a coax-cable was connected to the copper winding. 2. Due to the small area of the copper loop, the measured voltages were extremely small and hence also very inaccurate. The excitation current through the coil is limited (to 25 A) by constructional reasons, so increasing the output voltage by further increasing this current could not be performed. Increasing the frequency of the excitation current is another possibility to increase the output voltage but this could not be conducted neither. The large impedance of the Helmholtz coil necessitates a very powerful source at high frequency and this was not available in short notice. The only solution was to perform a large number of measurements with the most accurate voltmeter that was available, which was an analogue one. 73 Figure 4.12: The calibration test rig Table 4.A shows the measurements of the induced voltage in function of the excitation current. Figure 4.13 plots these values and adds the trend line that describes the relationship between the two magnitudes. The relation between the excitation current and the Induced voltage appears to be: ∆j = 6,5 . 10:+ j . ∆o 9 (4.9) Substituting this in the equation (4.8) that was delivered by the supplier, the area of the copper winding is calculated: 9= 6,5 . 10:+ = 36,95 __² 2. 50 . 0,560 . 10:" (4.10) With the knowledge of this area the calibration is finished. The probe can now be used in the machine to measure the magnetic field in the gap between the field shaper and the flyer tube. 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 y = 0,0065x Voltage (mV) 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 Current ( A) 25,0 30,0 Figure 4.13: Excitation current versus induced voltage 74 Excitation current (A) Induced voltage(mV) 9,0 0,04 9,6 0,05 10,0 0,05 11,0 0,05 11,8 0,06 12,0 0,06 12,4 0,07 13,0 0,07 13,8 0,07 14,2 0,08 15,0 0,08 15,4 0,09 16,2 0,09 16,6 0,10 17,4 0,10 18,0 0,11 18,6 0,12 19,0 0,13 19,6 0,14 20,0 0,15 20,4 0,15 21,0 0,15 21,4 0,15 21,8 0,15 22,4 0,16 23,0 0,16 23,6 0,17 24,0 0,17 24,4 0,17 Table 4.A:: Excitation current versus Induced Voltage. Calculated Conversion Factor To perform the measurements, the probe is placed over a steel bar. This bar replaces the flyer tube and shields the magnetic field in such a manner that the entire field will flow through the probe. By clamping the bar in the field shaper, the probe is kept in place. The probe wires are connected to the same USB oscilloscope that is used for the current measurements (Tiepie HS3). To decrease the voltage which is placed on the oscilloscope, a voltage divider with a resistance of 10 MΩ is used. The internal resistance of the oscilloscope is 1 MΩ. The oscilloscope also has an internal capacity of 20 pF in parallel with the internal resistance (Figure 4.14). 75 Figure 4.14: Vindusced vs Vmeasured Since the capacitor is in parallel with the 1 MΩ resistance, the total impedance of the oscilloscope drops significantly at a high frequency. The total impedance of the oscilloscope at 14 kHz becomes: µxU\ = With: µ . µ = 0,3624 ¶· µ + µ (4.11) ZR =total internal impedance of the oscilloscope ZR =internal resistance of the oscilloscope ZC = internal impedance of the capacitor in the oscilloscope = (2π.14kHz.20pF)-1 The correlation factor between the measured voltage and the induced voltage can then be computed from the voltage divider: jxU\lGGxU\xFW 0,3624 ¶· = = 0,03497 jlJe\We (0,3624 ¶· + 10 ¶·) (4.12) Combining equation (4.12) and the following formula for the magnetic field, the conversion factor for the magnetic field can be calculated: = j 2 . 9 (4.13) The conversion between the measured voltage, the induced voltage and the magnitude of the magnetic field is shown in Table 4.B. Vosc [V] Vinduced [V] B [T] 1 28,5929 4,4502 Table 4.B: Correlation factor between measured and induced voltage 76 Measurements Using the oscilloscope software, a digital low-pass filter was applied to the signal to reduce noise. The cut-off frequency was chosen at 100 kHz, much higher than the signal frequency of 14 kHz. The discharge current and the magnetic field were simultaneously measured on different channels. The tests were performed for a voltage of 1 kV to 20 kV in steps of 1 kV. The measurement of the magnetic field as a function of time resulted in sinusoidal damped waveforms with the same frequency as the current, but only at low voltage levels (Figure 4.15). Also, the linearity between the current and the magnetic field was consistently found at voltage levels lower than 12kV. A small phase shift was found between the current and the induced voltage. Some complications were encountered with the conversion from the measured voltage to the magnetic field magnitude. When the machine was set to a voltage level of 19 kV, a peak voltage of 3,36 V was measured. Using the conversion factor from the calibration, the magnetic field would only be 3 T. Simulations suggest that at this voltage level, the magnetic field should be around 20-25 T [51]. However, with the conversion factor using the theoretically calculated winding area, the measured 3,36 V results in a magnetic field strength of 15 T. The measurements indicated that something was inaccurate. These phenomena show that the measuring coil works properly but that the calibration was not accurate enough. After consulting EELAB [52], the department of Ghent University which is specialized in electromagnetic energy conversion, the calibration was put aside and the area of the coil was determined geometrically to be 73,04 mm². This value appears to be more realistic than the value that was computed through calibration. Figure 4.15: Current (blue) and magnetic field (purple) The results of the experiments are shown in Figure 4.16 and Table 4.C. The maximal measured magnetic field strength increases linearly with an energy level up to a level of 12 kV. When the energy level is increased further, some random phenomena seem to occur. It can be seen that the time at which a maximum is reached decreases drastically when the energy level of 13 kV is reached. 77 It should be noted that at voltage levels higher than 12 kV, the measured waveform was different for consecutive measurements at the same voltage level. The measured magnetic field strength at 19 kV is 15 T. At voltage levels slightly higher or lower than 19 kV, the measured magnetic field strength is higher than at 19 kV. This could indicate an irregularity of the 19 kV measurement. If the trend of the surrounding measurements is continued, the field strength at 19 kV would be around 23 T. This result is in accordance with the simulation result of 20 T to 25 T at this voltage level. The simulation results in [51] have not yet been verified by experimental data, so their accuracy is uncertain. The measurement is definitely promising. The irregular measurements at voltages higher than 12 kV suggested that some irregularities occurred inside the machine or field shaper. After investigation, it became clear that in fact the field shaper was severely damaged (Chapter 6). This could be an explanation for the fact that the measured magnetic field was not always equal for different measurements at the same voltage level. The cracks in the field shaper will grow during every pulse and so a certain energy level will produce a different magnetic field every pulse. Additionally the current will not follow the same path during every pulse and this will also influence the magnetic field measurements. Experiments with an identical energy level should be carried out again when a new field shaper is available. Voltage level [kV] Vosc[V] Vinduced[V] B [T] time of maximum [μs] 1 0,158 4,516 0,703 0 2 0,109 3,115 0,485 51 3 0,152 4,351 0,677 0 4 0,247 7,074 1,101 56 5 0,245 7,011 1,091 54 6 0,297 8,505 1,324 55 7 0,427 12,215 1,901 54 8 0,433 12,393 1,929 56 9 0,546 15,598 2,428 60 10 0,599 17,130 2,666 60 11 0,561 16,046 2,497 59 12 0,661 18,905 2,942 63 13 1,988 56,829 8,845 8 14 0,867 24,790 3,858 8 15 5,045 144,238 22,449 8 16 3,152 90,121 14,026 6 17 3,800 108,656 16,911 7 18 4,317 123,427 19,210 8 19 3,359 96,034 14,947 7 19,5 5,742 164,169 25,551 8 20 8,720 249,342 38,807 8 Table 4.C: Results of the B-measurements 78 B-measurement 45 40 35 B [T] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Voltage level [kV] Figure 4.16: Maximum magnetic field (measured) versus voltage level Conclusion The measurement of the magnetic field as a function of time resulted in sinusoidal damped waveforms with the same frequency as the current, but only at low voltage levels. Also, the linearity between the current and the magnetic field was consistently found at voltage levels lower than 12 kV. It should be noted that the problems that were encountered during the measurements, more specific the difficult calibration and the fact that consecutive measurements at the same voltage level showed different signals, were also reported in [48] during the magnetic field measurement with optical fibres. Because the method of field measurement in [48] is completely different from that used in this thesis, the difficulties of the field measurement are probably inherently related to the extreme high magnetic field strength in combination with the high frequency in the MPW process. 79 Chapter 5 Weld Quality Evaluation 5.1 Introduction The tubular welds produced by the magnetic pulse welding process must be objectively characterised. The applied methods for evaluating the welded workpieces are discussed in this chapter. In this thesis both non-destructive and destructive were used. The first section of this chapter describes non-destructive testing methods (NDT) which can be used to examine magnetic pulse welded pieces. These tests are used to detect bonding flaws throughout the weld and can thus provide an indication of the weld quality. The NDT tests have the main advantage that they do not destroy the specimen. Even in a production environment, parts which are meant to be sold afterwards can be examined by these testing methods. The following NDT methods are described: leak testing, ultrasonic testing (UT) and computerised tomography (CT). The leak test, which renders a quick and easy measure of the weld quality, was performed on all workpieces. UT and CT were only performed on one or two workpieces. In the second section, destructive tests are discussed. These tests render a measure of the weld quality, but the workpiece is destroyed during the evaluation. The destructive tests described are microscopic examination, torsion, peel and compressive testing. Microscopic examination requires a longitudinal cross-sectioning of the workpiece for the weld zone. This method was used to investigate the wave pattern of the weld interface. The other three destructive tests (torsion, peel and compressive testing) were used to determine the strength of the weld. An important criterion in the selection of the appropriate tests is the possibility (and ease) of clamping the workpieces. The torsion test and compressive test were applied on several workpieces. The peel test was investigated, but not executed. 80 5.2 Non-Destructive Testing Methods 5.2.1 Leak test The first NDT method that was developed in the framework of this dissertation is a leak test. In the test setup, the parts are connected to a source of pressurised air and are checked for leaks. A schematic of the test rig is shown in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1: Leak test system – 1) pressurised air source, 2) valve, 3) pressure gauge and 4) coupling piece For this test, a coupling piece had to be developed in order to connect the tubes to the pressurised air source (Figure 5.2). The drawings of this part can be found in Appendix A. All drawings and 3D-models were made in “SolidWorks 2009 SP3”. A section view of the coupling and installed welded specimen is given in Figure 5.3. The vertical pipe was brazed upon the coupling and serves for the connection to the pressurised air circuit. Due to the fact that the air will exert a force on the workpiece in its axial direction, also a clamping device had to be developed. This exists merely out of a steel profile with a bolt to adapt to the length of the tubes (Figure 5.4). Figure 5.2: Coupling piece for pressurised air Using this test set-up, both a qualitative and a quantitative evaluation of weld quality can be performed. The qualitative inspection consists of nothing more than submerging the pressurised workpiece in a water basin. If any leak is present, bubbles will form, revealing the leak. This method can be carried out very quickly and gives a good first impression concerning the presence of any weld defects. However, the severity of the defects cannot be quantified very accurately by a counting the amount of bubbles. 81 Figure 5.3: section view of the coupling piece + workpiece The second method can be used to quantify the magnitude of the leak. This method is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The welded tubes (4) are connected to a pressurised air circuit which is depicted as a pump (1). When the entire assembly has been brought to a prescribed pressure value, the valve (2) is closed. The pressure gauge (3) will measure the pressure in the circuit. If it indicates that there is a pressure drop, the welded connection is not leak free. The time necessary to obtain a certain pressure decay can be measured and hence the severity of the leak can be described. Figure 5.4: clamping device for the leak test 5.2.2 Ultrasonic Testing Another NDT method is Ultrasonic Testing (UT). UT uses high frequency sound energy to detect flaws in the material or connection. Ultrasonic investigation is the most widely used NDT method for welds made by explosion welding [53]. A general description of the ultrasonic testing principle will be given and afterwards some problems will be described which occur for magnetic pulse welded workpieces. The system consists of a transducer, pulser/receiver and display devices. The pulser will order the transducer to generate high frequency ultrasonic energy. In the form of sound waves, this energy is transmitted into the material. When a flaw or a discontinuity is in the wave path, some of the wave energy will be reflected to the surface. This reflection can be detected by the transducer, which will transform it into an electrical current. The current will be gathered by the receiver and is displayed on a screen. Of course, not only flaws will generate an echo but also the back surface of the material will create an echo as well. The process and the different echoes are illustrated in Figure 5.5 [54]. Since there are multiple sources for echoes, it is important that the tests are conducted by a trained person who can distinguish the signals and detect flaws. An investigation has been conducted were technicians were ordered to investigate welds (complete joint penetration groove welds) that had 82 embedded flaws of known size, location and orientation, using the UT method. The outcome showed that on average approximately 25% of the known discontinuities were missed. This stresses once more the need of thorough testing by a skilled technician [55]. Figure 5.5: Ultrasonic testing principle [54] The UT method is best used for searching flaws or cracks which are positioned normal to the propagation direction of the waves. The perpendicular orientation will lead to the maximal possible surface on which the waves will reflect, causing an echo. When positioned parallel to the wave direction, the flaws are very difficult to discover (Figure 5.6). For testing of the MP welded tubes, this does not create a problem because the main goal is to find connections with insufficient bonding. These bonding flaws will be parallel to the surface of the workpiece, hence normal to the wave path. However a bonding flaw does not necessarily mean a volumetric flaw. Where bonding is not attained, the materials can still be in close contact with each other, making the flaw more difficult to detect. Figure 5.6: Normally positioned flaws can be found with more ease than parallel positioned flaws. During the magnetic pulse welding process often two different materials are connected to each other. The interface between those two materials will also deliver a reflection even when no flaws are present. Indeed, the different materials will possess different properties (acoustic impedance, density) and thus the waves will reflect on the interface. This will make the detection of flaws a lot more difficult. As shown in Figure 5.7, the reflection of the waves will occur almost simultaneously on 83 the interface and the flaw. Values of acoustic impedance for several metals are given in Table 5.1. The unit of acoustic impedance is the Rayleigh [Rayl]: 1Rayl = 1 kg/ms² or 1 MRayl = 106 kg/ms². [56] Figure 5.7: Flaw in an interface between two different materials The difference in acoustic impedance of two materials at an interface is referred to as the impedance mismatch. The greater this impedance mismatch, the greater the percentage of acoustic energy that will be reflected at the interface. As can be seen in Table 5.1, the values of acoustic impedance can greatly differ. An aluminum-copper connection will for example reflect sound waves a lot more than a copper-steel interface. Nevertheless all interfaces between different materials will generate a reflection of the sound waves and will thus induce a difficulty in finding flaws[54]. Another difficulty of investigating MP welded specimens is created by their geometry. The circular workpiece has no flat surface on which the transducer van be placed. To investigate the viability of using handheld transducers, workpieces were sent to “Brutsaert Ingenieurs”. This company is specialised in non-destructive and material testing. It became clear that these handheld transducers are not suited to investigate these small diameter circular workpieces. Positioning of the transducer cannot be performed precisely and the contact fluid is not evenly distributed. To sum up the main problems of investigating a MP weld with ultrasonic investigation: 1. The interface will also reflect the sound waves 2. Positioning of a transducer onto the circular workpiece A possible solution for these problems is the use of a focusing transducer and a basin of water, which will serve as contact fluid. The focusing transducer will improve the signal-to-noise ratio, creating a signal which is more detailed. Thus the difference between reflections by the interface and reflections by flaws can be determined more easily. Furthermore, by submerging in water both the workpiece as the transducer an even distribution of the contact fluid can be assured. This method should be investigated experimentally in the future. Figure 5.8 shows the difference between a focusing transducer and a transducer without the ability to focus. The transducer works with a frequency of 1 to 10 mHz, depending on the precise model. 84 Material Acoustic impedance [Mrayl] Aluminum 17,0 Brass 36,7 Copper 41,6 Steel, mild 46,0 Steel, stainless 45,4 Table 5.1: the acoustic impedances of various materials[57][58] Figure 5.8: A normal transducer (left) vs. a transducer with the ability to focus the beam (right): the transducer with focus generates a signal with significantly less noise and thus a much more detailed measurement 85 5.2.3 Computerised Tomography Computerised Tomography, or CT-scan, is a technique which uses a large quantity of flat X-ray images of an object, taken around a single axis, to produce 3-D cross-sectional images of an object. This imaging technique is based on the difference of absorption of the X-rays in different materials. Due to this difference in absorption, shadowgraphs can be made which then ultimately can be put together to generate the 3D-model. Internal defects and other internal structures of the object can be found on these images [59]. The method has already successfully been used in the evaluation of bonds which were made by cladding through explosion welding. It was observed that the CT scan is capable of revealing the wavy pattern which is often created during an impact weld. [53] These facts lead to the assumption that computerised tomography can be a very good method for investigating the quality of a MP weld. Figure 5.9 describes the components which are used during a CT-scan. The X-ray tube emits the X-ray beam which then travels through the workpiece to the image intensifier. The computer captures the signal that is generated in the intensifier and also controls the turntable on which the workpiece is positioned [59]. Figure 5.9: A schematic view of a CT scan test rig with X-ray tube, turntable, image intensifier and PC with capturing hardware[59] Figure 5.10 shows a system which is commercially available for CT in industry. It allows workpieces with maximum dimensions of 0,4 x 0,3 m and up to 10 kg. The maximum voltage which is placed upon the X-ray tube is 240 kV. The resolution of this system is dependant on the size of the workpiece to be investigated. However, the manufacturer assures a resolution lower than 1 μm, which is surely enough to detect any significant flaws in the MP weld. Since our workpieces are well within the range of dimension and weight, this machine could serve well for evaluating of the MPW process [60]. In this project, two workpieces were sent to CEWAC 2 for examination using computerised tomography. Those parts had first been examined with a leak test. One of the pieces was almost free of leaks, the other leaked significantly. This would allow us to compare the tomography images of a 2 Centre d'études wallon de l'assemblage et du contrôle des matériaux [www.cewac.be] 86 relatively good weld and a low quality weld. The results of the tomography however were the same for both workpieces; no flaws were found. Figure 5.10: A 240kV CT system. It allows workpieces up to 10 kg and guarantees a resolution of 1 μs [60] Figure 5.11 gives an example of a workpiece that underwent a CT-scan. No flaws could be identified. The only coloured part is the cavity in between the flyer tube and the shoulder of the inner work piece. This cavity is coloured green and can be easily observed on the image. One must keep in mind that this is a cavity that can also be seen with the naked eye once the part has been cut through, so no prove of the ability of finding small flaws is provided. Figure 5.11: Example of a CT image made of a MP welded specimen. It shows now flaws and thus is not able to prove the reliability of this method. Presuming that computerised tomography should be able to reveal the flaws, this leads to the conclusion that the resolution of the system which is used at CEWAC is far from sufficient to get a proper view of any flaws which could occur. 87 5.3 Destructive Testing Methods 5.3.1 Microscopic investigation In order to investigate the weld interface a destructive testing method is used: microscopic investigation. During microscopic examination the tubes are cut through in the axial direction. After cleaning the parts, they are embedded in epoxy resin, as shown in Figure 5.12. This embedding is done manually at room temperature. When the resin is fully hardened, the sample is polished in several steps to attain a surface in which the presence of flaws is minimized. On copper-aluminum welds, the polishing has to be carried out very carefully. Since both metals are relatively soft, scratches are made very easily and which will affect the image. Figure 5.12: Copper-aluminium workpiece embedded in epoxy, after longitudinal cross-sectioning. The polished surface is then placed under a microscope which can be used as a normal microscope but it can also be used together with a computer. The data then will be sent to the computer and software allows taking pictures. This method allows visual inspection of the weld in levels up to micrometers. During the investigation it becomes clear whether the two materials are connected and/or whether metallurgical/physical changes have taken place. These phenomena include the formation of an intermetallic layer and a wave pattern of the weld interface. Additionally the workpieces can be inspected with SEM (scanning electron microscopy) to investigate the composition of certain layers and changes of the base material. Some examples of microscopically inspected welds are given in Figure 5.13. The left image of the figure shows a connection that was properly welded although no wave pattern was found. The two materials are joined together and an intermetallic layer was formed. The right image shows a part that was not bonded. Although some aluminium has been deposited on the copper surface, it is clear to see that the connection did not suffice. It should be noted that with visual inspection with the eye only this connection appears welded. Figure 5.14 shows an image of a copper-brass weld. This connection shows a wavy interface and no intermetallic layers. The mechanism of this wavy pattern is discussed in Chapter 2. 88 Figure 5.13: Copper-aluminum welded joint (left) and copper-aluminum not welded (right) Figure 5.14: Copper-brass weld with wavy interface 5.3.2 Torsion test Principle Torsion testing is widely used to determine the shear strength of workpieces with a circular cross section. In a conventional torsion test, a cylindrical specimen is twisted by a torque acting around its axis, as shown in Figure 5.15. The shear stresses can be calculated from the measured torque M, and the strain from the twisting angle Ψ [61]. Figure 5.15: Conventional torsion test [61]. In contrast to uniaxial tension tests, the stresses are not distributed uniformly over the cross section. For a circular cross-section, in the absence of other loads, a pure shear stress state exists in each 89 point. Torsional elastic shear stresses vary linearly from zero at the axis of twist to a maximum at the outer surface. Thus, in a solid circular bar, yielding will start at the surface of the bar. The welded workpieces consist of a bar, joined to a hollow thin-walled tube. In these hollow thinwalled tubes, the entire cross-section of the tube is approximately at the same stress. If not supported by a cylindrical bar inside the hollow tube, buckling failure could occur in the thin-walled tube, due to the large diameter to thickness ratio. In addition, clamping both sides of the workpiece is much easier with this support, as shown in Figure 5.18. The objective of the torsion test is to determine the shear stress at which failure of the weld occurs and the outer tube separates from the inner rod. This shear stress at failure will be referred to as the ultimate shear strength of the weld. It should be noted that our point of interest here is the shear strength at the interface of the two parts, and not necessarily the distribution of stresses in the inner bar and the tube. During the torsion test, the applied torque is continuously measured, and each test is conducted until failure. It will end in fracture of the inner rod or of the hollow tube, or in shearing of the welded zone. If failure occurs first in the base material of the inner rod and the weld stays intact, it can be concluded that the ultimate shear strength of the weld exceeds the ultimate shear strength of the rod base material. In this situation the weld strength cannot be determined accurately, but the shear stress at failure is a lower bound for the ultimate shear strength of the weld. If the base material fails before the weld, it can be concluded that the weld is sufficiently strong. On the other hand, if the weld fails first, the ultimate shear strength of the weld can be determined through an estimation of the weld length and the measured torque at fracture (as discussed in § Torsion testing equipment for tubular workpieces found in literature is shown in Figure 5.16. Both sides of the welded workpiece are clamped in the chucks (the hollow tube with a cylindrical insert). The torque and angle of rotation are measured continuously, while the applied torque is increased incrementally [62] [63]. Figure 5.16: Tinius Olsen torsion testing equipment [64]. If the torsion test renders interesting information about the weld, a similar test setup could be developed at Laboratory Soete. 90 Determination of the ultimate shear strength Subjecting the welded workpiece to torsion stress is used as an objective test to determine the weld quality. The applied torque at fracture yields a direct measure for the shear strength of the weld. When one end of the welded work piece is clamped (no movement) and a torque is applied at the other end, shear stresses will develop in the welded zone. The welded zone can be approximated by a cylindrical surface with radius r (the inner rod outer radius) and length a (axial weld length), as shown in Figure 5.17. The applied torque is measured continuously. When the shear stress reaches the ultimate shear strength of the weld, the two surfaces will separate. Using formula (5.1), the measured torque at fracture yields the ultimate shear strength of the weld. The axial weld length must be determined using non-destructive evaluation methods, such as ultrasonic inspection (UT) or computed tomography (CT). An alternative is to estimate the weld length by conducting experiments with similar parameters and performing a microscopic inspection or by post-mortem measurements. ¸= With: 2# $ [ (5.1) r = outer radius inner rod [mm] a = axial length of welded zone [mm] τ = ultimate shear strength of weld [N/m2] T = torque required to separate the surfaces (in torsion) [Nm] Figure 5.17: Schematic representation of torsion test The inner rod radius (r) is measured before welding using a caliper. The high velocity impact of the flyer tube causes significant deformation of the inner workpiece. The radius at the weld zone is consequently slightly smaller than the original rod radius. For a more accurate calculation of the shear strength, an average weld radius can be used. This average value should also be determined by non-destructive testing, or by an estimate from similar experiments or by post-mortem measurements. Some concerns should be mentioned regarding the accuracy of the strength determination. First of all, performing a non-destructive evaluation using UT or CT techniques to determine the weld length (and indentation) is both time-consuming and expensive. Microscopic investigation on the other hand renders two values for the weld length. These values only represent the weld length at that particular location of the workpiece. As discussed in the section on the experiments (Chapter 6), it 91 was observed in several workpieces that the weld length can vary significantly over the circumference. Therefore, the question rises how accurate these weld length measurements are, being determined by microscopic investigation at a single location of the circumference. Nevertheless, an estimate must be made regarding the weld length. Preliminary torsion tests In order to develop a torsion test setup, an estimate of the shear strength of the welded tubes is required. The value of the ultimate shear strength relates directly to the necessary torque that has to be exerted by the machine. In addition it determines the required clamping force on both ends. In a first attempt to determine the shear strength of the weld, a M8 bolt was inserted in a tapped hole in the inner rod of workpiece SD-CA-2.2 ( see § 6.6.3). A cylindrical steel rod was inserted in the copper tube, as shown in Figure 5.18. The copper tube (with cylindrical insert) was firmly clamped, preventing slip. Subsequently a torque was applied on the bolt using a torque wrench. However, the bolt failed at a torque of approximately 55 Nm, preventing the realisation of sufficient torque to shear the welded zone. As the shear strength of the bolted connection did not suffice, two flat zones were machined in the inner rod, as shown in Figure 5.19. The clamping system and torque measurement using a torque wrench are shown in Figure 5.20. Figure 5.18: Preliminary torsion testing using a bolt in the inner rod. The tube is supported by a cylindrical bar. Figure 5.19: Flattened zones to apply torque. 92 Figure 5.20: Clamping and torque measurement. The workpiece was clamped and subjected to a gradually increasing torque. The aluminum inner rod failed at a torque of about 140 Nm, as shown in Figure 5.21. This indicates that the weld shear strength exceeds the shear strength of the aluminum rod. The torsion test was also performed on the copper-brass workpiece SD CuMs1.99 (see §6.9.2). The workpiece was clamped in a bank screw using a cylindrical insert inside the copper tube, and a torque wrench with a limit of 150 Nm was used. At this maximum torque, the workpiece did not remain fixed in the bench screw. A lathe was used in an attempt to fix the tube more rigid, but also here the clamping force on the copper tube was insufficient. Finally, the tube was successfully clamped in a bench screw with curved clamping plates. A torque wrench with a higher maximum torque was used. The brass rod failed at a torque of 280 Nm, as shown in Figure 5.22. The fact that the rod failed before the weld zone indicates that the weld strength exceeds the strength of the brass base material. Figure 5.21: Aluminum inner rod failed before the weld in the torsion test (SD CA 2.2) 93 Figure 5.22: Brass inner rod failed before the weld in the torsion test (SD CuMs 1.99) Conclusion Both the copper-aluminium weld and copper-brass weld showed failure of the inner rod. From these results, the torsion test seems to be able to determine if the shear strength of a weld is stronger than the base material. Only if the weld strength is lower, a value for the ultimate shear strength of the weld can be obtained. In addition, some difficulties were experienced with clamping the flyer tube properly. Developing a torsion test with a bush around the flyer tube (with cylindrical insert) would also result in insufficient clamping strength. These considerations lead to the conclusion that the torsion test is not very suitable to determine a value for the weld shear strength. The only application of the torsion test is to verify if the weld is stronger than the rod base. 94 5.3.3 Peel test Peel testing is used to determine the strength of adhesive joints. The adhesive strength of bonded strips of metals or plastics is determined by peeling or pulling strips off and recording the required force. It is important to note that peel tests are normally used to compare rather than to measure properties. The peel test also introduces a different stress state in the weld zone, as the angle at which the material is peeled generally equals or exceeds 90 degrees. Unlike the torsion test, the weld is not subjected to pure shear stress [65]. Several DIN and ASTM standard peel testing procedures for the quality control of adhesive joints are described. A schematic overview is given in Figure 5.23. The standards differ mostly in the angle at which the layer is peeled off [66]. Figure 5.23: DIN and ASTM peel testing procedures [66]. In a similar peel test method to evaluate the weld strength of spot welded sheets is described in [67]. The idea of peeling off a layer of a bonded structure can be transferred to evaluate the quality of tubular magnetic pulse welds. A method is illustrated in Figure 5.24 [2]. Axial grooves are machined through the welded zone of the workpiece, thus creating “strips”, which can be peeled off separately. The proposed method includes a clamping head mounted on the end of a shaft. Subsequently a torque is applied (and measured) on this shaft, which rotates and peels off the strip of the welded flyer tube material. The torque required to peel off the welded material over a certain angle is a measure for the peel strength of the material. Again, the concept peel strength is not a universally accepted material characteristic. The peel test is intended to evaluate and compare the quality of the welded joints. The result of a peel test on a tubular welded work piece is shown in Figure 5.25. Strips of flyer tube welded to the inner rod have been peeled off [68]. 95 Figure 5.24: Peel test method for tubular welded joints[2] Figure 5.25: Result of a peel test on a tubular welded joint [68] 96 5.3.4 Compression test Principle The compression test is very similar to a conventional tensile test. In the compressive test, the force is reversed and the inner rod is pushed into the flyer tube, opposite to being pulled out of the flyer tube in a tensile test. The idea of the compressive test was found in the literature [38]: the setup shown in Figure 5.26 was used to investigate the strength of electromagnetically formed joints made of aluminum tubes under cyclic loads. Figure 5.26: Pull-out test found in literature [38] The compressive test is preferred over the tensile test for two main reasons. The first involves clamping, which is rather difficult for tensile testing of magnetic pulse welds (clamping devices must be custom made due to the limited specimen length). In the compressive test, the only requirement is that both ends of the workpiece must be perfectly flat and perpendicular to the specimen axis, to ensure that the workpiece does not bend during compression. Secondly, in all experiments, the inner rod is machined with a collar. In a tension test, this collar would have to be pulled against the material of the flyer tube. The collar cannot be reached for removal, as it is located well inside the flyer tube. An additional operation to remove the collar would thus be difficult to realise. Prior to the compressive test, only a small additional operation has to be performed. Due to the high energy impact, the flyer tube will make an indentation in the rod. The part of the inner tube, which is not impacted, forms a small edge that would hinder the flyer tube material as the inner rod is pushed into the flyer tube. Therefore, this small edge has to be removed before the compressive test is carried out (by turning). Figure 5.27 shows the edge on left, and the removal of the edge by turning on the right. 97 Figure 5.27: The left figure shows the ‘edge’ that is formed by the indentation in the rod. This edge must be removed by a turning operation before compressing testing is executed. During compressive testing, the inner rod is pushed out of the flyer tube with a force (F), schematically shown in. Shear stresses (τ) develop in the weld zone, which has a quasi-cylindrical surface. The radius (r) and the weld length (a) must be estimated, as discussed in the section on the torsion test. Figure 5.28: Schematic representation of the compressive test The compression force is gradually increased until the weld ultimately fails, when the shear stress reaches the ultimate shear stress of the weld: ¸= 2#. [ (5.2) With: r =outer radius inner rod [mm] a = axial length of welded zone [mm] τ = ultimate shear strength of weld [N/m2] F =compression force [N] Figure 5.29 shows a photograph of the compression test setup. The rod is pushed down and the weld zone is sheared. To avoid instability during the compression, it is important that the tube length is not too large. During compression, the force and displacement are continuously monitored. A graph of the applied force versus the displacement can be generated for each push test. 98 Figure 5.29: Compression test Preliminary compression testing on copper-aluminium weld Workpiece SD-CA-2.2(see §6.6.3) was first subjected to the torsion test. Because only the aluminium failed, the same workpiece could also be subjected to the compression test after cutting off the fractured part of the rod and flattening the surface. The weld sheared at a compressive force of 12 kN. The displacement at this maximum force was 0,46 mm. Figure 5.30 shows the force-displacement graph measured during the push test on workpiece SD-CA2.2. The graph clearly shows a linear relationship between the force and displacement, indicating the development of elastic shear stresses. At a maximum force of 12 kN, the weld sheared and the inner rod is physically separated from the outer tube. After the weld has failed, a certain force is still required to completely push the inner rod out of the flyer tube. The maximum force is used to determine the ultimate shear strength of the weld. It is difficult to determine a very accurate value for the shear strength, because the weld was not formed over the entire circumference, as discussed in the experiments (Chapter 6). It is assumed that the welded zone of workpiece SD-CA-2.2 extended over approximately half of the circumference. The weld length in this welded zone varied between 2,5 and 4,5 mm (average=3,5 mm), and the average diameter measured 17,5 mm. Using these values (with an estimated correction for the partial weld), the shear strength of the weld zone is calculated as 124,7 MPa. The ultimate shear strength for aluminium alloys is approximately 65% of the ultimate tensile strength [69]. The minimal ultimate tensile strength of aluminium EN AW-6060 in the T6 condition is 170 MPa, so the minimum ultimate shear strength of the aluminium rod is approximately 110.5 MPa. The strength of the connection thus exceeds the strength of aluminium, which was confirmed by the fact that the aluminium rod failed first in the torsion test. 99 Force [kN] SD CA 2.2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 Displacement [mm] Figure 5.30: Force-displacement curve recorded during a compression test on workpiece SD-CA-2.2 Compression testing of copper-brass welds Compressive testing was performed on several copper-brass workpieces. The results and discussion can be found in § Conclusion The advantage of the compressive test is that shear stresses are induced in the weld, while the base material of the rod and tube is subjected to compressive stresses. As a result, the rod will not fail during the compression test (as opposed to the torsion test). The force-displacement curve measured during compression allows calculating the weld shear strength. In addition, it shows the displacement before fracture. In conclusion, the compression test is more suitable from a practical point of view to evaluate the strength of the welded tubes than the torsion test. Therefore, several copper-brass workpieces were subjected to the compressive test in 100 Chapter 6 Experiments 6.1 Introduction The magnetic pulse welding process has been applied to tubular workpieces in several series of experiments. As mentioned in the introduction, the MPW process is very suitable for joining metal tubes for HVAC applications. The most obvious application is welding of two tubes. Traditional welding techniques such as MIG and TIG allow joining two tubes with equal diameter. Using the MPW technology, the outer tube diameter must be larger than the inner tube diameter. The difference in diameter determines the stand-off distance, which is an important parameter in the pulse welding process. Because a certain overlap length is necessary for the MPW process to be successful, the length of both tubes must exceed the length that is required for the final application of the joined tube. For example, two tubes with a length of 50 mm welded by the MPW process will result in a joined tube with length 90 mm (not 100 mm). This is illustrated in Figure 6.1 (left). Due to the high velocity impact of the flyer tube, the inner tube will also deform plastically. A mandrel should be used inside the inner tube to prevent severe deformation. Figure 6.1: Using the MPW process to weld two tubes, a certain overlap length and stand-off distances are required. If the inner part is a tube, an internal mandrel should be used for support. In the experiments performed in this thesis, solid rods are used as inner parts instead of tubes. The rod has a collar, which fits into the outer tube. The diameter of the rod at the welding zone determines the stand-off distance. In the experiments performed in this thesis, a solid internal workpiece was used, as shown on Figure 6.1 (right). This configuration is much easier to work with, as no mandrel is required to support the rod. An application example of a tube welded to a solid rod could be an end cap for small copper pipes. 101 6.2 Overview 6.2.1 Test configuration The collar of the rod has the same diameter as the inner diameter of the flyer tube. At the welding zone the inner rod is machined to a specific diameter. The flyer tube thickness together with the welding zone diameter of the inner rod determine the stand-off distance, because the outside diameter of the flyer tube is constant in all experiments. The outside flyer tube diameter is equal to the inside diameter of the isolated field shaper, to ensure that the workpiece is accurately centered. This configuration is depicted in Figure 6.2. The copper tube and inner rod are then inserted into the center of the coil (with field shaper) and clamped, thus preventing movement of the workpiece during the welding process. Before conducting any experiment, the outer tube and inner rod dimensions are measured to ensure the correct geometrical parameters. Subsequently both parts are cleaned thoroughly using acetone. This removes all contaminations from the surface, such as dust particles and lubricating oil from the grinding process of the rod. These contaminations could possibly interfere with the welding process, as discussed further in this chapter. Figure 6.2: An illustration of the test configuration The flyer tubes used in the experiments are extruded copper tubes (Cu-DHP R290). Several series of experiments are performed using aluminium inner rods (EN AW-6060 T6). These experiments are discussed in the Copper-Aluminium section. Experiments are also performed using copper tubes and brass (CuZn39Pb3 alloy) inner rods. These copper-brass experiments are a continuation of the MPW research of dr.ir. K. Faes (BWI). The workpieces will be named after the project “SOUDIMMA”(SD) as follows: SD + “material combination ”+“series”+“number”. For example, the fifth workpiece of series 2 of copper-aluminium experiments will be named “SD-CA-2.5”. 6.2.2 Weld quality evaluation After the welding process, all workpieces are subjected to the custom leak test. The welded workpieces are internally pressurised with air at 4 bar and submerged in water. The amount of leaks 102 can be determined visually and the rate of bubbles per second can be estimated. Based on these criteria, a classification of severity of the leaks is proposed, by means of letters A through E. Only if no bubbles were detected, the workpiece passes the leak test (class A). Class B indicates less than 5 bubbles per second, class C indicates 5 to 10 bubbles per second and D indicates 10 to 20 bubbles per second. Class E marks the workpieces that show an extreme amount of bubbles (Table 6.1). Class indicating severity of the leak A B C D E Number of bubbles per second No bubbles <5 ≥5 and <10 ≥10 and <20 ≥20 (very severe leak) Table 6.1: Classes indicating the severity of the leak detected by the leak test. The welded workpieces are internally pressurised with air at 4 bar and submerged in water. The severity is determined by estimating the number of bubbles per second formed at the weld. This leak test renders a quick measure for the quality of the weld. Being leak free is surely important for welding components, for example in air-conditioning or cooling applications. Other leak tests, for example the helium leak test, can determine small leak rates more accurately. However, this equipment is much more expensive. Five copper-brass workpieces were subjected to a helium leak test at CEWAC. Other non-destructive evaluation techniques were applied to some of the welded workpieces. Two copper-aluminium welds were inspected at CEWAC using computed tomography, a technique using X-ray technology to obtain 3-D images of the workpiece. The ultrasonic wave reflection technique was used by Brutsaert to evaluate the quality of one of the workpieces. Both technique are discussed in the chapter Non-Destructive Testing. Two destructive tests were applied to determine the weld strength. The strength of the weld is also an important requirement for the connection. A weld is considered to be of high quality if it is leak free and has sufficient strength. The destructive tests applied in this thesis are the torsion test and the compressive (push through) test. Both tests introduce shear stress in the weld zone. The workpiece is loaded until failure occurs. The torque in the torsion test (and the compressive force in the push through test) at failure are a measure of the strength of the welded connection. These destructive testing methods used to evaluate the welds are discussed in the chapter Destructive Testing. Another destructive test is microscopic examination of the welds. A welded workpiece is cut through longitudinally and embedded in an epoxy resin. The welded zone is examined using a microscope to determine the weld length, the occurrence of weld defects and to investigate the presence of a wave pattern at the weld interface, which is typical for the magnetic pulse welding process. 103 6.3 Material Characteristics Experiments were performed using copper tubes and brass and aluminium inner workpieces. The material properties are described below. Brass: The CuZn39Pb3 alloy is used for the brass inner workpieces; its chemical composition is given in the table below. Cu 56,5 – 58,5 % Zn 39 % Pb 2,5 – 3,5% The physical and mechanical properties of the brass alloy are given in the table below. Brass: CuZn39Pb3 o Density (at 20 C) 3 8,47 g/cm 15 (12) MS/m Young’s modulus (at 20 C) 97 GPa Yield strength (Rp 0,2) 250 MPa Ultimate tensile strength (Rm) 430 (min.) MPa Elongation 10 % Hardness 120 HB o Specific electrical conductivity at 20 C o (200 C) o Copper: The material used for the copper tubes are extruded Cu-DHP R290, consisting of: Cu > 99 % P < 0,04 % The following table lists the physical and mechanical properties of copper R290, after cold deformation (extruding process). Copper: Cu-DHP R290 o Density (at 20 C) 3 8,94 g/cm 43 (30) MS/m Young’s modulus (at 20 C) 132 GPa Yield strength (Rp 0,2) 250 MPa Ultimate tensile strength (Rm) 290 (min.) MPa Elongation 5 % Hardness 90 - 115 HB o Specific electrical conductivity at 20 C o (200 C) o 104 Aluminium: The material used for the aluminium used for the inner rods in the Cu-Al experiments is EN AW-6060, in the T6 condition. Al > 98,4 % Mg 0,3 – 0,6 % Si 0,3 – 0,6 % The properties of this aluminium alloy are: Aluminium: EN AW-6060 (T6) o Density (at 20 C) 3 2,7 g/cm 34 - 38 MS/m Young’s modulus (at 20 C) 69,5 GPa Yield strength (Rp 0,2) 140 MPa Ultimate tensile strength (Rm) 170 (min.) MPa Elongation 8 % Hardness 60 HB o Specific electrical conductivity at 20 C o 105 6.4 Welding parameters The magnetic pulse welding process requires that several parameters are set to optimal values in order to obtain a successful weld (see Figure 6.3). By combining these appropriate parameter values, weldability windows can be determined. Figure 6.3: Several important parameters of the magnetic pulse process. As the welding mechanism of magnetic pulse welding is similar to that of explosive welding, the parameters that determine the formation of a magnetic pulse weld are also the same. The impact velocity and the impact angle affect the weld formation the most, as discussed in §2.5. These two parameters cannot be set directly or individually, but are determined by the geometrical parameters (stand-off distance, overlap length, tube thickness), material characteristics (density, conductivity) and machine settings (charging voltage). The most important parameters are briefly discussed in this section. The charging voltage is the only machine setting that can be varied. The other variable parameters are determined by the geometrical configuration of the workpieces and coil or field shaper. The coil (or field shaper) inner diameter determines the outer diameter of the flyer tube and its width will determine the magnetic pressure. This outer diameter is chosen equal to the internal diameter of the insulation of the field shaper, in order to center the workpiece inside the coil. The thickness of the tube determines the inner diameter. The inner rod has a collar, which fits exactly inside the flyer tube for alignment purposes. The diameter of the rod at the welding zone can be chosen, and determines the stand-off distance, which is the radial air gap between the inner rod and the outer tube. Finally, the length of the flyer tube determines the position of the tube end in the field shaper. 106 6.4.1 Stand-off distance The stand-off distance is calculated as: With: 7;[M − ];[MC = ¥x,S¹W − 2; − ¥4xe 2 (6.1) D0,tube = outer diameter of flyer tube [mm] t = flyer tube thickness [mm] Drod = inner rod diameter at the welding zone [mm] The stand-off distance is the distance over which the flyer tube is accelerated by the magnetic pressure. If the magnetic pressure is assumed to be constant in time, as was assumed in the calculations by the manufacturer of the machine, the acceleration is constant as well. The impact velocity can therefore be calculated as: lVFT\S = √2. ]. [ With: (6.2) vimpact = impact velocity [m/s] s = stand-off distance [m] a = acceleration due to magnetic pressure [m/s²] The assumption of a constant acceleration implies that the impact velocity is proportional to the root of the stand-off distance (assuming that the charging voltage is constant). In reality, the magnetic field caused by the damped sinusoidal current is strongly time dependant. Thus, the pressure exerted on the tube and its acceleration (proportional to the square of the magnetic field) will also be time dependant. The formula above is then no longer valid, and neither is the simple relation between the stand-off distance and the impact velocity. The velocity of the tube will be a function of time, and the velocity at impact cannot be calculated unless the time function of both the magnetic pressure and the deformation pressure are known. Note that the magnetic pressure will change when the spacing between the flyer tube and the field shaper changes. For a given charging voltage, each stand-off distance will correspond with a different velocity at impact, but no easily interpretable relation between the two can be established. If the time functions of the magnetic pressure (which also depends on the tube material) and the deformation pressure are known, an optimal value for the stand-off distance (which will result in the optimal impact velocity for welding) could be calculated. This was not possible within the limits of this master thesis, so the objective is to determine the optimal value (or interval) for the stand-off distance experimentally. It is important to note that the stand-off distance not only affects the impact velocity, but also the impact angle. 6.4.2 Charging voltage The only electrical parameter that can be set during the experiments, is the voltage level of the capacitors, which is directly related to the energy level in the system: 8=L j$ 2 (6.3) With: E = energy stored in the system [J] V = charging voltage[V] C = capacitance of the capacitor bank (160 µF) 107 The amplitude of the discharge current through the coil is proportional to the charging voltage. The magnetic pressure, responsible for the both the acceleration and deformation of the flyer tube, is proportional to the square of the current (and hence also of the voltage). The voltage level only affects the magnitude of the current, pressure and acceleration - not their time functions. So, for a given geometrical configuration and tube material, an increasing voltage level will result in a larger acceleration and larger impact velocity. The voltage is limited to a certain maximum allowed value. The discharge current is damped sinusoidal, and hence reverses direction in time. The current amplitude in the reversed direction is restricted by the MPW machine. A procedure has to be followed to determine the maximum allowed voltage of the capacitors. An experiment is performed at a voltage level of 15 kV, and the current waveform is measured. The first two peaks of the damped sinus are measured with the software. Their ratio is multiplied by 15 kV to determine the maximum allowed voltage level. jVTº,TGGxyWe = oFWT$ . 15 j oFWT (6.4) With: Vmax,allowed = maximum allowed voltage level [kV] Ipeak1 = amplitude of the first current peak [kA] Ipeak2 = amplitude of the second current peak [kA] 6.4.3 Overlap length The overlap length is the length that the flyer tube overlaps with the field shaper and determines the tube end position in the field shaper. It is an important parameter because the field shaper concentrates the magnetic field to a small region, and the magnetic pressure will be exerted only on that part of the tube that overlaps with the field shaper. The overlap length is determined entirely by the flyer tube length as the tube is pushed in the same position every experiment by the clamping mechanism. It can be calculated as: »C#[Z CM;ℎ = C# ;¼C CM;ℎ − 38 __ (6.5) The overlap length is not frequently discussed in literature, although it has an important influence on the impact angle. The deformation of the tube is also affected by the overlap length and therefore also the pressure required for acceleration. It is believed however that the charging voltage and the stand-off distance have a larger influence on the velocity. 108 6.5 Field shaper damage 6.5.1 Occurrence of consistent but unexpected weld defects The field shaper was examined for damage after an unexpected weld pattern was consistently found in the copper-brass welds. Prior to microscopic evaluation, a longitudinal cross-section was made of the welded workpieces. One half was cleaned, degreased and embedded to perform a microscopic examination. For the other half of the weld, the inner rod was deliberately separated from the flyer tube (the weld was broken). The wave pattern could be seen visually on the outer surface of the inner workpiece. The axial length of the wavy zone varied over the circumference. However, weld defects were noticed in all of the copper-brass welds. The wavy weld zone was interrupted at the position 180° relative to the field shaper slit. The width of the interrupted zone was always about 3 to 5 mm. Remarkably, at the field shaper slit position, where the magnetic field (and thus pressure) is locally reduced, weld defects were only noticed at rare occasions. If however interruptions at the slit position were present, they were significantly smaller than those at the 180˚ position, as shown in Figure 6.4. Figure 6.4: Weld defects were noticed in all of the copper-brass welds. The wavy weld zone was interrupted at the position of 180° relative to the field shaper slit. Remarkably, at the FS slit position, where the magnetic pressure is locally reduced, weld defects were only noticed at rare occasions. If however interruptions at the slit position were present (left), they were significantly smaller than those at the 180˚ position (right). The weld defect at the 180˚position relative to the field shaper slit is also shown in Figure 6.5. The fact that there was no wave pattern at this location indicates that there was an irregularity during the process. In several welds, interruptions of the wave pattern were also noticed at the positions 90°and 270° relative to the slit. These weld defects did not occur for every weld. Due to this recurrent weld defect, the decision was made to disassemble and inspect the field shaper in order to determine the defect cause. After inspection (§ 6.5.2), it was clear that the width of the 3 cracks greatly exceeded the width of the field shaper slit. Especially the crack at the 180° position is extremely wide. The fact that the weld pattern in the copper-brass welds is interrupted at the 180° position is a direct consequence of the 109 large crack at this location. This crack causes a distortion in the current path, resulting in a magnetic field pressure reduction. As the width of the crack is a multitude of the width of the field shaper slit, the reduction of the magnetic pressure is significantly larger at the 180° position. In fact, as no significant defects were seen at the slit position, the pressure reduction at the slit region does not have a very large influence on the weld quality at this location. Figure 6.5: The wavy weld zone was interrupted at the position 180° relative to the field shaper slit in all copper-brass experiments. The width of the interruption was 3 to 5 mm. 6.5.2 Nature and cause of field shaper damage During the experiments the field shaper has been damaged severely. The damage was discovered during inspection, after some unexpected welding defects were observed. Severe cracks developed at the inside surface of the field shaper at the positions 90°, 180° and 270° relative to the radial slit, as shown in Figure 6.6. The radial slit is located on the right side of the photograph, with isolating tape to separate both sides. The cracks all initiated at the inside surface of the field shaper and propagated in the radial direction. Figure 6.7 shows a detail of the most severe crack, which was located opposite to the field shaper slit. At the 90° position relative to the field shaper slit, the crack was not so wide but very long. This crack also initiated on the inner field shaper surface and propagated in a radial direction. When reaching 110 the end of the field-concentrating zone (with a smaller axial thickness), the crack further propagated in circumferential direction, as shown in Figure 6.8. Figure 6.6: Field shaper damage. Figure 6.7: The most severe crack was located opposite to the field shaper slit. Figure 6.8: Crack at 90° relative to the field shaper slit. 111 At the time that the damage was observed, the magnetic pulse welding machine had discharged about 1500 pulses over its lifetime. Before this event, the condition of the field shaper had never been checked. Consequently, no conclusions can be drawn regarding the first occurrence or the evolution of the cracks. Damage presumably initializes at these locations due to the large tensile stresses at the inner surface during the shock load. Despite the absence of physical contact with the components, the field shaper is subjected to a reaction force; a radial outward force directed oppositely to the force acting on the flyer tube. As the field shaper has a slit, this pressure causes the two ‘halves’ to be pushed apart, initiating a crack opposite to the slit. Due to symmetry, cracks also initiate at 90° and 270° relative to the slit. The crack formation due to the reaction forces is schematically shown in Figure 6.9 [70] . In addition to the cracks at in the inside surface of the field shaper, the insulation surrounding the field shaper was partially burnt. High discharge currents (>100 kA) flow primarily near the surface of the field shaper. Due to the narrow crack formation, the current flow pattern is distorted. The current will try to take the shortest path, rather than follow the damaged inside surface around the cracks. This causes the currents to pass the narrow air gap of the cracks, causing sparks. These sparks cause further erosion of the cracks and burning of the insulation. Figure 6.9: Field shaper damage due to reaction forces [70]. 112 6.6 Copper-Aluminium experiments 6.6.1 Introductory comments related to field shaper damage Three series of welding experiments were completed using copper flyer tubes and solid aluminium internal workpieces. A fourth series was scheduled to be performed. Due to the discovery of the damaged field shaper, this series was postponed. The damage might also have had a negative influence on the quality of the welds in the first three series. The regular discharge flow of the current through the field shaper is disturbed by the severe cracks located at the inside surface of the field shaper. If the current path is deviated, irregularities in the magnetic field formation are unavoidable. If the magnetic field is distorted by means of local reduction of field strength at the cracks, the pressure exerted on the flyer tube will also be reduced at these positions. The nonuniform pressure distribution will result in a non-uniform impact on the inner workpiece, and consequently the weld formation might be disturbed. This effect was noticed during the copperbrass experiments. In these experiments the welds were formed successfully, so the effect of the field shaper damage was more obvious than in the case of the copper-aluminium experiments, where the welds were mostly unsuccessful. Therefore, all of the CA-experiments (copper-aluminium) will be discussed jointly in the following sections. 6.6.2 Series 1 (SD-CA-1) CA Series 1 Material Flyer tube Inner rod Copper Aluminium Outer Diameter 25 mm 16 mm/17 mm Thickness 1,5 mm / The first series of the copper-aluminium weld trails counted twenty experiments. The copper flyer tubes all have an outer diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 1,5 mm. The length of the tubes was varied between 46 mm and 50 mm resulting in different overlap lengths of the tubes with the field shaper (see table below). As the position of the clamping mechanism is constant, an increase of the tube length increases the overlap length, on which the magnetic pressure acts. The inner rod diameter at the welding zone was chosen equal to 16 mm or 17 mm. The rod diameter determines the stand-off distance, i.e. the radial air gap between the inner rod and the outer tube. These geometrical parameters define different configurations: five different overlap lengths and for each overlap length, two different stand-off distances. Finally, for each geometrical configuration, the charging voltage was set at 15 kV and at the maximum allowed voltage level (about 19 kV). An overview of the experiments of the first series is shown in Table 6.2. For each experiment, the geometrical parameters (internal workpiece diameter, stand-off distance, tube length and overlap length) and the charging voltage are listed. The third column from the right indicates whether a weld was formed in the workpiece. The results of the leak test are listed in the right column. None of the experiments of the first series resulted in a successful weld: all workpieces failed the leak test. The majority of the workpieces even showed large leaks (classes C,D and E). The workpieces were cut in half after welding to perform microscopic examination. The inner workpiece separated from the outer tube after this operation for almost every specimen. One workpiece (SD-CA-1.12) 113 remained intact after the cutting operation. During microscopic investigation, it appeared that the workpieces were only welded at one side. Although no qualitative weld was created during this series of experiments, a large quantity of deposition of aluminium was found on the inside surface of the copper flyer tubes (see Figure 6.10 for specimen SD-CA-1.17). The aluminium is found on the inner tube surface at the edge of collar and in the middle of the weld zone. No deposition was seen at the end of the flyer tube (first point of impact). Test Number Voltage (kV) Diameter (mm) Stand-off (mm) Tube length (mm) Overlap (mm) Weld ? Leak free? Leak Class SD-CA-1.1 15 16 3,0 46 8 No No B SD-CA-1.2 19 16 3,0 46 8 No No D SD-CA-1.3 15 17 2,5 46 8 No No B SD-CA-1.4 18.5 17 2,5 46 8 No No C SD-CA-1.5 15 16 3,0 47 9 No No E SD-CA-1.6 19 16 3,0 47 9 No No C SD-CA-1.7 15 17 2,5 47 9 No No C SD-CA-1.8 18,5 17 2,5 47 9 No No B SD-CA-1.9 15 16 3,0 48 10 No No E SD-CA1-.10 19 16 3,0 48 10 No No B SD-CA-1.11 15 17 2,5 48 10 No No B SD-CA-1.12 19 17 2,5 48 10 Partially No C SD-CA-1.13 15 16 3,0 49 11 No No D SD-CA-1.14 19 16 3,0 49 11 No No D SD-CA-1.15 15 17 2,5 49 11 No No B SD-CA-1.16 19 17 2,5 49 11 No No B SD-CA-1.17 15 16 3,0 50 12 No No C SD-CA-1.18 19 16 3,0 50 12 No No C SD-CA-1.19 15 17 2,5 50 12 No No C SD-CA-1.20 19 17 2,5 50 12 No No C Table 6.2: First series of copper-aluminium weld trials The indentation of the inner workpieces, due to the high velocity impact of the flyer tube, was very large in most of the experiments of the first series (Figure 6.10, Figure 6.11). Several reasons are possible for the excessive plastic deformation of the inner rods. The impact energy of the flyer tube was clearly too large. This can be related to the mass of the flyer tube, or to the velocity at impact with the inner rod. The flyer tubes all had an outside diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 1,5 mm. This thickness was used in all copper-aluminium and copper-brass experiments. In other words, the impacting mass was kept constant. The impact velocity depends on both the charging voltage and the stand-off distance. The voltage over the capacitor bank is proportional to the discharge current. The magnetic pressure that accelerates the flyer tube is proportional to the square of the discharge current. An excessive voltage could cause an acceleration (and thus impact velocity) which is too large. Similar voltage levels were applied in the copper-brass experiments, but the plastic deformation of the brass internal workpieces was not as large. This is of course also related to the 114 fact that the yield strength of the brass alloy is 250 MPa, while that of aluminium is only 140 MPa. The other parameter that has a large influence on the impact velocity is the stand-off distance. This is the distance over which the flyer tube can accelerate. If the stand-off is increased, the impact velocity will also increase (assuming constant acceleration). The stand-off distance in the experiments of the first series was chosen equal to 2,5 or 3 mm. These values were most probably too large. Therefore, a second series of copper-aluminium experiments was performed where the stand-off distance was decreased. Figure 6.10: No weld was formed during the MPW process of workpiece SD-CA-1.17. The inner rod separated spontaneously from the outer tube during cutting through. Deposition of aluminium on the inside surface of the copper tube was found in all of the Copper-Aluminium experiments. 115 6.6.3 Series 2 (SD-CA-2) CA Series 2 Material Flyer tube Inner rod Copper Aluminium Outer diameter 25 mm 18 mm/19 mm Thickness 1,5 mm / The objective of the second series was to verify the influence of the stand-off distance on weld formation and plastic deformation of the internal workpiece. This series was performed using inner rods with a diameter of 18 and 19 mm, thus reducing the stand-off distance to 2 and 1,5 mm respectively. The tubes had a length of 47, 48 and 49 mm, which is similar to the experiments of the first series. The voltage was again set at 15 kV and at the maximum allowable level. The experiments of the second series are listed in Table 6.3. Test Number Voltag e (kV) Diameter (mm) Stand-off (mm) Tube length (mm) Overlap (mm) Weld? Leak Free? Leak Class SD-CA-2.1 15,0 18 2,0 47 9 No No D SD-CA-2.2 18,0 18 2,0 47 9 Partially No C SD-CA-2.3 15,0 18 2,0 48 10 No No E SD-CA-2.4 18,5 18 2,0 48 10 Partially No C SD-CA-2.5 15,0 19 1,5 48 10 No No D SD-CA-2.6 18,5 19 1,5 48 10 No No C SD-CA-2.7 15,0 18 2,0 49 11 No No E SD-CA-2.8 18,5 18 2,0 49 11 Partially No B SD-CA-2.9 15,0 19 1,5 49 11 No No E SD-CA-2.10 18,5 19 1,5 49 11 Partially No C Table 6.3: Second series of copper-aluminium weld trails The indentation of the inner rod was clearly much smaller by reducing the stand-off distance. Figure 6.11 shows a comparison of the plastic deformation of the inner rod for two different stand-off distances. The stand-off distance in the experiment of the left picture was 3 mm (workpiece SD-CA1.14) and that of the right one was 2 mm (workpiece SD-CA-2.8). In both experiments the tube length was 49 mm and the voltage level was about the same: 19 kV for workpiece SD-CA-1.14 and 18,5 kV for SD-CA-2.8. A more thorough discussion on the influence of the voltage level and stand-off distance on the indentation of the inner rod can be found further in this chapter. None of the workpieces of the second series passed the leak test. Nevertheless, some interesting conclusions can be drawn from the leak classes, listed in the right column of Table 6.3. For each geometrical configuration, two experiments with different voltage levels were performed: one at 15 kV and one at 18,5 kV. The workpieces formed at 18.5 kV showed significantly less leakage than those formed at 15 kV. For instance, the leaks found in workpiece SD-CA-2.7 were class E, while workpiece SD-CA-2.8, with the same geometry but higher voltage level, only had small leaks (class B). 116 After the leak test, the workpieces were cut longitudinally for microscopic examination. In most experiments, the flyer tube spontaneously separated from the inner tube at both sides after the cutting operation. Only in experiments SD-CA-2.4, SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA CA-2.10, separation did not occur. These are the experiments performed at the highest voltage level (18,5 kV), which also showed the smallest leaks. However, the flyer tube was only bonded to the internal workpiece at one side, as shown in Figure 6.12. 6 . A weld was created between the tube and the rod at the right hand side of the photograph, but not at the left side. Workpiece SD-CA-2.2 was subjected to a torsion and a compressive test to determine the weld strength. After examination of the surface of the inner rod, it was observed that also this specimen probably was only partially welded. Figure 6.11:: The plastic deformation of the inner rod is much more severe with an increase in stand-off stand distance. The stand-off off distance in the experiment of the left picture was 3 mm and that of the right one was 2 mm. In both experiments the tube length was 49 mm and the voltage level was about the same: 19 kV for workpiece SD-CA-1.14 and 18,5 kV for SD-CA-2.8. CA-2.4, SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10 were the only copper-aluminium aluminium experiments where the Figure 6.12: Workpieces SD-CA tube did not separate from the rod after cutting. None of these workpieces was fully welded, as the tube was connected to the rod only at one side of each half of the workpiece. There were no clear wave patterns on the surfaces of the inner rod or flyer tube. Nevertheless, a successful bond was formed between the tube and the rod. This joint might have been broken at one side by the cutting operation itself, or by the release of residual stresses after cutting c (which were introduced by the diameter reduction of the tube). Although a partially-welded partially workpiece is preferred over a non-welded, welded, this is not sufficient to be a successful weld. Workpiece SD-CA-2.2 was subjected to a torsion test. The aluminium workpiece workpiece failed instead of the weld, indicating that the weld of the tube and the rod had significant strength. The same workpiece was then subjected to the compressive test, where the weld failed at 12 kN. These destructive tests 117 are discussed further in this chapter. From the surface examination after the compressive test, it could be concluded that the workpiece was presumably welded only at one side. This might suggest that the other partially-welded workpieces (SD-CA-2.4, SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10) were also welded at one side due to a certain asymmetry in the welding process, rather than that the weld was broken at one side by cutting. 6.6.4 Series 3 (SD-CA-3) CA Series 3 Material Flyer tube Inner rod Copper Aluminium Outer diameter 25 mm 17 mm Thickness 1.5 mm / The third series of experiments was performed to investigate the possible influence of the jet material on the weld quality. It was investigated if the jet can get trapped in the welding zone and at the collar of the inner rod. Experiments were performed using inner rods with a similar geometry as in the previous experiments, but with axial grooves machined in the collar. The grooves create a path for the jet material to exit the welding zone. The grooved collar is shown in Figure 6.13. Figure 6.13: The grooves in the collar of workpiece SD-CA-3.1 create an exit for the jet. The photograph shows that less jet material remains behind the collar and more importantly in the weld zone. Four experiments were performed with the same parameters: voltage level 15 kV, tube length 46 mm and rod diameter 17 mm. Grooves were machined in workpieces SD-CA-3.1, SD-CA-3.2 and SD-CA-3.3 prior to welding. These three experiments are exactly the same, allowing a good comparison with workpieces with a regular collar. No changes were made to the collar of workpiece SD-CA-3.4. The experiments of the third series are listed in Table 6.4. None of these workpieces was welded, and all of them failed the leak test. The workpieces with the grooved collars showed significantly less leakage than the one with a regular collar. A discussion on the jet material can be found further in this chapter. 118 Test Number Voltage (kV) Diameter (mm) Standoff (mm) Tube Length (mm) Overlap (mm) Weld ? Leak Free? Leak Class Remarks SD-CA-3.1 15 17 2.5 46 8 No No B Grooves in collar SD-CA-3.2 15 17 2.5 46 8 No No B “ SD-CA-3.3 15 17 2.5 46 8 No No B SD-CA-3.4 15 17 2.5 46 8 No No D “ No grooves Table 6.4:Third series of copper-aluminium weld trails 6.6.5 Series 4 Based on the experience gathered in the previous three series of experiments, the goal of the fourth series was to develop a weldability window for welding copper tubes to aluminium workpieces. However at the time the workpieces were delivered, the damage of the field shaper was discovered and thus this series of experiments has not yet been completed. For this series, 45 experiments were planned combining three different stand-off distances, three energy levels and five different lengths of the flyer tube. An overview is given in Table 6.5. Stand-off (mm) 2 1,5 1 Voltage (kV) 15 not specified maximum 15 not specified maximum 15 not specified maximum Tube Length (mm) 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Table 6.5: the fourth series of copper-aluminium experiments Thus, for every combination of stand-off distance and flyer tube length, three experiments would be conducted. The first experiment is performed at a voltage of 15 kV, the second one at the maximum charging voltage of the pulse. This maximum value is not constant but depends on the workpieces. At last, the third experiment is performed at a voltage which lies in between 15 kV and the maximum voltage. This third voltage is not specified but should be chosen after investigation of the workpieces which were welded with the above mentioned parameters. Due to the great importance of these experiments, it is strongly recommended to conduct them in the future. 119 6.7 Discussion on the Copper-Aluminium experiments 6.7.1 Non Destructive evaluation Leak test During the leak test, the workpieces are pressurised with air at 4 bar and submerged in water. The classes indicating the severity of the leakage are listed in Table 6.1. The leak test setup is discussed in the chapter on Non-Destructive Testing. None of the workpieces of the first series of the copper-aluminium experiments were leak free. The classes associated with the leakage for each workpiece can be found in Table 6.2. The second series of Cu-Al experiments also did not produce welds of satisfying quality. Workpieces SD-CA-2.4, SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10 are the only workpieces that were welded partially: the tube was welded to the rod at only one side. The leak test confirmed that the weld of these workpieces is of higher quality than the other workpieces of the series. The leak severity of the three aforementioned workpieces was determined to be respectively class C, B and C. The remaining workpieces of the second series showed leakage of class C, D or even E. Although the leak rate of class B is significantly better than class C or higher, this leak rate is for some applications still not acceptable. The experiments in the third series were executed to investigate the geometry of the collar and its influence on the weld quality. Internal workpieces were used with grooves in the collar and with a normal collar. The grooves create an exit for the jet, so the jet material does not get trapped in the weld zone. Grooves were machined in the collar of the inner rod in experiments SD-CA-3.1, SD-CA-3.2 and SD-CA-3.3. These three workpieces showed only a few bubbles in the leak test (class B). Experiment SD-CA-3.4 was performed with the exact same geometrical parameters and charging voltage, but with a conventional collar (no grooves). This workpiece showed more than 10 bubbles per second (class D). So, the experiments with the grooved collar showed significantly lower leakage than those with a normal collar. The leak test performed on these workpieces is shown in Figure 6.14. None of these workpieces were properly welded, as the internal workpieces spontaneously separated from the outer tube on both sides after cutting the workpiece in half. In all of the leak tests, the position of the leaks relative to the field shaper slit was examined. It was suggested in [17] that a “buckling” effect occurred, due to the lower magnetic pressure in the field shaper slit region. For symmetry reasons, the buckling would occur at positions FS slit + i 90˚ (i=0, 1, 2, 3). If the weld was locally interrupted at these locations, it would be likely that the leaks were found at these positions. Sometimes leaks were indeed found at these, but not consistently. The leaks generally showed great variety in their appearance. In some cases only one or two leaks were observed, but the number of bubbles per second was very large. In other specimens, a large number of small leaks (low leak rate per leak) were found. So, statistically there is no relation between the position of the field shaper slit during welding and the location of the leaks [17]. 120 Figure 6.14: Leak test performed on two workpieces from the third series of copper-aluminium experiments. On the left, the workpiece with grooves in the collar shows limited leakage (class B). This is significantly less than observed for the experiment with the exact same welding parameters but with a normal collar, which is shown on the right (class D). Computed tomography The welds of workpieces SD-CA-1.9 and SD-CA-1.15 were evaluated with the computed tomography technique at CEWAC. The CT scan is a non-destructive testing method for producing 2-D and 3-D cross-sectional images of an object from flat X-ray images. The internal structure of the workpiece can be visualised, identifying internal defects. Weld flaws such as insufficient bonding (volumetrical flaw) can be detected by the CT technique. No significant weld defects were detected with the CT evaluation. Only the gap (filled with air) located just behind the collar of the inner rod was detected, as shown in Figure 6.15 (left). This is of course not a defect, but a consequence of the rod shape. Workpiece SD-CA-1.15 showed a slight deformation at the welded zone, also shown in Figure 6.15 (right). The deformation results in a distortion of the roundness of the welded tube, but there was no volumetrical flaw associated with this flaw. No defects were found in workpiece SD-CA-1.9. Although no weld defects were found using the CT scan, neither of the workpieces were welded, as could be concluded from microscopic inspection. As previously discussed, the combination of a high charging voltage level and a large stand-off distance resulted in severe deformation of the aluminium inner rod. The impact energy is assumed to be too high to result in a good weld. The fact that the CT scan did not show any weld defects in workpieces SD-CA-1.9 and SD-CA-1.15 although there was no weld in either of the workpieces, could have several reasons. A possible cause is that the CT scan did not have a sufficiently high resolution to detect the weld flaws. This could be related to the scanning equipment or to the fact that the weld flaws are very small. The flyer tube is pressed very firmly against the inner rod due to the high energy impact. Even if no weld is formed, the surfaces will still be in contact with each other after the impact process. This is in agreement with the deposition of aluminium on the inside surface of the copper tubes that was 121 found in most of the Cu-Al experiments, shown in Figure 6.10. The tube is very tightly connected to the inner rod, but no weld is created. Thus, the flaws resulting from the MPW process have an extremely small volume. The consequence is that they are very difficult to detect using the CT scan. Figure 6.15: Computed Tomography is a non-destructive evaluation technique that can produce 2-D and 3-D cross sectional images of the workpiece. The CT technique was applied to workpieces SD-CA-1.9 and SD-CA-1.15. No weld defects were noticed. The left figure shows the air gap located behind the inner rod collar, which is not a weld defect. A slight deformation (out of roundness) was noticed in the weld zone of workpiece SD-CA-1.15 (right picture). This deformation did not result in a volumetrical flaw. The UGCT (Ghent University Centre for X-ray Tomography) was contacted to acquire more information about the CT evaluation technique. The equipment at UGCT cannot be used for the MPW welded workpieces with diameter 25 mm. The necessary energy level of the CT equipment increases as the thickness of the metal part (subjected to the evaluation) increases. The instruments at UGCT are limited to metal workpieces with thickness lower than 10 mm. 122 6.7.2 Destructive evaluation Weld strength The torsion test was performed on workpiece SD-CA-2.2, as discussed in the section Destructive Testing. The grooves in the internal workpiece for the mounting of the torque wrench were machined prior to welding. The aluminium inner rod failed before the weld did, at a torque of 140 Nm. Because only the aluminium failed, the same workpiece could also be subjected to a compressive test after cutting off the fractured part of the rod and flattening the surface. The weld sheared at a compressive force of 12 kN. The displacement at this maximum force was 0,46 mm. The flyer tube was most probably not fully welded to the inner rod, as shown in Figure 6.16. On one side of the rod, a discolouration was found where the workpiece was presumably welded (left). The other side of the rod had a rough surface but no indications were found that a weld had been formed there. No wave pattern was observed on the surface. Although no perfect weld was formed, the connection of the workpieces showed sufficient strength, as it could withstand axial forces up to 12 kN. During the impact, not only a weld is formed but also some mechanical interlock is created which also contributes to the strength of the connection. It is very difficult to determine an accurate value for the shear strength of the weld, because the weld was not formed over the entire circumference. The welded zone (left in Figure 6.16) extended over almost 180˚. The weld length in this welded zone varied between 2,5 and 4,5 mm (average=3,5 mm), and the diameter measured 17,5 mm. Using these values, a rough estimate of the shear strength of the weld zone is 125 MPa. Figure 6.16: Workpiece SD-CA-2.2 showed a discolouration over almost half the circumference (left), which was presumably welded. The other half had a rough surface but no indications that a weld had been formed there. No wave pattern was observed on the surface. The weld sheared in the compressive test at a force of 12kN. According to [69] the ultimate shear strength for aluminium and copper alloys is approximately 65% of the ultimate tensile strength. The minimum ultimate tensile stress of aluminium EN AW-6060 in the T6 condition is 170 MPa and 290 Mpa for copper Cu-DHP R290. The ultimate shear strength of these materials is then approximately 110,5 Mpa and 188,5 Mpa respectively. The strength of the 123 weld thus exceeds the strength of the aluminium base material, which was confirmed by the fact that the aluminium rod failed first in the torsion test. No additional destructive tests were performed on copper-aluminium workpieces to measure the weld strength (or rather the strength of the connection). Other workpieces of the second series were examined microscopically. Microscopic examination of the weld interface As stated above, in none of these copper-aluminium experiments, a fully developed weld was created. However some workpieces remained attached after they had been cut through longitudinally. This allowed microscopic examination of these workpieces. This investigation showed that the workpieces were merely welded on one side of the part. Figure 6.17 shows a workpiece (SD-CA-1.12) which has been embedded in epoxy resin and carefully polished afterwards. It is clear that the lower interface on the image shows a gap between the workpieces, thus this side has not been welded. Figure 6.17: A workpiece embedded in epoxy resin, ready for microscopic investigation. It is clearly visible that the a slit exists between the copper and aluminium at the lower part of the figure. A microscopic investigation of workpiece SD-CA-1.12 was performed. Figure 6.18 shows a part of the upper interface of Figure 6.17. It is clear that this interface has been welded and an intermetallic layer was created. Figure 6.19 however shows the lower interface which is clearly not welded. Although no weld was formed at this location, adhesion of aluminum to copper can be observed and even some material mixing occurred. Some aluminium is still attached to the copper and even a small amount managed to travel into the copper. This could mean either that the impact energy was not sufficient to generate a good bond or that the impact energy was too large and some rebound of the flyer tube occurred which broke the connection. In both figures it can be seen that no wavy interface was formed. The phenomenon of wave formation could not be found in any of the interfaces of these partially-welded parts. Occasionally, on workpieces which had fallen apart after sectioning, few waves could be found on the circumference of the aluminium inner part. However the number of these waves was very low and so was their amplitude. 124 Figure 6.18: The welded side of part SD-CA-1.12. An intermetallic layer has been formed but no waves can be found in this interface Figure 6.19: Image of the non-welded side of workpiece SD-CA-1.12. Although no weld was formed, adhesion and mixing occurred. This leads to the conclusion that the parameters which were used in the three preliminary copperaluminium test series were outside the process window in which the formation of waves takes place. Although they are not the same, the weldability window and the window for wave formation partially overlap. Thus one might conclude that the values of the used parameters also did not fall within the weldability window, thus explaining the low quality of the performed tests. It is important to notice that these conclusions do not take in account the possible effect of de field shaper damage. This once more emphasizes the need of further experiments on copper-aluminium connections (including the fourth series of experiments) to obtain useful weldability windows. Inner rod deformation Significant differences were seen in the indentation of the inner rod. The plastic deformation of the rod is caused by the impact of the flyer tube. A larger impact velocity will result in a larger indentation. According to the simplified formulas by Pulsar, the acceleration is constant in time and therefore, with s=stand-off distance: lVFT\S ~ √] (6.6) 125 If the deformation pressure is neglected, the full magnetic pressure causes the flyer tube to accelerate. The acceleration is then proportional to the square of the magnetic field, which is proportional to the discharge current. Because the discharge current is proportional to the charging voltage: lVFT\S ~√[ ~ j (6.7) The previous two relations show that the impact velocity is proportional to the root of the stand-off distance and to the charging voltage. The plastic deformation of the inner rod is related to the impact velocity. The impacting mass of the flyer tube can be approximated as: _ = i. (. x . ;. ) (6.8) With: m = mass[kg] R0 = flyer tube outer radius – flyer tube inner radius [mm] t = flyer tube thickness[mm] l = overlap length [mm] ρ=density of the material [kg/mm³] The part of the flyer tube that is accelerated has a length equal to the overlap length (on which the pressure is exerted). The density of the flyer tube material, its outer radius and thickness are constant in all experiments. Therefore, the mass is proportional to the overlap length. The impact energy can be calculated as the kinetic energy of the flyer tube just before impact: 8lVFT\S = $ _. lVFT\S 2 (6.9) The impact energy is therefore proportional to the overlap length, to the stand-off distance and to the square of the charging voltage. 8lVFT\S ~ . ]. j $ (6.10) No detailed analysis of the deformation of the inner workpiece was found in literature. The energy that is accumulated in the capacitor bank is partly dissipated in Joule-losses, partly in the tube deformation and partly in kinetic energy of the tube. This kinetic energy is converted into deformation of the rod at impact. With the intention of verifying these formulas, the indentation of the inner rod was measured for ten workpieces. The results are shown in Table 6.6. The relative diameter reduction is listed in the sixth column and the absolute indentation in the seventh column. The first four experiments in the table were performed at a higher voltage (18,5 kV and 19 kV) and an overlap length of 11 mm. As the stand-off distance (s) decreases linearly, the indentation does not decrease in proportion. In fact, the absolute indentation at s=3,0 mm is equal to the indentation at s=2,5 mm. At s=2,0 mm the indentation is significantly lower, but at s=1,5mm the indentation increases again to the same value as in the experiments at s=3,0 mm and s=2,5 mm. 126 For the next three experiments, the overlap length was also equal to 11 mm but the charging voltage was 15 kV. The decrease in stand-off distance from s=3,0 mm to s=2,0 mm results in a proportional decrease in indentation. But at s=1,5 mm, the indentation is equal to that of s=2,0 mm. The final three experiments had an overlap length of 10 mm and a voltage of 15 kV. Again it was observed that the indentation decreases with a decreases by reducing the stand-off distance from s=2,5 mm to s=2,0 mm. But by further reducing the stand-off to s=1,5 mm, the indentation increased again. Workpiece Voltage (kV) Standoff (mm) Overlap (mm) Diamete r inner rod (mm) % Diameter Reduction Indentation (mm) Normalised Impact Velocity Normalised Impact Energy SD-CA-1.14 19,0 3,0 11 16 16 1,3 1,8 3,2 SD-CA-1.16 19,0 2,5 11 17 15 1,3 1,6 2,7 SD-CA-2.8 18,5 2,0 11 18 7 0,6 1,4 2,0 SD-CA-2.10 18,5 1,5 11 19 13 1,3 1,2 1,5 SD-CA-1.13 15,0 3,0 11 16 9 0,7 1,4 2,0 SD-CA-2.7 15,0 2,0 11 18 4 0,4 1,2 1,3 SD-CA-2.9 15,0 1,5 11 19 5 0,4 1,0 1,0 SD-CA-1.11 15,0 2,5 10 17 11 1,0 1,3 1,5 SD-CA-2.3 15,0 2,0 10 18 5 0,4 1,2 1,2 SD-CA-2.5 15,0 1,5 10 19 8 0,8 1,0 0,9 Table 6.6: The indentation of the inner rod was measured for ten workpieces. As the charging voltage increases, the impact velocity and the indentation increase. According to the calculations by Pulsar, a larger stand-off distance should also result in a larger indentation. Several irregularities were seen with respect to this relation. It can be seen that for a similar overlap length and stand-off distance, the decrease in charging voltage consistently results in a lower indentation. For example, a comparison between workpieces SD-CA-1.14 and SD-CA-1.13 shows that decreasing the charging voltage from 19 kV to 15 kV, which equals a reduction of 37% in impact energy according to equation 6.10, results in a decrease in indentation of 46%. The same result can be seen in workpieces SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.7: 35% decrease in impact energy, results in a 33% decrease in indentation. The indentation of workpiece SD-CA-2.10 is very large, so the same comparison does not apply here. To check the validity of the relations between these parameters, the impact velocity and the impact energy were calculated for each experiment. Workpiece SD-CA-2.9 with parameters s=1,5 mm, l=11 mm, and V=15 kV, was chosen as a reference. The impact velocity and energy for these parameters were chosen as unity. The normalised impact velocity and impact energy, also shown in Figure 6.20, were calculated according to equations 6.6, 6.7 and 6.10: ] j lVFT\S,Jx4V = . 1.5__ 15j 8lVFT\S,Jx4V = . ]. j $ (11__)(1.5__)(15j)$ (6.11) (6.12) 127 The indentation of the inner workpiece is plotted against the normalised impact energy in Figure 6.20, along with a linear trend line. Although the results deviate from the trend line, a linear relation can be recognized. As discussed before, increasing the charging voltage results in an increase in indentation. The voltage only affects the magnitude of the acceleration. The effect of the stand-off distance is not quite understood. Several irregularities were observed in the relation between the stand-off and the indentation. This is most likely caused by the acceleration, which is not constant in time. Therefore the assumed relation that the flyer tube accelerates linearly from standstill to the impact velocity is not valid, and the impact velocity will not be proportional to the root of the standoff distance. In reality, the acceleration depends largely on the deformation of the tube. The pressure exerted by the magnetic field both deforms and accelerates the flyer tube. Neglecting the pressure required for deformation probably has a significant influence on the accuracy of the suggested equations. The deformation will absorb more energy when the stand-off distance increases (larger strains because the final diameter is smaller). In addition, the Pulsar calculations for deformation simplify the flyer tube geometry as shown on the left of Figure 6.21. The tube diameter reduces uniformly until it impacts with the rod. The real deformation of the tube is shown on the right. The pressure acts only on the right part of the tube. This side will accelerate, but the part of the tube on the left side, where the collar is located, will not. This section of the tube will resist against the deformation. The tube will impact first at its free end, and the collision will continue towards the left side. As a result, the acceleration and impact velocity will be different at each point. The deformation behaviour of the tube that occurs in reality is simply too complicated to be described with elementary analytical equations. A last remark concerning the indentation of the internal workpiece: In [23]it is suggested that the yield strength of the internal workpiece material should exceed the strength of the flyer tube material to prevent severe deformations. This can be confirmed by the observations in this work. During this test series the yield strength of the cores (aluminium) was smaller than the strength of the flyer tubes (copper). It is recommended to investigate the feasibility of copper-aluminium welds with copper internal workpieces in the future. 128 Inner Rod Indentation [mm] 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 0,00 1,00 2,00 Normalised Impact Energy [-] 3,00 Figure 6.20: The indentation of the rod is plotted against normalised impact energy, along with a linear trend line. Although the results deviate from the trend line, a linear relation can be recognized roughly. An increase in impact energy results in a larger indentation. Figure 6.21: The Pulsar calculations for deformation simplify the flyer tube geometry as shown on the left. The tube diameter reduces uniformly until it impacts with the rod. The real deformation of the tube is shown on the right and is much more complicated. Jet During the high velocity collision of the flyer tube onto the inner rod, high air pressures are created at the adjacent surfaces. This pressure is sufficient to crumble a thin layer of metal (< 0,05 mm) from the metal surfaces and eject it in the form of a jet. This jet consists of material of both the inner workpiece and the flyer tube (oxide layer), and also removes contaminants. A minimum collision angle is required to ensure a pressure of sufficient magnitude for the deformation of the metal surfaces and the formation of the jet. Also a maximum value for the collision angle exists, after which no jetting will take place and no bond will occur [17]. The jet mechanism is shown schematically in Figure 6.22. The magnetic pressure causes the impact of the flyer tube, with the collision point moving towards the right hand side of the figure. The jet moves away from the collision point, towards the area of lower pressure (located at the collar of the 129 inner rod). The collision angle is the angle between the inner rod surface and the flyer tube, measured at the instantaneous collision point [19]. Figure 6.22: The magnetic pressure causes the acceleration of the flyer tube towards the inner rod and the weld is formed during impact. The tube first impacts the rod on the left side. The collision point then moves towards the right hand side of the figure. The high velocity impact creates an area of very high pressure, causing the formation of a jet. This jet consists of material of both the inner workpiece and the flyer tube (thin surface layer), and also removes contaminants. In [17] it is stated that pre-cleaning of the workpieces is not required due to the cleaning effect of the jet, which is capable of sufficiently removing the surface contaminants to ensure good joining of the workpieces. In all of the experiments performed in this master thesis, the tubes and the rods were cleaned thoroughly using acetone. It is a small effort to clean the parts before welding and it reduces the amount of contaminating particles in the jet material. Cleaning can only result in similar or better welds. The movement of the jet is in the same direction as the contact point between the tube and the rod: towards the collar. The collar blocks the jet, causing the jet material to accumulate at the bottom of the collar. This effect was noticed in the both the copper-aluminium and copper-brass experiments. In [17] experiments were performed with two different inner rod geometries, to investigate the effect of the jet on the weld. The first geometry is similar to the one used in all of the experiments in this thesis (with collar). In the second configuration the collar was removed, so the inner rod was cylindrical. In the experiments with a collar on the inner rod, the jet was blocked by the collar. Without the collar, the jet is no longer trapped between both workpieces. No difference in weld characteristics was noticed between the two configurations. The fact that the welds were similar is quite peculiar, as the collar influences not only the jet flow pattern, but also the collision angle during welding. To verify if the jet has a significant influence on the welding process, a different inner rod geometry was applied in the CA 3-series experiments. The dimensions of the rod (diameter and collar) were kept constant, but three axial grooves were machined in the collar prior to welding. The two configurations result in a similar collision angle and impact velocity. The only difference is that in the experiments using the grooved collar, the jet did not impact the collar. Due to the high pressure difference, the jet material is pushed through the grooves. Figure 6.23 shows the jet accumulation at the base of the collar of workpiece SD-CA-2.3 (right). Almost no jet material is found at the base of the grooved collar of workpiece SD-CA-3.2, indicating that the jet can exit the collar region. In the 130 grooved collar experiments, the entire outer surface of the rod and inner surface of the flyer tube were smoother and less contaminated after welding. A portion of the jetting material, which impacts the collar at high velocity, is possibly reflected on the collar. Another assumption is that not all jet material moves at the same velocity. The flow pattern of the jet is not perfectly known. It is reported that most of the jetting material comes from the flyer tube. This is caused by a higher jet velocity at the flyer tube surface than at the inner rod surface. Some jet material, moving at a lower speed, might remain behind on the rod surface in the weld zone. The thickness of the jet layer is larger than the height of the micro-roughness peaks of the base material and is comparable with the amplitude of the interface wave profile. As a result, jet material remaining behind in the weld zone could possibly interfere with the welding process [71][22]. The weld zone of workpiece SD-CA-2.3 is noticeably darker than that of workpiece SD-CA-3.2 (or any other workpiece without grooves in the collar), as shown in Figure 6.24. This darker colour is jet material, as the discolouration was not noticed in the grooved collar experiments. Neither of these workpieces was welded together. The inner rod separated spontaneously from the outer tube after cutting through the workpiece. Figure 6.23: In the third series of copper-aluminium experiments grooves were machined in the collar of the inner rod. These grooves create an exit path for the jet. With the standard rod geometry, the jet material accumulates at the base of collar. In the grooved collar experiments, the entire outer surface of the rod and inner surface of the flyer tube were smoother and less contaminated after welding. Figure 6.24: The weld zone of workpiece SD-CA-2.3 is noticeably darker than that of workpiece SD-CA-3.2 (or any other workpiece without grooves in the collar). This darker colour is jet material, as the discolouration was not noticed in the grooved collar experiments. 131 6.7.3 Welding Parameters Impact angle In this section an approximation of the initial impact angle will be calculated for the three series of experiments which were performed in this work. This angle will be in direct relation with the stand-off distance. Assuming that the flyer tube will bend starting at the point where it enters the field shaper, a right triangle will be created (Figure 6.25). Note that this theory is only an assumption. The real movement of the flyer tube is of a complicated nature and can only be described accurately by finite element simulations. Figure 6.25: Assuming that the flyer tube bends over the collar, a right triangle is formed between the flyer plate and the inner workpiece. This triangle can be used to calculate the angle of impact. The stand-off distance is known for every experiment and the amount of overlap between the flyer tube and the field shaper can be calculated from equation 6.5. The initial impact angle of the process can thus be calculated using the tangent formula. These values are given in Table 6.7. As explained in the chapter concerning the weld interface, the angle of impact should generally be between 6° and 14°. It can be seen that most of the impact angles at the process start are situated close to 14° or even exceed it. Since the angle of impact will grow during the process, also the parts with an initial impact angle of 12° will soon have an impact angle which is situated outside the 6-14° window. In series 1 the initial angle only the last two experiments have an initial angle of impact which is situated in the 6°-14° interval. The low quality of the welds can thus be explained by a excessive impact angle. Series 2 was performed with a smaller stand-off distance than series 1 and 3. Thus, the initial angle of impact in these experiments was also smaller (Table 6.7). This can explain the fact that series 2 produced more partially-welded specimens than the other series. It can be concluded that a stand-off distance which exceeding 2,5 mm is too large. Further experiments to obtain useable weldability windows should thus be performed with a stand-off 132 distance of 2 mm or smaller. Note that one could use the calculation of the initial impact angle to choose a combination of the stand-off distance and overlap length for future experiments. Test number SD-CA-1.1 SD-CA-1.2 SD-CA-1.3 SD-CA-1.4 SD-CA-1.5 SD-CA-1.6 SD-CA-1.7 SD-CA-1.8 SD-CA-1.9 SD-CA-1.10 SD-CA-1.11 SD-CA-1.12 SD-CA-1.13 SD-CA-1.14 SD-CA-1.15 SD-CA-1.16 SD-CA-1.17 Stand-off distance [mm] 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 3,0 overlap Angle of impact [mm] [°] 8 20,6 8 20,6 8 17,4 8 17,4 9 18,4 9 18,4 9 15,5 9 15,5 10 16,7 10 16,7 10 14,0 10 14,0 11 15,3 11 15,3 11 12,8 11 12,8 12 14,0 Test number SD-CA-1.18 SD-CA-1.19 SD-CA-1.20 SD-CA-2.1 SD-CA-2.2 SD-CA-2.3 SD-CA-2.4 SD-CA-2.5 SD-CA-2.6 SD-CA-2.7 SD-CA-2.8 SD-CA-2.9 SD-CA-2.10 SD-CA-3.1 SD-CA-3.2 SD-CA-3.3 SD-CA-3.4 Stand-off distance [mm] 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,5 1,5 2,0 2,0 1,5 1,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 overlap [mm] 12 12 12 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 Angle of impact [°] 14,0 11,8 11,8 12,5 12,5 11,3 11,3 8,5 8,5 10,3 10,3 7,8 7,8 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 Table 6.7:The initial angle of impact of the process for every experiment in the copper-aluminium series. Preliminary weldability windows The objective of the experimental research was to obtain weldability windows for welding of the desired material combinations. These are combinations of the ranges of parameters such as standoff distance, overlap length and charging voltage, which result in a successful weld. Because the majority of the copper-aluminium welds were not successful, very few weldability windows could be established. Experiments with the same overlap length and charging voltage, but with a different stand-off distance were compared. It should be noted that none of the workpieces were completely leak free. But, there were some significant differences in the severity of the leakage between the workpieces. Table 6.8 shows the leakage for experiments with a tube length of 48 mm, both for the voltage levels of 15 kV and 18,5 kV. The leakage for experiments with a tube length of 49 mm are shown in Table 6.9, both for voltage levels of 15 kV and 18,5 kV. In reality, the maximum allowed voltage for the second series was slightly lower than that of the first series of experiments. The experiments with a stand-off of 3 and 2,5 mm were performed at 15 kV and 19 kV, and those with stand-off of 2 and 1,5 mm at voltages 15 kV and 18,5 kV. As can be seen from these tables, there was no consistent relationship between the leakage of the connection and the stand-off distance. This means that a larger stand-off distance neither improves nor worsens the leakage of the connection. 133 Workpiece SD-CA-1.9 SD-CA-1.11 SD-CA-2.3 SD-CA-2.5 Workpiece SD-CA-1.10 SD-CA-1.12 SD-CA-2.4 SD-CA-2.6 Overlap Length 10 mm Voltage 15 kV Stand-off Leakage distance[mm] 3,0 E 2,5 B 2,0 E 1,5 D Voltage 18,5 kV Stand-off Leakage distance[mm] 3,0 B 2,5 C 2,0 C 1,5 C Bond No No No No Bond No Partially Partially No Table 6.8: The results of the leak test are shown for experiments with a tube length of 48 mm (overlap length of 10 mm), both for voltage levels 15 kV and 18,5 kV, but with different stand-off distances. No consistent relationship between the leakage of the connection and the stand-off distance was seen. The right column indicates whether there was a connection between the tube and the rod: the workpiece is labeled “No” if the tube separated from the rod after cutting it in half, and “Partially” if the tube was welded at one side of each half after the cutting operation. Overlap Length 11 mm Voltage 15 kV Workpiece SD-CA-1.13 SD-CA-1.15 SD-CA-2.7 SD-CA-2.9 Stand-off distance[mm] 3,0 2,5 2,0 1.5 Voltage 18,5 kV Leakage Bond D B E D No No No No Workpiece Stand-off distance[mm] Leakage Bond SD-CA-1.14 3,0 D No SD-CA-1.16 2,5 B No SD-CA-2.8 SD-CA-2.10 2 1,5 B C Partially Partially Table 6.9: Experiments with similar parameters as in the previous table, only now with a tube length of 49 mm (overlap length of 11 mm). The results of the leak test indicate that there is no consistent relation between the stand-off distance and the leak rate of the bond. The occurrence of a bond is also added to Table 6.8 and Table 6.9. None of the workpieces performed at 15 kV were welded. None of the workpieces with a stand-off distance of 3 mm were welded. Only workpiece SD-CA-1.12 (stand-off 2,5mm) was partially-welded. Other partially-welded workpieces were SD-CA-2.4, SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10. So, three out of four experiments with the lower stand-off distance (2 or 1,5 mm) and the maximum allowed voltage (18,5 kV) were partiallyconnected. These results clearly indicate that the combination of a small stand-off distance and a high charging voltage result in a better connection. In addition, the leakage found in the experiments of the second series at a voltage of 18,5 kV was consistently lower than at 15 kV. 134 Preliminary weldability windows were generated based on these results. The parameter combinations (voltage, stand-off distance) are plotted for each overlap length. Because the only partially-successful experiments were found for an overlap length of 10 mm and 11 mm, only these graphs are shown. The weldability window for an overlap length of 10 mm is shown in Figure 6.26. The triangles mark the combinations of parameters (voltage, stand-off distance) that resulted in an unsuccessful weld. The square marks the experiment for this overlap length that was partiallywelded: SD-CA-2.4. Figure 6.27 shows the weldability window for an overlap length of 11 mm. Experiments SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10 were partially-welded, while all the other welds at this overlap were not successful. It should be noted that experiment SD-CA-2.2, which was performed with an overlap of 9 mm, a stand-off distance of 2 mm and voltage 18 kV, was not cut longitudinally. It was examined destructively with both the torsion test and the compressive test. The weld had a sufficient strength, as discussed in the section Weld Strength. Without proof, it is very well possible that all the partially-welded workpieces (that were only welded at one side) would also have shown significant strength if they had been tested destructively. The destructive tests to determine the weld strength induce shear stresses in the weld zone. Even if the workpiece is not fully welded, the indentation of the inner tube causes the tube and the rod to be connected tightly, which results in good shear strength properties. However, when cutting the workpiece in half, the residual stresses in the flyer tube caused by compression to a much smaller diameter are released. These residual circumferential stresses are high, as the diameter reduction is significant: with a stand-off distance of 2 mm, the inner diameter of the flyer tube is reduced from 22 to 18 mm, or even less if the rod indentation is taken into account. This is a reduction of more than 18%. So, the cutting operation might cause the weld to separate more easily than the shear stresses from the destructive weld strength tests. But the cutting must be performed in order to examine the weld microscopically. Note that it is also it is possible that the workpieces are pressed against each other without the formation of a weld. In this case friction between the workpieces is able to carry a certain load and hence this low quality specimen could for example pass the torsion test. It can be concluded from both these weldability windows that a charging voltage of 18.5kV and an overlap of 1.5mm or 2mm show the best welds (although these were only partially-connected). Obviously, more experiments should be performed, at similar or even lower stand-off distances. Also, a series of experiments voltage levels in the range between 15kV and 19kV should be performed. 135 Figure 6.26: The weldability window shows the experiments performed with an overlap length of 10 mm. The triangles mark the combinations of parameters (voltage, stand-off distance) that resulted in an unsuccessful weld. The square marks the experiment that was partially-welded. Figure 6.27: The weldability window for an overlap length of 11mm shows that experiments SD-CA-2.8 and SD-CA-2.10 were partially-connected, while all the other welds at this overlap were not successful. 136 6.8 Copper-Brass experiments: Test series 1 The experiments performed in this thesis on the material combination copper-brass extend the research performed by dr.ir. K. Faes of the Belgian Welding Institute. A short review of his experiments will be given in this section. The experiments conducted within the frame of this master thesis are discussed in § 6.9. The MPW experiments, with copper flyer tubes and brass internal workpieces were performed using the same equipment as in this master thesis. The flyer tube had a wall thickness of 1,5 mm and an outer diameter of 25 mm. By varying the tube length between 46 and 51 mm, the overlap length varied accordingly from 8 to 13 mm. The internal workpiece diameter at the weld zone was varied between 17 and 20,5 mm, which results in stand-off distances between 0,75 mm and 2,5 mm. Different combinations of the stand-off distance and the overlap length were tested for several voltage levels. In total , 126 experiments were performed (series 1 and 2), which can be found in Appendix B. These experiments in series 1 can be divided into five series, each performed with a different stand-off distance. In all series the overlap length and the energy level was varied. 6.8.1 Test series 1.1: Stand-off distance = 0,75 mm These experiments were performed with a stand-off distance of 0,75 mm. With a flyer tube length of 50,0 mm, 48,0 mm and 46,0 mm, the charging voltage was chosen equal to 12 kV, 15 kV and 18 kV. This results in a total of 9 experiments. None of the workpieces which were produced during this series resulted in a good weld. This leads to the conclusion that a stand-off distance of 0,75 mm is too small to obtain a high weld quality (see Figure 6.28). Copper - Brass : stand-off distance = 0,75 mm No weld Weld Length Flyer Tube [mm] 52,0 51,0 50,0 49,0 48,0 47,0 46,0 45,0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging voltage (kV) Figure 6.28: The weldability window of the first series of copper-brass. No good welds were created during this series. 6.8.2 Test series 1.2: Stand-off distance = 1,0 mm This series of weld trails contains twenty experiments with a stand-off distance of 1 mm. Again both the voltage and the length of the flyer tube were varied, respectively at 12 ,15 ,18 and 20 kV and 51, 50, 48 and 46 mm. After microscopic investigation, it appeared that only four of the twenty experiments resulted in a good weld, resulting in the following weldability window (Figure 6.29). Note that three out of four good welds were performed with a flyer tube length of 48 mm (and thus 137 an overlap length of 10 mm) . Another five workpieces were partially welded. Since these welds cannot be qualified as qualitative welds, they are also described as “No Weld” in the weldability window. No weld Weld Copper - Brass: stand-off distance = 1,0 mm Flyer Tube Length [mm] 52,0 51,0 50,0 49,0 48,0 47,0 46,0 45,0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging voltage (kV) Figure 6.29:The weldability window of the second series of copper-brass welds. Note that most of the good welds were performed with a flyer tube length of 48 mm (overlap length = 10 mm). 6.8.3 Test series 1.3: Stand-off distance = 1,5 mm During this series, a stand-off distance of 1,5 mm was used with varying flyer tube length and changing voltages. In this series seven out of twelve experiments resulted in good welds and two workpieces were only partially welded. The weldability window of this series is shown in Figure 6.30. Note that all experiments executed with a voltage higher than 18 kV resulted in a good weld. At 18 kV two experiments resulted in a weld and two did not. It can be concluded that with a stand-off distance of 1,5 mm, the transition zone is positioned around 18 kV. Copper - Brass: stand-off distance = 1,5 mm No weld Flyer Tube Length [mm] 52,0 51,0 50,0 49,0 48,0 47,0 46,0 45,0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging voltage (kV) Figure 6.30: The weldability window of the third series of copper-brass welds. All the tests which were performed at a charging voltage greater than 18 kV resulted in a good weld. 138 6.8.4 Test series 1.4: Stand-off distance = 2,0 mm This series of experiments uses again a fixed stand-off distance (=2,0 mm). The voltage and the flyer tube length were varied. Only two experiments resulted in a good weld. This shows that a stand-off distance of 2,0 mm is probably too large. The weldability window is shown in Figure 6.31. No weld Weld Copper - Brass: stand-off distance = 2,0 mm Flyer Tube Length [mm] 52,0 51,0 50,0 49,0 48,0 47,0 46,0 45,0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging voltage (kV) Figure 6.31: The weldability window of the fourth series of copper-brass welds. Note that only two experiments resulted in a high-quality weld. This shows that a stand-off distance of 2,0 mm is probably too large. 6.8.5 Test series 1.5: Stand-off distance = 2,5 mm This last series of copper-brass experiments which were performed by K. Faes uses a stand-off distance of 2,5 mm. None of the eight experiments lead to a good weld. Four of the eight specimens were welded only partially and the other four were not welded at all. It can thus be concluded that a stand-off distance of 2,5 mm is certainly too large for magnetic pulse welding this material combination (Figure 6.32). No weld Copper - Brass: stand-off distance = 2,5 mm Weld Flyer Tube Length [mm] 52,0 51,0 50,0 49,0 48,0 47,0 46,0 45,0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging voltage (kV) Figure 6.32: The weldability window of the fifth series of copper-brass welds. None of the experiments resulted in a weld, proving that a stand-off distance of 2,5 mm is too large. 139 6.9 Copper-Brass experiments: Test series 2 CuMs Material Flyer tube Internal Workpiece Copper Outer Diameter 25 mm Brass 18 mm/19 mm Thickness 1,5 mm / Several intervals of parameter combinations (overlap length, stand-off distance, and charging voltage) of the previous experiments resulted in successful welds. The objective of the experiments of the next series was to refine the weldability windows for this material combination. The experiments which were described in the previous section (§ 6.8) showed that most of the highquality welds were created when using a flyer tube length of 48 mm (overlap length = 10 mm). During the following experiments the length of the flyer tube will be fixed to this value. The parameter which will be changed during these test is the charging voltage. It will be changed in small steps to determine the transition between a good and a low-quality weld. 6.9.1 Test series 2.1 Introduction Table 6.10 shows a small series of experiments which were selected from § 6.8.3. During these experiments only the voltage was varied from 15 to 20 kV. All the other parameters were held constant. It can be seen that the first weld is created at a voltage of 18 kV. However, the first experiment which was performed with 18 kV did not create a weld. SD-CuMs-1.37 Voltage (mm) 15,0 Diameter (mm) 19,0 Tube Length (mm) 48 Stand-off (mm) 1,5 Overlap (mm) 10,0 SD-CuMs-1.38 18,0 19,0 48 1,5 10,0 No SD-CuMs-1.76 18,0 19,0 48 1,5 10,0 Yes SD-CuMs-1.77 19,0 19,0 48 1,5 10,0 Yes SD-CuMs-1.39 20,0 19,0 48 1,5 10,0 Yes Workpiece Weld? No Table 6.10: A selection of previous experiments of § 6.8.3 The experiments which are described in this section use the same parameters as before but will be performed for more voltage levels. Also the interval between the voltages will be reduced to 0,5 kV. The goal is to find the transition voltage at which a weld is created and thus to obtain a more detailed weldability window. The experiments are listed in Table 6.11. The workpieces were evaluated using two testing methods: leak testing (§5.2.1) and microscopic investigation. The first weld which passes both tests was created at 18,5 kV. Note that workpieces SD-CuMs-1.92 up to 1.101 were welded with the same voltage. These identical experiments will be further described in the next section (§ 6.9.2). Weldability windows will be discussed in § 6.10.3. 140 Workpiece Voltage (kV) Diameter (mm) Stand-off (mm) Tube Length (mm) Leak Free? Leak Class Weld? SD-CuMs-1.82 14,0 19,0 1,5 48,0 No D No SD-CuMs-1.83 SD-CuMs-1.84 14,5 15,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 No No D C No No SD-CuMs-1.85 15,5 19,0 1,5 48,0 No C No SD-CuMs-1.86 SD-CuMs-1.87 16,0 16,5 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 No No B B Yes No SD-CuMs-1.88 SD-CuMs-1.89 17,0 17,5 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 No No B B Partially Partially SD-CuMs-1.90 SD-CuMs-1.91 18,0 18,5 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 No Yes B A Yes Yes SD-CuMs-1.92 SD-CuMs-1.93 SD-CuMs-1.94 SD-CuMs-1.95 SD-CuMs-1.96 SD-CuMs-1.97 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes A A B A B A Yes Yes Yes Yes | Yes SD-CuMs-1.98 SD-CuMs-1.99 SD-CuMs-1.100 SD-CuMs-1.101 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 Yes Yes Yes Yes A A A A | | | | SD-CuMs-1.102 SD-CuMs-1.103 19,5 20,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 48,0 48,0 Yes Yes A A Yes Yes Table 6.11: Experiments of test series 2.1; the voltage is varied. The values of the other parameters were based on results of previous experiments (§ 6.8). The goal is to find the transition zone of the voltage at which a weld is created. Non-destructive testing A leak test was performed on every workpiece of this series. As stated in Table 6.11 the minimum charging voltage to obtain a leak-free weld was equal to 18,5 kV. Experiments which were performed with a lower voltage always showed leaks in the weld zone. In the experiments with a voltage higher than 18,5 kV, only two welds showed small leaks. Since these two experiments are a part of the reproducibility experiments, they will be described in § 6.9.2. Destructive testing Most of the workpieces in this series were examined by microscopic investigation. The results of this examination are given in Table 6.11 in the column “Weld?”. Some welded specimens from the reproducibility series (SD-CuMs-1.92 up to 1.101) were evaluated with other methods (torsion test, compressive test). These results will therefore be described in § 6.9.2. The microscopic investigation of the workpieces was sometimes contradicting the results of the leak test. Workpieces SD-CuMs-1.86 and 1.90 appeared to be welded when examined microscopically (Figure 6.33), while the workpiece did not pass the leak test. Figure 6.34 shows an image of a leak141 free weld (workpiece SD-CuMs-1.91). No significant difference can be observed between the interface of a leak-free weld and a weld with leaks. This leads to the conclusion that microscopic investigation is not able to evaluate the weld quality with absolute certainty. Microscopic investigation can be considered as a local weld quality evaluation, while the leak test is a global weld quality evaluation. Figure 6.33: An image of the weld in workpiece SD-CuMs-1.86. This interface with typical wave pattern appears to be welded although the leak test showed a significant leak in this test specimen. Figure 6.34: An image of a leak free weld (workpiece SD-CuMs-1.91): it shows no significant differences with the image of a leaking weld (Figure 6.33) During the microscopic investigation, also the weld lengths were measured for several workpieces. These values can be found in Table 6.12. It can be noted that the weld length in a workpiece is not the same on two positions of the circumference. An average of both weld lengths is calculated to enable a quick comparison between different workpieces. Workpiece SD-CuMs-1.86 SD-CuMs-1.91 SD-CuMs-1.92 SD-CuMs-1.93 SD-CuMs-1.94 SD-CuMs-1.95 SD-CuMs-1.97 SD-CuMs-1.102 SD-CuMs-1.103 Voltage Weld length Weld length Average weld [kV] Side 1 [mm] Side 2 [mm] length [mm] 16,0 18,5 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,5 20,0 3,90 3,90 1,13 9,76 1,59 3,82 7,22 5,62 4,95 4,00 6,95 7,55 3,85 6,80 4,48 2,27 4,44 2,80 3,95 5,43 4,34 6,81 4,20 4,15 4,75 5,03 3,88 Table 6.12: The weld length for several workpieces. Since the weld length differs on both sides of the weld, the average weld length is also calculated to enable a quick comparison between different workpieces. 142 Although workpieces SD-CuMs-1.92 up to 1.97 were welded with the same voltage, there are great differences in their weld lengths (see Table 6.12). To investigate the influence of the charging voltage on the weld length, the average weld length produced with 19,0 kV was calculated (4,85 mm). Figure 6.35 shows the average weld length as a function of the voltage. No direct relation between the voltage and the weld length can be found. All values are scattered from approximately 4,0 to 5,4 mm. 6,00 Weld Length [mm] 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 15,0 16,0 17,0 18,0 19,0 20,0 Charging Voltage [kV] Figure 6.35 : A plot of the weld length versus the voltage. Although one would expect an increasing weld length with an increasing voltage, no direct relation can be seen in this plot. 6.9.2 Series 2.2: Subset of series 2.1 Introduction In order to investigate the reproducibility of the MPW process, a series of ten repeat tests was executed for the material combination copper-brass. As can be seen in Table 6.11, experiments SD-CuMs-1.92 up to SD-CuMs-1.101 were performed with the same welding parameters. These parameters were chosen based on previous experiments. It was observed that the weld SD-CuMs-1.77 was of high quality. Using the same geometrical parameters but a lower charging voltage did not render a successful weld. Increasing the charging voltage up to 20 kV resulted in local melt pockets, which is detrimental for the weld quality. The parameters of experiment SD-CuMs-1.77 are listed in Table 6.13. The same parameters were used for the 10 experiments to verify the reproducibility. Welding parameters for reproducibility experiments Flyer tube thickness 1,5 mm Inner rod diameter 19,0 mm Stand-off distance 1,5 mm Flyer tube length 48,0 mm Overlap length 10,0 mm Charging Voltage 19,0 kV Table 6.13: Welding parameters used in the reproducibility experiments 143 All workpieces were first subjected to leak testing using pressurised air. Only eight 8 of 10 were found to be leak free, as SD-CuMs-1.94 and SD-CuMs-1.96 failed the leak test. Both workpieces showed two small leaks (Class B). This result of 80% reproducibility is not satisfying. In order to be an economically feasible production process, a reproducibility of at least 98% or more is required. However, after the experiments it was observed that the field shaper was damaged, which can be the explanation for the low reproducibility (see §6.5). In future research, a similar series of reproducibility tests should be performed, using a field shaper in good condition. The workpieces SD-CuMs-1.96 and SD-CuMs-1.98 up to 1.101 were first subjected to a helium leak test at CEWAC, and afterwards evaluated destructively to determine the weld strength. Torsion testing was performed on SD-CuMs-1.99 and compressive testing on the other workpieces. For the welds SD-CuMs-1.92 up to 1.95 and SD-CuMs-1.97 a longitudinal cross section was made and microscopic inspection was performed. Table 6.14 gives an overview of both the results of the air leak test, and further evaluation methods applied to the workpieces. Workpiece Standard leak test SD-CuMs-1.92 A SD-CuMs-1.93 A SD-CuMs-1.94 B SD-CuMs-1.95 A SD-CuMs-1.96 B SD-CuMs-1.97 A SD-CuMs-1.98 A SD-CuMs-1.99 A SD-CuMs-1.100 A SD-CuMs-1.101 A Leak class (pressurised air) Helium leak test & Compressive test Microscopic evaluation Table 6.14: Leak test results and further evaluation methods applied to the reproducibility experiments. Non-destructive testing In the helium leak test, the welded zone is exposed to a pressure difference: pressurised helium tracer gas will flow through a defective weld from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side, where a detector is mounted. The detector measures the concentration of helium, indicating the severity of the leak. The use of helium to examine the weld for leakage has the advantage over air that it is possible to detect smaller leaks. The ability of helium testing to detect very low leak rates results from the relatively small molecular structure of helium, which allows the gas to pass easily through pores that would block larger molecules of most other air component gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. However, its higher cost usually restricts it to specialised applications where those advantages are essential [72]. 144 The test using pressurised air in water, also referred to as the “bubble test”, is not able to detect very small leaks and/or leak rates. In addition, correlation to other leak test methods is very difficult, as the mechanisms of air transport into water and bubble formation as well as other sources of air bubbles (leaks from fixtures, bubbles from air trapped on surfaces, etc.) are biased and prevent reliable leak detections. Nevertheless, the custom air leak test can render a qualitative measure for the leak-tightness of the welded tubes [73]. Leak rates are defined as the product of the volume of the detected gas and its pressure, per unit of time. Gases are compressible, so the same leak volume at a higher pressure implies a greater number of leaked particles. For example, a leak into atmosphere of 1 mbar.l/s is equivalent to a volume leak of 1 cm3 per second [74] . The results of the helium leak tests are shown Table 6.15. The table also shows the leak class from the air leak test for comparison. Workpiece Helium leakage [mbar.l/s] SD-CuMs-1.96 7,5 . 10 SD-CuMs-1.98 -5 B -10 A 3,3 . 10 -10 A -8 A -8 A SD-CuMs-1.99 5 . 10 SD-CuMs-1.100 2 . 10 SD-CuMs-1.101 Leak class (pressurised air) 2 . 10 Table 6.15: Results from helium and air leak test In the air leak testing only SD-CuMs-1.96 showed leakage. The helium test on this workpiece resulted in a leak of 7,5 . 10-5 mbar.l/s. The other 4 workpieces passed the air leak test, but showed a leak between 2 . 10-8 and 3,3 . 10-10 mbar.l/s. Despite the fact that the same parameters were used in all the welding experiments, a large difference in leakage flow is observed. These results indicate that the air leak test is able to detect leak rates larger than an equivalent of 106 to 10-7 mbar.l/s in the helium leak test. In [70], it is stated that MPW joints with a helium leak rate in the range 10-9 mbar.l/s have been achieved. This small leak rate was accomplished by optimisation of welding parameters. Two important improvements are responsible for the reduction in leak rate. First of all, the inner rod was fabricated with a conical end, as shown in Figure 6.36. From several series of experiments it was seen that an increase in cone angle resulted in smaller leak rates. The reason for this was the increase in weld quality caused by the slightly smaller collision angle. The second improvement was to polish the surface of the rod after machining to its final dimension. This measure was taken to limit the passage of helium through the joint due to the serrated surface profile left by the machining process. Although these measures might improve the leak-tightness of the welds, it is also reported in [70] that further improvement is needed to establish an acceptable grade of repeatability. Another method to reduce or eliminate leaks in the MPW-joints is suggested on the website of Magneform [75]. They suggest to replace the magnetic pulse weld by a magnetic pulse crimp joint. Also an ‘O’-ring is placed in a groove in the inner rod before welding, as shown in Figure 6.37. 145 Figure 6.36: Conical inner rod to decrease the angle of collision Figure 6.37: ‘O’-ring placed in a groove in the inner rod to eliminate leakage (left), and knurl pattern on the inner rod surface to improve the torsion strength (right) The flyer tube presses the o-ring against the internal workpiece, creating a leak proof connection. In contrast to the idea of reducing the surface roughness to obtain better leak proof properties in [70], it is suggested in [75] that a rougher knurl pattern on the inner rod surface combined with the O-ring is a better combination. The knurl pattern should result in a stronger connection in torsion, while the O-ring guarantees leak-tightness. A ‘textured’ inner rod surface (knurl or screw thread) was also used in [76], to improve the torsion strength of electromagnetic crimped connections. This method is not so useful for the welding experiments, as the torsion strength of the tested welds already exceeds the strength of the base materials. However, it could be used in future research on magnetic pulse crimping (for material combinations that are difficult to weld). 146 Destructive testing The 5 workpieces that were subjected to the helium leak test were afterwards evaluated destructively to determine the weld strength. Torsion and compressive tests were performed. The other 5 workpieces of the series were inspected microscopically. Torsion test Torsion testing was performed on weld SD-CuMs-1.99. As discussed in the destructive weld evaluation methods (Chapter 5), some difficulties were encountered regarding the clamping of the workpiece (as a result of the high applied torque). The tube was ultimately clamped in the bench screw with curved clamping plates. The brass rod failed at a torque of 280 Nm, indicating that the shear strength of the weld exceeds the strength of the brass base material. Compressive test Compressive testing was performed on weld SD-CuMs-1.101. The workpiece failed at a compressive force of 25,1 kN. At this force the copper tube buckled. The fact that the copper tube fails before the weld indicates that the weld’s shear strength exceeds the buckling resistance of the copper tube. The results of the compressive test are discussed in more detail further in this chapter (§ Microscopic examination As stated above, the workpieces SD-CuMs-1.92 up to 1.95 and 1.97 were cross-sectioned, embedded and subjected to microscopic investigation. Examination suggested that all parts were properly welded. The following figures show the typical weld interface (Figure 6.38 to Figure 6.41); a wavy pattern was observed at every weld interface. Although weld SD-CuMs-1.94 did not pass the air leak test, no weld defects were found during microscopic examination (Figure 6.39). This clearly indicates that welds must be evaluated by both methods to obtain both a local and a global evaluation of the weld quality. The images on Figure 6.40 and Figure 6.41 show both sides of a weld. It can be observed that the weld interfaces are very different. The amplitudes and the wavelengths of the waves on side 1 are a lot smaller than those on side 2. Figure 6.38: Weld SD-CuMs-1.93; unetched condition 147 Figure 6.39:Weld SD-CuMs-1.94; unetched condition Figure 6.40: Weld SD-CuMs-1.95, side 1; unetched condition Figure 6.41: Weld SD-CuMs-1.95, side 2; unetched condition 148 By breaking the weld after cross-sectioning, it was observed that the weld length varies around the circumference. Evidence of this is shown in Figure 6.42. The wave pattern, which can be seen without magnification, does not extend over the same length in every point of the circumference. This indicates that the MPW process did not create a weld which is uniform throughout the entire circumference. When the pieces are cross-sectioned, just one location is investigated. It is possible that in another location on the circumference a weld defect is present, which could be the cause of a leak. Figure 6.42: By breaking the weld after cross-sectioning, it was observed that the weld length varies around the circumference. The wave pattern, which can be seen without magnification, does not extend over the same length at every location. Interruptions of the weld pattern were found at the position 180˚ relative to the field shaper slit, caused by the damaged field shaper. The leak that was observed during the air leak test was however not located at this position. This can also explain the difference in measured weld lengths for workpieces which were welded with identical parameters (§ The measured weld length can differ significantly depending on the position at which the workpiece was cut through and examined microscopically. 149 6.9.3 Series 2.3: Grooved collar Introduction This series of experiments will repeat the reproducibility experiments of test series 2.2 but now the internal pieces will have a grooved collar. These experiments will investigate the influence of the grooved collar on the reproducibility and whether the 80% yield of the former section can be improved. The experiments and the results are listed in Table 6.16. Note that no leak-free welds were formed. Workpiece Voltage (kV) Diameter (mm) SD-CuMs-1.117 SD-CuMs-1.118 SD-CuMs-1.119 SD-CuMs-1.120 SD-CuMs-1.121 SD-CuMs-1.122 SD-CuMs-1.123 SD-CuMs-1.124 SD-CuMs-1.125 SD-CuMs-1.126 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Stand-off Tube length (mm) (mm) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Leak free? Leak class No No No No No No No No No No B B B B B B B B B B Weld? Remarks Grooves No in collar No “ No “ No “ No “ No “ No “ No “ No “ No “ Table 6.16: A listing of the experiments which will be discussed in this section. It is a repetition of the experiments in test series 2.2 but the internal pieces have a grooved collar. Hence, the influence of the grooved collar on the reproducibility can be investigated. The principle of § 6.6.4 was repeated: a grooved collar was chosen to create a path through which the jet can leave the interface. Figure 6.43 shows the difference between a workpiece with and without a grooved collar. It can be seen that significantly less jetting material is present on the workpiece with the grooved collar. Figure 6.43: An image of two brass internal pieces. The left workpiece has a collar with grooves and the right workpiece has no grooves. The grooved workpiece shows significantly less jetting material at its collar. On the right workpiece a large quantity of jetting material is visible ( the dark zone at the collar). 150 Non-destructive testing All the workpieces of this series were evaluated by a leak test. None of the workpieces was completely leak-free. Hence, the reproducibility did not improve at all. Note that 80% of the specimens without collar grooves were leak-free. It appears that a grooved collar deteriorates the leaking behaviour. The results of this leak test are in contradiction to the results in § 6.6.4. Unlike the copper-brass experiments, the copper-aluminium experiments with grooved collar did show an improvement. The grooved copper-aluminium pieces were granted leak class B while the one without the grooves was class D. Destructive testing Compressive test Workpieces SD-CuMs-1.20, 1.123 and 1.124 were examined by compressive testing. Due to the fact that those workpieces were welded with identical process parameters, they should perform similar in this test. Indeed, the results of this compressive test were similar for the three workpieces. The welds did not fail during the test and the maximum axial force that was reached was about 25 kN for all three workpieces. At 25 kN buckling of the copper flyer tube started and thus the weld was stronger than the copper base material buckling strength. The welds have thus passed the test. The results of this test can be found in § Microscopic examination Most of the workpieces were cut longitudinally for the microscopic evaluation. However, none of the workpieces remained attached after the cutting operation. This led to the conclusion that no highquality welds were created during these experiments. Again it appears that the grooved collar deteriorates the weld quality. Once again this shows that two different evaluation methods can lead to contradictory results. The compressive test showed that the welds were of high quality while they fell apart after cutting them. The need of using several evaluation methods is thus emphasized again. 151 6.9.4 Series 2.4 Introduction The experiments in this series are a continuation of a small series of experiments which were described in § 6.8.4 (Test series 1.4). Only two welds showed a good quality: one was created with a voltage of 15 kV and one with 20 kV. Every voltage between those values did not result in a weld (see Table 6.17). Workpiece SD-CuMs-1.5 SD-CuMs-1.6 SD-CuMs-1.7 SD-CuMs-1.43 SD-CuMs-1.44 SD-CuMs-1.78 SD-CuMs-1.79 SD-CuMs-1.45 Voltage (mm) 10,0 12,0 15,0 15,0 18,0 18,0 19,0 20,0 Diameter (mm) 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 Tube Length (mm) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Stand-off (mm) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Overlap (mm) 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 Weld? No No Partially Yes No Partially No Yes Table 6.17: A selection of experiments which were already described in § 6.8.4. These experiments will form the base for new experiments which will be conducted in test series 2.4. The experiments which will be conducted in test series 2.4 are listed in Table 6.18. The parameters of these experiments are identical to those listed in Table 6.17 but the voltage was increased in smaller steps (0,5 kV). The goal of these weld trails is to further investigate the influence of the charging voltage on the weld quality. The transition zone between a weld of low and high quality should also become more clearly visible. Workpiece SD-CuMs-1.104 SD-CuMs-1.105 SD-CuMs-1.106 SD-CuMs-1.107 SD-CuMs-1.108 SD-CuMs-1.109 SD-CuMs-1.110 SD-CuMs-1.111 SD-CuMs-1.112 SD-CuMs-1.113 SD-CuMs-1.114 SD-CuMs-1.115 SD-CuMs-1.116 Voltage (kV) 14,0 14,5 15,0 15,5 16,0 16,5 17,0 17,5 18,0 18,5 19,0 19,5 20,0 Diameter (mm) 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 Stand-off (mm) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Tube Length (mm) 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,0 Leak Free? No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Leak Class C C C C D C B B B B A A B Weld? No No | No | No | No | No Partially Partially Partially Table 6.18: A list of the experiments which were conducted in this section. Identical geometrical parameters are used as in § 6.8.4 but the voltage is increased in smaller steps to gain a better understanding of the influence of the charging voltage on the MPW process. Note: symbol “|” means that the workpiece was not examined microscopically. 152 Non-destructive testing The welds were leak tested. The results of this leak test are also listed in Table 6.18. It can be seen that the leaks become smaller when the welding voltage increases, except for the experiment at the highest voltage in which the leak becomes bigger again. Only two workpieces appeared leak-free : SD-CuMs-1.114 and 1.115, which were welded with respectively 19,0 and 19,5 kV. These results differ from the results of test series 1.4 as both the experiments at 15,0 and 20,0 kV are not welded in this series. To find the precise transition zone, more experiments need to be conducted. Destructive testing Compressive test Four workpieces were tested with the compressive test: SD-CuMs-1.106, 1.108, 1.110 and 1.112. These workpieces were welded with different voltages which should be noticeable in the results of the compressive test. The relationship between the charging voltage and the maximum axial force reached at failure of the weld is given in Figure 6.44. Note that the maximum axial force increases when the charging voltage increases. Maximum Axial Force[kN] 25 20 15 10 5 0 14 15 16 17 18 Charging Voltage [kV] Figure 6.44: The maximum axial force which can be carried during the compressive test versus the used charging voltage. It can be seen that this force increases when the voltage increases. Microscopic examination The workpieces which were not evaluated by the compressive test, were investigated by microscopy. Although some workpieces were leak-free, none of the former appeared to be welded on both sides. The best result in this series was a partially welded specimen. Thus, the leak test is not sufficient to evaluate the weld quality with 100% certainty. This shows that the magnetic pulse welded pieces need several evaluation methods during the search for the optimal process parameters. During the microscopic investigation, a dark weld interface was visible (Figure 6.45). This is an intermetallic layer and not a crack. It was thought that a high concentration of lead in this layer created the dark color, so the chemical composition was investigated. 153 Figure 6.45: The workpieces in this series of experiments showed a dark weld interface. Although it might resemble a crack, this was not the case. To investigate its chemical composition, this layer was investigated with scanning electron microscopy; Figure 6.46 and Figure 6.47 are examples of photographs. It can be observed that a bond was. Figure 6.47 is a close-up of the dark interface zone which is indicated in Figure 6.46 . Investigation of the chemical composition lead to the knowledge that this dark intermetallic layer indeed had a different composition when compared to the base material. The results of several chemical composition measurements showed that the following change occurred: The intermetallic layer exists out of: 1. more copper 2. less zinc 3. less lead than the base material. Hence, the dark colour was not created by a high concentration of lead in the intermetallic zone. A different explanation of the colour could be that this zone was attacked more by the etching agent. Figure 6.46: A photograph of a copper-brass weld interface which was taken by a scanning electron microscope. 154 Figure 6.47: A close-up of the dark material which is positioned in the copper-brass interface (detail of Figure 6.46). This photograph was taken by scanning electron microscopy. 155 6.10 Discussion on the copper-brass experiments 6.10.1 Destructive evaluation Torsion test The discussion on the torsion testing of workpiece SD-CuMs-1.99, one of the experiments on repeatability, can be found in the destructive weld evaluation methods (Chapter 5). The brass rod failed at a torque of 280 Nm, indicating that the shear strength of the weld exceeds the strength of the brass base material. The compressive test was found to be more suitable for the strength evaluation of the tubular welds. Compressive test The workpieces that were subjected to a compressive test are listed in Table 6.19. For each workpiece, the force-displacement curve was recorded. These can be found in Appendix C. All the workpieces were welded with an overlap length of 10 mm. Weld SD-CuMs-1.101 was one of the reproducibility experiments (test series 2.2). Welds SD-CuMs-1.120, SD-CuMs-1.123 and SD-CuMs-1.124 had grooves machined in the collar. The stand-off distance and charging voltage for each workpiece are also listed in the table. The right column shows the maximum compressive force, at which the workpieces failed. Workpiece Stand-off (mm) Voltage (kV) Remarks Fmax (kN) SD-CuMs-1.106 2 15 7,3 SD-CuMs-1.108 2 16 9,7 SD-CuMs-1.110 2 17 17,0 SD-CuMs-1.112 2 18 20,1 SD-CuMs-1.101 1,5 19 Reproducibility 25,1 SD-CuMs-1.120 1,5 19 Grooved collar 23,5 SD-CuMs-1.123 1,5 19 Grooved collar 24,4 SD-CuMs-1.124 1,5 19 Grooved collar 26,1 Table 6.19: Results of the compressive tests of test for several specimens from test series 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. For workpieces performed with a stand-off distance of 2 mm, it was observed that the force at which the weld shears, increases for a larger charging voltage. This can be seen on the graph in Figure 6.48.These workpieces were probably welded only partially or even not welded. The workpieces SD-CuMs-1.104 up to SD-CuMs-1.113 (test series 2.4) that were examined microscopically, showed no bond. The tube spontaneously separated from the rod after cross-sectioning. It is reasonable to assume that workpieces SD-CuMs-1.106, SD-CuMs-1.108, SD-CuMs-1.110 and SD-CuMs-1.112 would also show no weld after cross-sectioning. Nevertheless, the force needed to shear the weld was high, especially for SD-CuMs-1.110 and SD-CuMs-1.112. The linear trend line added to the graph suggests that at a charging voltage of 19 kV, the maximum force would also be around 25 kN (similar to the welds with stand-off distance 2 mm). 156 Figure 6.48: The compressive force, at which the weld shears, increases with increasing charging voltage. Some significant differences were observed in the force-displacement curves. Figure 6.49 and Figure 6.50 show the curves for SD-CuMs-1.108 and SD-CuMs-1.112 respectively (test series 2.4). Figure 6.49: Force-displacement curve recorded during the compression test on workpiece SD-CuMs-1.108. (test series 2.4) As the charging voltage increases, the maximum force also increases. For welds SD-CuMs-1.106 and SD-CuMs-1.108 (Figure 6.49), the force does not decrease instantly after reaching its maximum value. On the other hand, for welds SD-CuMs-1.110 and SD-CuMs-1.112 (Figure 6.50), this instant decrease does occur. It is assumed that the sudden force decrease indicates a sudden fracture of the weld. It can thus be assumed that workpieces SD-CuMs-1.110 and SD-CuMs-1.112 were perhaps partly welded, while workpieces SD-CuMs-1.106 and SD-CuMs-1.108 were probably not welded. For a stand-off distance of 2 mm, the workpieces performed at a high charging voltage (19 kV up to 20 kV) were found to be partly welded after cross-sectioning (test series 2.4). Although this indicates 157 that only a partial weld was formed, it is reasonable to assume that these welds would show sufficient shear strength in the compressive test. Figure 6.50: Force-displacement curve recorded during the compression test on workpiece SD-CuMs-1.112. (test series 2.4) Welds SD-CuMs-1.101 (test series 2.2), SD-CuMs-1.120, SD-CuMs-1.123 and SD-CuMs-1.124 (test series 2.4) were performed at stand-off distance 1,5 mm and a charging voltage level of 19 kV. Weld SD-CuMs-1.101 was one of the reproducibility experiments, and the other 3 workpieces had grooves machined in the collar of the inner rod. As can be seen in Table 6.19, all 4 workpieces failed at a compressive force of about 25 kN. The force-displacement curve of workpiece SD-CuMs-1.101 is shown in Figure 6.51. At the onset of testing, the compressive force increased linearly with displacement (elastic deformation). At a force of 25,1 kN the copper tube buckled, as shown in Figure 6.52. This was observed for all 4 experiments. There is no sudden force decrease after the maximum force is reached (Figure 6.51). This sloped course of the chart can be explained by the fact that the weld does not fail and a large force is still required to further deform the copper tube. So, the weld can bear a larger axial force than the copper tube (25 kN). Based on an average weld length of 4,85 mm calculated from all the reproducibility experiments (test series 2.4), the weld shear strength can be estimated to exceed 86 MPa. This does not take into account that interruptions of the weld zone occurred, caused by the field shaper damage. If it is assumed that the weld extends over only 75% of the circumference, the shear strength of the weld is minimum 115 MPa. These weld interruptions make an accurate calculation of the shear strength rather difficult. The fact that the copper tube fails before the weld when subjected to an axial force indicates that weld strength exceeds the buckling resistance of tube. From the design point of view for future applications, it is enough to know that the connection is stronger than the base material. The allowable compressive axial force for the connection is based on the buckling resistance of the copper tube (25 kN), which will fail before the weld. 158 Figure 6.51: Force-displacement curve recorded during the compression of workpiece SD-CuMs-1.101. Figure 6.52: At an axial force of about 25 kN, the copper tube buckles. The welds can bear an axial force larger than the buckling resistance of the tube. It should be noted that for the workpieces with grooved collar, the copper tube also buckled before the weld sheared. However, for the workpieces with grooved collar that were cross-sectioned, the copper tube spontaneously separated from the inner rod at both sides. This indicates that the cutting process destructs the welds easily. It was planned to also evaluate welds SD-CuMs-1.96, SD-CuMs-1.98 and SD-CuMs-1.100 (from test series 2.3) by compressive testing. These welds were not tested, as it is most likely that they would also buckle. 159 If the welds’ shear strength should be accurately determined (for research or design purposes), a hollow steel cylinder should be fabricated with an inner diameter of 25,6 mm (slightly larger than the outer diameter of the flyer tubes), thickness of 20 mm (to ensure sufficient strength) and an axial length of 50 mm. The cylinder is to be placed over the work piece before the push test, to prevent the copper tube to buckle outwards. As a small clearance exists between the tube and the cylinder, the tube will buckle slightly until it comes into contact with the cylinder. During further compression, friction will occur between the copper tube and the steel cylinder. The applied compressive force must push the inner rod out of the copper tube (shearing the weld), but also overcome this friction force. The inside surface of the steel cylinder should be coated to guarantee an acceptable coefficient of friction. Using this steel cylinder, forces higher than 25 kN could be introduced in the weld. Note that an efficiency increase of the test can probably be obtained by a reduction of the length of the tube. Material can be removed from the open end of the tube as only a small displacement is necessary to break the weld or to measure the maximum compressive axial force. 160 Roundness measurements Effect of field shaper slit The field shaper concentrates the magnetic field to a narrow section where welding occurs. Due to the fact that currents mainly flow near the surface of conductors, the field shaper is constructed with a radial slit. The field shaper is illustrated in Figure 6.53, where the arrows on the side view mark the currents. In reality the slit is only 2 mm wide. Figure 6.53: Radial slit in field shaper (left: side view – right: section view) The field shaper increases the amplitude of the magnetic field in a narrow axial zone, also shown in Figure 6.53. A stronger magnetic field will lead to a larger Lorentz force and magnetic pressure. The higher pressure finally leads to a greater acceleration of the flyer tube. Using a field shaper, the performance of a MPW machine can thus be enhanced. As discussed in Chapter 3, no analytical equations were found in literature on the magnitude of this effect. To quantify the magnetic field increase, we performed a field measurement inside the field shaper. The magnetic field does not increase with the same amount over the entire circumference of the welding zone. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the field shaper is not axially symmetrical due to the slit. No current flows at the slit region, so the magnetic pressure is lower in amplitude (when compared to the rest of the circumference). The effect of the slit on the magnitude of the magnetic field is very difficult to quantify analytically. Finite element simulations could provide an estimate. The result of such a simulation is shown in Figure 6.54, which illustrates the vectorial depiction of the Lorentz force distribution over the field shaper. It can be seen that the Lorentz forces on the part of the workpiece under the slit region decrease [77]. The accuracy of such simulations is evidently limited to the accuracy of the parameters introduced into the model. Verification of the results is necessary to confirm the applicability of these simulations. However, experiments to determine the magnetic field inside the field shaper are complicated by the difficult access to the welding region (due to the construction of the coil, 161 insulating material and various clamping mechanisms). Measuring the magnetic field exactly at the slit region is not feasible. Figure 6.54: The vectorial depiction of the Lorentz force distribution over the field shaper. It can be seen that the Lorentz forces on the part of the workpiece under the slit region decrease. In [17], a buckling effect was suggested to occur in the flyer tube during electromagnetic compression. The flyer tube deforms inwards due to the radial compression caused by the magnetic pressure. The diameter of the tube will decrease and the radial stresses cause circumferential compressive stresses and longitudinal tensile stresses. From the experiments discussed in [17], it was concluded that these stresses cause both an increase of the thickness of the flyer tube, and buckling along the circumference. Buckling is essentially a mechanical instability phenomenon that causes the material to move outwards at several locations. The direction of movement at these locations is opposite to the magnetic pressure, as shown in Figure 6.55. Figure 6.55: Buckling of the flyer tube It was assumed that the flyer tube does not buckle randomly. The positions along its circumference where the material is pushed outwards are associated with the location of the field shaper slit. As mentioned before, at the place of the slit the magnetic field (and thus magnetic pressure) is significantly smaller than at the rest of the circumference. The tube is assumed to have a tendency to buckle at this location. Due to symmetry, the tube is assumed to also buckle in positions 90˚ relative to the slit. The buckling around the circumference of the outer tube (under these assumptions) is schematically shown in Figure 6.55 [17]. 162 Observations Many copper-aluminium welds produced in this dissertation show various distortions in the deformation of the flyer tube. These distortions, if present, are located at the field shaper slit, and at positions field shaper slit + 90˚, FS slit + 180˚ and FS slit + 270˚. Figure 6.56 shows these four positions for workpiece SD-CA-3.1. Although all four positions show a distortion, it can be seen that the distortions are more significant at the FS slit and opposite the slit (FS slit + 180˚). The distortions were observed in most copper-aluminium welds. Figure 6.56: Buckling effect in workpiece SD-CA-3.1. These distortions in the tube deformation are located at the field shaper slit, and at positions FS slit + 90˚, FS slit + 180˚ and FS slit + 270˚. Although all four positions show a distortion, it can be seen that the distortions are more significant at the FS slit and opposite the slit (FS slit + 180˚). This is the case for most copper-aluminium welds. Based on these observations, the occurrence of the ‘buckling effect’ could possibly be confirmed. However, buckling is probably not a suitable designation for these irregularities. Buckling implies that the shapes of the distortions in the deformation pattern are caused by instability during the compression of the flyer tube to a smaller diameter. At the FS slit, the flyer tube is compressed less firmly against the inner rod due to the locally lower magnetic pressure. The same occurs at the positions FS slit + i.90˚ (i = 1, 2, 3), probably for symmetry reasons. Nevertheless, the fact that the tube material is not pressed very tightly against the inner rod at these positions is related to the reduced magnetic pressure in the slit region, and not a consequence of a mechanical instability in the deformation of the tube. The distortions of the tube deformation were observed at the position of the collar of the inner rod (Figure 6.56). In the copper-brass experiments this effect was not observed in the same severity, although the flyer tube material is again copper. The occurrence of a distortion is only detrimental to the quality of the weld, if it is located at the weld zone. Therefore, roundness measurements were performed at the location of the weld zone. 163 Roundness measurement To verify if the buckling effect occurs consistently at the field shaper slit, the roundness of several workpieces was measured. The position of the workpiece relative to the FS slit was marked before each experiment. The roundness measurement is illustrated in Figure 6.57. The workpiece is clamped in the claw plate of a turning lathe, which can rotate around its axis. A measuring pin is placed perpendicular to the work piece. The pin is attached to a spiral spring, which causes the pointer to deflect if the pin moves up or down. Figure 6.57: Roundness measurement First, the roundness of the inner rod is measured, to ensure that the work piece is accurately centered in the claw plate. The rod is assumed to be perfectly circular (turned workpiece), so the claws are adjusted until the pin no longer deflects when in contact with the rod surface. In practice the three claws are adjusted separately, so it is very difficult to center the workpiece perfectly. To ensure an accurate measurement, the (relatively small) residual deflection caused by the non-perfect alignment of the inner rod, is measured at each point around the circumference. After this calibration, the claws are in the optimal position relative to each other and the roundness of the welded zone can be measured. The buckling of the flyer tube (differences in tube thickness) can be accurately determined using this method. The magnitude of the pointer deflection on the welded zone is measured at intervals of 10˚. At each measuring point, the difference in deflection between the welded zone and the inner rod (reference) gives a relative measure for the out of roundness of the welded zone. As the slit position is marked on each workpiece, the angle at which buckling occurs can easily be determined (the claw plate has marks for the rotation angle). This measurement was executed on seven workpieces with a copper flyer tube and brass inner rod: SD-CuMs-1.82, SD-CuMs-1.83, SD-CuMs-1.91, SD-CuMs-1.93, SD-CuMs-1.94, SD-CuMs-1.95 and SD-CuMs-1.96 (test series 2.1). The geometrical parameters and charging voltage of these experiments can be found in § 6.9.1. A measurement was performed on these copper-brass workpieces, as no distortion in roundness could be observed visually. 164 Of these workpieces, SD-CuMs-1.91, SD-CuMs-1.93 and SD-CuMs-1.95 were leak free. SD-CuMs-1.82 and SD-CuMs-1.83 failed the leak test and showed large leaks, while SD-CuMs-1.94 and SD-CuMs1.96 had very small leakage. Workpieces SD-CuMs-1.82 and SD-CuMs-1.83 were not welded (the inner tube spontaneously separated from the flyer tube when cutting them in half for microscopic evaluation). All the other workpieces were welded properly. Figure 6.58 shows the measurement of the roundness profile of workpiece SD-CuMs-1.82. The squares mark the position of the field shaper slit (in this case at 350˚) and the positions 90˚, 180˚ and 270˚ with reference to the slit. This allows verifying the hypothesis that the flyer tube “buckles” at these positions relative to the FS slit. The triangles mark the positions where leaks were found, during the leak test. Similar graphs for the other workpieces can be found in Appendix D. As could be expected, the measurements reveal that none of the welded zones are perfectly round. However, the distortions in the roundness of the welded zone of the copper-brass welds do not indicate a systematic relation with the position of the field shaper slit. At some positions, a larger diameter can be found. The difference between the largest diameter and the smallest diameter of the welded zone never exceeds 0,2 mm (see Appendix D). In addition, these small distortions do not systematically occur at positions FS slit + i 90˚ (i = 0, 1, 2, 3). From these observations, it can be concluded that no significant “buckling effect” is noticed at the weld zone of the copper-brass welds. Also, the positions of the leaks found in the air leak test are neither related to the measured distortions at the weld zone, nor to the position of the FS slit. relative height [x0.01mm] 10 Relative height FS at 350 Deg Leaks 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle [˚] Figure 6.58: Measured roundness profile (SD-CuMs-1.82): the distortions in the roundness of the welded zone of the CuMs welds are very small, and do not indicate a systematic relation with the position of the field shaper slit. 165 Microscopic investigation for heterogeneity The roundness measurements on the copper-brass welds did not show proof to confirm the “buckling effect”. Minor bulges were noticed, but not consistently at the location of the field shaper slit (or at a 90˚ angles). In the copper-aluminium welds, a bulge in the copper tube at the location of the rod collar could be seen visually. The bulge, similar to those shown in Figure 6.56, did not consistently occur in every workpiece. Nevertheless if the bulges occurred, they were found to be in one or more of these locations (FS slit, FS slit+90˚, FS slit+18˚0, FS slit+270˚). For example, in workpiece SD-CA-3.4, bulges were only observed at the FS slit and at positions 90˚ and 180˚relative to the slit (counterclockwise when looking from the top at the outer tube on Figure 6.59). A possible reason for this buckling could be due to the heterogeneities in the copper tube material, resulting from the extruding process. To investigate this hypothesis, the flyer tube was cut as shown in Figure 6.59. Two half ring-shaped pieces were examined microscopically. The arrows mark the positions where the microscopic evaluation was carried out. The goal is to detect a possibly different grain size in the different zones around the flyer tube circumference. If zones showing a different grain size are located at the same position of the bulges, this could indicate that the buckling effect is related to the extruding process of the copper tubes, rather than to the lower magnetic pressure at the field shaper slit. Figure 6.59: Work piece SD-CA-3.4 The two ring-shaped specimens were polished and etched before microscopic evaluation. The grains were inspected at eight positions around the circumference (FS slit + i 45˚, i = 0..7). Figure 6.60 and Figure 6.61 show the grains of the copper tube, respectively at the FS slit and at 225˚ counterclockwise from the FS slit. 166 Figure 6.60: Grains of the copper tube at FS slit (SD-CA-3.4) Figure 6.61: Grains of the copper tube at FS slit + 225˚ (SD-CA-3.4) No significant differences were found between the grains at the positions FS slit + i 90˚ (i = 0, 1, 2, 3) and at positions FS slit + 45˚+ i 90˚ (i = 0, 1, 2, 3). It was concluded that the extruding process has no important impact on the deformation behaviour of the copper flyer tube. Conclusion The distortions of the tube deformation were observed at the position of the collar of the inner rod (Figure 6.56). The occurrence of a distortion can only detrimental to the quality of the weld, if it is located at the weld zone. The roundness measurements of 7 copper-brass welds, performed at the location of the weld zone, did not show any significant evidence of roundness distortions at the position of the FS slit and at the 90˚-positions. Although the roundness was not distorted, weld defects were found at these positions, as shown in Figure 6.62. 167 As discussed in §6.5, damage on the inner surface of the field shaper was observed. Severe cracks were observed exactly at the positions FS slit + i.90˚ (i = 1, 2, 3), the same positions as the weld defects. It is assumed that the magnetic pressure is locally reduced at these positions (similar to the reduction at the slit region), due to the cracks in the field shaper. So, the distortions in the tube deformation are probably not caused by symmetry (as assumed in [17]), but by the damaged field shaper. The positions of the leaks found in the air leak test are neither related to the measured distortions at the weld zone, nor to the position of the FS slit. Figure 6.62: The roundness measurements of 7 copper-brass welds, performed at the location of the weld zone, did not show any significant evidence of roundness distortions at the position of the FS slit and at the 90˚-positions. Although the roundness was not distorted, weld defects were found at these positions. 168 6.10.2 Investigation of the wave interface To investigate the influence of the process parameters on the wave pattern, some of the welds from §6.8 were examined by means of microscopy. During this investigation, both wavelength and amplitude were measured, as well as the absolute position of the wave in the weld. The wave location was measured using a micrometer attached to the microscope table. The micrometer measures the displacement in order to obtain the absolute position of a certain wave. This method allows to investigate the magnitude of the amplitude and wavelength of the waves throughout the entire weld zone. An example of such measurements is given in Figure 6.63. Figure 6.63: Measurement of wavelength and amplitude Numerical simulations of the MPW process will be conducted by OCAS, using identical parameters as those which were used in the experiments. The outcome of these simulations should provide the exact collision angle, collision speed and propagation speed at every location throughout the weld. Once the course of these parameters throughout the weld is known, they can be linked to the values of the amplitude and wavelength, and their influence can be investigated. The following plots show the results of the measurements which were performed on several copperbrass welds. Note that the start of the plots, x=0, corresponds to the end of the weld and is positioned at the shoulder of the workpiece. It was observed that not only in the welded zone waves had been formed. Some workpieces show a wavy pattern in zones which were not bonded. In the plots, the welded zones are depicted by the orange line and the blue line shows the wavelengths of the waves in the non-welded zone. Also a polynomial trend line has been added for both wavelength and amplitude plots. When considering all the results of this investigation, no clear relations can be found. In most welds the wavelength increases towards the end of the weld (x=0, and thus for a larger collision angle), but 169 at the weld start different phenomena occur. In SD-CuMs-1.29 (Figure 6.64), the wavelength will start to increase starting from the beginning of the weld to the weld end. In SD-CuMs-1.43 (Figure 6.70) however, the wavelength will first decrease vastly before it starts to increase again. The same conclusion can be suggested with respect to the amplitude of the waves. In some welds the amplitude increases throughout the weld, in others it decreases. In SD-CuMs-1.29, the amplitude increases in the first part of the weld and will decrease in the second part. Considering the theory of the influence of the different parameters on the wave pattern (see §2.8), weld SD-CuMs-1.29 appears to be corresponding closely with it. The course of the plots in Figure 6.64 and Figure 6.65 is analogue to the path of the plot in Figure 2.21. The other parts however do not seem to follow the theory that was stated above. A last remark concerns weld SD-CuMs-1.36. This workpiece shows two wave patterns separated by a zone where no bonding took place and where no waves were created( Figure 6.68, Figure 6.69). As mentioned earlier, the results of the microscopic investigation are a local evaluation of the weld quality. The wavelength measurements will therefore also be local. To obtain a more precise view, wavelength measurements should be performed at several locations of the circumference. A more detailed comparison with the theory can be conducted when the results of the simulations done by OCAS are available. Figure 6.64: Wavelength measurement for SD-CuMs-1.29 170 Figure 6.65: Amplitude measurement for SD-CuMS-1.29 Figure 6.66: Wavelength measurement for SD-CuMs-1.35 171 Figure 6.67: Amplitude measurement for SD-CuMs-1.35 Figure 6.68: Wavelength measurement for SD-CuMs-1.36 172 Figure 6.69: Amplitude measurement for SD-CuMs-1.36 Figure 6.70: Wavelength measurement for SD-CuMs-1.43 173 Figure 6.71: Amplitude measurement for SD-CuMs-1.43 174 6.10.3 Weldability window In this section the weldability window of the copper-brass connections is discussed (Figure 6.72). This process window is derived from the experiments which were conducted in the framework of this thesis. Note during the copper-brass experiments the flyer tube length was always 48 mm (corresponding overlap length = 10 mm). Partially welded joints will be depicted as orange squares. One must keep in mind that all the experiments were performed with a damaged field shaper. Although it is not certain, it is probable that welds which were partially-welded would have been high-quality welds if it were not for the broken field shaper. Further experiments are necessary to provide confirmation. Weld No weld Partial weld wedability copper-brass: flyer tube length = 48 mm Stand-off distance [mm] 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Charging Voltage [kV] Figure 6.72: A weldability window for copper-brass welds with a flyer tube length of 48 mm. The varying parameters in this plot are voltage and stand-off distance. Figure 6.72 shows that for the stand-off distance a value of 1,5 mm should be preferred over 2,0 mm. This confirms the recommendation that was made by the weldability windows in § 6.8, stating that a stand-off distance equal to or larger than 2,0 mm should be avoided. To investigate the viability of a stand-off distance which is smaller than 1,5 mm, it is recommended to perform further experiments. 175 6.11 Conclusions of the experimental research In this work trial welds were constructed with the material combinations: copper-aluminium and copper-brass. The main purpose of the experiments was to develop weldability windows for the magnetic pulse welding of these material combinations. During the development of the weldability windows some of the occurring phenomena were also examined. These phenomena include wave formation, deformation of the internal workpiece, etc… The following will give a brief summary of the results of the experiments. 6.11.1 Copper-Aluminium None of the copper-aluminium experiments resulted in high-quality welds, only some were partially welded. It was observed that a stand-off distance value of 2,5 or 3 mm was too large. The inner rods were severely deformed, which indicates that the impact velocity was very high. Also, the impact angle was too large. The experiments conducted with a smaller stand-off distance (2 and 1,5mm) showed smaller leakage. At higher voltage levels (19 kV), several workpieces were partially welded. No relevant weldability windows could be established for welding copper to aluminium, because of the poor weld quality observed in the experiments. The preliminary conclusion for this material combination is that further experiments should be performed at low stand-off distances and high voltage levels. A fourth series of experiments was planned but could not be performed due to the field shaper damage. It is recommended that these experiments are conducted in future research. 6.11.2 Copper-Brass The experiments in this thesis were performed with an overlap length of 10 mm, because the previous experiments showed that this is the optimal value for the copper-brass combination. It was observed that a stand-off distance of 1,5 mm produced higher quality welds than a stand-off distance of 2 mm. At high voltage levels (18 up to 20 kV), high-quality copper-brass welds were produced, without leakage and with sufficient shear strength. By breaking the welds, it was observed that the weld length varied around the circumference. So, the value measured by microscopic examination is not necessarily representative for the entire weld zone. A weldability window for the copper-brass experiments has been established. It should be noted that many workpieces are labeled “partially-welded”. These welds were partially welded, but showed irregularities in the weld zone, caused by the large cracks in damaged the field shaper. The damaged field shaper probably influenced the reproducibility experiments, which showed significant variation when compared to welds performed using the same parameters. The weld interruptions did not cause an unacceptable reduction of the weld strength. Future experiments are necessary to confirm the reproducibility of the MPW process with an undamaged field shaper. Also, tests should be performed using a smaller stand-off distance to further develop the weldability window. 176 6.11.3 Effect of the field shaper slit Finite element simulations reported in literature show that the magnetic pressure is locally reduced at the radial field shaper slit. The weld defects were consistently found at the positions of the cracks in the damaged field shaper, but very few were observed at the slit region. If weld interruptions occurred at that location, they were very small (< 2mm). In addition, roundness measurements did not confirm the buckling effect, suggested in a previous master thesis. So, it is not recommended to further investigate the phenomena associated with the slit. 6.11.4 Wave formation The wave pattern which is often present at the interface of pulse welded workpieces was quantified for several welding experiments. However, no clear pattern could be found in the results of the wavelength and amplitude measurements. At the research centre of OCAS, simulations are being conducted to calculate the impact velocity and impact angle at different positions throughout the weld. A comparison of these results with the measurements of the waves can verify the theory on wave formation which was found in literature. 6.11.5 Deformation of the inner workpiece During the copper-aluminium experiments sometimes severe deformation of the aluminium inner workpiece was observed. This can be explained by an excessive stand-off distance which allows the impact velocity to become too high. Also it is advised to perform copper-aluminium experiments with a copper internal workpiece. Severe deformations can be prevented by using the material with the highest yield strength as the base material for the inner workpiece. 6.11.6 Weld strength Both compressive and torsion testing were applied to determine the shear strength of the weld zone. Torsion testing on both copper-aluminium and copper-brass welds resulted in failure of the inner rod. The weld strength thus exceeds the strength of the base material, even for the copperaluminium connection, which was only partly welded. From the compressive test, it was observed that the shear strength increases with the voltage level. For high-quality welds, the shear strength exceeds the buckling resistance of the tube. It was concluded that the compressive test is more suitable to evaluate the weld strength of tubular workpieces. 177 Chapter 7 Single turn coil installation 7.1 Introduction As mentioned earlier, the original field shaper was damaged during the experiments. The damage was of such severity that the field shaper could no longer be used. The construction of a new field shaper takes about six weeks. Due to a limitation of time, the construction of a new field shaper was not possible in the scope of this work, so an alternative had to be found. It was decided to install another coil (produced by Pulsar) on the machine. The coil is a steel single turn coil which does not use a field shaper to concentrate the magnetic field. This coil is suited for welding cylindrical parts with an outer diameter of 60 mm. An image of the coil is given in Figure 7.1. The coil is to be connected to the transformer table using four tension bolts. In the bottom plate of the coil two slits are made in which copper bars are placed to ensure a good conductivity between the coil and the transformer (Figure 7.2). Figure 7.1: Single turn steel coil is suited for welding tubular parts with an outer diameter of 60 mm. Due to the high currents and energy levels generated during the electromagnetic welding process, it is important that the installation of the coil is carried out precisely to prevent damage due to sparks. An installation manual was provided with this coil and it was carefully followed as will be described in the following section. 178 Figure 7.2: In the bottom plate of the coil two slits are made in which copper bars are placed. These copper bars enable a better conductivity between the coil and the transformer 7.2 Installation of the coil The installation guide prescribes that the tension bolts should be fastened with a torque of 200Nm. After bolting the coil onto the transformer, a procedure has to be followed to burn in the new contact surfaces. The installation manual prescribes the following steps: a. Power up the system b. Set the voltage to 2200 V c. Perform several pulses and verify the absence of sparks ( use the help of another colleague to inspect for sparks) d. If sparks appear, tighten the screws of the new contact in opposing corners uniformly e. Raise the voltage in steps of 500 V and repeat steps c-d, until all sparks disappear. f. As all sparks disappear, raise the voltage to the desired voltage for the application. Now perform 5 – 10 cycles and verify whether the system is working properly. 7.2.1 Extra insulation - step 1 Although the manual was followed carefully, sparks kept on appearing even at low voltages. As the bolts were already tightened to their limit torque (300 Nm), they could not be fastened any further. Hence, another approach had to be used to obtain spark-free operation of the machine. An example of a spark observed during the installation procedure is showed in Figure 7.3. Figure 7.3: A spark is visible between the copper bars at the bottom of the coil. Some extra insulation was applied below the between of the coil and the copper surface of the transformer bank. Although the sparks were now smaller, they still appeared. At an energy level of 13 kV, an electrostatic discharge took place within the coil. Figure 7.4 shows the path of this discharge. This phenomenon was accompanied by a loud noise and a very bright flash of light. Due to this dischargement, the coil was damaged: some melting of the surface occurred and a crack was 179 induced (Figure 7.5).The occurrence of this electrostatic discharge once more emphasizes the need of proper ear protection for the operators. The loud explosion which was created can easily induce hearing loss. Figure 7.4: An electrostatic discharge took place in the coil at a charging voltage of 13 kV. This discharge followed the yellow line. Figure 7.5: As a result of the electrostatic discharge, the coil was damaged. A crack was induced and the surface of the coil showed evidence of limited melting. Also, both the copper bars and the steel bottom of the coil were damaged by small sparks which occurred during the tests. Figure 7.6 shows cavities which were created by these sparks. Note that it is important to prevent such damage as the material and the components’ surface will deteriorate rapidly around these flaws. The high intensity current which flows through the materials during the electromagnetic pulse process will induce spark erosion at these craters, which will severely deteriorate the components even further. Figure 7.6: Both materials show cavities which were created by spark erosion. 180 7.2.2 Extra insulation- step 2 As the outcome of the former section showed, further measures had to be taken. First of all, extra insulation was applied inside the coil to prevent another electrostatic discharge and the accompanied damage. Also, the insulating part which positions the flyer tube inside the coil was installed to provide even more security (see Figure 7.7). The bottom of the coil underwent some changes: the slits which hold the copper bars were widened. This allowed the bars to be placed further apart. Also, the bars were no longer pressed into the slits enabling a better contact surface which is free of tensional stresses. The cavities which were created by this operation were filled with a polymer and silicone to provide proper insulation (Figure 7.8). Figure 7.7: The part which positions the flyer tube was installed inside the coil to prevent electrostatic dischargement. Figure 7.8: The slit which holds the copper bar was widened and filled with a (white) polymer and silicone. The sparks now appeared on the outer side of the copper bars. Before this modification, sparks appeared on the inner side of the copper bar (= the side which is now filled with polymer). Although those sparks disappeared, sparks now appeared on the outer side of the bar. The problem was thus not solved but simply moved to another location. As a consequence, even more insulation was necessary. 181 7.2.3 Extra insulation - step 3 In this step, extra insulation was added in an attempt to solve the problem. Insulation was also applied between the other side of the copper bar and the steel. The extra insulation exists out of insulating tape which was secured onto the steel foot of the coil by silicone. This silicone fills all the gaps which may be present, preventing spark formation (Figure 7.9). Figure 7.9: The other side of the copper bars now was also insulated with insulating tape and silicone. This measure was taken to prevent the formation of sparks on that side of the copper bars. After this modification, sparks again appeared. These new sparks were created in the cavity shown on Figure 7.10, somewhere along the width of the coil. These sparks are much larger than those which were described in § 7.2.1 (even at 3 kV). Test were immediately cancelled to prevent further damage of the machine. Figure 7.10: New sparks are formed in this cavity, somewhere along the width of the coil. 182 7.2.4 Conclusion Even after thorough insulation of both sides of the copper bars, sparks were still present during the tests. The bolts could not be tightened any further as they could break. Except for adding extra insulation, further measures should be taken. The following method is advised (depicted in Figure 7.11): • • • Every contact surface should be reground to remove all flaws. These surfaces include the bottom of the coil, the surfaces of the copper bars and the surface of the transformer. A few millimeters of steel should be removed from the bottom of the steel coil. Hence, the copper bars would reach further outside the steel base (). This would guarantee that the entire current will flow through the copper bars and no current would jump from the base plate of the transformer to the steel bottom of the coil. Finally, the space that was created by removal of some steel of the coil can be filled with insulation. A proposal for this insulation is a flexible polymer which can be pressed in between the steel coil and the copper base plate of the transformer. Hence the polymer will be pressed in every cavity, preventing the formation of sparks. Figure 7.11: A recommendation for further measures which can be taken to prevent the formation of sparks. Material should be removed from the steel bottom of the coil. This operation enables enough room for proper insulation. Also it will increase the distance between the steel bottom of the coil and the copper transformer bank. 183 Chapter 8 Conclusions and recommendations for further research 8.1 Summary and conclusions of this work Magnetic pulse welding is a complex combination of electromagnetism, mechanics and impact welding. The process is capable of welding dissimilar metals in microseconds without the use of filler materials, shielding gases or much preparation of the workpieces. The effect of the many parameters is often difficult to interpret, as they often influence the process through several physical phenomena. The MPW process has many similarities with explosion welding, especially the aspect of the creation of the bond. The impact velocity and impact angle of the tube are the most important parameters that influence weld formation. Process analysis Due to the complex nature of the process, it is difficult to describe it analytically. An analytical model developed by the manufacturer of the MPW machine was investigated. Several simplified assumptions were exposed, which result in inaccuracy of the model. The most important simplification is neglecting the time-dependency of key process parameters, such as magnetic pressure and acceleration. The essential components required to develop an analytical model were discussed. Using electrical circuit analysis, combined with several current measurements (to characterise the MPW machine), it is possible to predict the current waveform. It was attempted to quantify the relation between the magnetic field in the air gap and the discharge current, by measurement of the magnetic field waveform. Several difficulties were encountered, some possibly related to the field shaper damage. An alternative method to determine the B(I)-relation is the use of multi-physics finite element models, which combine both the electromagnetic and the mechanical aspect of the MPW process. Computations are currently being performed at OCAS to determine the B(I)-relation. Using this relation, the magnetic field and consequently the magnetic pressure exerted on the flyer tube, can be predicted. The magnetic pressure results in both deformation and acceleration of the tube. The complicated deformation behaviour of the flyer tube is the most difficult to take into account. Neglecting the tube’s resistance against deformation, time-functions of acceleration and velocity can be estimated by integration of the time-dependant magnetic pressure. Again, FE simulations can be applied to study the deformation behaviour of the tube. For example, the Johnson-Cook model can be used to model the influence of strain hardening and the strain rate hardening on the flow stress during the process. If these simulations could generate a set of analytical equations relating the pressure to the impact velocity and angle, the analytical model would be complete. It should be noted that in that case, the model would not be valid in general, but only for the specific coil/field shaper and workpiece geometry applied in the experiments. 184 The wave pattern which is often present at the interface of pulse welded workpieces was quantified for several welding experiments. However, no clear pattern could be found in the results of the wavelength and amplitude measurements. At the research centre of OCAS, simulations are being conducted to calculate the impact velocity and impact angle at different positions throughout the weld. A comparison of these results with the measurements of the waves can verify the theory on wave formation which was found in literature. On-line process measurements Several on-line measurements techniques were investigated, which could improve insight in the process. A probe was constructed to measure the magnetic field strength in the gap between tube and field shaper. The results of the measurements were not completely satisfying. First, the calibration of the probe area was difficult. In addition, at high voltages, consecutive measurements at the same voltage level showed different signals. At low voltage levels, the measurement of the magnetic field as a function of time resulted in sinusoidal damped waveforms with the same frequency as the current. Also, the linearity between the current and the magnetic field was only found consistently at voltage levels lower than 12 kV. The magnitude of the magnetic field differed slightly from that calculated with finite element analysis. The difficult calibration of the probe area is related to the high field strength in the MPW process, as the same problems were reported in literature. The irregularities found at higher voltage levels are possibly caused by the field shaper damage. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the measurements again with an undamaged field shaper. The time-measurement using an electrical circuit is easy to implement, and can give valuable information for the development of the analytical model. For crimping experiments, a deformation measurement using a light source and a detector is recommended, provided that the clamping mechanism can be properly adjusted. Experimental research In the MPW process, a large number of parameters are important. Given the MPW machine (capacitance, coil inductance and field shaper geometry) and the choice of tube and rod materials (electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, mechanical properties), geometrical parameters of the workpieces can be varied. The most important geometrical parameters are the overlap length and the stand-off distance. The only machine parameter that can be changed is the charging voltage. In this thesis, the influence of these variables on weld formation (and weld quality) was investigated experimentally. Experiments were performed with the material combinations copper-aluminium and copper-brass. Because it is difficult to find the optimal range for each parameter using analytical calculations, the objective of the experiments was to determine these values experimentally. So, by conducting a large number of experiments with different parameter combinations, weldability windows were established for each material combination. The experimental weldability windows can be found in Chapter 6. 185 Weld evaluation methods Both destructive and non-destructive testing methods were applied to evaluate the quality of the welds. Non-destructive tests • • • Leak test Computerised tomography Ultrasonic inspection Because for some applications it is an important quality criterion for the welds to be leak free, a simple leak test setup using pressurised air was established. The leak test is quick and easy, and gives a straightforward measure of weld quality. Advanced non-destructive inspection techniques as computerised tomography and ultrasonic inspection were performed. Although the tested workpieces were not welded, no flaws could be detected. The testing equipment used was not suited for the workpiece geometry. Destructive tests • • • Microscopic examination Compressive test Torsion test Microscopic examination is used to evaluate the weld length and wave formation. Both compressive and torsion testing were applied to determine the shear strength of the weld zone. Torsion testing on both copper-aluminium and copper-brass welds resulted in failure of the inner rod. The weld strength thus exceeds the strength of the base material, even for the copper-aluminium connection, which was only partly welded. From the compressive test, it was observed that the shear strength increases with the voltage level. For high-quality welds, the shear strength exceeds the buckling resistance of the tube. It was concluded that the compressive test is more suitable to evaluate the weld strength of tubular workpieces. It is important to emphasize the need for applying multiple testing methods when evaluating weld quality. For example, several welds did not show leakage, but the tube separated from the rod during or after cross-sectioning. Other welds leaked, notwithstanding a weld with wave pattern was observed during microscopic examination. Metallographic examination showed that the specimens were only partially welded, or even lead to spontaneous separation of flyer tube and inner workpiece. It was however observed that most welds have sufficient shear strength. It is possible that the cross-sectioning operation breaks welds, because of the release of large residual stresses. So, using only microscopic examination, workpieces might be evaluated as not-welded when they in reality have sufficient weld strength. 186 Weldability windows Copper-Aluminium None of the copper-aluminium experiments resulted in high-quality welds, only some were partially welded. It was observed that a stand-off distance value of 2,5 or 3 mm was too large. The inner rods were severely deformed, which indicates that the impact velocity was very high. Also, the impact angle was too large. The experiments conducted with a smaller stand-off distance (2 and 1,5mm) showed smaller leakage. At higher voltage levels (19 kV), several workpieces were partially welded. No relevant weldability windows could be established for welding copper to aluminium, because of the poor weld quality observed in the experiments. The preliminary conclusion for this material combination is that further experiments should be performed at low stand-off distances and high voltage levels. A fourth series of experiments was planned but could not be performed due to the field shaper damage. It is recommended that these experiments are conducted in future research. Copper-Brass This series of experiments was a continuation of experiments performed at the Belgian Welding Institute. The experiments in this thesis were performed with an overlap length of 10 mm, because the previous experiments showed that this is the optimal value for the copper-brass combination. It was observed that a stand-off distance of 1,5 mm produced higher quality welds than a stand-off distance of 2 mm. At high voltage levels (18 up to 20 kV), high-quality copper-brass welds were produced, without leakage and with sufficient shear strength. By breaking the welds, it was observed that the weld length varied around the circumference. So, the value measured by microscopic examination is not necessarily representative for the entire weld zone. A weldability window for the copper-brass experiments has been established. It should be noted that many workpieces are labeled “partially-welded”. These welds were partially welded, but showed irregularities in the weld zone, caused by the large cracks in damaged the field shaper. The damaged field shaper probably influenced the reproducibility experiments, which showed significant variation when compared to welds performed using the same parameters. The weld interruptions did not cause an unacceptable reduction of the weld strength. Finite element simulations reported in literature show that the magnetic pressure is locally reduced at the radial field shaper slit. The weld defects were consistently found at the positions of the cracks in the damaged field shaper, but very few were observed at the slit region. If weld interruptions occurred at that location, they were very small (< 2mm). In addition, roundness measurements did not confirm the buckling effect, suggested in a previous master thesis. So, it is not recommended to further investigate the phenomena associated with the slit. 187 Future experiments are necessary to confirm the reproducibility of the MPW process with an undamaged field shaper. Also, tests should be performed using a smaller stand-off distance to further develop the weldability window. Single turn coil The field shaper used for the experiments with tubes with an outer tube diameter of 25 mm, was damaged. Therefore, a single-turn coil was mounted on the equipment. This coil is used for tube diameters of 60 mm. Experiments with this coil could not be performed due to problems during installation. Severe sparks occurred between the coil and the base plate of the transformer. These sparks should be prevented at any cost to protect both the coil and transformer from damage. Several attempts were undertaken to prevent the sparks: multiple isolation layers, silicones to seal small air gaps, etc. In Chapter 7, further measures to prevent sparks are suggested. The sparks are a direct result of the high energy, transferred during the MPW process. 188 8.2 Future research Several recommendations for future research were already suggested in the conclusions. The most important recommendations are elaborated in this section. • The magnetic field measurements should be performed again, when an undamaged field shaper is available. The measurements should confirm the functionality of the probe and can determine the B-I relation, which is necessary to continue the development of the analytical model. They would also allow a comparison with the FE simulation results by OCAS. • The deformation behaviour of the flyer tube should be investigated to complete the analytical model. Finite element simulations should give insight in the impact velocity and impact angle, resulting from a given magnetic pressure acting on a given overlap length. • Another possibility to gain more insight in the process parameters is to perform experiments with a simple geometry. For example, by reducing the tube length to less than 15 mm (which is the field shaper length at the inside surface), the entire tube length is subjected to almost uniform magnetic pressure. If the inner rod has no collar, the tube deformation can be predicted more easily, and the deformation pressure could be estimated. • The suggested geometrical simplifications in combination with additional measurements could provide a lot of information (especially to investigate time-dependency). The time measurement suggested in Chapter 4 is quite easy to implement. The deformation measurement using a light source and a detector is only possible if the clamping mechanism can be properly adjusted. • Further experiments are necessary to develop a weldability window for copper-aluminium welds. The experiments planned in the fourth series could be performed (Chapter 6). • Copper-brass experiments are necessary to confirm the quality of the partially-welded workpieces. Also, additional experiments with a smaller stand-off distance would complete the weldability window for welds with a flyer tube length of 48 mm. • The weld quality evaluation methods should be further optimised. None of the evaluation methods which were used in this work can confirm the weld quality with 100% certainty. Further research on this subject is strongly recommended. • The measurements of the wave pattern should be compared to the finite element simulations performed at OCAS once they become available. Hence, the influence of different process parameters on the wavelength and amplitude can be further investigated. • The inner surface of the field shaper and single-turn coil should be inspected on a regular basis to detect the initiation of crack formation. 189 Finally, some words of advice for future thesis students. Both the MPW process and the welds produced by it, have many aspects to investigate. You should develop a general understanding of all aspects, but it will not be possible to perform research (literature or experimental) on all of them within one academic year. In our experience, it is important to focus on the ones you choose, or you will be at risk to get ‘lost’ in the multitude of parameters. An example is the analytical modelling. In literature, many formulas are suggested and many FE simulations are discussed, which apply only to one specific field shaper or coil geometry. It is recommended that you clearly define what it is that you are looking for, by breaking the problem into pieces. As for the experiments, it should be taken into account that a certain period is required to deliver the ordered materials. You should start with performing experiments early, even if you do not fully understand all the effects of every parameter at that time. It is necessary to perform a large number of experiments, to determine the statistical relevance of results and to complete relevant weldability windows. The only parameter that can be changed from the MPW machine is the charging voltage. The tube length determines the overlap length. The tube thickness and the rod diameter determine the standoff distance. These three are the most important parameters to choose in the experiments. (*) Perform the experiments, take photographs, and plot the weldability windows in Excel. From the weldability windows, it will be clear which parameters you should adapt to higher or lower values. After a while, when you have a better understanding of the parameters, you can revisit the photographs and draw conclusions. (*) It is also possible to change the capacitance of the capacitor bank, and the transformer (both change current frequency and amplitude). Changing these parameters could also be interesting. Perhaps if the current amplitude is lower and the frequency higher (by reducing the capacitance), the magnetic field measurement will provide better results. 190 Appendix Appendix A: Drawing of the coupling for the leak test 191 Appendix B : Copper-Brass, test series 1 Workpiece series 1 SD-CuMs-1.13 SD-CuMs-1.14 SD-CuMs-1.15 Voltage Diameter (kV) (mm) 12 20,5 15 20,5 18 20,5 Stand-off Tube Length (mm) (mm) 0,75 50 0,75 50 0,75 50 Weld? No No No SD-CuMs-1.16 SD-CuMs-1.17 SD-CuMs-1.18 12 15 18 20,5 20,5 20,5 0,75 0,75 0,75 48 48 48 No No No SD-CuMs-1.19 SD-CuMs-1.20 SD-CuMs-1.21 12 15 18 20,5 20,5 20,5 0,75 0,75 0,75 46 46 46 No No No SD-CuMs-1.50 SD-CuMs-1.51 18 19 Partially No 12 15 18 20 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 51 51 SD-CuMs-1.22 SD-CuMs-1.23 SD-CuMs-1.24 SD-CuMs-1.25 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 50 50 50 50 No Partially Partially No SD-CuMs-1.58 SD-CuMs-1.59 18 20 20,0 20,0 1,0 1,0 50 50 Partially No SD-CuMs-1.66 SD-CuMs-1.67 18 19 20,0 20,0 1,0 1,0 49 49 Yes No SD-CuMs-1.26 SD-CuMs-1.27 SD-CuMs-1.28 SD-CuMs-1.74 SD-CuMs-1.75 SD-CuMs-1.29 12 15 18 18 19 20 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 48 48 48 48 48 48 No No Partially Yes Yes Yes SD-CuMs-1.30 SD-CuMs-1.31 SD-CuMs-1.32 SD-CuMs-1.33 12 15 18 20 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 46 46 46 46 No No No No series 2 192 Workpiece Voltage Diameter Stand-off Tube Length (kV) (mm) (mm) (mm) Weld? SD-CuMs-1.52 SD-CuMs-1.53 18 19 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 51 51 Partially Yes SD-CuMs-1.34 SD-CuMs-1.35 SD-CuMs-1.60 SD-CuMs-1.36 SD-CuMs-1.61 15 18 18 20 20 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 50 50 50 50 50 No Yes Yes Yes Yes SD-CuMs-1.68 SD-CuMs-1.69 18 19 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 49 49 Partially Yes SD-CuMs-1.37 SD-CuMs-1.38 SD-CuMs-1.76 SD-CuMs-1.77 SD-CuMs-1.39 15 18 18 19 20 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 48 48 48 48 48 No No Yes Yes Yes SD-CuMs-1.40 SD-CuMs-1.41 SD-CuMs-1.42 15 18 20 19,0 19,0 19,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 46 46 48 No No No series 3 193 Workpiece Voltage Diameter Stand-off Tube Length (kV) (mm) (mm) (mm) Weld? SD-CuMs-1.54 SD-CuMs-1.55 18 19 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 51 51 No No SD-CuMs-1.62 SD-CuMs-1.63 18 19 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 50 50 No No SD-CuMs-1.1 SD-CuMs-1.2 SD-CuMs-1.3 SD-CuMs-1.4 12 15 18 19 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 50 50 50 50 No No No No SD-CuMs-1.70 SD-CuMs-1.71 18 19 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 49 49 No No SD-CuMs-1.5 SD-CuMs-1.6 SD-CuMs-1.7 SD-CuMs-1.43 SD-CuMs-1.44 SD-CuMs-1.78 SD-CuMs-1.79 SD-CuMs-1.45 10 12 15 15 18 18 19 20 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 No No SD-CuMs-1.9 SD-CuMs-1.10 SD-CuMs-1.11 SD-CuMs-1.12 10 12 15 18 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 46 46 46 46 No No No No SD-CuMs-1.56 SD-CuMs-1.57 18 19 17,0 17,0 2,5 2,5 51 51 Partially No SD-CuMs-1.64 SD-CuMs-1.65 18 19 17,0 17,0 2,5 2,5 50 50 Partially Partially SD-CuMs-1.72 SD-CuMs-1.73 18 19 17,0 17,0 2,5 2,5 49 49 No No SD-CuMs-1.80 SD-CuMs-1.81 18 19 17,0 17,0 2,5 2,5 48 48 Partially No series 4 Partially Yes No Partially No Yes series 5 194 Appendix C: Force-displacement curves (compressive test) 195 196 197 Appendix D: Roundness Measurements Relative height FS at 350 Deg Leaks SD-CuMs-1.82 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 180 240 300 360 angle [˚] Relative height SD-CuMs-1.83 FS at 105 Deg Leaks 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Relative height SD-CuMs-1.91 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 angle [˚] FS at 30 Deg 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle [˚] 198 Relative height FS at 80 Deg SD-CuMs-1.93 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Relative height FS at 120 Deg Leak SD-CuMs-1.94 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 angle [˚] 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 SD-CuMs-1.95 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 360 angle [˚] Relative height 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle [˚] 199 SD-CuMs-1.96 relative height [x0.01mm] 30 Relative height 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle [˚] 200 References [1] V. 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