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Rome The republic to Empire
Aim/Goal: How was Rome able to grow
into such a large empire?
Do Now:
(1) What does this quote mean?
“All roads lead to Rome.”
Homework : Explain in a paragraph, why
Rome went from a “republic” to an
1. What country is Rome located in?
2. Greece and Rome have geography in common. List two things that you see in
this map that prove this.
The Roman Empire
• The Alps and the Mediterranean Sea
provided protection for Rome
You were placed in groups of three (3) for a
reason. Each of one of you have been
assigned either documents #2,3, or 4. You
will answer all questions in full sentences
of your assigned document. YOU HAVE
The city of Rome was founded by the Latin people on the river in the
center of Italy. It was a good location, which gave them a chance to
control all of Italy. It put them near the midpoint of the Mediterranean
Sea. Two groups lived in what is now called Italy: the Greeks in the
South, and the Etruscans in the north. The Romans borrowed some
ideas from both people.
In 509 B.C., Romans overthrew the Etruscan king who had ruled over
his people and Rome. The Romans said Rome was now a republic.
A republic is a government in which citizens have the right to select
their own leader.
3. The advantages of Rome’s location was ___________
4. A “republic” is __________________________________________.
Have you ever heard the word “republic” before? Explain if you
Pledge of Alligiance
Control of Rome
• In the beginning 3 groups inhabited
2. Greeks
1. Latins
3. Etruscans
Greek Influence
• Greeks established 50 colonies
(settlements) in Italy
• These cities became busy with trade
• Brought Italy and Rome in closer
contact with Greece
• Greeks taught Romans how to grow
grapes and olives
The Punic Wars
In the fourth century B.C. (300-399), Rome began to get larger. Within 150
years, it had captured almost all of Italy. Rome allowed some of the
conquered people to enjoy the benefits of citizenship. With its good location,
Rome saw growth in trade. This brought it into conflict with Carthage, a
trading city in North Africa.
From 264 to 146 B.C., Rome and Carthage fought three bitter wars called the
Punic Wars. In the first war, Rome won control of the island of Sicily. In the
second, Hannibal, a brilliant (smart) Carthaginian General (High ranking
military man) invaded north of Italy. He and his soldiers did much damage.
But he was unable to take Rome. By the time of the third war, Carthage was
no longer a threat to Rome. Even so, Rome destroyed the city and made its
people slaves. Carthage became a new Roman province (area; territory).
5. During the Punic Wars there were _______________wars.
6. ______________________and ______________________fought in the
Punic Wars.
7. The final result of the Punic Wars was _____________________________
Rome the Empire
Rome’s victory in Carthage brought conflict (problems) between the rich and the poor in Rome. Civil
war, or fighting between groups in the same country, broke out. Leading Generals fought for
Julius Caesar tried to take control. First he joined with two others—Crassus, a wealthy man, and
Pompey, a successful general. They formed a triumvirate, which is a group of three leaders. For
the next ten years, the triumvirate ruled Rome.
Caesar gained fame with several victories (wins) in battle. Pompey feared Caesar as a result. The two
fought another civil war that lasted years. Caesar won the civil war (fight between the same
country) and then ruled as an absolute ruler, or a leader who has total power.
Caesar made some changes that increased his popularity (people liking him more). But some
members of the Senate mistrusted him. They feared him because they feared he wanted to
become king.
Once again, Rome suffered a civil war. Caesar’s nephew was the winner. He took the title Augustus,
meaning “exalted one,” which means glorious one; high ranking. The Roman Empire was now
ruled by one man.
8. There was a civil war in Rome because __________________________________
9. Caesar’s rule ended the republic because ____________________________________________
Julius Caesar
From Republic to Empire