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Review Sheet for Genetics
DNA Terminology: Use prezi notes as reference and gummy bear sheet
Meiosis: 8 phases, nuclear membrane, chromosomes, chromatid, cleavage furrow,
gametes, tetrad, homologous pairs, sister chromatids, spindle fibers, centromeres,
centrioles; use notes as reference
Sexual Reproduction: spermatogenesis, oogenesis, fertilization, ovum, sperm; use
notes as reference
Non-disjunction: abnormal meiosis, trisomy 13, trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome),
klinefelter syndrome, monosomy, karyotype; use notes as reference
Monohybrid Crosses: Genotype, Phenotype, Dominant, Recessive, Homozygous,
Heterozygous, Punnett Square (be able to use one), Analysis; go over problems done
for homework;
Multiple Alleles: fly example (eye colour), co-dominance, incomplete dominance;
use notes as reference
Sex-linked Traits: carriers, sex-linked disorders (i.e., hemophilia), X and Y
chromosomes; use notes and homework activities as reference
Dihybrid Crosses: terminology similar to monohybrid; use notes and homework
questions as reference
Review Questions: pg. 116 #1, #2
Pg. 124 #1, #9,
Pg. 159 #9, #10, #11, #13, #15
Helpful videos/ website (there are also helpful video/links in prezis/powerpoints
on website!)
DNA structure-
Meiosis Quiz-
Karyotyping Practice
Punnett Squares (Monohybrid) Activity
Multiple Alleles-
Incomplete Dominance-