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Chapter 7
Metabolic Responses and
Adaptations to Training
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• Definitions
Metabolism: sum of all chemical reactions in the human body to
sustain life
Exergonic reactions: result in energy release
Endergonic reactions: result in stored or absorbed energy
Bioenergetics: flow of energy change within human body
• Ability to perform work
• Changes in proportion to magnitude of work performed
• Chemical energy needed for several metabolic processes
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems
• Overview
Body requires continuous chemical energy for life & exercise
Potential energy transferred from storage or food to fuel muscle
• High-energy compound used to fuel body
• Composed of adenine & ribose (adenosine) + 3 phosphates
• Hydrolysis: cleavage of phosphate bond releases energy
• ATP + H2O  ADP + Pi + energy
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Three Ways Energy Can Be Used Quickly
1. Skeletal muscle ATP stores
• Capacity: a few seconds of exercise
2. Phosphocreatine (PC) system
• Capacity: 5-10 seconds of high-intensity exercise
• PC stored in skeletal muscle (×4 > than ATP)
• ADP + phosphocreatine 
ATP + creatine
3. Production of ATP from multiple ADP sources
• Capacity: >10 seconds of exercise
• 2 ADP  ATP + AMP
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Phosphagen Repletion
ATP-PC resynthesis is critical to explosive exercise performance
High-intensity exercise depletes PC by:
• 60-80% in first 30 seconds
• 70% in first 12 seconds
Longer-duration high-intensity exercise reduces PC by 89%
Greater the PC degradation, the longer the time to recover PC
Biphasic response: faster + slower components
Factors: intensity, volume, muscle pH, ADP level, O2 availability
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Anaerobic Training Adaptations
Positive adaptations in ATP-PC & adenylate kinase metabolic
Occur in three ways:
• Greater substrate storage at rest
• Altered enzyme activity
• Limited accumulations of fatiguing metabolites
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Glycolysis
IS—the breakdown of CHOs to resynthesize ATP in cytoplasm
Anaerobic metabolic system
Capacity: 2 min of high-intensity exercise
Rate of ATP resynthesis not as rapid as that of PC
Larger glycogen than PC supply in body
Gluconeogenesis: reforming of glucose in opposite direction of
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• Fast glycolysis is also known as anaerobic glycolysis and slow
glycolysis is commonly called aerobic glycolysis. These are
dictated by the energy demands of the cells. If there is a rapid
or high rate of type II muscle fibers being utilized then fast
glycolysis is utilized. If there is a demand for primarily type I
muscle fibers and oxygen present then slow glycolysis is
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Control of Glycolysis
Inhibited by:
• Sufficient oxygen levels (steady-state exercise & rest)
• Reductions in pH
• Increased ATP, PC, citrate, & free fatty acids
Stimulated by:
• High concentrations of ADP, Pi, & ammonia
• Slight decreases in pH & AMP
Regulated by enzyme control & negative feedback systems
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Glycogen Metabolism
Muscle glycogen = quick source of glucose
> glycogen availability preexercise  endurance performance
Glycogen use:
• Most rapid at beginning of exercise
• Increases exponentially as intensity increases
Muscle & liver glycogen repletion:
• Critical to recovery after exercise
• Factors: hormonal action, glucose uptake, blood flow,
Amount of CHOs consumed!!
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Training Adaptations
Changes in substrate storage & enzyme activity
Aerobic training (AT):  muscle glycogen in FT & ST fibers
Steady-state AT & high-intensity interval training: 
muscle glycogen storage
Sprint training: may not change or increase glycogen content
RT: increases resting glycogen content by up to 112%
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Lactate
Negative impact on performance
Lactate production from pyruvate contributes to muscle fatigue
Lactate is produced by your body in response to aerobic exercise
and serves as a fuel for the muscles, delays fatigue and prevents
injury. Lactic acid contains one additional proton and is not
produced by the body at all during exercise.
The technical difference between lactate and lactic acid is
chemical. Lactate is lactic acid, missing one proton.
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• To be an acid, a substance must be able to donate a
hydrogen ion; when lactic acid donates its proton, it
becomes its conjugate base, or lactate. When you're
talking about body's lactate production and lactate or
lactic acid threshold, the difference is largely a matter of
semantics. But, the body produces and uses lactate -not lactic acid.
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Metabolic Acidosis and Buffer Capacity
Blood & muscle pH decrease during & after anaerobic exercise
• Adversely affects energy metabolism & force production
• Causes onset of fatigue to be rapid
Buffering capacity:
• Ability to resist changes in pH
• Increased after 7-8 weeks of sprint training
• Greater in trained than in untrained people
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• Increasing muscle buffer capacity enables greater tolerance for
acidosis. Higher lactate concentrations are seen following anaerobic
training with concomitant improvements in performance. Enhanced
buffer capacity prolongs high-intensity exercise. Trained individuals
have a greater buffer capacity than untrained individuals. Muscle
buffer capacity may increase by 16%-44% after 7-8 weeks of sprint
training. RT may lesson H+ accumulation but may not increase buffer
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Aerobic Metabolism
Occurs when adequate oxygen is available
Is primary source of ATP:
• At rest
• During low to moderate steady-state exercise
Majority of energy comes from oxidation of CHOs & fats
Krebs cycle
(where the aerobic system begins)
• Continues oxidation of acetyl CoA
• Produces 2 ATP indirectly
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Krebs Cycle
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
The Electron Transport Chain
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Energy Yield From Carbohydrates
3 ATP produced per molecule of NADH
2 ATP produced from FADH2
Glucose oxidation: total of 38 or 39 ATP produced
• 2 ATP from blood glucose glycolysis OR 3 ATP from stored
glycogen glycolysis
• 2 ATP from Krebs cycle
• 12 ATP from 4 NADH produced from glycolysis & pyruvate
conversion to acetyl CoA
• 22 ATP from electron transport chain
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Energy Yield From Fats
Fat metabolism predominates at rest & in low/moderate exercise
Lipolysis: breakdown of fats by hormone-sensitive lipase into:
• Glycerol
• 3 free fatty acids
Fatty acids enter circulation or are oxidized from muscle stores
via beta oxidation
Beta oxidation: splitting of 2-carbon acyl fragments from a long
chain of fatty acids
People with high aerobic capacity can oxidize fats at a large rate
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Aerobic Training Adaptations
  # of capillaries surrounding each muscle fiber
  Capillary density: # of capillaries relative to muscle CSA
  Nutrient & oxygen exchange during exercise
  Reliance on fat metabolism
  # of mitochondria & mitochondrial density in muscle
  Myoglobin content
  Enzyme activity
  Muscle glycogen stores at rest
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Anaerobic Training Adaptations
  # of capillaries surrounding each muscle fiber
No change in capillary density (&  with hypertrophy)
  Mitochondrial density in muscle
No change in myoglobin content
No change or  enzyme activity
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and
Metabolic Systems (cont’d)
• Energy System Contribution and Athletics
All energy systems are engaged at all times
One may predominate based on exercise:
• Intensity
• Volume/duration
• Recovery intervals
Training systems can be designed to target each system
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Interval Training: Work-to-Rest Ratio
• The work-to-rest ratio can target energy systems:
• 1:12 to 1:20 ratios target ATP-PC
• 1:3 to 1:5 target fast glycolysis
• 1:3 to 1:4 target fast glycolysis and aerobic oxidation
• 1:1 to 1:3 target aerobic oxidation
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise
• Indirect Calorimetry
Measurement of O2 consumption via open-circuit spirometry
Changes in O2 & CO2 %’s in expired air compared with normal,
inspired ambient air
Components: flow meter, computer interface
Measure of energy expenditure
Respiratory quotient (RQ): measure of CO2 produced per unit
of O2
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Difference between RQ and RER
• Similar to RQ, is the respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
• Although RQ assumes that gas exchange results from nutrient
breakdown ONLY, RER reflects more accurately the role of
anaerobic exercise metabolism during exhaustive exercise. It is
calculated the same way as RQ.
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Minimal level of energy needed to sustain bodily functions
Factors affecting BMR:
• Body mass
(the larger the body size, the higher the BMR—lean body mass is
a strong component of BMR)
• Regular exercise
(enhances BMR by 8-10%—based on intensity,
volume/duration and muscle mass involvement)
• Diet-induced thermogenesis
(Increase in BMR with digestions,
absorption, and assimilation of nutrients and activation of the sympathetic
nervous system in response to meal consumption) [protein—P. 119].
• Environment
(warm or cold environments can produce higher BMRs)
• Low calorie intake lowers BMR
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• Low calorie diets have the opposite effect. Decreasing calories
can decrease RMR and lead to weight can.
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
• RMR is the energy required to perform normal bodily
functions while the body is at rest and is somewhat
similar to BMR although it is measured under less
stringent conditions (does not require a 12-hour fast or 8
hours of sleep).
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Estimating Resting Energy Expenditure
Important for weight loss/gain programs
Several population-specific equations developed
Predictor variables: body mass or LBM, height, age
• Harris & Benedict [1st and still commonly used]
• Mifflin-St Jeor
• Cunningham
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Estimating Energy Expenditure During Exercise
Average energy expenditure at rest:
• 0.20-0.35 L of O2 min-1
• 1.0-1.8 kcal min-1 (about 1.2 calories per min @ rest on average—72 per hour)
In metabolic equivalents (METs):
• Men: 250 mL min-1
• Women: 200 mL min-1
Exercise increases energy expenditure based on intensity,
volume, muscle mass involvement, rest intervals
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Oxygen Consumption and Acute Training Variables
O2 consumption
• Increases during exercise in proportion to intensity
• Increases exponentially as exercise approaches steady state
• Remains elevated during recovery after exercise
O2 deficit
• Difference between O2 supply & demand
• Larger during anaerobic than aerobic exercise
• Smaller in aerobically trained athletes than in untrained &
strength/power athletes
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Oxygen Consumption During Exercise and
Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption
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Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Resistance Exercise and Oxygen Consumption
Resistance exercise increases VO2 during & after a workout
• Greater during large muscle-group exercises than smaller
• Varies based on lifting velocity
• Greater when exercises are performed with high intensity
• Greater when exercises are performed for high rep #
• Greater when exercises are performed with short rest
• Not affected by exercise order
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Metabolic Demands and Exercise (cont’d)
• Body Fat Reductions
Require proper diet & exercise
Energy expenditure must exceed energy intake for net kilocalorie
Dietary recommendations:
• Well-balanced diet from major food groups
• High water intake (this is now disputed!!)
• 55-60% of kcal from CHOs
• 15% of kcal from protein
• <25% of kcal fats
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Body Fat Loss
• Aerobic exercise helps by increasing fat oxidation during
exercise and EPOC.
• Strength training helps by increasing LBM—an increase in LBM
stimulates metabolism (BMR) and energy expenditure
throughout the day.
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