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The Theory of Evolution
I. Evolution- A brief overview
1. __________________________________________
2. Descent with modifications
3. Plants and animals of today are ________________forms of plants and animals of
the past
4. Organisms vary and new forms appear, while old forms decline or become extinct
** Evolution is theologically neutral- it interprets a natural process
- it describes ________ -- not why
- it is based on recognition of order – not purpose
1. Man came from monkey
Genetic Comparison
Anatomical studies
Functionless structures
Embryological development
II. 2 Theories of Evolution:
Observed a relationship between the organism and its environment
Recognized change in living things over long periods of time
But he was INCORRECT in concluding that the environment acted directly on
organisms to produce hereditary change in relation to need, use or disuse, or
passing on of______________________________.
2. Charles Darwin:
A. Voyage
In 1831 was recommended as a naturalist
on__________________________, a ship chartered for
a five-year collecting and mapping expedition to South
America and the South Pacific.
Job: collect, study, and store specimens
Developed a hypothesis based on observations, specifically in
o Studied and compared the anatomy of many species of reptiles,
insects, birds, and flowering plants
o Noticed that these species were unique to the islands, yet similar to
species seen in other parts of the world
o ________________________= change in the gene pool of a
population in response to various stimuli exhibited by a species
B. What is Darwin’s Explanation for Evolution?
________________________= a mechanism for change in populations
that occurs when organisms with favorable variations for a particular
environment survive, reproduce, and pass these variations on to the
next generations.
Wrote “__________________________”
Ex: Darwin’s Idea of NATURAL SELECTION:
III. Natural Selection:
___________________________= any trait that aids the chances of survival
and reproduction of an organism.
Two types: ___________________and _____________________
o STRUCTURAL ADAPTATIONS arise over____________________:
________________= provides protection for an organism by
enabling it to copy the appearance of another species.
_______________________= enables an organism to blend in
with its surroundings
 more likely to escape predators and survive to reproduce
Example of Natural Selection:
 Lighter colored moths less noticeable on lichen covered trees
 Pollution kills lichens and uncovers darker tree trunks
 Frequency of color moths has changed over time in response to pollution
o PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS can ______________________
Changes in an organism _____________________________
Ex: Penicillin- was considered 50 years ago as a wonder drug
b/c it could kill many types of disease-causing bacteria
Now penicillin is not as effective as it used to be because
many species of bacteria have evolved physiological
adaptations that make them resistant to penicillin
Ex: insects/ weeds have been selected for physiological
resistance to chemicals used in pesticides.
VI. Evidence for Evolution:
1. ______________________________________________:
 nucleotide sequencing studies are used to indicate levels of relationships
among species within major taxonomic groups
2. ____________________________:
 fossil records show how organisms have changed over time (millions of
3. ________________________________________:
___________________________________= Similarities in structure
and arrangement—likeness indicates a genetic relationship through a
common ancestor.
Ex: Homology among the bones of the forelimb. : Although these
structures show considerable differences in form and function, the same
basic bones are present in the forelimbs of humans, cats, bats, porpoises,
and horses.
4. ________________________________________:
___________________________= any body structure that is reduced in
function in a living organism but may have been used in an ancestor.
 pelvis in snakes
 external ears and pelvis in whales
 Humans: appendix, ear muscles, nictitating membrane, wisdom teeth.
5. ________________________________________: Development of the
phylum- in the embryonic stage it is difficult to distinguish fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Theory of Evolution Worksheet
Name: _____________________________________________
Answer the following questions using your notes and textbook.
1. Define evolution in your own words. (2 pts.)
2. State one misconception about evolution. (1 pt.)
3. List 5 evidences of evolution. (5 pts.)
A. _______________________________________
B. _______________________________________
C. ________________________________________
D. ________________________________________
E. ________________________________________
4. Explain the misconception in Lamark’s theory of evolution. (2 pts.)
5. Where did Darwin complete his research and what principle does he use to back up his
theory? (2 pts.)
6. Define natural selection. (1 pt.)
7. "Survival of the fittest" is a common expression. What do you think most people mean by
this expression? How would you explain this expression to help someone understand how
natural selection actually functions? (3 pts.)
8. List the two types of adaptations and give an example of each. (4 pts.)
9. __________________= any trait that aids the chances of survival and reproduction of
an organism. (1 pt.)
10. What is the difference between a vestigial structure and homologous structure?
(2 pts.)
11. Look at the diagram below. Describe what is happening to the mice in figures
1-3 and give a possible explanation. (2 pts.)
Unit Learning Map (4 days):
Class:Biology B:3.3.10D Explain the mechanism of the theory of evolution. Analyze data from
fossil records, similarities in anatomy and physiology, embryological studies and DNA studies that are
relevant to the theory of evolution.
Unit Essential Question(s):
Instructional Tools:
How does natural
selection drive changes
in the ecosystem?
Wooly-Panther lab
Darwin’s Pond
Antibiotic Resistance Flyer
Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:
Natural selection
Lesson Essential Questions:
How can the
environment impact
natural selection?
Natural selection
Acquired traits
Structural adaptations
Physical adaptations
Homologous structures
Vestigial structures
Evolution Vocabulary:
1) Natural Selection = a mechanism for change in populations that occurs when organisms with
favorable variations for a particular environment survive, reproduce, and pass these variations on to
the next generations
2) Lamark (1801) =
• Observed a relationship between the organism and its environment
• Recognized change in living things over long periods of time
• But he was INCORRECT in concluding that the environment acted directly on organisms to
produce hereditary change in relation to need, use or disuse, or passing on of acquired traits
3) Acquired traits = the environment acted directly on organisms to produce hereditary change in
relation to need, use or disuse, or passing on of traits.
4) Charles Darwin = credited for the accepted theory of evolution (natural
• In 1831 was recommended as a naturalist on HMS Beagle, a ship chartered for a
five year collecting and mapping expedition to South America and the South
Pacific. Developed a hypothesis based on observations, specifically in The
Galapagos Islands
5) Evolution = change in the gene pool of a population in response to various stimuli exhibited by a
species OVER TIME
6) Natural Selection = (Darwin’s explanation of evolution) a mechanism for change in populations that
occurs when organisms with favorable variations for a particular environment survive, reproduce, and
pass these variations on to the next generations.
7) Adaptation = any trait that aids the chances of survival and reproduction of an organism
8) Structural adaptations = may arise over many generations (mimicry and camouflage)
9) Physical adaptations = may develop quickly (antibiotic resistance)
10) Homologous Structures = Similarities in structure and arrangement—likeness indicates a genetic
relationship through a common ancestor
11) Vestigial structure = any body structure that is reduced in function in a living organism but may have
been used in an ancestor
 EVOLUTION is NOT Man came from monkey!!!!