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Name:__________________ CP Geoscience: Mrs. Zeiders Period:______ Date:_______ Study Guide: Earth’s Interior Study Power Point presentations and information contained in the “Exploring Earth’s Interior” Activity Be able to define differentiation and explain how Earth became differentiated. (Remember the Great Bombardment, Iron Catastrophe, and the “Cheetos” demonstration?) What are three ways that we know about the Earth’s Interior. Define and list in order the layers of the Earth based on composition. (What is the chemical makeup of each layer? Example: the core is made of iron and nickel.) What are the differences between the continental crust and oceanic crust? (We talked about 3 differences: density, thickness and age.) List in order the layers of the Earth based on properties (behavior), and describe their properties. (Example: the inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid.) Why is the inner core solid? What is the importance of the outer core? What is the major role of the lower mantle? What is the importance of the asthenosphere? Where is the Mohorovic Discontinuity and Lehmann Discontinuity? What creates convection currents? What three characteristics must exist in order to produce a magnetic field? What is a lithospheric plate? Convection in what layer is thought to be the driving force behind plate tectonics. Two basic forces are thought to control plate motion (above the surface): Ridge Push and Slab Pull. Be able to explain how they work. Name:__________________ CP Geoscience: Mrs. Zeiders Period:______ Date:_______