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Sports Marketing
Standard 1.1
Discover the World of Sports
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Standard One
Students will discover the world of
sports marketing and the use of
marketing to promote sports and nonsports businesses in sports.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Standard One Projects
 Franchise Project
 Virtual Business
 Team City/Region Research
 Team Name Research
 Team Logo/Mascot
 Find Examples of Mktg OF Sport
 Find Examples of Mktg THRU
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
The Foundation of Marketing
1. Product or Service Planning
2. Pricing
3. Promotion
4. Distribution (Place)
5. --- People --- Often Considered
the Fifth P
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
1. Individuals or Companies which have
products to be sold.
2. They provide the “supply.”
3. They are willing to exchange the
product or service for something of
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
1. Individuals or Companies which
have needs to be met and which
have something to exchange.
2. They create a “Demand.”
3. They have something to
exchange for a product or service
and are willing to do so.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Good or Service
Goods are Tangible
o Example: Football, Jersey, or Hammer
Services are In-tangible
o Example: Game, Transportation, or Hair cut
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Scavenger Hunt Activity
Standard One
Sport/Non Sport
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
1. Everyday transactions between
producers and consumers
2. Typically trading money for a
product or service
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Benefits of Marketing
1. Add UTILITY to goods and services
2. Makes buying convenient
3. Maintains reasonable prices
4. Provides a variety of goods and
5. Increases production
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
5 Utilities
1. Form utility – changing raw
materials or assembling parts
2. Place utility – having a product
where customers can buy it.
3. Time utility – having the product
available at a certain time of year
or time of day.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
5 Utilities
4. Possession utility – making legal
ownership through purchase
options easier.
5. Information utility – information
to customers about product’s
features and benefits.
(Ingredients, uses, safety
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Privileges, or monetary payments
beyond salary or wages, that go
with a job.
o Examples: a company car, and
expense account, bonuses.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
What is Marketed?
1. Three years or longer
1. Cannot be re-used
1. Cannot be stored
1. Can be sold and turned into
a business
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
What is Marketed Cont.?
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Consumers
1. Consumers exchange money for a
“wanted” good or service.
2. Sports Consumers exchange in
different ways:
1. Spectators as Consumers
Benefit by watching game
Exchange for tickets and entertainment
Benefit by playing or participating
Exchange for equip. & participation
2. Participants as Consumers
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Producers
Sports Producers May Provide:
o Events for Participation
o Events for Entertainment Viewing
o Sporting Goods and Equipment
o Licensed Merchandise
o Collectables and Memorabilia
o Athlete Training
o Sports Information
o Event Coverage and Distribution
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Marketing
Marketing OF Sports
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Marketing
Marketing THRU Sports
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Marketing
Standard 1.2
Marketing Of & Through Sports
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
What IS Sports Marketing
1. Sports: a source of diversion
engaged in for pleasure
2. Sports Marketing is the
application of marketing
principles to
sports properties and to
non-sports products using sports.
 Simply:
Standard One
Sports Marketing is the Marketing of Sports
Sports Marketing is Marketing Through Sports
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Marketing OF Sports
1. Applying marketing Principles to the
marketing of a “Sports Property”
2. Sports Properties:
Standard One
9) Arena
10) Meet
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
“Playas” In Mktg OF Sports
1. Teams
2. Leagues
3. Venues
4. Athletes
5. Agents
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Marketing OF SPORTS
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Marketing THROUGH Sports
Marketing of Non-Sports products or
services using sports as a media
Using a team or event for marketing
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
What is Marketed at Sports
1. Sponsor products
or services
2. Traded products
or services
3. Public Service
4. Other???
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Borrowed Equity
1. Corporate Marketing Through Sports
2. Utilize the draw of the event for promotion
a. Within Audience & Through Broadcast
Standard One
Increase Sales
Increase Awareness
Be More Competitive
Reach the Target Market
Build Relationships
Develop a Corporate Image
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Event Triangle
The model for studying the
exchanges developed in Sports
Marketing is formatted as an
Event Triangle.
The Event Triangle emphasizes
the relationships between
producers and consumers in the
sports marketing model.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Event Triangle
Components of the Triangle:
3. FAN
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
The “Event”
1. The Event is the sporting event which
will draw participants, spectators and
2. The Event can be amateur or
3. The Event may provide entertainment.
4. The Event may provide an opportunity
for exposure for sponsors.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Examples of Events
1. Superbowl
2. NCAA “March Maddness”
3. World Series
4. RIIL State Playoffs
5. Your High School’s Homecoming
6. Turkey T-Shirts
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
The “Sponsor”
1. The Sponsor can use the Event to reach
important consumers for the company.
2. The Sponsors can utilize the draw of the
Event to market its products or services.
3. The Sponsor can leverage its relationship
to further business opportunities.
4. “Borrowed Equity”
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
The “Fan”
1. The Fan typically attends the Event
as a source of entertainment.
2. The Fan usually pays to attend the
3. The Fan may be exposed to
promotions for the event and event
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Create your own
Event Triangle
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Exchanges in the Triangle 1
1. Event   Fan Exchanges
o Event: entertainment,
o Fan:
merchandise, …
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Exchanges in the Triangle 2
1. Event   Sponsor Exchanges
money, products, services,…
o Event: exposure, promotion, sales
o Sponsor:
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Exchanges in the Triangle 3
1. Sponsor   Fan Exchanges
o Fan: money
o Sponsor: products or services
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Update your
Event Triangle
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Sports Marketing Process
 Sports Marketing Process includes Planning, Implementing,
and Controlling the event.
 In the Sports Marketing Process, the step of Planning
consists of understanding consumer needs, selecting
markets, and determining a marketing mix for a sports
product or service.
 In the Sports Marketing Processes, the step of Implementing
consists of setting up, running, and evaluating an event.
 In the Sports Marketing Processes, the step of Control
consists of determining whether organizational target and
objectives where met and analyze the activities undertaken
in order to implement future plans and control the marketing
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Event Marketing Concerns
1. Draw
a. How far away people are willing to travel
2. Promotion
a. Increase Interest, attendance and draw
through Personal Selling, Public Relations,
Licensing, Sales Promotion, & Advertising
3. Sales Opportunities
a. Ability for Sponsors to realize R.O.I.
4. Ambush Tactics
a. Non-sponsor companies trying to get
borrowed equity from the event for free.
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
The Fan’s Role in Sports
1. Fan = “Fanatic”
a. Someone who is interested, involved and
engaged in the event.
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Golf
Chess, Darts, Shuffleboard, Curling
b. Fan is the reason for Sports Marketing
i. IS the power behind success of sports
ii. IS the economic force
iii. SHAPES the game with attention
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Effects of Media Broadcasting on
the Event Triangle
1. Expansion of the Target Market
2. Expansion of marketing opportunities
3. Expansion of distribution & consumption
of the event and ancillary events.
a. Examples: Cable, Satellite, Pay-Per-View
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Draw the Dynasty Cycle
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports
Standard One Projects
 Franchise Project
 Virtual Business
 Team City/Region Research
 Team Name Research
 Team Logo/Mascot
 Find Examples of Mktg OF Sport
 Find Examples of Mktg THRU
Standard One
Discover The World Of Sports Marketing; Use in Marketing OF Sports and THROUGH Sports