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Name ___________________________________________________ Score _____________% Due: Wednesday, January 30 th
Chapter 11
Mediterranean Society: The Roman Phase
_____1. According to legend, Rome was founded by
a. Paul of Tarsus.
b. Tarquin the Proud.
c. Romulus.
d. Cincinnatus.
e. None of these answers is correct.
Page: 212
_____2. During its early history, Rome was dominated by the
a. Greeks.
b. Persians.
c. Minoans.
d. Etruscans.
e. Assyrians.
Page: 213
_____3. In the early stages of the Roman republic the patricians elected two
a. kings.
b. consuls.
c. tribunes.
d. archons.
e. senators.
Page: 213
_____4. Which group, in an effort to alleviate social tensions, was allowed to elect two and then later ten tribunes?
a. plebeians
b. slaves
c. patricians
d. consuls
e. dictators
Page: 213
_____5. During times of crisis the Romans would appoint an official with absolute power known as a(n)
a. consul.
b. tribune.
c. archon.
d. emperor.
e. dictator.
Page: 214
_____ 6. The Roman policy toward conquered peoples was
a. centered around the policy of forced conversion to the Roman religion.
b. generous, with the potential for citizenship.
c. cruel and despotic.
d. successful because citizenship was granted to all from the very beginning of expansion.
e. based on immediately turning conquered peoples into slaves.
Page: 214
_____7. The turning point in Roman history was their struggle, in the Punic Wars, with the
a. Phoenicians.
b. Carthaginians.
c. Persians.
d. Greeks.
e. Sasanids.
Page: 215
_____8. Latifundia were
a. enormous plantations worked by slaves.
b. the emperor’s elite guard.
c. the priestly class devoted to the worship of Mithras.
d. the wealthy classes of ancient Rome.
e. short lyric poems focused on erotic love.
Page: 216
_____9. The tribune whose call for land reform led to his assassination in 132 B.C.E. was
a. Julius Caesar.
b. Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
c. Tiberius Gracchus.
d. Gaius Marius.
e. Cincinnatus.
Page: 216
_____10. The leader who, supported by the Roman aristocrats, led a slaughter of more than ten thousand of his political enemies was
a. Gaius Marius.
b. Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
c. Julius Caesar.
d. Gaius Gracchus.
e. Augustus Caesar.
Page: 216
_____11. In regard to political philosophy, Julius Caesar
a. was a staunch supporter of Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
b. followed the example of his uncle Augustus.
c. favored liberal policies and social reform.
d. had stridently demanded the abolition of the republic.
e. proposed the establishment of a theocracy.
Page: 217
_____12. The government established by Augustus Caesar
a. was a monarchy disguised as a republic.
b. was a dictatorship similar to the one imposed by Julius Caesar.
c. carried on the classical republic structure that the Romans had followed for centuries.
d. quickly dissolved into anarchy.
e. was copied from the successful Persian model.
Page: 217
_____13. The Roman conquest of Gaul, Germany, Britain, and Spain
a. led to unprecedented economic devastation.
b. led to profound social problems caused by massive Roman slavery.
c. reduced these states to nothing more than agrarian villages.
d. brought millions more into the latifundia system.
e. stimulated the development of the local economies and states.
Page: 218
_____14. The reign of Augustus inaugurated a period known as the
a. Punic Wars.
b. pax romana.
c. mare nostrum.
d. carpe diem.
e. Augustan reform.
Page: 218
_____15. All of the following were foundations of Roman law EXCEPT
a. the principle that defendants were innocent until proven guilty.
b. the notion that defendants had a right to challenge their accusers before a judge in a court of law.
c. the right of a patrician to transfer out of a plebeian court.
d. the ability of judges to set aside laws that were inequitable.
e. None of these were foundations of Roman law.
Page: 219-220
_____16. The term paterfamilias refers to
a. the patriarchal nature of the Roman family.
b. the prolonged period of peace and stability beginning with the reign of Augustus.
c. the concept of Jesus of Nazareth’s relationship to his god.
d. the position of Jupiter as the king of the Roman gods.
e. the central role of the Roman emperor in running the state.
Page: 223
_____17. In 73 B.C.E., Spartacus
a. assassinated Gaius Graccus.
b. raised an army of seventy thousand rebellious slaves.
c. fought a bloody civil war with Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
d. seized control of Rome under the title “dictator” in an effort to restore order.
e. introduced the first Christian heresy.
Page: 224
_____18. The most prominent school of moral philosophy in Rome was
a. Stoicism.
b. Epicureanism
c. Legalism.
d. Mithraism.
e. neo-Platonism.
Page: 225
_____19. Which of the following religions was NOT popular during the Roman empire?
a. Christianity
b. Mithraism
c. Islam
d. Judaism
e. the cult of Isis
Page: 226-229
_____20. From 66 to 70 C.E., the Romans fought a bloody war with the
a. Jews.
b. Carthaginians.
c. Greeks.
d. Antigonids.
e. Christians.
Page: 227