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Chapter 1 Study Guide
1. A chemical that causes the leaves of plants to appear
green is __Chlorophyll___.
2. A single-celled organism without a nucleus is called a
3. Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide are used by
chloroplasts to make food.
4. Plants that have tissue through which water and food move
are vascular plants.
5. The layer of tough cells that protects the tip of a young root
is called a root cap.
6. An organism that absorbs food from decaying organisms is
a fungus.
7. A root's food is stored in the cortex.
8. The area of a plant through which sugars move is the
9. In a plant stem, the xylem and phloem are produced in the
10. Water and minerals flow up a plant through the xylem.
11. A(n) _organism_ is a living thing.
12. A(n) cell is the smallest unit of a living thing that can carry
out the basic processes of life.
13. The two largest groups in the plant kingdom are vascular
plants and nonvascular plants.
14. A living thing that has an irregular shape is asymmetrical.
15. The skeletal system is made up of bones, tendons, and
16. Mosses and liverworts are examples of nonvascular plants.
17. The muscular system provides an animal with the power to
18. A _kingdom consists of living things that are grouped by
internal form and structure. Also, this is the broadest
category an organism can be classified into.
19. Scientists use classification to group living things.
20. What is the narrowest group an organism can be classified
into? species
21. A group of cells work together to form _tissues.
22. To which body system does the esophagus belong?
23. A group of organs working together forms a _organ
24. The process by which leaves make food is called
25. Cells are made of many different smaller structures called