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13 - Theme: Origin, nature and the teachings of Islam
Muhammad (SAS)
Muhammad (SAS) - a real historical figure, whose way of life is contained in one
of the sources of doctrine of Islam - Sunnah. According to the Sunnah of
Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570, and was descended from a tribal group
Hashim Quraish. Upon recommendation of the Muslims, Muhammad - Prophet of
Allah and his messenger, which was passed by the people of the Qur'an text.
Born Muhammad (SAS) in a poor, but close kinship to the Meccan aristocracy
family. His father died while shopping trip before the birth of Muhammad (SAS),
the mother - in a few years. Muhammad (SAS) was brought up in the house of his
grandfather Abd al-Muttalib. From a young age he was familiar with the caravan
trade, and sometimes participated in shopping trips. In his youth, Muhammad was
hired to trade makes rich widow Khadija bint Meccan Huvaylit, whom he married
at the age of 25 years. While Khadija was alive, Muhammad (SAS) are not
accepted about other wives. She bore him several sons who died in infancy,
including Kashima, in which Muhammad's name was Abu al-Qasim, and four
daughters: Rukaiya, UmmKulsum, Zainab and Fatima.
Among the followers of Islam, there are several theories about the origin of
religion and creed - the Koran. According to one, Muhammad (SAS) loved
solitude and devout meditation, often withdrew to the neighboring mountains of
Mecca, was familiar with the basics of Judaism and Christianity, with views of the
Arabian monotheists-Hanifa. When Muhammad (SAS) was about 40 years, during
one of the periods of solitude he began to be a vision and then the utterance from
the outside, signaling the fact that he is the messenger of God. Muhammad (SAS)
scared the voice, and the message itself. But after the first words of an order to
"read." Protesting Muhammad (SAS) replied that he could not read because they
do not know how. But the angel Gabriel strongly urged to read: "Recite in the
name of your Lord who created man"! Crick, usually warn citizens of the dangers,
Muhammad (SAS) with a slope of Mount As-Safa announced Meccans sent down
to him about God's Word.
According to another version of the Qur'an draws transfer situation is. Prophet,
standing on Mount Arafat (near Mecca), listened to the voice of the archangel
Gabriel, who from the seventh heaven about twenty-three years, he dictated the
contents of the Qur'an, and Muhammad (SAS), in turn, reported to its content in
the form of separate sermons and teachings his followers.
At the same time, the Muslim clergy ¬ Manske teaches that Allah conveyed the
Qur'an Muhammad (SAS) Th ¬ res archangel Gabriel individual revelations,
mostly at night, through the vision. The first vision was called "Laylatal-frame"
("Night of Power"), and occurred on the night of 26 to 27 of the month of
Ramadan. On this night, Allah will decide the fate of each Con ¬ Muslim, given
his desire. Therefore, it is common to believers that night in the mosque, read the
Quran and ask Allah for fulfillment of his desire.
Originally Muhammad (SAS) began scared "revelations", but then became
convinced that the deity was elected as a messenger (rasul) and the prophet (nabi)
to give people the Word of God.
The first "revelations" that Muhammad (SAS) was trying to convey to his
countrymen, proclaiming the greatness of the one and the one God Allah, rejected
widespread polytheism in Arabia, warned of the coming resurrection of the dead,
the day of judgment and punishment in hell all those who believe not in Allah.
At first sermon Muhammad (SAS) has been met with derision in Mecca, but
gradually gathered around him a group of supporters, part of the nobility, often from grassroots Meccan society. In this regard, the Meccan elite, who was afraid of
losing power, began to persecute and harass the followers of Muhammad (SAS) Muslims. But Muhammad (SAS) was under the protection of his family and his
head - Abu Talib. At the same time, many of the Muslims, fleeing from
persecution, left Mecca to Ethiopia.
Islam was the first wife of Muhammad (SAS) - Khadijah, to believe in the
prophethood of her husband Ali - the cousin and pupil of Muhammad (SAS) and
Zayd - freedman and adopted son of Muhammad (SAS).
Kureyshitovpriverzhantsami of the new religion were notable Meccans - Abu Bakr,
Omar and Osman, who subsequently became caliph (the receivers of the Prophet
Sermon Muhammad (SAS), is transmitted direct word of Allah, argued the
omnipotence of God, often called merciful (Rahman), his greatness, his total
dependence on the person. In this case, Muhammad sent listeners to a known,
stories of the prophets of the past and of the dead ancient peoples. The Quran as it
showed that the prophecy of Muhammad (SAS) - a phenomenon known and
possible, and that disobedience to the Prophet has always led to the punishment of
At some point (about 618-620 years.) Emerged the possibility of compromise with
the Meccans. Muhammad (SAS) supposedly agreed to recognize the special
position with Allah in Mecca revered goddesses - al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat, and
the Meccans - the prophethood of Muhammad and the first God of gods. However,
reconciliation, violates fundamental principle of the new doctrine - the strict
monotheism was not held, and the fight escalated. Meanwhile, Khadija died, died
Abu Talib, and Muhammad (SAS) has lost much of the moral support and
protection. Besides, who became head of the clan of Abu Lahab refused
Muhammad (SAS) in protection.
Muhammad (SAS) began looking for supporters outside of Mecca. He appealed to
preach to the people who came to the city on business, made a fruitless trip to seek
asylum in Taif. Finally, about 620, he entered into a secret agreement with a group
of Yathrib - large landowning oasis about 400 km.k north of Mecca. Living there
and accepted Judaism Pagan Arab tribes were in a state of protracted and
complicated feuds, of which they are, in the Arabian custom, hoping to get through
a credible and impartial arbitrator. As such they are the judges and invited
Muhammad, recognizing his prophetic mission as the basis of its authority.
First, most of the Meccan Muslims, and then himself Muhammad (SAS) migrated
to Yathrib. He arrived there 12 or 18 Rabi I, ie 24 or 22 September 622, with the
first month (al-Muharram) of this, Muslims (with Umar I) were counted during the
new era of the Hijra, that is, by year resettlement Muhammad (SAS) from Mecca
to Yathrib, which became known Mazhinat Al-Nabi ("the city of the Prophet"), or
simply al-Madinah (Medina).
Muhammad (SAS) has evolved from a simple preacher of the political leader of the
community, which included not only the first Muslims. Gradually established his
absolute rule in Medina. Mainstay Muhammad (SAS) were come to him from
Mecca Muslims - muhadzhiryi Medina Muslims - Ansari. Muhammad (SAS) also
hoped to find religious and political support, and the Jews of Yathrib, he even
emphasized elected qiblah Jerusalem. However, they refused to recognize
Muhammad (SAS), the Messiah of the Gentiles, in fact mocked the prophet of
Allah, and even came in contact with the enemies of Muhammad (SAS) - the
Meccans. They were joined by other residents of Yathrib part of the Gentiles, Jews
and Christians, originally willingly accepted Islam, but later opposed Muhammad
(SAS). This internal Medinan opposition repeatedly condemned in the Koran as
"hypocrites" (munafikun).
Helped develop the internal demarcation of Islam as a separate religion, Arabian
enhance its features. Muhammad (SAS) began to speak more clearly about the role
of Islam itself as the last prophet - "Seal of the Prophets." In his speeches, the Jews
and Christians are censured as poor believers, Islam is declared Rectification of
distortion will of Allah. In contrast, the Sabbath is set special general Muslim day
of prayer - Friday, announcing the sanctity of al-Ka'bah and the paramount
importance of the pilgrimage to her. It is the main shrine of Islam, praying to her
beginning to turn in prayer (qibla).
In Medina, the first mosque built, the house Muhammad (SAS), provides the basis
of the Muslim ritual - the rules of prayer, ablution, fasting, the call to prayer, the
charges on the pious needs, etc. In his sermons Muhammad (SAS) were recorded
rules of community life - the principles of inheritance, division of property,
marriage. Announced bans on wine, pork and gambling, highlights the situation
starts Muhammad (SAS) as the Messenger of Allah. The "revelations" appear
demands special homage to Muhammad (SAS), he "sends" exemptions from
certain restrictions, mandatory for others.
Thus, Muhammad at Medina (CAC) established the basic principles of religious
doctrine, ritual, and community organizations. These principles are expressed in
the "revelations" and partly in his statements, decisions and actions of Muhammad
One form of community cohesion and its expansion from the beginning of the
Medina period was the struggle with the unbelievers Meccans. In 623, Muslims
begin the attack on Meccan caravans. In 624, the Muslims at Badr, led by
Muhammad (SAS), defeated the Meccan force, and this victory was perceived and
interpreted as proof that Allah - on the side of the Muslims. In 625, the Meccans
went to Medina and fought with the Muslim army near Mount Uhud. In battle,
Muhammad was slightly wounded in the head, the Muslims suffered heavy losses,
but the Meccans did not build on their success and were relegated. The next year
they went back to Medina, but were stopped by the defense of Muslims in a
specially dug pit.
Close ties with the opposition inside the Medina Meccans, her attempt on the life
of Muhammad (SAS) and the stubborn refusal to complete his submission evoked
sharp response. Sequentially from Medina were expelled Jewish tribes of Banu
Nadir and banukaynuka, much banukurayza was broken, were killed and some of
the most active opponents and rivals Muhammad (SAS). Then collected a large
force for a decisive struggle with Mecca.
In 628 a large army, joined by some nomadic tribes moved in the direction of
Mecca, and stopped in the town of al-Hudaibiya, on the border of the sacred
territory of Mecca.
Negotiations between the Meccans and the Muslims ended truce. Exactly one year
later Muhammad (SAS) and his associates have made in accordance with the
contract minor pilgrimage (Umrah).
Meanwhile strengthened force Medina community. Were conquered by the rich
oasis of Khaybar and Northern Arabia Fadak, allies Muhammad (SAS) became
more and more tribes. In these circumstances, continued secret negotiations with
the Meccans to Muhammad (SAS), many Meccans to Islam openly or secretly. As
a result of all this came up to Mecca in 630, the Muslim army entered the town
without hindrance. Muhammad (SAS) made worship al-Kaaba and cleansed it
from the pagan idols. Since then formed the Muslim feudal theocratic state, which
was called the Arab Caliphate.
Muhammad (SAS), however, continued to live in Medina, only once (in 632) made
the pilgrimage, known as a farewell (hidzhzhat al-vada).
Victory over Mecca further strengthened confidence Muhammad (SAS) and a
raised his political and religious authority in Arabia. It sends various kings and
chieftains Arabia and the governors of border regions with Arabia and Iran,
Byzantium inviting them to Islam. Mecca military units appear in Yemen. In
Mecca, visited by representatives of the various tribes and regions of the peninsula.
A lot of foreigners agree with Muhammad (SAS) of the Union. In the battle of
Hunayn in 630, Muslims and their allies beat back a major offensive on Mecca
hostile nomadic tribes. As a result, in 631-632 years. much of Arabia is in some
degree of involvement in political union, led by Muhammad (SAS).
In recent years, the life of Muhammad (SAS) defines the purpose of the association
- the extension of the authority of Islam to the north and began to prepare an
expedition to Syria. In June-July 632, Muhammad (SAS) surprise of his
companions died after a short illness. Legend has it that he was poisoned.
PohoronenMuhammad (CAC) in the main mosque of Medina (Prophet's Mosque).
I must say that the Arabian Peninsula has never before Muhammad (SAS) did not
know of a single authority. Only a prophet could achieve relative peace. After the
death of Muhammad (SAS) in 632 authority Ummah staggered, and set it back
agreement was violated. The reason for this lies in the fact that the ancient Arabic
traditions Agreement is held invalid after the death of the head of a party.
With the death of Muhammad (SAS) has stopped direct "contact" of the
community with God, it began to operate Khalifa - the deputy of the Prophet in the
execution of the laws and regulations that commanded Muhammad (SAS), as set
out in the Koran. For the right to nominate a representative to the post of Caliph
competed different Muslim groups.
This is due to the fact that after the death of HadidzhiMuhammad (CAC) is a big
number of marriages. The right of the Prophet permitted to exceed the number of
Muslim women (four) was specifically justified Koranic "revelation." Most of
these marriages were political, strengthening ties Muhammad (SAS) with various
tribal groups. Beloved wife MMuhammad (CAC) legend says Aisha, daughter of
Abu Bakr. After the Prophet's death she was trying to play a political role as the
guardian and interpreter of his legacy. Much love Muhammad (SAS) also enjoyed
Mary Coptic slave who bore him a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy, and bitterly
mourned the Prophet. According to legend in Muhammad (SAS) had 11 official
wives, nine of whom were alive at the time of his death.
Muhammad (SAS) did not leave a male offspring. Daughter of Muhammad (SAS)
Fatima married his cousin and another Supreme Ali ibn Abi Talib. From the
descendants of their sons - al-Hasan and al-Husayn - are all quite numerous in
today's Muslim world, the descendants of the "family of the Prophet" sayyidyisharify.
Thus, the successor to Muhammad (SAS) were his closest associates. The first
"deputy of the Prophet," the Caliph, Abu Bakr was - one of the first converts to
Islam. But he ruled for long: two years after his election, he died, passing the
terrible reign of Omar. Omar ruled for ten years - up to 644, the years of his reign
the Caliphate has significantly expanded its territory at the expense of Syria,
Egypt, Palestine, North Africa, Iran and Iraq. In 644, Omar was killed a slave. In
his place was elected Osman, who was famous not aggressive campaign, but a
collection preserved in the memory of the first Muslims the Qur'an. Osman's
successor was Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son in law of Mohammed. Since
Ali was from the community of the family of the Prophet, he claimed a special,
privileged status. Because of its claims originally united Muslim world is split into
two directions. Ali's supporters became known as Shiites ("Shea" - grouping Ali),
while their opponents were later called Sunni (from the "Sunna" - loyal to
Muhammad (SAS)).
In modern science, there is general agreement that Muhammad (SAS) actually
lived and worked, said much of the words that make up the Koran justified the first
Muslim community in Mecca, then to Yathrib. In the biography of Muhammad
(SAS) (sire), in the tradition of his words and deeds (hadith), in comments on the
Qur'an (tafsir), etc. along with historically accurate information contains many
later additions, fantasies and legends. Together, they make up all the Muslims
known biography of the Prophet.
Islam, in principle, does not give Muhammad (SAS) no supernatural traits. The
Qur'an repeatedly emphasizes that he is a man, like everyone else. However,
around his figures gradually emerged cycle of legends of miracles. Some of them
develop hints of the Koran, for example, legend has it that angels dissected
molodomuMuhammad (CAC) chest and washed his heart, or the legend of his
night journey to the magical beasts of al-Buraq to Jerusalem and the subsequent
ascension to heaven. There was a number of legends about the miracles of
Muhammad (SAS), - in his presence nedoynaya sheep gives milk, low food
enough for a lot of people, etc. In general, however, such material in the traditions
of Muhammad (SAS) is relatively small.
Righteous (believers) caliphs
Righteous (believers) caliphs - caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who,
after the death of the Prophet Muhammad for nearly 30 years as head of the
Muslim community, and during the life of the prophet in one way or another
involved in the community, and have been associated with prophet ties of kinship
or marriage.
In the centuries during the reign of the righteous caliphs called "golden age" of
Islam, when Muslim flourished original virtue, by Caliph granted the title of "Alrashidun" - going the way of righteousness, to distinguish them from those who
came to power in different provinces of the once united Muslim state.
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq - successful Meccan merchant, was one of the first to
immediately and unconditionally believed Muhammad and began to help him. He
spared no expense to the needs of the Muslim community. One of his articles was
spending a ransom of slaves, freeing he put only one condition - the adoption of
Islam. That he accompanied Muhammad, the prophet decided to move to Medina
(622), after learning of a plot against him. To confuse his pursuers, Muhammad
and Abu Bakr spent three days in a cave on Mount Saur near the road leading to
Yemen, waiting for the return of his pursuers in Mecca. In Medina, Abu Bakr was
married to the daughter of the Prophet. Every way he took care of Muhammad,
accompanied by his military campaigns.
Umar (Omar I) Ibn al-Khattab al-Farukvtoroy of the "righteous caliphs".
According to legend, he was the first anti-Muslim, but after he met with the text of
the sura "Ta Ha", which gave him his sister wanted to meet Muhammad. After this
meeting, it became one of the most loyal supporters of the Prophet. In the Medinan
period Umar was famous for his courage, he took part in the major battles of the
Muslims. Caliph Umar is credited with the creation of the administrative system,
which formed the basis for the management of the future Islamic state. When
Umar was established tax system that was in effect throughout the state. The
system divides the Muslims and Christians, the winners and losers, not only the
amount of taxes, but also a whole list of prohibitions. So, specifically stipulated
punishment for osmeivanie Prophet and his faith. Do not touch the Muslim woman
to encroach on the life and property of Muslims, shelter the enemies of Islam, etc.
In addition, non-Muslims were "different clothes" of Muslims, they could not build
houses higher than the houses of the faithful, to drink wine in public, openly wear
crosses, have a gun, ride, etc. In particular, when it was finally recognized as a
ritual of the hajj, which became one of the five obligatory principles of faith. Umar
annual pilgrimage led by himself. On behalf of the former secretary of the Caliph
of the Prophet Zaid ibn Thabit started collecting disparate texts revelations
recorded the words of Muhammad. The final text of the Qur'an was canonized after
the death of Umar.
Uthman ibn Affan (years of life - 575-656, the rule - 644-656) - the third Caliph of
the galaxy of "righteous." Muslim historians, describing acts Usman, credit him
with the codification of the Quran. It was on his orders, a single set of revelations,
recorded during the life of Muhammad. Best calligraphers copied text in four
copies. All subsequent collections were made on the basis of these records.
Ali ibn Abi Talib - the fourth and last righteous caliph (rod.v 602, during the reign
656-661) is a key figure to understand the division of Muslims into Sunnis and
Shiites. He was not only a colleague, but a close relative - a cousin - the prophet
Muhammad. Historians disagree on the role of Ali in the formation of a Muslim
state. Obviously, he had no talent for administrative and policy insights needed to
manage the Muslim empire. But the image of a "knight without fear and without
reproach," which, in spite of all difficulties, to be honest and faithful to Islam,
preserved through the centuries. His tragic death, and the death of his children,
gave him a martyr.
Appeared after his death, the first time the Shia movement finds support in the
Iraqi patriotism, and then spread on the territory of Iran. Here the image of Ali
acquired the characteristics of a Persian hero, he is worshiped as a holy martyr. If
Sunni Ali remains a model of piety and nobility, the Shi'ites a cult Ali. His figure
sometimes obscures the image of the Prophet Muhammad, as the extreme Shiites
believe that Ali is the bearer of God's grace (arab.baraka) - absolute and infallible
authority in matters of Islam, the owner of all the virtues that Allah may grant
rights. Ali's supporters call him "Wali Allah" (Arabic for "the friend of God").
Mosque - Muslim place of worship, where the judging with ¬ worship and
sermons. The word "mosque" means "the place where committed prostrations."
Thus, the mosque - a particularly sacred place for prayer. Entrance to the mosque,
in some countries (Morocco, Iran) is forbidden to non-Muslims. In other countries,
every part of the mosque must remove their shoes at her door, showing thus the
sacred respect for the prayer house. The mosque can be located anywhere, but at a
distance, out of reach of contamination. For example, out of the tanneries and
breweries. The architecture of mosques is not always the same, but usually when
they are thin tower (minaret), from the top of which the muezzin heralds a loud
voice calling for hours of prayer: "God is great, I bear witness that there is no God
but Allah. Hurry to Salat! Hurry to success (salvation), God's greatest! There is no
God but Allah! "
The decoration of the Muslim mosque strongly distinguish ¬ Xia of the Christian
Church. In particular, Islam forbids the use of the image of God (Allah) and the
prophets as the subject of reli ¬ gious ceremonies and choir, music, etc. As the
prayer in the kneeling position, the floor of the mosque is covered with carpets.
The opposite wall of the entrance of the mosque is oriented in the direction of
Mecca, in its center is a niche, mihrab, decrees ¬ colliding direction that Muslims
should seek in prayer. Mihrabanahoditsya right of the pulpit, which rises preacher
(khatib) during a solemn day of service on Friday and some holidays to utter one
short sermon.
In the Islamic world, there are three main mosques: al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca,
the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah, Al-Sahra Kubbat in Jerusalem, which is on the
sacred rock from which Mohammed ascended to 619, to the heavenly throne of
God. This place is also venerated by the Jews and Christians, as there once stood
the Temple of Solomon.
Symbols of Islam - a crescent and green.
Muslim rites and holidays
Rituals and holidays ¬ ki constitute an inseparable part and one of the main
attributes of Islam, without which it is impossible to imagine that religion. They
met in a special mu ¬ sulmanskomu calendar. Odd months of the Muslim calendar
is 30 days, even - of 29. 12 of these IU ¬ syatsev form lunar year (354 days), every
third year - a leap (355 days). As the Muslim lunar year is 11 days shorter than the
solar, all Muslim celebration ¬ ary dates each year move. Month names mu ¬
sulmanskogo lunar year are as follows: Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-Awwal, rabnas
Thani, dvumad al-Awwal, Jumada al-Ahira, Rajab, Shiba, Ramadan, Shawwal,
Dhul-qada, Dhul Hajj.
The end of the Muslim fasting holiday dedicated to the canonical Islamic Eid alFitr (Feast of Fitr), also known under the name of a Turk, "Eid al-Fitr." Festival is
held on the first day following the Ramadan of the 10th month - Shawwal. In
sharia indicated only one official ¬ tial day of the holiday - the day of the special
charity cute ¬ styni, called Sadaqah Fitr.
Associated with the rites of the pilgrimage festival of Eid al-Adha (the great Feast
of Sacrifice), known among the mu ¬ Muslims in our country under the name of a
Turk "Kurban buy ¬ frames." This festival is celebrated in the form of sacrifice in
the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim calendar, Dhul-Hijjah, during a
pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajj can not be imagined without sacrifice. This rite before
the rise of Islam performed Arab tribes used llamas as ¬ kept it and gave it its
color. Since not all Muslims are able to perform Hajj, the canons used ¬ Lama
prescribe perform rites culminating part ¬ and not only in Mecca, but wherever
they may be.
As you can see, the major holidays of Islam - Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr - are an
integral part of the Muslim ¬ skih canonical rites of pilgrimage and fasting and
individual ¬ but they are not there.
As for the holidays Mavlyuda (birthday Mu ¬ Mohammed) and Mi'raj
(Mohammed's ascension to heaven), then that ¬ kovymi they can be considered
arbitrary, especially since the beginning of the first ¬ Islam they do not exist.
Mavlyuda, for ¬ measures began to celebrate a 300 years after the onset ¬ of Islam.
Miraj is connected with a fantastic view of the "chu de ¬" Mohammed, a flash,
"ascended" from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from there - to the throne of God.
Muslims celebrate its 27 Rajab. Turkish people this holiday is called ¬ to as' Rajab
al-Adha. "
Sunday - rest day Muslims have the same meaning for them as Sunday for
Christians and Saturday for the Jews. On Friday, spends most solemn midday
Quick rough chronology of Islam
approx. 570 632 years. years of the life of Muhammad (SAS)
610 speech of Muhammad (SAS) to preach a monotheistic religion - Islam in
619 ascension of Muhammad (SAS) to the heavenly throne of God
622 great migration (Hijra) of Muhammad with his companions in Yathrib
623 630 years. years of the struggle of Muslims against the Meccans
630 to Islam Meccan aristocracy, education feudal theocratic states of the Arab
632 634 years. dominion receiver Mohamed Caliph Abu Bakr
634 644 years. dominion of the caliph Omar
644 656 years. Drying the Caliph, who spent kanonizirovanie content of the Quran and
the drafting of its final
656 661 years. Caliph Ali
661 murder of Caliph Ali mosque in Kuf, the takeover comes Umayya clan
VII. Start penetration of Islam in the North Caucasus Russia
end of VII century. separation of the adherents of Islam into Sunnis and Shiites
VII-X centuries. formation of Fiqh - Islamic canon law
IX. final editing Hadith Sunnah
1926 formation of the World Islamic Congress
1962 formation of a "League of the Muslim world"
1969 formation of the "Organization of the Islamic Conference."
1979 1980. anniversary celebration in 1400 AH (XV century resettlement)
Karimov. Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the XXI century: threats to security,
conditions of progress.
And fundamentalism
The very fact that a sustainable, for thousands of years, the existence of religions,
including Islam, suggests that it is deeply rooted in human nature, performs a
variety of proper functions. Religion, being primarily spiritual sphere of society,
group, individual, absorbed, reflected the universal moral standards, making them
generally binding rules of conduct had a significant impact on culture, has been
promoting overcoming the isolation of a person, his alienation from other people.
And most importantly, religion (we have reason to believe this in the case of Islam,
religion of our fathers and grandfathers), strengthening the faith of the people,
cleaning, and raising them, giving them the strength to overcome life's trials,
challenges and adversity, contributed, and at times was the only form of
preservation and transmission from generation to generation of human and spiritual
values. That is why religion is a reliable companion of man, of his life.
Recognizing the high role of religion, we should note the fact that the religious
world is not the only way of thinking, man's relationship to the world around them,
to their fellows. Parallel to it, and having the same right to exist, to develop what is
called secular thought, secular way of life.
Perhaps it is this coexistence, unfortunately, not always peaceful, different
approaches to understanding the meaning of life and provides a wealth and
diversity of the human world, his spiritual life, a stimulus for its development, for a
society of like-minded people who would be out of multicolor gray .
In a world that recognizes the intrinsic value of the priority of human personality,
the conflict is transformed in recognition of its right to freedom of thought,
freedom to practice any religion or no religion. A person can not be naturally
choose their race and ethnicity, can not choose their parents, but the ideological,
moral, spiritual choice, he could and should do for himself, without anyone's
pressure, the more violence. And this choice must be respected.
• Sunni
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, Russia, Cuba, Djibouti, Eritrea and other countries)
Somalia, Comoros, Maldives, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and other
an, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Kuwait,
Bahrain and other countries)
o sectarian Sunni *
• Shiism
o imamits
(Iran and Iraq)
o Sheyhity (Iran, Iraq, Bahrain)
o Zaidi
o Ismailis
other countries)
o Friends (Syria, Lebanon)
o Nusayrity
o Ahl-Haqq
o Ezelity * (Iran)
o Bektashi (Turkey, Albania and other countries)
• Haridzhizm
• Marginal Muslim sect *
o Ahmadi
o Black Muslims
-American researcher Church (USA)
o Subud (Indonesia and other countries)