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Honors Biology Evolution Test SB5
Write your answers on the scantron in pencil!
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. During his voyage on the Beagle, Charles Darwin made many observations
a. in England.
b. in North America.
c. on the Galápagos Islands.
d. in Asia.
2. Based on the adaptations Charles Darwin observed in finches and tortoises in the Galápagos, he wondered
a. if species living on different islands had once been members of the same species.
b. if finches and tortoises had originated from the same ancestral species.
c. if all birds on the different islands were finches.
d. why all tortoises on the different islands were identical.
3. Darwin began to formulate his concept of evolution by natural selection after
a. experimentation with animals.
b. observations of many species and their geographical location.
c. reading the writings of Wallace.
d. agreeing with Lamarck about the driving force behind evolution.
4. James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work suggests that
a. Earth is many millions of years old.
b. Earth is several thousand years old.
c. all fossils were formed in the last 1000 years.
d. all rocks on Earth contain fossils.
5. One scientist who attempted to explain how rock layers form and change over time was
a. Thomas Malthus.
b. James Hutton.
c. Charles Darwin.
d. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
6. James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work was important to Darwin because these scientists
a. explained volcanoes and earthquakes.
b. explained all geologic events on Earth.
c. suggested that Earth was old enough for evolution to have occurred.
d. refuted the work of Lamarck, which was based on misunderstandings.
7. Which is a major concept included in Lamarck’s theory of evolution?
a. Change is the result of survival of the fittest.
b. Body structure can change according to the actions of the organism.
c. Population size decreases the rate of evolution.
d. Artificial selection is the basis for evolution.
8. Lamarck’s theory of evolution includes the concept that new organs in a species appear as a result of
a. continual increases in population size.
b. the actions of organisms as they use or fail to use body structures.
c. an unchanging local environment.
d. the natural variations already present within the population of organisms.
9. In each generation, the wings of experimental fruit flies were clipped short for fifty generations. The fifty-first
generation emerged with normal-length wings. This observation would tend to disprove the idea that
evolution is based on
a. inheritance of natural variations.
b. inheritance of acquired characteristics.
c. natural selection.
d. survival of the fittest.
10. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his revolutionary scientific ideas in a work titled
a. Principles of Geology.
b. Essay on the Principle of Population.
c. Evolution in Malaysia.
d. On the Origin of Species.
11. When a farmer breeds only his or her best livestock, the process involved is
a. natural selection.
b. artificial selection.
c. artificial variation.
d. survival of the fittest.
12. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their
environment. Their survival is due to the
a. possession of adaptations developed through use.
b. possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness.
c. lack of competition within the species.
d. choices made by plant and animal breeders.
13. When farmers select animals or plants to use for breeding, they look for
a. species that are perfect and unchanging.
b. homologous structures.
c. traits that are produced artificially.
d. natural variations that are present in a species.
14. Which statement about the members of a population that live long enough to reproduce is consistent with the
theory of natural selection?
a. They transmit characteristics acquired by use and disuse to their offspring.
b. They tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the population.
c. They are the ones that are best adapted to survive in their environment.
d. They will perpetuate unfavorable changes in the species.
15. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have
a. characteristics their parents acquired by use and disuse.
b. characteristics that plant and animal breeders value.
c. the greatest number of offspring.
d. variations best suited to the environment.
16. Which of the following phrases best describes the results of natural selection?
a. the natural variation found in all populations
b. unrelated but similar species living in different locations
c. the changes in the inherited characteristics of a population
d. the struggle for existence undergone by all living things
Figure 15-1
____ 17. In humans, the pelvis and femur, or thigh bone, are involved in walking. In whales, the pelvis and femur
shown in Figure 15-1 are
a. examples of fossils.
b. vestigial structures.
c. acquired traits.
d. examples of natural variation.
____ 18. Darwin’s concept of evolution was NOT influenced by
a. the work of Charles Lyell.
b. knowledge about the structure of DNA.
c. his collection of specimens.
d. his trip on the H.M.S. Beagle.
____ 19. The number and location of bones of many fossil vertebrates are similar to those in living vertebrates. Most
biologists would probably explain this fact on the basis of
a. the needs of the organisms.
b. a common ancestor.
c. the struggle for existence.
d. the inheritance of acquired traits.
____ 20. The hypothesis that species change over time by natural selection was proposed by
a. James Hutton.
b. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
c. Thomas Malthus.
d. Charles Darwin.
____ 21. Darwin’s theory of evolution is based on the idea(s) of
a. natural variation and natural selection.
b. use and disuse.
c. a tendency toward perfect, unchanging species.
d. the transmission of acquired characteristics.
____ 22. Which concept is NOT included in the modern theory of evolution?
a. descent with modification
b. natural selection
c. transmission of acquired characteristics
d. competition among the members of a population
23. The combined genetic information of all members of a particular population is the population’s
a. relative frequency.
b. phenotype.
c. genotype.
d. gene pool.
24. If an allele makes up one fourth of a population’s alleles for a given trait, its relative frequency is
a. 100 percent.
b. 75 percent.
c. 25 percent.
d. 4 percent.
25. A change in a sequence of DNA is called a
a. recombination.
b. polygenic trait.
c. single-gene trait.
d. mutation.
26. The two main sources of genetic variation are
a. genotypes and phenotypes.
b. gene shuffling and mutations.
c. single-gene traits and polygenic traits.
d. directional selection and disruptive selection.
27. Which of the following is NOT a way in which natural selection affects the distribution of phenotypes?
a. directional selection
b. stabilizing selection
c. disruptive selection
d. chance events
28. When individuals at only one end of a bell curve of phenotype frequencies have high fitness, the result is
a. directional selection.
b. stabilizing selection.
c. disruptive selection.
d. genetic drift.
29. In a population of finches in which one group of birds has a short, parrotlike beak and another group has a
long, narrow beak, what process has probably occurred?
a. directional selection
b. disruptive selection
c. stabilizing selection
d. genetic drift
30. The situation in which allele frequencies of a population remain constant is called
a. evolution.
b. genetic drift.
c. genetic equilibrium.
d. natural selection.
31. One of the conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium is
a. natural selection.
b. mutations.
c. nonrandom mating.
d. no movement into or out of the population.
32. The allele frequencies of a population are more likely to remain unchanged if
a. the population size is reduced.
b. frequent movement into and out of the population occurs.
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
____ 36.
____ 37.
____ 38.
____ 39.
____ 40.
c. all mating is random.
d. the mutation rate increases.
Which factor would most likely disrupt genetic equilibrium in a large population?
a. the production of large numbers of offspring
b. mating that is not random
c. the absence of movement into and out of the population
d. the absence of mutations
The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water is called
a. temporal isolation.
b. geographic isolation.
c. behavioral isolation.
d. genetic equilibrium.
The geographic isolation of two populations of a species tends to increase differences between their gene
pools because it
a. prevents interbreeding between the populations.
b. prevents interbreeding within each population.
c. causes temporal isolation of the two populations.
d. increases differences in courtship behavior.
The Galápagos finch species is an excellent example of
a. speciation.
b. genetic equilibrium.
c. stabilizing selection.
d. selection on single-gene traits.
Examples of fossils include preserved
a. eggs.
b. footprints.
c. body parts.
d. all of the above
Which of these facts about mitochondria and chloroplasts constitute(s) support for the endosymbiont theory?
a. Their DNA resembles bacterial RNA.
b. Their ribosomes resemble the ribosomes of bacteria.
c. Like bacteria, they reproduce by mitosis.
d. all of the above
The process by which two species, for example, a flower and a pollinating insect, evolve in response to each
other is called
a. convergent evolution.
b. adaptive radiation.
c. coevolution.
d. punctuated equilibrium.
A pattern in which species experience long, stable periods interrupted by brief periods of rapid evolutionary
change is called
a. convergent evolution.
b. coevolution.
c. adaptive radiation.
d. punctuated equilibrium.
41. What is the end result of natural selection?
increased number of offspring of a given phenotype that survive
changes in the frequency of alleles in a population
fossil formation through extinction
environmental changes of a habitat
42.What is the formation of a new species called?
natural selection
43. Horses and tapirs have a common ancestor, but now look very different. Horses now are grassland animals
adapted for grazing on grass and shrubs. Tapirs are jungle animals that live in dense forests and eat fruit,
leaves, and aquatic vegetation. Which of the following led to the development of such differences in the two
selective breeding
convergent evolution
DNA hybridization
natural selection
44. Some viral diseases require only one vaccination, which lasts for years. For other diseases like the flu,
vaccinations last only one season. The flu vaccine lasts such a short time because the flu virus
is more easily transmitted
mutates much more rapidly
is less dangerous
is much smaller
45. Fossils of Archeopteryx show that this animal had feathers, like a bird. It also had a bony tail, teeth, and claws
on its wings, like a reptile. This fossil is evidence that supports the idea that :
birds and reptiles have a common ancestor
birds have changed very little over 150 million years
reptile species are more advanced than bird species
reptiles are warm-blooded like birds
46. Although the Arctic fox and the kit fox are closely related, they look very different because
the individuals:
acquired traits during their lifetimes that contributed to survival
with traits most suited to their environments reproduced most successfully
migrated long distances to environments that most suited their traits
passed on to their offspring acquired behaviors that were helpful
47. There are millions of species of organisms living at this time and new species are still being discovered.
Based on Darwin’s theory of evolution, which of the following best describes how millions of species have
A. Organisms passed on acquired characteristics to evolve from lower life forms to higher life
B. Organisms were selectively bred to create different species.
C. Completely different species crossed with one another to form the many different organisms.
D. Different genetic variations in organisms were selected in different environments.
48. Microorganisms such as bacteria are able to change and adapt much more quickly than other organisms.
Bacterial populations, for example, are able to build a resistance to antibiotics within months, whereas compounds that are toxic to animals remain toxic to animals for many years. One reason for their rapid adaptability is that microorganisms:
are highly motile
have a short life span and reproduce quickly
have specialized organelles
are chemosynthetic
49. The cotton whitefly has become a key pest, damaging many kinds of crops. The cotton whitefly has developed resistance to a variety of pesticides. Pesticide resistance would most likely develop in insects that:
reproduce rapidly
feed on few types of plants
undergo complete metamorphosis
live in very limited regions
Standard 5
All of the following will stop a population from growing EXCEPT ____.
A. drought
B. flood
C. genetic variation
D. disease
2. Some viral diseases require only one vaccination, which lasts for years. For other diseases like the flu, vaccinations
last only one season. The flu vaccine lasts such a short time because the flu virus:
A. is more easily transmitted
B. mutates much more rapidly
C. is less dangerous
D. is much smaller
3. Why does the white-tailed deer population drop when the carrying capacity exceeded?
Resources are too low to support the population.
Weather changes reduce the deer population.
The height of edible plants exceeds the height of the deer.
Competition by other animals is greatly reduced.
4. Horses and tapirs have a common ancestor, but now look very different. Horses now are grassland animals
adapted for grazing on grass and shrubs. Tapirs are jungle animals that live in dense forests and eat fruit, leaves,
and aquatic vegetation. Which of the following led to the development of such differences in the two species?
A. selective breeding
B. convergent evolution
C. DNA hybridization
D. natural selection
5. Fossils of Archeopteryx show that this animal had feathers, like a bird. It also had a bony tail, teeth, and claws on its
wings, like a reptile. This fossil is evidence that supports the idea that :
A. birds and reptiles have a common ancestor
B. birds have changed very little over 150 million years
C. reptile species are more advanced than bird species
D. reptiles are warm-blooded like birds
What is the formation of a new species called?
A. macroevolution
B. microevolution
C. speciation
D. natural selection
7. Although the Arctic fox and the kit fox are closely related, they look very different because the individuals:
A. acquired traits during their lifetimes that contributed to survival
B. with traits most suited to their environments reproduced most successfully
C. migrated long distances to environments that most suited their traits
D. passed on to their offspring acquired behaviors that were helpful
8. There are millions of species of organisms living at this time and new species are still being discovered. Based on
Darwin’s theory of evolution, which of the following best describes how millions of species have developed?
A. Organisms passed on acquired characteristics to evolve from lower life forms to higher life forms.
B. Organisms were selectively bred to create different species.
C. Completely different species crossed with one another to form the many different organisms.
D. Different genetic variations in organisms were selected in different environments.
9. The cotton whitefly has become a key pest, damaging many kinds of crops. The cotton whitefly has developed
resistance to a variety of pesticides. Pesticide resistance would most likely develop in insects that:
A. reproduce rapidly
B. feed on few types of plants
C. undergo complete metamorphosis
D. live in very limited regions
10. When a bacterial population is exposed to an antibiotic:
A. all individuals will die.
B. some individuals will die, some will survive.
C. none will die.
D. all dominant individuals will live.