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Rome TGT Questions
What two social groups made up the early Roman population? Describe each.
Who was the last Etruscan king of Rome? When was he overthrown?
Name and describe the three styles of Greek columns that were used by the Romans.
What events signaled the beginning and end of the Pax Romana? What were the dates (year) of each?
Who were the members of the First Triumvirate? Which of the three used this relationship to gain the most power?
Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate? What was the purpose of this group of three?
Who did Rome fight in the Punic Wars? What prize did Rome win after the 1 st Punic War?
What punishment was given to the losers of the 3 rd Punic War? What Roman Senator seemingly “forced” the Romans into
that war?
According to Roman mythology, who were the legendary founders of Rome? When (year) was the city founded?
10. Who was the first Roman Emperor? Who was the last Roman Emperor?
11. In the first few centuries of the Common Era, how did Roman emperors seek to maintain the loyalty of the poor people?
12. Who was responsible for reforming the legions around the turn of the 1 st century BCE? What implication did this have on
Roman social structures?
13. What representative body had the most power during the Republic period? Early on, which social group controlled this body?
14. Romans didn’t want to have a king, therefore they created a position called the ______. What limits did they place on them to
keep them from gaining too much power?
15. In times of extreme danger or when Rome itself was in question, Romans elected a _____. How long could he stay in power?
16. What was the worst military defeat the Romans ever suffered? Who (person) was their enemy in this battle?
17. What person was most responsible for the Roman victory in the 2 nd Punic War? What was the culminating battle in that war?
18. Hannibal won some early victories in Italy after he crossed the ____ (mountains) with his army. Although hated by many
Romans for not standing and fighting, the delaying strategy employed by ______ (person) likely saved Rome.
19. The supreme personal trait a Roman could possess was ________ which stressed seriousness, loyalty and dignity.
20. What does SPQR mean? (in both Latin and English)
21. What specific date (M/D/Y) was Julius Caesar assassinated? Who killed him? Why?
22. Attila was the leader of what group of people who invaded the Roman lands from Asia. Why did he not attack Rome itself?
23. Who moved the seat of government from Rome in the west to the East? What new city became the capital?
24. The Roman Empire controlled portions of what three continents? What was the northern boundary of the Roman Empire?
25. Who founded Christianity? In what Roman province did it originate? What two people led the way in carrying Christianity
to the Jews and the Gentiles? (which person to which group)
26. Why did Christianity appeal to many Romans? What happened to many Christians who wouldn’t bow down to the emperor?
27. Who divided the Roman Empire into two distinct parts? Who reunited those two parts?
28. What were the main differences in the Eastern portion and the Western portion of the Roman Empire?
29. According to Virgil, Romans can trace their ancestry back to what original people? What legendary figure is the link between
the two groups (he is the main character of Virgil’s epic The Aeneid)
30. Who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire? What were the two main deities worshiped by Carthage?
31. Who were the officials who spoke out for the rights of the Plebs? These officials were permitted what right not allowed to
32. What two plebeian officials (people) spoke out in favor of land redistribution in the 2 nd century BCE?
33. What two major building concepts allowed Romans to build taller and grander buildings than their predecessors?
34. How did Romans get fresh water to their cities?
35. What factors led to an easier “spread” of Christianity during its first century and a half? (not talking about beliefs)
36. What Roman coastal resort town was destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE?
37. Gladiatorial matches were enjoyed by the masses in what Roman structure? Where did they go to enjoy chariot racing?
38. Which Roman emperor blamed Christians for a fire that destroyed Rome? What harsh punishment did he inflict on them?
39. What Roman historian was very concerned about the decline of Roman morality?
40. What Roman emperor was a noted stoic who even wrote a book called Meditations? In what year did he die?