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OHS Biology Department: Common Evolution Questions
According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and
a. Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.
b. Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are.
c. Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their
d. Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same environment.
The diagrams below show the bones in the forelimbs of three different organisms. Differences in the bone
arrangements support the hypothesis that these organisms:
are members of the same species.
may have descended from the same ancestor.
have adaptations to survive in an unchanging environment.
all contain the same genetic information.
In an area in Africa, temporary pools form where rivers flow during the rainy months. Some fish have developed the
ability to use their fins as “feet” to travel on land from one of these temporary pools to another. Other fish in these
pools die when the pools dry up. What can be expected to happen in this area after many years?
a. The fish using fins as “feet” will be present in increasing numbers.
b. “Feet” in the form of fins will develop on all fish.
c. The fish using fins as “feet” will develop real feet.
d. All of the varieties of fish will survive and produce many offspring.
The diagram below shows the bones in the forelimbs of two different vertebrate species. The position and structure of
these bones could best be used to make inferences about the:
food preferences of these vertebrate species.
intelligence of these vertebrate species.
relationship of these vertebrate species.
reproductive behavior of these vertebrate species.
5. All of the following are consistent with the theory of Evolution EXCEPT:
a. Some individuals in a species have adaptations that increase their chances of
reproducing compared to others in their population.
b. Organisms will usually stop reproducing when they sense that resources are limiting.
c. Individuals in a population will compete with each other for food.
d. Many more organisms are born than will survive to reproduce.
According to some scientists, patterns of evolution can be illustrated by the diagrams below. Which statement best
explains the patterns seen in these diagrams?
The organisms at the end of each branch can be found in the environment today.
The organisms that are living today have all evolved at the same rate and have undergone the same kinds of
Evolution involves changes that give rise to a variety of organisms, some of which continue to change through
time while others die out.
These patterns cannot be used to illustrate the evolution of extinct organisms.
Meiosis and fertilization are important processes because they may most immediately result in
a. many body cells
b. increased mutations
c. genetic variation
d. natural selection
The diagram below illustrates the change that occurred in the physical appearance of a rabbit population over a 10-year
period. What best explains the observed change:
Having white fur is an advantage compared to having black fur.
Having black fur is an advantage compared to having white fur.
Rabbits with black fur probably got new chromosomes.
Natural selection can best be defined as:
a. Survival and reproduction of the biggest and strongest organisms in a population.
b. Survival and reproduction of the organisms that are best adapted to the environment.
c. Elimination of the smallest organisms by the organisms that are the biggest and strongest.
d. Survival and reproduction of the organisms that occupy the largest piece of the environment.
Number of Squirrels
10. A study of a squirrel population in Seattle revealed that many of the squirrels inhabited park areas that were also
inhabited by large numbers of squirrel predators. In addition it was found that, within a given area, the darkness of the
squirrel’s fur varied. The number of squirrels of a given fur darkness is shown in the graph below. Give a possible
explanation why light and dark-colored squirrels might be selected for while the squirrels with a medium fur darkness
were selected against.
Darker Fur
Lighter Fur