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BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
Unit 8 ~ Learning Guide Name: ______________________________
Using a pencil, complete the following notes as you work through the related lessons. Show ALL
work as is explained in the lessons. You are required to have this package completed BEFORE you
write your unit test. Do your best and ask questions if you don’t understand anything!
Earth's Layers Questions
1. Create a labelled diagram showing the 4 layers of the earth (crust, mantle, outer core, inner
core). Label the layers then write two pieces of information about each layer.
Four Layers of the Earth
Information About Each layer
Outer Core:
Inner Core:
2. What is the temperature range and depth for each part of the four layers of the Earth? The
first one is done for you.
Earth's Layers
Outer Core
Inner Core
Depth (km)
Temperature Range C
(degrees Celsius)
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
3. What two different plates float on the Earth's mantle?
Pangaea Questions
1. What is plate tectonic theory and how does it relate to a jigsaw puzzle?
2. Watch the "Continental Drift" video Complete the table with the 4 different continental drift
eras (time periods) and their land masses. The first one is done for you.
Continental Drift Land Masses
Continental Drift Eras
225 Million years Ago
3. Identify and explain the four pieces of evidence that support the theory of "Continental
Evidence 1:
Evidence 2:
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
Evidence 3:
Evidence 4:
Explanation 3:
Explanation 4:
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
Plate Tectonics Questions
1. What startling discovery did the seismometers after World War II show scientists?
2. What are the two different parts of the Earth's crust called and how are they different?
3. Name the different tectonic plates.
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
4. What new evidence have scientists discovered that supports plate tectonic theory?
Complete the questions in the diagram below.
What new evidence did scientists find by
mapping the ocean floor?
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the ages of the rocks on the
ocean floor?
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the Earth’s magnetic fields?
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the locations of earthquakes
and volcanoes?
5. What instrument do scientists use to measure the movement of tectonic plates? How much
do the plates move each year?
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
Answer Key
Earth's Layers Answers:
Four Layers of the Earth
Information About Each layer
Thin layer of solid rock, Broken into may
parts called plates
Largest layer on the earth, mostly solid rock
but has some melted material at the bottom
Outer Core:
Allot of pressure, temperature over 4000
degrees, liquid and flows like the bottom of
the mantle, liquid iron and nickel
Inner Core:
Hot as surface of the sun, more pressure,
may be made of iron and nickel
Depth (km)
Temperature Range C
(degrees Celsius)
Outer Core
Inner Core
3. The plates on the Earth's crust are divided up into Oceanic Plates and Continental Plates.
Earth's Layers
Pangaea Answers:
1. Plate tectonic theory is the idea that there used to be one singular land mass and slowly over
time the land separated into different continents. Our current continents and land masses
look like they fit together like a jig saw puzzle.
Continental Drift Land Masses
Laurasia, Gondwanaland
North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa,
India, Antarctica, Australia
North America, South America, Africa, India,
Antarctica, Australia
Continental Drift Eras
225 million years ago
135 million years ago
65 million years ago
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
Evidence 1: Shape of continents
Explanation 1:
The shapes of the continents would fit together like
pieces of a puzzle if they were cut out.
Evidence 3:Landforms
Explanation 3:
Mountains in eastern North America are made of the
same rock as a mountain range in Britain and
Norway. Mountain ranges in South Africa line up
with mountains in Argentina.
Evidence 2: Fossils
Explanation 2:
Paleontologists had found that there were fossils of
similar species found on continents that are now
separated by great geographic distance. These
organisms couldn't have travelled the long distance
between these continents, supporting his theory that
they were once joined.
Evidence 4: Ice Age
Explanation 4:
Scientists found identical marks caused by the
movement of glaciers along the coasts of Africa and
South America. It was also found that glaciers
covered large areas of the world which also are now
separated by great geographic distances.
Plate Tectonics Answers:
The seismometers showed scientists that that earthquakes, volcanoes, and other active geologic features for the
most part aligned along distinct belts around the world, and those belts defined the edges of tectonic
plates. This supported the theory of plate tectonics, which suggests that the surface of the Earth is made up of
about a dozen large plates that are continually moving.
Oceanic Crust (ocean floor) and Continental Crust (contents)
South American Plate
North American Plate
Caribbean Plate
Juan de Fuca Plate
Cocos Plate
African Plate
Eurasian Plate
Arabian Plate
Philippine Plate
Pacific Plate
Indian Australian Plate
Antarctic Plate
Scotia Plate
BCLN Science 7 - Rev. Sept/2015
What new evidence did scientists find by
mapping the ocean floor?
-They found that the Earth’s longest mountain range
-Mountains and valleys mark the edge of a plate
where the Earth’s crustal plates are moving apart
Scientists also found evidence of long, narrow, deep
depressions in the sea floor called trenches. Many
trenches are found around the edges of the Pacific
Ocean plate.
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the Earth’s magnetic fields?
-Further paleomagnetic studies revealed a striped
pattern of magnetic reversals in the crust of the
ocean basins
-the lava from spreading centers in the oceans forms
and cools, these minerals align to the north pole
-the Earth has undergone several magnetic reversals
in the past, in which the north and south poles are
reversed for a period of time
-geologists and geophysicists discovered that the
crust in the ocean recorded these reversals, it was
even more positive proof that the lithosphere had to
be in motion, otherwise there would be no "stripes"
of normal and reversed polarity crust.
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the ages of the rocks on the ocean floor?
-thin crust and low amounts of sediment make parts
of the ocean floor seem very young compared to
other parts of the Earth's crust
-if it was older the layers of sediment would have
been much thicker
What new evidence did scientists find by
studying the locations of earthquakes and
-It revealed earthquakes, volcanoes, and other active
geologic features for the most part aligned along
distinct belts around the world, and those belts
defined the edges of tectonic plates
Scientists use satellites to track the movement of the tectonic plates. They have found the plates move
anywhere from 1 to 12 centimeters per year.