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Unit 7: The Rise of Islam
Arabia: The Birthplace of Islam (Background)
The ___________________________ is a desert region
with little fertile soil (primarily around ______________).
Most Arabs lived in desert tribes (______________) which
were centered around families & were ruled by clans.
Arabia was not united under a single gov’t, but Arabs did
have a common language (Arabic).
Most Arabs were polytheistic.
But, Arabia was the intersection of 3 continents (Africa,
Asia, & Europe) so it was an important region for trade &
had lots of cultural diffusion
One of the wealthiest trade cities in Arabia was ________,
at the crossroads of two major caravan routes.
Mecca was also a religious city; The ______________ was
a house of worship that held statues of hundreds of gods
Arabs made pilgrimages to Mecca to visit the Ka’aba.
Overview of Islam
Around 600 AD, a new monotheistic religion began called Islam:
o The faith was founded by the prophet Muhammad.
o His followers, called Muslims, spread Islam throughout the
Middle East, Africa, Asia, & Europe.
The Early Life of Muhammad
He was born in Mecca in 570 into a powerful clan, was orphaned at a
young age, & was raised by his grandparents
As an adult, Muhammad became an honest & successful ___________
He married Khadijah, a wealthy widow & started a family
Muhammad & the Founding of Islam
Muhammad’s work brought him into contact with Jewish & Christian
In 610, Muhammad went to meditate in a cave and was told by the
angel Gabriel that he was a ________________ sent to Earth by God
He began preaching a new monotheistic faith called _______________
His followers were known as __________________________________
Basic Beliefs of Islam
Muslims believe in one God, called _________________
Allah is the same God worshipped by Jews & Christians
Initial Reactions to Islam
By 613, Muhammad began preaching his new ideas in Mecca
Some people were attracted to Islam
But, many people feared Muhammad’s growing popularity & that Mecca would lose its status as a holy city
The Hijrah (Mecca to Medina)
After years of attacks, in 622, Muhammad & his followers fled to _______________
– This migration was known as the ________________
– In Medina, Muhammad gained new converts who put Islam above their families & clans
– He taught respect for Christians & Jews (“___________________________________”)
Return to Mecca
In 630, Muhammad returned to Mecca with 10,000 troops & conquered the city
He destroyed the god statues in the Ka’aba, and called for prayer on the roof of the Ka’aba.
This time, the people in Mecca converted to Islam and joined the ______________________________________
In 632, Muhammad died
The Five Pillars of Islam
1st Pillar: Shahadah (________________________________)
o “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
2nd Pillar: Salat (Prayer)
o _____________________________________________________________________________________
o They may assemble at a ______________ (Islamic House of Worship) or wherever they find themselves.
3 Pillar: Zakat (____________)
o Support the less fortunate by
giving money to the poor.
4 Pillar: Siyam (Fasting)
o During the Islamic holy month of
________________, Muslims fast.
o “Greater Needs than Bread”
5th Pillar: __________________________
o All Muslims must perform a
pilgrimage to Mecca in their
o Pilgrims wear identical garments
so that they all stand before Allah
as equals.
Additional Beliefs of Islam
o ______________________________________________________________
Qur’an – Holy Text of Islam
o Qur’an - final authority on all religious matters
o Complete guide to life; ethical and moral behavior
o Written in Arabic- must be learned since only Arabic can be used in worship.
o Acts as unifying force
Shari’a - ____________________________________________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________________________________________
o Unites all Muslims.
Women in Islamic Society
Protected under law – inheritance laws guaranteed women a share of her parents’ and husband’s property
Right to education, Consent to marriage, Divorce possible but difficult for women
Overtime adapt Persian customs- separation of women
o Purdah – _________________________________________________________________
Islam after Muhammad under 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs
When Muhammad died in 632, the Muslim community elected a new leader called a __________ (“successor”)
The first 4 caliphs all knew Muhammad & promised to stay true to the Qur'an & Muhammad’s message
The first caliph was Muhammad’s friend & father-in-law, ___________________________:
o His goal was to keep Muslims united under his gov’t (“caliphate”)
o He used jihad to control & expand the Muslim empire into Syria and the Persian Empire
Expansion under the Rightly Guided Caliphs
During the Rightly Guided Caliphates, the Islamic Empire expanded
“_______________________” (the areas where Islam is practiced)
The caliphate never forced non-Muslims to convert, especially
“People of the Book” & ___________________________________
The caliphs used the Shari'a (laws of Islam) to govern the empire
The Islamic Empire
After Muhammad, Islamic leaders created an empire:
o The Islamic Empire had well-trained troops that conquered
nearby regions (weakening Byzantine and Persian Empires)
o The massive empire led to great wealth for Muslims & new
opportunities to spread Islam
How did the Muslims treat conquered people?
Special tax on non-Muslims- but allowed to practice own religion and live under own laws
Some Christians and Jews allowed to have key roles in Muslim Empire
People convert to Islam- _______________________________________________________________
The Umayyad Empire leads to Division
After Ali’s death (the last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs) in 661 led to a civil war:
The clan that came to power started the Umayyad Empire
But the rise of the Umayyads led to a division in Islam
The Sunni-Shi’a – Division of Islam
Before the Umayyads, caliphs were elected members of Muhammad’s family
Sunni Muslims
Sunni Muslims accepted the rule of the
Shi’a (Shiite) Muslims
Shi’a Muslims rejected the Umayyads
Third Group: ___________
Pursue a life of poverty and devotion to spiritual path.
Whirling Dervishes in Turkey an example
The Umayyad Empire leads to Expansion
The Umayyads expanded the empire which brought wealth & new Islamic converts.
Capital moved from Mecca to _____________________
Umayyads surrounded with ceremony.
Relied on local officials (Byzantine and Persian influence)
In 732, _____________________________________________________
In 750, _____________________________________________________
Under the Abbasids, the Islamic Empire grew to its greatest extent
Muslims expand into Spain
Spanish Muslims called _________________________
Spanish Jews called Maranos
Spain is center of great cultural achievements under
Islamic rule
Arts and literature and science
Greek ideas taught and discussed
Wonderful architecture- ________________________
Also take control of Sicily
The Abbasid Empire (750 to 1258)
The Abbasid caliphate built a strong gov’t bureaucracy to rule their
Capital - Baghdad
Muslim merchants expanded wealth by trading across Africa, Indian
Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea
Minarets-___________________ whereby the ____________________
(mosque official) calls the faithful to prayer
Wealth from trade led to a golden age, a time of great Muslim
achievements in science, math, medicine, & architecture
Decline of the Abbasid Caliphate (Preview of what is to come…)
_____________________ –migrate from Central Asia to Middle East in
the 900s and threaten the Byzantine Empire
o Adopt Islam
o Leader called a ______________
o Fight the Christians in Constantinople
o The Crusades
o ____________________________- 1216- marches across Central Asia
o Loots Baghdad –kills the last Abbasid caliph- eventually the Mongols convert to Islam
o ____________________________- over runs Persia and Mesopotamia then heads toward India
Golden Age of Islam: Achievements
Trading and Commerce
Merchants seen as an ________________________________________
Extensive trade routes help to spread Islam via __________________
“Arabic” numerals from India
Sugar from India
Papermaking from China
Prosperous money economy
– Sakk - _____________________________________________
– Partnerships and letters of credit
Architecture- __________________________________________
The City of Baghdad – the Abbasids’ capital city was one of the
most glorious in the world. It took 100,000 architects and
workers four years to build the capital.
Mosques – an important type of building was the mosque, the
Muslim house of worship. Mosques usually had towers,
courtyards, & prayer rooms. The designs reflected the great
diversity of the empire.
Jerusalem – ____________________________________________
Guilds regulate prices of handmade items
– ______________________________ from Damascus
– ______________________________ from Cordoba
– ______________________________ from Egypt
– ______________________________ from Persia
Muslims developed a type of art known as ____________________
that used ornate, abstract drawings and geometric patterns
to decorate objects and books. (_______________________________)
_______________________________, the art of beautiful handwriting,
was considered to be the best art form of the day.
Textiles and music were two other influential ways that
Muslim art developed during the period.
City Building and Architecture
Art and Music
Bookmaking & Literature
Muslims learned how to make paper from the Chinese and
began making lots of books. Baghdad had over 100 bookshops.
Arab and Persian stories, poetry and prose were collected into
books. A famous example is _________________________________________
– In this book, a wife tells her husband a new tale each
night, including Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Ali Baba
and Sinbad the Sailor, that are still known today.
– Poetry- Firdawsi- history of Persia- The Book of Kings
– __________________________________________________________________
Scholarship & Learning
Arabic language helped promote learning.
Boys and girls- elementary education
Scholars came together in Baghdad to do research and
translate texts from Greece, Persia, India and China into
Arabic at the “__________________________________________”.
Golden Age of Islam: Achievements (Continued)
Muslims based their work in math in part on ideas from India
and classical Greece.
One scholar, _________________________________________________________
which is used to solve problems with unknown numbers.
Algebra helped popularize Arabic numerals in Europe and
spread the concept of zero. In fact, the word ______________comes
from an Arabic word meaning “___________________________________”.
Science & Technology
Geography & Navigation
Muslim scholars examined plants and animals in different
regions and divided the world into climate zones.
Created ________________________________________________ that include
trade routes and information about lands under Muslim rule.
Travelers, like Ibn Battuta, recorded information about their
journeys all over the Muslim lands and beyond.
Fun was also a part of the Islamic culture and two favorite
pastimes were:
– Polo – __________________________________________, polo is a sport
in which teams on horseback use mallets (wooden sticks)
to strike a ball through a goal.
– Chess – ___________________________________________________________,
___________________________________but this game of skill was
spread across Muslim lands and introduced into Europe.
Muslim scholars made great advances in astronomy.
_________________________________________________ (an instrument
that uses position of objects in the sky to find one’s
location) could be used to locate the direction of Mecca.
Restoration of old irrigation systems, built dams and
aqueducts and used waterwheels to help the water supply.
Muslims established the world’s first __________________ and
based their knowledge on the works of ancient Greece,
Mesopotamia and Egypt.
____________________________________________ have to pass tests to
Doctors treated ailments through drugs, diet and exercise.
They also performed operations and used stitches after
– ______________________________________________________.
The Persian philosopher, __________________ was also a great
doctor who wrote amassed an encyclopedia that discussed
the treatment of diseases.
_____________________________ composed a textbook on medicine