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Reasons Technology Startups Should Outsource Marketing
Industry-specific marketing strategies are essential for tech startups preparing to launch a new
venture, but these strategies may not be easy for small companies and tech startups to develop
and implement. A successful campaign needs to reach as many individuals as possible while
building brand recognition and generating buzz. The best way to develop and incorporate strong
marketing strategies is through outsourcing. Specifically, industry professionals in technology
marketing have the expertise, resources, and manpower that many internal marketing teams do
not have. Here are four reasons technology startups should outsource their marketing needs:
1. Expand Marketing Reach
Funneling marketing dollars only into print advertisements and television commercials may not
do much for a tech startup. Today’s consumers spend more time than ever online, plugging into
websites and apps through a myriad of devices. A targeted approach that blends both traditional
and innovative marketing tools will yield the best results. By hiring technology marketing
professionals, small tech companies and entrepreneurs can let multiply their marketing reach by
connecting with more consumers.
This can only be accomplished, however, if a company pinpoints its target audience and
develops strong marketing strategies in response. Some businesses may not have an in-house
marketing team, or the existing crew may have limited experience with the vastness of digital
marketing. In most cases, it is better to outsource to technology marketing professionals. These
marketers understand both the technology and advertising sides of a campaign, and will
collaborate closely with tech startups to align marketing strategies with company sales goals.
2. Make the Most of Advertising Dollars
Outsourcing marketing is more cost-effective than one might think. There are no added costs for
hiring or training internal employees, and a professionally outsourced marketing campaign will
help businesses make the most of their advertising budget. Full digital strategies combined with
traditional marketing tools allow tech startups to reach more people using more resources. A
well-thought-out marketing plan will also make it easier for a startup to reach its target audience
and find its niche market. Finally, professional technology marketers can help with media
buying, ad placement, and using various digital marketing outlets including website, email
newsletter, and social media campaigns.
3. Focus on Product Development
Collaborating with a professional tech marketing team allows companies to align their sales
goals with their marketing strategies. By outsourcing marketing, the startup can then focus on
new venture launches and product developments instead of how to navigate the market. Keep in
mind that marketing includes many planes, including:
 Print advertisements and banners
 Television and Internet advertisements
 FM or Internet-based radio advertisements
 Website optimization
 Search engine and keyword optimization
 Social media campaigns
 E-newsletters
 Content-driven posts such as blogs
Each of these marketing tools comes with a unique set of additional factors, including juggling
social media accounts, knowing the optimum times to post online, cultivating content for specific
platforms, and keeping ongoing material fresh. Basic, simple marketing done internally may not
be enough to help a tech startup find its footing. With outsourced marketing, however, small
technology companies can look forward to better brand recognition, new leads, and boosted
4. Develop a Solid Digital Marketing Strategy
Small businesses and entrepreneurs may be daunted by the multi-faceted nature of digital
marketing, which is vast, complex, and ever-changing. Marketing professionals understand how
to navigate the digital market, but this may not be specific enough support for technology
startups. Industry professionals in technology marketing can work in close collaboration with a
startup thanks to their ability to understand and explain the subject matter.
In addition, technology marketers will know how to reach a startup’s target audience no matter
the platforms used. Digital marketing includes a seemingly endless array of options, but all
posted content must be eye-catching and consistent. These traits and others are much more
effectively developed, monitored, and managed through outsourcing.
Why Outsourcing Marketing Can HelpTechnology Startups
Whether the driving force behind a new tech startup is a small business, an entrepreneur, or a
larger venture, the accompanying marketing campaign must be vast. Industry-specific marketing
strategies are vital in order for a new startup to gain visibility and generate leads. Outsourcing
marketing is a cost-effective way to relieve pressure on a tech startup while making the most of
its advertising budget. Keep reading to learn more:
Outsourced Professionals Understand the Market
The basic idea behind of outsourcing is that certain projects or services are given over to
professionals in the field for development, execution, and implementation. This core definition is
no different when it comes to marketing, where outsourcing to industry professionals in
technology marketing is the smart solution for tech startups. Professionals understand
advertising, branding, and customer service from both sides, technology and marketing. From
developing marketing strategies to navigating the market, technology marketers understand what
does and does not work for startups.
Outsourcing to professionals will result in strong, unified, and impactful marketing strategies.
These tactics will optimize spending, content, timing, and placement in order to generate growth,
demand, and revenue. Including digital marketing strategies will allow companies to analyze
results, fix disparate data, and share insights. In addition, technology marketers will help ensure
that authentic content is clearly delivered no matter the potentially fragmented formats,
platforms, or channels used.
Claim the Marketing Share
Small technology companies, tech startups, and entrepreneurs face an uphill battle when it comes
to name recognition and lead generation. Additionally, consumers determine when and how they
will purchase products or schedule specialty services, which can make tracking purchasing
behaviors more difficult.This means that a new tech startup may never be able to take its share of
the market from existing companies and other startups. Without strong traditional and digital
marketing strategies, new startups often struggle to generate leads and revenue.
This is where outsourcing comes in. A startup that works with industry professionals in
technology marketing is much more likely to see success from the beginning. Technology
marketers understand what works and what does not work in terms of differentiating a new
startup from its competitors, which gives small businesses a fighting chance for their share of the
No Navigating Online Platforms
Launching a new venture requires more than writing up a press release or two. Small technology
companies should consider the vastness of the digital market, and seek assistance from outside
professionals. Content can now be shared on almost infinite number of platforms, which can, by
itself, raise a number of marketing nightmares. The best of marketing strategies combine both
traditional mediums and innovative online marketing tools to reach audiences, but doing so
demands in-depth organization and attention to detail. In addition to juggling various online
accounts and optimizing the company website, businesses must make sure that their message is
consistent and appealing. Outsourcing can relieve the stress of managing marketing tools,
allowing companies to focus on their goals and receive valuable feedback.
Helps Strengthen Customer Service
Technology marketing specialists help companies build revenue as well as relationships with
consumers. Targeting and engaging with the audience encourages new leads and increased
customer retention. Therefore, strong advertising campaigns and outreaches make tech startups
more connected to their customers as well as more visible and recognizable.
A company that appears open and connected will attract interested individuals who are looking
for a secure startup they can trust. These potential consumers want to work with a company that
is clear, consistent, easy to contact, and easy to understand and access. Specific marketing
strategies developed in collaboration with industry marketing professionals allow companies to
implement these ideas through public engagement, relatable posts, strong branding tactics, and
Avoids Internal Training
Depending on the size of the venture, many technology startups either do not have an in-house
marketing team or do not have the resources to train and support a dedicated staff. Alternatively,
consider that in-house marketers may only understand the market from a single angle, whereas
industry professionals have experience in the field and across all platforms. Outsourcing is more
cost-effective than hiring internal resources, especially as strategic marketing campaigns are
proven to produce results above and beyond a company’s advertising budget.