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Fundisile Mketeni
DDG: Biodiversity and Conservation
• Introduction
• Value of Biodiversity
• Problem statement
• Biodiversity in South Africa
• Biodiversity Adaptation Approach- National Approach
• Biodiversity and Climate change response Strategy
• Response projects
• Ecosystem-based Adaptation
• Conclusion
• South Africa is home to a significant portion of global
biodiversity (Cowling et al. 1996, Myers et al. 2000), and many of
its natural ecosystems are relatively intact (Scholes & Biggs,
2005), despite the changes in land cover that have
accompanied societal development.
• Anthropogenic climate change are likely to cause increasingly
adverse impacts on the country’s ecosystems and
biodiversity (Midgley & Thuiller, 2005)
• Impacts of climate change on species, and their adaptation
interact strongly with human activities.
Values of Biodiversity
• Biodiversity provides excellent conditions for
and drives the processes that sustain
species survival.
• Biodiversity provides for ecological,
economic and cultural values to the world’s
• Climate change is changing species
distribution through shifting habitat,
changing life cycles, and development of
new physical traits,
Values of Biodiversity (cont)
• People need ecosystems for adaptation and
ecosystems need people.
• Biodiversity plays a major role in meeting human
needs directly while maintaining the ecological
processes upon which our survival depends.
• Biodiversity is a national asset and a powerful
contributor to economic development, provision
of natural resource, ecological processes, and
improving human wellbeing.
Local Economy
The determinants of health
and wellbeing in human
Problem statement
• Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) – climate change and loss
of natural habitat are two greatest threats to biodiversity. Loss of natural
habitat through land-use changes, climate change and ecosystem
degradation accounts for the loss of biodiversity around the globe.
• South Africa’s National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (2004) found
that 34% of terrestrial ecosystems, 82% of the main river ecosystems and
65% of marine ecosystems are threatened, with few of these threatened
ecosystems currently afforded any formal protection.
• South Africa’s National Biodiversity Assessment (2011) found that
40% of terrestrial, 57% of the river, 65% of the wetlands, 44% of
estuaries, 41% of offshore and 59% of coastal and inshore ecosystems
are threatened, with few of these threatened ecosystems currently
afforded any formal protection.
Biodiversity in South Africa
• Biodiversity is defined as "the variability among living organisms
from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic
• South Africa is one of the world’s top 3 mega-biodiverse nations, has 3
biodiversity “hotspots”:- the Cape Floristic kingdom; the Succulent
Karoo region; and the Maputaland-Pondoland region,
• Climate change affects biodiversity causing complex interaction
across sectors, that’s economic, energy, natural resources, water,
social and health services.
• Biodiversity is a recognized sector in White Paper- and has an
extensive Policy and Legislative Framework to form the basis of a
sector response
Basis for Sector Response
• Loss of biodiversity, ecosystem degradation and climate change
affect the environment, development and security issues, i.e., they
food, water and human security
the economy (loss of natural capital)
poverty alleviation and the livelihoods of the poor
human health
personal, national and regional security
• Biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation and climate change are
inter-and intra-generational equity issues:
– the actions of today will affect future generations
– Poor people are the most vulnerable.
Basis for Sector Response (cont)
• The vulnerability and adaptive capacity of ecosystems is
closely linked to the social and economic systems that surround
• The economic cost of adapting to climate change is likely to
be substantial, but the economic cost of not adapting would be
even greater.
• Ten principles will inform the policy directions and key elements
of the biodiversity and climate change response strategy.
Response Strategy principles
• Manage further loss and degradation of natural ecosystems in priority
marine, coastal and terrestrial areas for climate change resilience,
• Avoid strategies that pose a high risk to the integrity of ecosystems to
adapt naturally,
• Prioritise adaptation strategies which deliver multiple benefits across
several sectors (for example, benefits for the safety of human
settlements, benefits for agriculture, as well as benefits for natural
• Prioritise adaptation strategies that facilitate resilience both to
increased climate variability and to long-term climatic shifts,
• Prioritise cost-effective adaptation measures where possible.
Response Strategy principles (cont)
• Address adaptation to climate change at landscape, ecosystem,
species and genetic levels,
• Where possible, integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation
responses into existing programmes and institutional arrangements
rather than creating new programmes and institutional arrangements,
• Ensure ongoing generation of scientific knowledge to support
climate change adaptation and mitigation, and facilitate strong links
between science, policy and implementation to ensure that the best
available science informs the biodiversity and climate change response
strategy and action plan,
• Draw on indigenous and traditional knowledge to support climate
change adaptation and mitigation through biodiversity and ecosystem
Sector Approach
• National Government is coordinating the sector response as part of
outcome 10,
• Biome approach provides a framework for a national level assessment
of potential impacts and adaptation approaches.
• Initial focus is on determining
the vulnerabilities of the
major biomes. (50%
• Thereafter there will be a
broader stakeholder
engagement process to
develop 9 biome adaptation
Conceptual Framework
document for
and climate
or all nine
for all nine
biomes to
Implementation of the climate change
adaptation plans
Climate change
adaptation plans
for all biomes to
be developed
National Policy Perspective
• There is a Framework policy for Biodiversity and Climate change
• The core elements have been incorporated into the White Paper,
– Accounting for the value of biodiversity and the ecosystems it
– Adaptation measures for biodiversity should be explicitly linked
with the wider benefits that they bring,
– Impacts of Climate Change and Biodiversity loss affect
different economic sectors
•NEM: Biodiversity Act
•NEM: Protected Areas Act
•Marine Living Resources Act
•Integrated Coastal Management Act
•World Heritage Convention Act
•Convention on Biological Diversity and the Programme of
Work on Protected Areas
•World Heritage Convention
•United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
•United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ( UNCCD)
•Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS)
•Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Policy Tools
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
National Biodiversity Framework
Protected Areas Register
National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy
National Action Programme to Combat Desertification
Regulations on Threatened or Protected Species
Draft Regulations on Alien and Invasive Species
Guidelines for Bioregional Plans
Listed Threatened Ecosystem
Norms and Standards for Species Management Plans
Framework for Assessing Risk of GMOs
Regulations on Bioprospecting, Access and Benefit Sharing
Fiscal incentives for biodiversity management
Regulations for proper administration of special nature
reserves, national parks and World Heritage Sites
Existing Implementation Mechanisms
• ‘People and Parks’ & ‘Kids in Parks’ Programmes
• Sustainable land management and land based livelihoods
programmes, (UNCCD & CBNRM)
• National policies and tools relating to Bio-prospecting,
Access and Benefit Sharing (BABS) in terms of NEMBA
• Implementation of the National Action Programme to
combat land degradation and/or desertification priorities
• UNCCD Drylands Fund
Vulnerability assessment of SA biomes
• The Grassland biome appears to be at most risk of significant change
under all scenarios.
• Eastern and northern sections of Fynbos most likely to be under climate
• The climate predictions shows that Nama-Karoo is likely to resemble an
arid Savanna, and might resemble the Desert biome under the worst case
• The Indian Ocean Coastal Belt increases under the best case scenario
with the warm moist conditions which favour this biome expanding but
Indian Ocean Coastal Belt shifts to a Savanna biome under worst case
• Succulent Karoo largely persist under all the scenarios. This contrasts with
previous predictions from the mid-1990s as newer climate models indicate
far smaller impacts on winter rainfall than early models predicted.
Strategic Adaptation Response
Reducing existing threats to biodiversity to promote resilience of natural
ecosystems and species, especially in priority areas for climate change
resilience identified in spatial biodiversity plans,
Enhancing understanding of and increasing the value and application of
Ecosystem-Based Adaptation responses. These integrate the sustainable
use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall adaptation strategy.
It is cost-effective and generate social, economic and cultural co-benefits
while also contributing to the conservation of biodiversity,
Incorporating climate change information into management tools for
biodiversity management, including bioregional plans and biodiversity
management plans,
Ongoing development and expansion of a comprehensive, adequate and
representative protected areas network which incorporates adaptation to
the impacts of climate change,
Strategic Adaptation Response (cont)
Protected areas need to be expanded to incorporate altitudinal gradients
and topographic range, intact river corridors, coastal dune cordons, and a
greater range of microhabitats, in order to conserve the climatic gradients
required to give us some leeway for climate change. Taking a bioregional
approach, i.e. working to conserve intact ecosystems in priority areas
throughout the landscape not only in the protected area network,
Assisting the natural adaptation of species and ecosystems through
improved in-situ and ex-situ management of areas of high conservation value,
Increased monitoring and research into the impacts of climate change
and adaptation options for species and ecosystems threatened by climate
change, and
Integrating biodiversity and adaptation strategies into climate change
mitigation programmes already under way.
Scientific base for sector response
Biodiversity has the best science available, and fruitful collaborative work with
research institutions and organizations such as SAWS, CSIR, SANParks, SANBI,
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (IPBES)- Global body providing scientifically sound and relevant
information to support more informed decisions on how biodiversity and ecosystem
services are conserved and used around the world.
Desert-Margin Programme- to conserve and restore biodiversity in the desert
margins through sustainable utilization. Its specific objective is to develop and
implement strategies for conservation, soils and carbon stocks, restoration and
sustainable use of dryland biodiversity (to enhance ecosystem function and
Kalahari-Namib Project- enhancing decision-making through Interactive
Environmental Learning and Action in Molopo-Nossob River Basin: The overall goal
of the proposed KNP is to contribute towards enhancing and sustaining the
livelihoods (land degradation, loss of biodiversity, primary productivity, and the loss
of ecosystem functioning of all inhabitants of the Molopo-Nossob Catchment).
Ecosystem-based adaptation
• Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change is a major focus of
South Africa’s biodiversity and climate change response strategysignificant value for societal adaptation, ability to provide additional
benefits and the maintenance of diverse agricultural landscapes to
support productivity under changing climate conditions.
• Ecosystem-based adaptation, if designed, implemented and monitored
appropriately, can:
– Generate multiple social, economic and cultural co-benefits for local
– Contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity,
– Contribute to climate change mitigation, by conserving carbon
stocks, reducing emissions caused by ecosystem degradation and
loss, or enhancing carbon stocks.
• Rehabilitation, conservation and economic values
Public Awareness and Participation
• Making a case for Biodiversity- Raising Public understanding of the role
of biodiversity in climate change responses , enhancing participation &
increasing Treasury funding for the sector.
• The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) programmes
developed as part of sector contribution to Green Economy. Valuation
• Community-based Natural Resource Management
• People and Parks- aims to conserve natural resources by protecting and
upholding the rights of communities in the conservation of our rich natural
and associated cultural heritage resources.
• LandCare programmes- include aspects such as yield management,
controlling bush (unpalatable species) encroachment, preventing
overgrazing, fostering land-user empowerment and commitment to
sustainable land management. The programme seeks to optimize and
sustain resources in order to attain greater productivity; food security; job
creation and a better quality of life.
Adaptation Programmes underway
• Many ecosystem based approaches are being
demonstrated within South Africa from reforestation of
riparian areas, clearing of alien vegetation, conservation of
intact grasslands for soil carbon, and mangrove
– Applying the pro-poor methodology and ensuring biodiversity,
community and climate benefits (Wildlands Conservation Trust)
– Applying approaches of community conservation in climate change
adaptation corridors in KwaZulu-Natal (Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife)
– Connectivity, restoration and working with farmers in building
resilience to climate change (Conservation International)
– Restoration and connectivity in riparian habitats (Endangered
Wildlife Trust Riverine Rabbit Programme)
– Sub-tropical thicket restoration for carbon sequestration and
ecosystem restoration: The Wilderness Foundation
Projects with Adaptation potential
Project Outline
Management -
EPWP Reinstate community access to high quality drinking / irrigation water,
Reverse the process of land degradation
- R5.57
EPWP Land and catchment rehabilitation through alien vegetation control and
bush clearing, and Introduction of game species and conservation
management of the game
Riemvasmaak R3.5
Conservancy _
EPWP Develop Riemvasmaak as conservation and eco-tourism destination.
Improve tourist facilities at the Natural Hot Springs and develop a drying
facility for grapes already planted at Vredesvallei
Platfontein and R4.7
Schmidtsdrift – funded
Schmdts from the
mining company
Somerela -
At Platfontein the project will; Convert a farmhouse into a 16 bed B&B,
Develop trails and picnic sites and Create a cultural site for use by the
local community. At Schmidtsdrift the project will; Establish internal
water, electricity and roads services, Create a Safari Camp and restock
the area with game for hunting and photographic tourism
EPWP Secure site for propagation, cultivation and processing of medicinal
plants and herbs, Fence nursery, production fields and dam, and
Rehabilitate and protect salt-water spring.
Bailey R3.0
Nature Reserve funded
EPWP Establish a propagation nursery for threatened indigenous plants
Rehabilitate and cultivate degraded land
Support small scale agriculture in buffer zone
Conservation -
EPWP Rehabilitation of rangeland and agricultural lands, Construction of
erosion control measures, and Improvement of grazing management
Institutional Arrangements
• Sector Participation in IGCCC, NCCC,
• Oversight over SANBI, SANPARKS,
• Bioregional Programmes
• Outcome 10
• Member of NGO Adaptation network
• There is growing recognition of the interface of biodiversity, climate
change and society.
• Changes in biome distribution affect production services such as wool,
meat and grassland products.
• Monitoring efforts and some key experimental studies at national and
sub-national scale will be critical for evaluating future risk, for improving
model projections of impacts,
• There is increasing awareness of the value of using biodiversity in
assisting societal adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change,
but more information is needed.
• Expand existing programmes to combat the spread of alien and invasive
species and the destruction of sensitive ecosystems including Working
for Water, Working for Wetlands and Working on Fire,