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We do not ask any investments.
Operating cost
Materials comprise of expenses for bacteria and Arabidopsis cultivation media, selection
antibiotics, polymerases for cloning and plant genotyping, restriction endonucleases for
conventional cloning, BP and LR clonases for Gateway cloning, new destination vectors for
the Gateway system, isolation kits for DNA and RNA, DNA purification kits, oligonucleotide
synthesis, microtubule and actin destabilizing drugs. Further operating cost will cover
laboratory plastics and consumption material for microscopy. We also intend to order several
insertional Arabidopsis mutants (SALK Institute).
Overhead represents 15% of total material cost.
Social and medical insurances
Social and medical insurances represent 37% of total labor cost.
In the first year, larger amount of total material cost will be devoted to services because we
intend to analyze transcriptome of the exo70A1 mutant. This service is commercially available
in NASC's International Affymetrix Service. Further, services comprise of payment for
sequencing of prepared constructs, printing of a poster for a conference.
Traveling cost
Traveling cost covers registration fee and (partially) traveling expenses for a scientific
conference where our preliminary results will be presented. It is not possible to specify a
particular conference yet, however, we consider the International Workshop on Plant
Membrane Biology for the first year.
The principle investigator does not ask salary, due to a participation in the LC 06034 project.
Labor cost covers bonus for the principle investigator, salary (0.25 work load) for the coinvestigator and other personal expenses for technical stuff (approx. 80 hours per year) for
occasional cultivation of a large amount of experimental plants.