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Yu-Shan (Sandy) Huang
Department of Marketing
Spears School of Business
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Tel: (620)-704-5186
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, (Anticipated May 2017),
Business Administration.
Major: Marketing. Minor: Organizational Behavior.
M.S., Pittsburg State University, (May 2012),
Business Administration.
Major: International Business.
B.A., Pittsburg State University, (Dec 2010),
Major: Marketing.
Research Interest
Services marketing, relationship marketing, deviant customer behavior, behavioral ethics
Enhancement Motivation Derived From Envy: The Positive Influence of Watching Others
Receive Preferential Treatment.
Chair: Dr. Tom J. Brown.
Committee Members: Drs. Todd J. Arnold, Kevin E. Voss, and Cynthia S. Wang
Many companies have chosen to implement loyalty programs as a means of generating
additional revenues from their customers. The received view is that customers who observe
others receiving preferential treatment will have negative responses to such practices as they feel
“left out” and occupying an inferior positive to the preferred customers. My dissertation,
however, investigates how companies can encourage positive responses from customers who
witness prioritized customers receive preferential treatment.
Motivating current consumers to participate in a loyalty program and spend more is
clearly a critical step to the success of customer prioritization strategy—yet having unhappy
customers (i.e., those who don’t receive preferetial treatment) can be detrimental to a firm. My
research asks an important, yet overlooked, question: Do all customers who view others receive
better treatment than they receive react negatively? That is, can we isolate factors that lead some
disadvantaged customers to spend more money with the company after they observe others get
preferential treatment? Drawing from social comparison theory, I argue that a non-prioritized
customer will sometimes respond favorably when she observes others receive preferential
treatment via a self-enhancement motivation mechanism derived from envy toward the other
customers. Further, the favorable response is expected to be stronger when a company clearly
communicates loyalty reward program rules and to be weakened when the non-prioritized
customer is attitudinally loyal to the company.
Two studies will be conducted to examine the proposed research. The first study
experimentally manipulates preferential treatment and knowledge of reward program rules using
video-based scenarios. The second study investigates the complete conceptual model with a field
study of customers of an international hotel chain. The research contributes to a growing body of
knowledge about the influences of envy. It also provides recommendations for marketing
practitioners with respect to managing reward programs to build long term relationships with
customers. I plan to submit my dissertation to the Journal of Marketing.
Huang, Yu-Shan, and Tom Brown (2016), “How Does Customer Orientation Influence
Authentic Emotional Display,” Journal of Service Marketing, 30(3).
Manuscript under Review
Huang, Yu-Shan, Xiang Fang, Ruping Liu, “When necessary evil is good: Customers’ reaction
to the witnessing dysfunctional customer behavior,” manuscript under review at 2017 American
Marketing Association’s Winter Educators Conference.
Huang, Yu-Shan, Rebecca Greenbaum, Cynthia Wang and Julena Bonner, “Why sabotage
customers? The role of moral disengagement, ethical leadership, and power distance
orientation,” manuscript under review at Journal of Applied Psychology.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Huang, Yu-Shan, Rebecca Greenbaum, Julena Bonner and Cynthia Wang (2015), “Why
sabotage customers? The role of moral disengagement and ethical leadership,” proceedings of
the annual American Marketing Association’s Summer Educators Conference, Chicago, IL,
August 14-16, 2015 (presenter).
Huang, Yu-Shan (2015), “How and To What Extent Customer Orientation Leads to Deep
Acting: The Roles of Emotional Sensitivity and Dysfunctional Customer Behavior Severity,”
proceedings of the annual American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators Conference, San
Antonio, TX, February 13-15, 2015 (presenter).
Huang, Yu-Shan, Yao-Chin Wang, and Pei-Jou Kuo (2015), “The role of ideal-self attainability,
face and self-brand congruence in driving consumer behaviors toward restaurant brands,”
proceedings of the 20th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference
in Hospitality and Tourism, Tampa, FL, January 8-10, 2015 (presenter). Best Paper Award.
Huang, Yu-Shan, Yao-Chin Wang, and Peo-Jou Kuo (2014), “Positive word-of-mouth and
negative avoidance on social media: The role of actual and ideal self-brand congruence,”
proceedings of the annual Society of Marketing Advances conference, New Orleans, LA,
November 4-8, 2014 (presenter).
Allison, Lee, Yu-Shan Huang, and Emily Tanner (2013), “Liking, Sharing, Favorite-ing! Oh My!
Social Capital Gains in Social Commerce,” proceedings of the annual Society of Marketing
Advances conference, Hilton Head, SC, October 30-November 2, 2013 (presenter).
Research in Progress
Huang, Yu-Shan, Xiang Fang, Ruping Liu, “When necessary evil is good: Customers’ reaction
to the witnessing dysfunctional customer behavior,” analyzing data, targeted to Journal of
Service Research.
Brown, Tom, Alex Zablah, Steven Wilson, Yu-Shan Huang and Durand Crosby, “Whose fault is
it when customers misbehave?” analyzing data, targeted to Journal of Marketing.
Voss, Kevin, Alex Zablah and Yu-Shan Huang, “And” as a problem of construct definition,
manuscript in conceptual/writing phase.
Honors and Awards
Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium Fellow, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (2016).
Phillips Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award, Watson Graduate School of Management,
Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University (2016).
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, London, UK (2015).
Best Paper Award, the 20th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference
in Hospitality and Tourism (2015).
Best Reviewer Award, OB Division of the Academy of Management Meeting (2015).
Excellence in Teaching Award, Graduate School of Pittsburg State University (2012).
Excellence in Research Award, Graduate School of Pittsburg State University (2011).
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
"2015 AMA Winter Educators Conference," American Marketing Association.
“2015 AMA Summer Educators Conference," American Marketing Association.
"2014 Academy Marketing Science Annual Conference," Academy of Marketing Science.
"2014 Annual Society of Marketing Advances Conference," Society of Marketing Advances.
European Journal of Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing.
Session Chair:
"2015 AMA Winter Educators Conference," American Marketing Association.
Teaching Interests and Experiences
Teaching interests (not limited to): Principles of Marketing, Services Marketing, Marketing
Strategy, Retail Marketing, Sales Management and Promotional Strategy.
Teaching experiences: Oklahoma State University - Stillwater
MKTG 3213, Marketing Principles (Undergraduate), Summer 2013, Fall 2015 and Spring
2016, 5 courses.
MKTG 3433, Promotional Strategy (Undergraduate), Fall 2013 and Spring 2014, 4 courses.
Doctoral Coursework
Marketing Theory
Marketing Strategy
Consumer Behavior
Services Marketing
Retail Marketing
Dr. Tom Brown
Dr. Karen Flaherty
Dr. Xiang Fang
Dr. Tom Brown
Dr. Todd Arnold
Social Psychology
Organizational Behavior I
Organizational Behavior II
Dr. Edward Burkley
Dr. Matt Bowler
Dr. Rebecca Greenbaum
Fundamentals of Business Analytics
Measurement Theory and Experiment Design
Advanced Marketing Research
Dr. Goutam Chakraborty
Dr. Kevin Voss
Dr. Goutam Chakraborty
Analysis of Variance
Multiple Regression Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling
Dr. Kevin Voss
Dr. Dale Fuqua
Dr. Rathin Sarathy
Professional Affiliations
American Marketing Association, 2012 September to present.
Professional Service
Behavioral Lab Administrator, Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, OK.
January 2013 to May 2013
Professional Experience
Marketing Intern, AC Neilsen. Taipei, Taiwan.
September 2006 to August 2007
Managing computer and telephone surveys and assisting marketing research.
Tom J. Brown
Professor of Marketing and Noble Foundation Chair in Marketing Strategy
Oklahoma State University
Spears School of Business
Stillwater, OK 74078
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (405) 744-5113
Todd J. Arnold
Professor of Marketing and Raymond A. Young Foundation Chair
Oklahoma State University
Spears School of Business
Stillwater, OK 74078
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (918) 594-8596
Kevin E. Voss
Professor of Marketing and Don and Cathey Humphreys Chair in International Studies
Oklahoma State University
Spears School of Business
Stillwater, OK 74078
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (405) 744-5106