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Chapter 14: The Renaissance and Reformation: guided notes
The Renaissance in Italy
Why Did the Renaissance Begin in Italy?
The Renaissance was marked by a ____________________ in the culture of _____________________.
Italy had been the center of the Roman empire.
The __________________________ of Italy had survived the Middle Ages and grown into prosperous
centers of ____________________________________________________
A wealthy _________________________ in the Italian city-states stressed ____________________and
individual ___________________________ and spent lavishly on the _______________________
____________________ produced an amazing number of gifted poets, artists, architects, scholars, and
What Was the Renaissance?
The Renaissance was a time of _______________________________ in many areas–
 ____________________
 ____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
Renaissance thinkers explored the human experience in the ________________________. They
emphasized ____________________________________________________.
The Renaissance ideal was the person with _____________________________________________
 At the heart of the Italian Renaissance was an intellectual movement known as humanism.
 Humanism was based on the study of _______________________________ and focused on
_________________________________subjects rather than on religious issues.
 Humanists studied the ____________________________, the subjects taught in ancient Greece and
Rome. They believed that education should stimulate creativity.
Renaissance Artists and Writers Explored New Themes and Techniques
Writers wrote___________________________________________
o Castiglione:__________________________________
o Machiavelli:_________________________________
 Artists developed_________________________in painting; In an effort to achieve realism, artists
studied _______________________________
o Women artistes kept often kept their work___________________
 Architects rejected________________________in favor of_____________________________
Three Geniuses of Renaissance Art
Leonardo : ____________________________________________________
Michelangelo: _________________________________________________
Raphael: ______________________________________________________
Section 2 The Renaissance Moves North
The ______________________ and lack of ___________________ delayed the Renaissance in the North.
Artists of the Northern Renaissance
Northern Humanists
Northern humanists stressed _________________ and __________________learning. At the same time, they
believed that the revival of ancient learning should be used to bring about religious and moral _____________
Two humanists:
______________________________ called for reform of the church and for the bible to be translated from
Latin into the vernacular, or language of ordinary people.
______________________________ pressed for social reform and wrote of a utopian society.
The Printing Revolution
A printing revolution took place when:
• 1456 - ________________________ printed the ________________ using the first printing press and
printing inks.
• _________________________ was developed twenty years later.
 Printed books were __________________________________.
 With books more readily available, more people learned to _____________________________
 Readers _____________________________ to a broad range of knowledge and ideas.
Writers of the Northern Renaissance
Section 3: The Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation
In the 1500s, calls for _______________________ unleashed forces that would
shatter__________________. The movement is known as the _________________________
People who joined the movement for reform called themselves Protestants, for those who
Abuses in the Church
Popes competed with Italian princes for __________________________
Popes ________________________________ to protect the Papal States against invaders.
Some clergy promoted the sale of ___________________________.
Popes led ________________lifestyles and spent a great _________________________ on the arts.
The Church _________________ for services such as weddings and baptisms to finance worldly
The Teachings of Martin Luther
____________________ is achieved through _________________alone.
o Luther ______________ Church doctrine that good deeds were necessary for salvation.
The Bible is the ______________________ of religious truth.
o Luther denied other _______________, such as ______________councils or the _____________
All Christians have___________________ access to God through faith and the Bible.
o Luther_______________ the idea that priests and Church officials had _________________.
The Roman Catholic Church ________________________________Martin Luther
Luther’s ideas spread quickly in northern Germany and Scandinavia.
___________ saw Luther’s reforms as the answer to Church _____________________
German___________________hoped to _____________ of both the Church and the Holy Roman
______________supported Luther because of feelings of ______________________
__________________ hoped that Luther would support ___________________________ change.
John Calvin
He also preached ________________________, the idea that God had long ago determined who would gain
In 1541, Calvin set up a ________________in Geneva. A theocracy is a government run by _____________
_______________________________ were considered punishable offenses.
Section 4: Reformation Ideas Spread
Radical Reformers
As the Reformation continued, hundreds of new Protestant sects sprang up. These sects often had ideas that
were even more radical than those of Luther and Calvin.
One radical group, the ____________________, rejected infant ________________.
England and the Church
In 1528, King Henry VIII asked the pope to annul, or ________________________
The pope ________________Henry’s request
Henry took the Church from the pope’s control and created the ____________________________
Protestant King Edward VI brought ______________________________ to England.
Queen Mary wanted to restore Catholicism to England. She had hundreds of English Protestants
Queen Elizabeth forged a____________________________ between Protestants and Catholics
The Catholic Reformation
Pope Paul III led a vigorous_____________________ movement within the Catholic Church.
Pope Paul III set out to revive the _______________________ the Church and roll back the Protestant tide. To
accomplish these goals, he:
 Called the Council of Trent to ______________________________________________
 Strengthened the __________________________
 Recognized a new religious order, _____________ to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith.
Causes and Effects of the Protestant Reformation
 ________________________________
 Founding of Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Presbyterian, and other Protestant churches
 ___________________________ of Holy Roman Empire
 Luther calls for ___________________________ from Christian lands
Long Term
 Religious____________________ in Europe
 _______________________ Reformation
 Strengthening of the________________________
 Jewish __________________________ to Eastern Europe
 Increased ____________________________
During this period of heightened religious passion, both Catholics and Protestants fostered
Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics.
Between 1450 and 1750, tens of thousands of people, ________________ died as victims of
In some places, Jews were forced to live in __________________, or separate quarters of the city. In other
places, they were expelled from Christian lands and their books and synagogues were burned.
Section 5: The Scientific Revolution
Changing Views of the Universe
Ptolemy’s theory, that the ____________________ was the center of the universe. This theory matched the
teachings of the ________________________
In 1543,____________________________ proposed a heliocentric, or ________________ model of the
In the late 1500s, Tycho Brahe set up an observatory and provided _____________________to support
Copernicus’ theory.
_________________________ proposed that each ______________________________ in an oval-shaped orbit
called an ellipse.
_____________________________ built a _________________________and confirmed the heliocentric
model. This discovery caused an uproar and Galileo was tried before the Inquisition.
The Scientific Method
Bacon vs Descartes
Sir Fancis bacon stressed ____________________________________
Descartes emphasized _______________________ “I think, therefore I am”