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WH Chapter 4: Complements pg1
Action verbs are often accompanied by words that complete their
meaning. These complements are direct objects and indirect objects.
Direct Objects
A direct object is noun or pronoun that names the receiver of the action.
It answers the question what or whom?
Indirect Objects
Ex: The scriptwriter begins the process.
An Indirect object tells to what or whom or for what or whom an action is
done. Verbs that often take indirect objects include: bring, give, hand,
lend, make, send, show, teach, tell and write.
Watch Out
Ex: The scriptwriter sends the director a script.
If to or for appears in a sentence, the word that follows is not an
Indirect Object. It is the Object of a Preposition.
Subject Complements
Ex: Tell the movie ending to us.
Def: The word that a linking verb connects its subject to is called a
subject complement. The subject complement identifies or describes the
- Can be either a predicate noun or a predicate adjective
Predicate Nominative
Ex: Julio has been president of his class since October.
Def: a word or word group that is in the predicate that identifies the
 Ex: A dictionary is a valuable tool.(Tool is the predicate
nominative that identifies the subject dictionary.)
Predicate Noun
(Predicate Nominative)
A predicate noun is a noun that follows a linking verb and identifies,
renames, or defines the subject.
Ex: Star Wars is a science fiction film. (identifies)
X How do direct objects and transitive verbs work together?
WH Chapter 4: Complements pg2
Predicate Adjective
An adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies the subject.
Ex: Science fiction films are popular.
Classifying Complements
Classify each underlined complement in the following sentences as a
(pg 23)
direct object, an indirect object, a predicate adjective, or a
predicate nominative.
1. Pamela was the star of the play.
2. The guidebook gave the lost tourists the wrong directions.
3. Monet is famous for the way his paintings captured light.
4. Manuel offered Anita some good advice.
5. Ms. Benton is our next-door neighbor.