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Plant Tissue Systems
Lesson Prepared Under MHRD project “National Mission on
Education Through ICT”
Discipline: Botany
Paper: Plant Anatomy
National Coordinator: Prof. S.C. Bhatla
Lesson: Plant Tissue Systems
Lesson Developer: Dr Arun Kumar Maurya,
Dr Anita Rani
Department/College: Dyal Singh College
Lesson Reviewer: Dr Basudha Sharma
Department/College: MM (PG) College,Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh
Language Editor: Dr Sonal Bhatnagar
Department/College: Hindu College
Lesson Editor: Dr Rama Sisodia, Fellow in Botany ILLL
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
Table of Contents
Lesson: Plant Tissue System
 Introduction
 Meristematic tissue
 Characteristic Properties of meristematic cells
 Classification of Meristems
Based on origin
Based on location/position
Based on differentiation
 The Tissue System
 Classification
Epidermal/Dermal tissue system
Ground tissue system
Vascular tissue system
 Summary
 Glossary
 Exercises
 References
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
The cell arises from preexisting cells. In plant body, diverse type of cells forms various
types of tissues. Their structure and function are dependent on their location. These cells
originated from specialized uncommitted cells known as meristematic cells.
Meristematic tissue
In vascular plant, zygote after the division produces new cells that develop into new organs.
Later on embryo becomes an independent plant; the addition of new cells is gradually
restricted to certain regions which remain embryonic in nature throughout plant life. Thus
the plant body consists of mixture of embryonic and mature tissue. The embryonic tissues
consisting of uncommitted cells which are primarily concerned with the formation of new
cells are called as meristems. These cells are responsible for continuous growth of the plant
Figure: Meristamatic cells showing different divisional stages.
Characteristic properties
The characteristic features of meristematic cells are:
Cells are small, rectangular or isodiametric compared to mature cells.
The cells are compactly arranged i.e. they lack intercellular spaces between them.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Each meristematic cell has a single conspicuous nucleus with transparent cytoplasm
however, lacks vacuoles.
The cell wall is thin made up of cellulose only.
In meristematic cells, except mitochondria all the other organelles are either absent
or if present as in plastids they are in a nonfunctional state and called as proplastids.
These cells lack reserve food materials or secretory/ excretory products.
The meristematic cells are inherently capable of undergoing regular and continuous
mitotic divisions and chromosomes have a similar state of mitotic division.
The meristematic tissue can be classified on the basis of origin and development of initiating
cells, plane of division, differentiation, functions and their location in the plant body.
Based on Origin
Plant meristem is classified into the following three types:
(a) Promeristem: It is also called as embryonic meristem or primordial meristem
because it develops first in the embryo and later give rise to derivative cells that
forms primary and secondary meristem. Promeristematic cells are isodiametric,
thin walled, with dense cytoplasm and conspicuous nuclei.
(b) Primary meristem: It develops from the promeristem and continues to remain
active throughout the plant life. Primary growth gives rise to the primary
permanent tissues of plant body and is responsible for primary growth of the
plant e.g. meristem found at the apex of the stem and root.
(c) Secondary meristem: Is the meristem that develops after the development of
primary meristem by a process called de-differentiation in the permanent tissues.
It is responsible for secondary growth of plant and give rise to secondary cortex
and secondary xylem e.g. cork cambium (phellogen) and vascular cambium.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Diagrammatic representation of plant meristem based on origin.
Based on position or location
Based on location in the plant body, meristem can be classified into the following three
(a) Apical meristem: It is situated at the apex of the root and stem called as root and
shoot apex, respectively. Apical meristems comprises of actively growing regions of
plant which eventually helps in increasing the length of plant.
(b) Intercalary meristem: It is located between permanent tissues and represents
the oddment of apical meristem. Intercalary meristem is generally found either at
the nodal regions or at the base of the leaves. It contributes to the increase in
length as it brings about elongation of internodal regions, for e.g. in bamboo and
grasses. The apical and intercalary meristems are the examples of primary
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Diagrammatic representation of shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Intercalary meristem in monocot (Bamboo).
Lateral meristem: It is present laterally and parallel to the long axis of plant body. It is
responsible for an increase in the thickness/ girth or circumference of the plant body and
develops secondary permanent tissues. The lateral meristem is representative of
secondary meristem.
Figure: A) Diagrammatic representation of lateral meristems B) a vascular bundle enlarged
and C) Vascular cambium with secondary phloem (top) & secondary xylem (bottom).
Source: A)
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Flow chart depicting classification of various types of tissue
Based on differentiation
According to this, three types of meristems can be distinguished:
(a) Protoderm: It is also called as dermatogen, present as a thin outer layer of the
meristem in embryos and growing points of roots and stems, which gives rise to the
(b) Ground meristem: It differentiates into ground tissue which constitutes cortex,
endodermis and pith. The cells of ground meristem are long and thin walled.
(c) Procambium: It differentiates into vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem. The
cells of procambium are narrow, long and prosenchymatous in nature.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: A) L.S. of shoot tip showing apical meristem, protoderm, ground meristem and
procambium tissue B) L.S. of Coleus shoot tip showing two types of meristem protoderm
and promeristem (a view enlarged).
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Diagramatic representation of the tissues that differentiates from the meristem.
The tissue system
In plant body, various types of cells are present that form different types of tissues. Their
structure and functions are dependent on location. The tissue system works in an integrated
The cells in plant bodies make up tissues, groups of same kind of cells with a common
structure and function. These tissues can be simple, consisting of a single cell type, or
complex, consisting of more than one type of cell. The tissues can be classified on the basis
of function, structure and location. Haberlandet (1914) used the functional aspect to classify
the plant tissue and divided into three groups:
 Absorbing tissue system
 Mechanical tissue system
 Storage tissue system
On the other hand, Sachs (1875) recognized three types of tissue systems in plants on the
basis of their structure and location:
 Epidermal tissue system,
 Ground tissue system and
 Vascular or conducting tissue system.
Epidermal/dermal tissue system
It forms the outer-most covering of entire plant structure. The epidermis originates in stem
from the outermost layer (dermatogen) of apical meristem but in root it originates from
independent group of initial cells. It consists of epidermal cells and associated structures
such as stomata, epidermal appendages (trichomes and hairs) and periderm.
The epidermis is composed of elongated, compactly arranged parenchymatous cells, which
form a single continuous layer without intercellular space. Epidermis covers and protects the
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Plant Tissue Systems
plant body acting as plant’s skin. The epidermal cells are living, exceptionally nonliving
(velamen in Orchids) having cell walls thicker than other cells due to deposition of cutin,
wax, resin, silica and gum. The epidermis is usually covered with a thick waxy layer called
cuticle, which is secretory product of epidermal cells and help in the prevention of water loss
through evapo-transpiration. Cuticle is absent in some parts of plant body such as root.
However, epidermal cells may contain coloured pigments such as anthocyanin. Epidermal
cells containing calcium carbonate crystals known as cystolith characteristic of family
Moraceae, Apocyanaceae and Acanthaceae.
The epidermal tissue system of leaves and stems contain pores. Each pore is surrounded by
living, two bean shaped cells known as guard cells. Two guard cells surrounding a pore is
called as stomata. The epidermal cells close to the guard cells become specialized in their
shape and size and known as subsidiary cells or accessory cells. The pore, guard cells and
the surrounding subsidiary cells are together called stomatal apparatus. The cell wall of
guard cells is differentially thickened with thin outer wall (away from the stomatal pore) and
the thick inner wall (towards the stomatal pore). Differential thickening help in opening and
closing of stomata which regulates the gaseous exchange between plant and environment.
The guard cells possess chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosome and
ribosomes. Two shapes of stomata have been observed in plants, kidney shaped guard cells
and dumb-bell shaped. Later type is found in grass family (Poaceae).
Figure: Diagrammatic representation of stomatal complex
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: A typical A) dicot and B) monocot stomata in Ocimum and grass respectively.
Source: Dr. Arun Kumar Maurya
The epidermal cells bear a number of associated structures such as root hairs and
trichomes. The root hairs are unicellular outgrowth of epidermal cell that absorbs water and
minerals from soil. On the other hand unicellular or multicellular elongations of epidermal
hairs on stem are called trichomes. They may be dead or living, secretory or non-secretory,
branched or unbranched. The trichomes help in preventing water loss due to transpiration
and provide protection as defense organ.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Trichomes on leaf petiole A) and leaf Surface B).
Source: Author:
The periderm (bark) replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth and
forms protective covering layer outside stem and root. In contrast to epidermis, the
periderm is multilayered and has three components cork cells (phellem), phelloderm, and
phellogen (cork cambium). Cork cells are nonliving cells and have thick walls impregnated
with suberin (a waxy substance) which provides protection by forming the insulatory layer.
The corks found in wine bottles are cut from the bark of Quercus suber.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Diagram showing the different layers present in periderm.
The phelloderm may contain unsuberized, thin-walled parenchyma cells. Water and gaseous
exchange occurs through openings present in periderm called lenticles. Although the
function of lenticles is the same as the stomata but they cannot regulate the size of their
openings. The periderm protects the plant from injury, wound, pathogens, prevents
excessive water loss.
Ground tissue system
All tissues below epidermis excluding vascular tissue system or bundles constitute the
The ground tissue in the primary stems and roots such as cortex which is located outside
the vascular tissue or bundle are called as extrastelar ground tissue and those located inside
the vascular tissue are called as intrastelar ground tissue eg. pericycle, pith and medullary
rays. In leaves, the ground tissue composed of thin-walled chloroplast containing cells which
is known as mesophyll. Cortex can be further differentiated into hypodermis, general cortex,
endodermis and exodermis. Hypodermis is located below the epidermal tissue system and
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Plant Tissue Systems
outermost layer of cortex and mainly consists of collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells.
Hypodermis is responsible for mechanical function. General cortex is located below the
hypodermis and consists of multilayered parenchymatous tissue with ample intercellular
space. Cortex act as protective layer with photosynthetic and storage function.
Endodermis is a single layered consisting of barrel shaped cells with unique deposition of
suberin that form casparian bands. Some cells are thin walled and they lack casparian strips
called as passage cells which helps in the movement of water and mineral absorbed by the
roots to the vascular system. Exodermis layer is found below the epidermis in roots.
Pericycle is located in between the endodermis and vascular bundle and it delimits the
external boundary of vascular bundles. The lateral root originates from the pericycle.
Pith forms the central portion of root and shoot and is intrastelar in nature. Pith is clearly
well developed in dicot due to well-arranged nature of vascular bundle but in monocot they
are not properly demarcated as the vascular bundles are scattered. Sometime due to
degeneration of pith cells, the hollow region develops.
Vascular tissue system
It is formed by vascular bundles and originates from procambium present in apical
meristem. The vascular bundles are made up of complex tissues, phloem and xylem. In
dicotyledonous stems, cambium tissue is located between phloem and xylem. Cambium
cells possess the ability to form secondary xylem and phloem tissues responsible for
secondary growth. Vascular bundles with cambium are called open type vascular bundles.
However in monocotyledons, the vascular bundles are closed type as they lack cambium
tissue and thus don’t show secondary growth.
Xylem is made up of four types of cells known as tracheids, vessel elements, xylem
parenchyma and xylem fibre. Tracheids and vessel elements are nonliving, tube-like
structures and act as pathways for water and minerals to move from the roots to the
leaves. Tracheids are distributed in all vascular plants but vessels are recently originated
vascular tissue found exclusively in angiosperms.
gymnosperms), phloem parenchyma and nonliving phloem fibres. Phloem cells assist in
translocation of food material synthesized during photosynthesis from the leaves to other
parts of the plant.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: Diagrammatic representation of different types of vascular bundles.
On the basis of arrangement of xylem and phloem, two types of vascular bundles have been
recognized radial and conjoint. Radial condition of vascular bundles is found in roots where
xylem and phloem within a vascular bundle are arranged in an alternate manner on
different radius. In conjoint type of vascular bundles (common in stems and leaves) xylem
and phloem are situated at the same radius of vascular bundles and usually have the
phloem outside of xylem.
Vascular cambium is made up of two types of cells, fusiform and ray initials. Fusiform cells
are conical and differentiate to give secondary xylem and phloem. The ray initial cells are
isodiametric and after differentiation give rise to medullary ray. Monocot vascular bundles
lack cambium and consequently don’t show secondary growth. On the other hand, dicot
shows the secondary growth due to presence of cambium.
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Plant Tissue Systems
Figure: A cross section through a vascular bundle of a monocotyledonous plant A) and a
dicotyledonous plant B).
Source: A)
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Plant Tissue Systems
Tissue System
and Its Functions
Location of Tissue Systems
Epidermal Tissue System
• protection
• prevention of water loss
Periderm (in older
stems and roots)
Ground Tissue System
• photosynthesis
• food storage
• regeneration
• mechanical support
• protection
Vascular Tissue System
• transport of water and
• transport of food
Xylem tissue
Phloem tissue
Table: Showing the type, function, component and location of tissue systems.
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Plant Tissue Systems
The embryonic tissue regions consist of uncommitted cells primarily concerned with
formation of new cells, called as the meristems. The meristematic cells are rectangular or
isodiametric, relatively small, compact, lack intercellular spaces and vacuoles. The
meristematic tissue can be classified on the basis of origin and development of initiating
cells, plane of division, function and location in the plant body and differentiation. Based on
origin, meristem can be classified into promeristem, primary and secondary meristem.
Based on location in plant body, meristem can be classified into apical, lateral and
intercalary meristem. Based on type of permanent tissue that differentiates from meristem,
protoderm, ground meristem and procambium have been recognized.
The cells in plant bodies make up tissues (groups of cells with a common structure and
function). The tissues may be simple or complex. The tissues can also be classified on the
basis of function, structure and location such as epidermal tissue system, ground tissue
system and vascular or conducting tissue system. The epidermal tissue system develops the
outer-most covering of the entire plant body. It consists of epidermal cells and associated
structures such as stomata, epidermal appendages (the trichomes and hairs) and the
periderm. All tissues below epidermis excluding vascular tissue system or bundles constitute
the ground tissue or fundamental tissue. The components of simple tissues are parenchyma,
collenchyma and sclerenchyma. The vascular tissue system is formed by vascular bundles
and originates from procambium present in apical meristem. The vascular bundles are made
up of complex tissues, the phloem and xylem.
Apical Meristem:
Actively dividing meristematic cells located at the apex of a root or shoot.
Directed away from the axis. .
Directed toward the axis and opposite of abaxial. It is used with regard
to a leaf the upper or “ventral” surface.
The outer covering of the stem, branches and roots of trees.
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Plant Tissue Systems
A layer of dividing cells found in the stems of plants which forms the
specialized xylem and phloem cells and causes the stem to increase in
Companion cell:
A specialized parenchyma cell associated with a sieve-tube element in
angiosperm phloem.
Guard cells:
A pair of cells covering the stomatal pore responsible for opening and
closing of pore by change in turgor.
Intercalary meristem: Meristem located between permanent tissues and represents the
oddment of the apical meristem.
Leaf primordium:
A lateral outgrowth from the apical meristem that eventually will
become a leaf.
Photosynthetic parenchyma (Chlorenchyma) of a leaf blade located
between the two epidermal layers.
Part of primary phloem that differentiates after the protophloem and
before the secondary phloem.
Part of primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and
before the secondary xylem.
Parenchyma cell:
Unspecialized cell having a nucleate protoplast and associated with one
or more of various physiological and biochemical activities in plants.
Parenchyma cells are diverse in size, form, and wall structure.
Stalk attaching the leaf blade to the stem.
Phloem parenchyma: A type of Parenchyma cells located in the phloem and is referred
as axial parenchyma in secondary phloem.
It is main food-conducting tissue of vascular plant and contains sieve
elements phloem parenchyma cells, fibres and sclereids.
Primary phloem:
When procambium differentiates it give rise of phloem tissue during
primary growth and differentiation of a vascular plant. It is then
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Plant Tissue Systems
First-formed elements of the xylem.
Ray parenchyma:
It is a type of parenchyma cells found in secondary vascular tissues.
It is a type of tissue composed of sclerenchyma cells that includes
fibres, fibresclereids, and sclereids.
Sieve cell:
Phloem component that has relatively undifferentiated sieve areas
without sieve plates. Generally sieve cells are found in phloem of
Sieve element:
These are cell in the phloem tissue concerned with mainly longitudinal
conduction of food materials.
Sieve plate:
Part of wall of a sieve-tube element bearing one (simple sieve plate) or
more (compound sieve plate) highly differentiated sieve areas.
Sieve tube:
interconnected through sieve plates.
Sieve-tube element: Phloem tissue component that shows a more or less pronounced
differentiation between sieve plates (wide pores) and lateral sieve
areas (narrow pores).
Stoma (pl. stomata): An opening in epidermis of leaves and stems bordered by two guard
cells and serving in gas exchange; also used to refer to entire stomatal
apparatus—the guard cells plus their included pore.
Stomatal complex: Stoma and associated epidermal cells that may be ontogenetically and
or physiologically related to the guard cells known as stomatal
Strasburger cell:
cells spatially and
associated with the sieve cells resembles the companion cells of
angiosperms. However, they don’t not have common origin as seen in
sieve cells and companion cells. They are also known as albuminous
cells and are mainly associated with gymnosperm phloem.
A group of cells organized into a structural and functional unit.
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
Tissue system:
Structurally and functionally organized tissue or tissues in a plant or
plant organ into a unit is called as tissue system. Three tissue systems
are recognized in plants dermal, vascular and fundamental (ground
tissue system).
Tracheary element: water conducting cell, tracheid or vessel element found in vascular
system of plants.
A tracheary element of the xylem. It has no perforations as found in
vessel element and may have any kind of secondary wall thickening.
Tracheids occur in primary and in secondary xylem.
Vascular tissue:
It refers to either or both vascular tissues, xylem and phloem.
Vessel element:
One of the cellular components of a vessel.
A tube-like series of vessel elements with common walls having
Xylem elements:
It is a cell composing the xylem tissue.
Xylem fibre:
A fibre of the xylem tissue.
Xylem ray:
Part of a vascular ray that is located in the secondary xylem.
characterized by the presence of tracheary elements.
Q1. What is meristem? Describe the basis of classification of meristematic tissue.
Q2. Explain the characteristics of meristematic tissue.
Q3. What do you understand by tissue system? Explain the type of tissue system involved in
plant body.
Q4. Describe the epidermal tissue system.
Q5. Elaborate the vascular tissue system found in angiosperms.
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
Q6. Differentiate between following:
 Primary and Secondary meristem
 Promeristem and Procambium
 Epidermis and Endodermis
 Ground tissue and Vascular tissue
Q7. Write short notes on following topics Cambium tissue
 Vascular bundle
 Intercalary meristem
 Periderm
Multiple choice questions:
Q1. The primary growth in plants is outcome of (a) Primary cambium activity
(b) Promeristem activity
(c) Lateral meristem activity
(d) Vascular cambium activity
Correct Answer:
for answer:
(b) Promeristem
Promeristem is also known embryonic meristem or primordial meristem. It develops firstly
in the embryo and give rise of derivative cells that forms primary and secondary meristem.
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
The vascular cambium/primary cambium/ cambium are a lateral meristem in the vascular
tissue of plants responsible for increase in thickness of plant body.
Q2. Which one is not a part / component of epidermal tissue system-
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
(a) Epidermis
(b) Mesophyll cells
(c) Bulliform cells
(d) Stomata
Correct Answer:
(b) Mesophyll cells
Feedback for answer:
Mesophyll cells are photosynthetic parenchyma cells that lie between the upper and lower
epidermis layers of a leaf
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Epidermis forms outermost layer found in plant body.
Bulliform cells are large, bubble-shaped epidermal cells present in groups on the upper
surface of the leaves of grasses.
Stomata are small opening present on epidermis that help in gaseous exchange
Q3. Plant meristems are found in which plant part(s):
(a) Cycas stem
(b) Moss leaves
(c) Pollens of Brassica
(d) Flower of Brassica
Correct Answer:
(a) Cycas stem
Feedback for answer:
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
Meristematic tissue in plants are present in the plant where active growth take place such
as shoot apex present on tip of stem (Cycas).
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Moss leaves don’t have meristematic tissue
Pollen and flower of Brassica donot show meristematic tissue.
Q4. In angiosperm, the stem contains intercalary meristem which gives rise to:
Secondary growth
Primary growth
Apical growth
Periderm development
Correct Answer:
b) Primary growth
Feedback for answer:
The function of an intercalary meristem is to facilitate longitudinal growth of a plant organ,
independent of activity of the apical meristem that result in primary growth.
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Secondary growth in plants results from cell division in the cambium causes the stems and
roots to thicken.
Apical growth occurs at apex of shoot or root by division of that contribute to primary
Q5. Increase in diameter of stem occur due to activity of(a)
Ground tissue
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Plant Tissue Systems
Vascular cambium tissue
Correct Answer:
d) Vascular cambium tissue
Feedback for answer:
Secondary growth in plants results from cell division in the vascular cambium causes the
stems and roots to thicken that eventully contribute to the increase in diameter.
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Cork (Phellum) is dead air-filled protective tissue at maturity and forms cork of commerce.
The procambium is a dividing meristematic tissue contributes to the formation of the
primary tissues of the vascular system.
The ground tissue are the tissue which neither dermal nor vascular and present between
them such as hypodermis, cortex and endodermis.
Q6. Bamboo, grass (grass family members) and mint stem elongates by the activity of
which tissue?
(a) Primary meristem
(b) Secondary meristem
(c) Intercalary meristem
(d) Apical meristem
Correct Answer:
(c) Intercalary meristem
Feedback for answer:
The function of an intercalary meristem is to facilitate longitudinal growth of a plant organ,
independent of activity of the apical meristem that result in primary growth.
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
Plant Tissue Systems
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
he primary meristem located at the tips of stems or roots is known as the apical meristem,
responsible for increase in length.
Secondary meristem (vascular cambium and cork cambium) is located laterally and
responsible for increase in thickness of plant stem and root.
Q7. Closed type vascular bundles present in monocotyledons plants characterized by
(a) Paranchymatous layer surrounds each bundle
(b) There are no vessels with perforations
(c) Xylem is surrounded all around by phloem
(d) Absence of secondary growth
Correct Answer:
(d) Absence of secondary growth
Feedback for answer:
Closed collateral bundles lack secondary growth, because they contain no cambium and
present in almost all monocotyledonous plants.
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
There is bundle sheath surrounding each bundle and xylem contains vessels with
perforation. The xylem can be surrounded all around by phloem and such condition is
called as amphicribral condition.
Q8. Which component is absent in closed vascular bundles
(a) Cambium
(b) Pith
(c) Phellogen
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Plant Tissue Systems
(d) Conjunctive tissue
Correct Answer:
(a) Cambium
for answer:
Closed vascular bundle lack cambium between phloem and xylem.
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Pith, ground tissue and conjunctive tissue is present in plants which shows closed vascular
Q9. The common bottle cork is a product of
(a) Xylem
(b) Phloem
(c) Phellum
(d) Phelloderm
Correct Answer:
(c) Phellum
Feedback for answer:
Cork is an impermeable, buoyant plant material and component of bark tissue that is
harvested for commercial use from plant known as Quercus suber (the Cork Oak)
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
Xylem and phloem are vascular tissue concerned with transport of water, mineral and food
materials in plants respectively.
Phelloderm is a layer of parenchyma cells produced inwardly by the activity of
meristematic cork cambium cell layer. It makes an inner secondary cortex of the cork
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Plant Tissue Systems
Q10. Which is the correct sequence of arrangement of tissues in bicollateral vascular bundle
(a) Outer Phloem - Outer Xylem - Middle Cambium - Inner Xylem - Inner Phloem
(b) Outer Xylem - Outer Cambium - Middle Phloem - Inner Cambium - Inner Xylem
(c) Outer Phloem - Outer Cambium - Middle Xylem - Inner Cambium - Inner Phloem
(d) None of the above
Correct Answer:
(c) Outer Phloem - Outer Cambium - Middle Xylem - Inner Cambium - Inner Phloem
Feedback for answer:
A vascular bundle having xylem in between the two phloem groups
Resource/Hint/feedback for the wrong answer:
(a) Outer Phloem - Outer Xylem - Middle Cambium - Inner Xylem - Inner Phloem is
wrong combination
(b) Outer Xylem - Outer Cambium - Middle Phloem - Inner Cambium - Inner Xylem is
wrong combination
1. Esau, K. 1965. Plant Anatomy. Jhon Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
2. Ray F. Evert. 2006. Esau's Plant Anatomy: Meristems, Cells, and Tissues of the Plant
Body: Their Structure, Function, and Development, Third Edition. Jhon Wiley and
Sons Inc., New York.
3. Fahn, A. 1990. Plant Anatomy. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
4. William C. Dickison. 2000. Integrative Plant Anatomy, Academic Press.
5. V. Singh, P.C. Pande, D.K. Jain. 2005. Anatomy of Seed Plants, Rastogi Publications,
6. Websites motioned with Photographs and texts
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