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Learning Checklist
B1.1 Keeping Healthy
Balanced Diet
Factors affecting health
The impact of pathogens
What white blood cells do
Antibodies, immunity, immunisation
The work of Semmelweiss
Antibiotics and resistance
Aseptic technique
B1.2 Nerves and hormones
Receptors and stimuli
The reflex arc
Internal conditions/homeostasis
Control of the menstrual cycle
Control of fertility
The role of auxin
Plant hormones in agriculture
B1.3 Drug Use/Abuse
The testing of medicines
The legacy of Thalidomide
The misuse of drugs
The impact of legal/illegal drugs
Performance enhancing drugs
B1.4 Interdependence
Adaptation of plants/animals
Environmental change and distribution
Indicator species
Measuring physical factors
B1.5 Biomass
Pyramids of Biomass
Energy loss in food chains
B1.6 Waste
Processes of decay
The Carbon Cycle
B1.7 Genetic variation
Why organisms are different
Sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction and cloning
Gene transfer and GM
B1.8 Evolution
Natural selection
Evolutionary trees
Natural selection and Evolution
B2.1 Cells and simple cell transport
Function of cell components
B2.2 Tissues, organs and organ systems
Hierarchy of structure
Types of tissues
The stomach and the digestive system
Plant organs
B2.3 Photosynthesis
The process of photosynthesis
Limiting factors
Use of the products of photosynthesis
B2.4 Distribution of organisms
Physical factors
Sampling methods
B2.5 Enzymes
Structure and function
Factors affecting enzymes
Enzymes in digestion
The effect of pH on digestion
Uses of enzymes
B2.6 Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration
Uses of the energy from respiration
Physiological changes in exercise
Anaerobic respiration (and oxygen debt)
B2.7 Cell division and inheritance
Differentiation and stem cells
Causes of variation
Genetic crosses
Cystic fibrosis
Embryo screening
B2.8 Speciation
Fossils and their formation
Causes of extinction
Isolation and new species
B3.1 Movement of molecules in and out of cells
Define and explain osmosis
Explain active transport
Describe water and salt balance
Evaluate data on use of sports drinks
Describe and explain adaptations to maximise exchange
Identify the structures of the respiratory system
Describe gas exchange in the lungs
Describe the mechanism of ventilation
Evaluate the use of artificial ventilators
Exchange systems in plants
Identify where exchange happens in plants
Explain how the roots and leaves are adapted for exchange
Describe the role of the stomata and guard cells
Analyse and evaluate the conditions affecting transpiration
B3.2 Transport systems in plants and animals
Describe the function of the circulatory system and heart
Describe the structure and operation of the heart and name major vessels
Describe structure of arteries and veins
Describe the effects of narrowing arteries and evaluate the use of stents
Describe the functioning of capillaries
Describe the structure and function of blood and plasma
Describe the structure and function of red blood cells
Describe the function of white blood cells
Describe the function of platelets
Describe the functions of xylem and phloem
B3.3 Homeostasis
Identify waste products and methods of removal
Describe the importance of water balance
Describe the functioning of the kidney
Evaluate dialysis and kidney transplants
Describe methods of treating kidney failure
Describe and explain rejection and how to prevent it
Describe and explain the effect of sweating on water balance
Describe how temperature is regulated
Describe physical responses to overheating and overcooling
Describe the role of the pancreas and insulin in controlling blood sugar
Describe the role of glucagon in controlling blood sugar
Describe the causes and treatment of type 1 diabetes
Evaluate the treatment of type 1 diabetes
B3.4 Humans and their environment
Describe the cause and effect of increased waste
Describe the polluting effects of waste
Describe the influence of human activity
Describe the impact of deforestation
Explain the causes of deforestation
Describe the impact of the destruction of peat bogs
Evaluate validity and reliability of environmental data
Describe the causes and impact of global warming
Describe the sequestering of carbon in water
Describe how biogas is made.
Evaluate the use of biogas generators
Efficiency of food production to pyramids of energy/biomass
Describe methods to preserve fish stocks
Describe how mycoprotein is manufactured
Evaluate methods of food production