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3-4 Notes
Polymers of nucleotides that carry hereditary information, instructions for life, and
conduct chemical experiments
Protein conformation is determined by primary structure. Primary structure is determined
by genes – hereditary units that consist of DNA, a type of nucleic acid
Two types:
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA)
Coded information that programs all cell activity
Directs its own replication
Is passed from one generation of cells to another
Is found in the nucleus (of eukaryotic cells)
Makes up genes
2) RiboNucleic Acid (RNA)
Sites of protein synthesis are ribosomes
Messenger RNA (mRNA) = a temporary copy of the gene from DNA that
will be used at the ribosome to build the protein
Genetic message is transcribed
moves into
from DNA onto mRNA
genetic message translated into
a protein
Nucleic Acid = polymer of nucleotides
Nucleotide = building block molecule of nucleic acid
Each is composed of:
1) Pentose (5-C sugar)
In RNA = Ribose
In DNA = Deoxyribose
2) Phosphate - attached to carbon #5 of the sugar
3) Nitrogenous Base – attached to carbon #1 of the sugar
Two Families:
Pyrimidines = 6-membered ring
o Includes: cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil (U)
Purines = 6-membered ring fused to a 5-membered ring
o Includes: adenine (A) and guanine (G)
Nucleic Acids are made of nucleotides bonded together
Phosphodiester Linkages = covalent bonds between the phosphate of one nucleotide and
the sugar of the next
DNA is double-stranded and in the shape of a double helix
o Consists of:
2 nucleotide chains wound into a double helix
Sugar-phosphate backbones on the outside of the helix
Strands of DNA are held together by H-bonds between the paired
nitrogenous bases and by van der Waals attractions between the stacked
(A) always pairs with (T)
(C) always pairs with (G)
the two strands are complementary and can therefore serve as templates to
make new complementary strands
the strands are antiparallel
Closely related species have more similar sequences of DNA and amino acids than more
distantly related species
Nucleotide functions:
o Monomers for nucleic acids
o Electron transfer in enzyme-controlled redox reactions of the cell
o Transfer of chemical energy
ATP (Adenosine Triphsphate) = adenine (N-base) + ribose + 3 phosphates
The last two phosphate bonds are high energy, unstable, and easily
By hydrolyzing the last phosphate  ADP is formed
The free energy released by this reaction can be used to drive many
cellular processes