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Anaerobic Energy Systems
ATP resynthesis
An immediate source of energy, will run out in 2-3 seconds.
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and
phosphate. The enzyme AT PASE will split ATP.
ATP- PC system
Used for intense exercise lasting 8-10 seconds, by re synthesising ATP.
PC is broken to Phosphate and Creatine which creates energy to
resynthesize ATP. PC is stored in the muscles and is split by the enzyme
Creatine Kinase.
PC = (P + C) = ENERGY = (ADP + P) = ATP
Types of reaction
Exothermic- when energy is released, e.g splitting of ATP into ADP
Endothermic- when energy is reformed e.g when ATP is resynthesized using
the energy from the split of PC.
Coupled reaction- an exothermic reaction leading to an endothermic
Lactic acid system
Involves the use of glycogen with high intensity exercise that lasts up to 2
minutes. The process is called Glycolysis.
Pyruvic acid
4ATP produced, however 2 ATP
used= 2ATP produced to
resynthesize ATP.
No Oxygen
Lactic acid build
Denatures enzymes and
creates fatigue.
OBLA- Onset blood lactate accumulation
The point at which lactate will start to accumulate in the blood. Lactate
accumulation occurs when there is insufficient oxygen to combine with
hydrogen ions, therefore hydrogen is left to combine with pyruvate and
creates lactic acid.
It starts at 4mmol per l of blood. This happens when too much lactate is
produced for the body to cope with and will start to accumulate in the
muscles. OBLA is dependent on VO2 max, the higher the VO2 max, the more
oxygen is utilised by the body and therefore will delay the onset of lactic acid
for longer.
Measuring intensity of exercise
RER-Respiratory exchange ratio.
This is the ratio of CO2 that is exhaled to the amount of oxygen that is
It is calculated by- VCO2/ VO2. It can be used to work out the relative
contributions of fat and carbohydrates as an energy source, and therefore
measure the intensity of exercise.
The lower the intensity of exercise, fat becomes the main contributor for
energy sources as more oxygen is required for beta oxidation. This will lower
the number of RER- when 100% fat is used RER will be 0.7.
The higher the intensity of exercise, carbohydrates will become the dominant
energy source, as they require less oxygen during aerobic glycolysis. This
will increase the number of RER- when 100% carbohydrates are used RER
will be 1.00
Lactate sampling
Is another method of measuring intensity. It involves taking small samples of
blood and analysing how much lactate is in the blood. The higher the amount
of lactate, the higher the intensity of the exercise. It is an objective and
scientific method.
Aerobic energy systems
From Glucose
This type of energy occurs at slightly higher intensity, but is still working with
oxygen. When oxygen is present the complete breakdown of Glycogen is
The process is called Aerobic Glycolysis. Glycogen is broken down to
Glucose, and glucose is broken down to pyruvate. This creates 2ATP. When
combined with oxygen, pyruvate can enter the Krebs Cycle as Acetyl CoA.
Energy ( 2 ATP) and carbonic acid is produced and enters the ETC- Electron
Transport Chain. H20, Co2 and energy (32ATP) are produced. In total
Aerobic Glycolysis will produce 36 ATP.
From fats
When exercise is at lower intensity, more oxygen is required, it is a far slower
process, when exercise lasts over 2 hours, it will produce more ATP however.
Fatty acids are broken down to acetyl Co A through beta oxidation. It can
here enter the Krebs cycle and the ETC.
Stages of the Krebs cycle
Pyruvate combines with acetyle Co A
Fatty acids combine with acetyle Co
Starts Beta Oxidation
Citric acid is formed
Hydrogen ions are removed from
citric acid
Co2 is produced and removed
Hydrogen ions are produced and
passed on to the ETC
Resynthesis of 2 ATP in the process.
EPOC- excess post oxygen consumption
Definition- the amount of oxygen that is required in addition to resting levels
during recovery, it is used to repay the oxygen debt.
FAST component or Alactacid
Will restore the ATP PC system by restoring PC levels
Combines myoglobin with oxygen to create oxy
Uses 2-4 litres of oxygen
50% of PC stores replenished in 30 seconds.
SLOW component or Lactacid
Used to remove lactic acid from the muscles using oxygen
Lactic acid is oxidised and can go back through the ETC and the Krebs
cycle to create energy for resynthesizing ATP. This occurs in the
In another process called the Cori Cycle, lactic acid is reverted to
glucose through oxidation and energy is created, this occurs in the
Lactic acid not thought of as a waste product.
Definition- the amount of oxygen that is taken in and utilised by the body in
one minute. Measured in ML/MIN/KG.
Factors that will affect Vo2 max
Gender- males will have 20% larger
Age- older you are, Vo2 max will decrease
Genetic inheritance
Training will cause changes to physiology eg
increase in capillaries, cardiac hypertrophy.
Physiology- surface area of alveoli, amount of mitochondria, amount of
haemoglobin, amount of RBC.
Body composition, if someone is overweight this will reduce VO2 max.
Lifestyle, such as drinking and smoking will reduce vo2
Why does a high VO2 max help performance?
The more oxygen that can be used by the body in one minute, the longer the
body will be able to delay the onset of lactate accumulation ( OBLA ).
Performance intensity can be maintained for longer.
%VO2 MAX- refers to the highest level of work that can be sustained for 20 to
40 minutes without being fatigued. It is the highest point of work before you
cross over the lactate threshold. It is what percentage a person’s V02 max
can be used by the individual. An untrained performer can use LESS of their
Vo2 max compared to a trained performer. Therefore an untrained performer
will accumulate lactic acid at a much lower level of their VO2 max compared
to a trained performer, who will cross over their lactate threshold much later
than an untrained performer.
Effects of training on the aerobic system
Increase in capillaries
More haemoglobin
Increase in alveoli
Increase in myoglobin
Increase in VO2 max (5-10%
More red blood cells
More EPO
Cardiac hypertrophy
More muscle stores of fats and
Muscle Fibres
Types of Muscle Fibres
Type 1/ Slow twitch
Slow twitch fibres are slow to contract, they contract with little force, they
are more energy efficient than fast twitch. They have high
levels of haemoglobin, myoglobin, triglycerides,
mitochondria and capillaries. They are able to withstand
fatigue and have a high aerobic capacity. They are suited to
endurance based events such as long distance running.
Type 2/ Fast Twitch
There are two types of fast twitch- 2a and 2b. Fast twitch
muscle fibres contract with greater force, and greater speed than STMF, they
have poor endurance and aerobic capacity. They have high glycogen stores,
high PC stores, and high anaerobic capacity. However they have fewer
mitochondria and capillaries which means they are more suited to short,
explosive events which require speed.
2A vs 2B?
2A fibres have limited endurance and are good for short high intensity
endurance events such as 1 mile run or 400m swim
2B fibres are very explosive and create fast, powerful muscular contractions
they are good for events such as 100m sprint.
Effects of training
Through heavy endurance training, conversion of muscle fibres can occur
where 2B fibres are turned into 2A fibres. This is a one way conversion
however. When the endurance based training stops however 2b will be
converted back to 2a fibres, and will over compensate with additional 2A
Muscle Fibre Structure
A Band- dark bands, made up of myosin and actin in a
I Band- will be bisected by the Z line and is made up of
Z line- a boundary between two sarcomere, where one
ends and another starts.
H zone- the lighter area in the centre of the A band.
Key terms
Muscle in a relaxed state, there is no
contact between actin and myosin hinged
head due to the role of tropomyosin.
Action potential or nerve impulse is
Calcium is released from sarcoplasmic
Calcium binds to troponin... this
Tropomyosin to change shape and
exposes the binding site for myosin.
Myosin combines with actin filament
forming a cross bridge.
ATP binds to myosin, it is split by AT
PASE and creates energy. Myosin hinged head then pulls on actin.
This creates muscular contraction and is called a power stroke.
Myosin- thick protein filament.
Actin- thin protein filament, will
contain troponin.
Troponin- binding site for
Tropomyosin- role is to block the
myosin hinged head from
touching actin in a relaxed state.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum- calcium
is stored here.
Myosin hinged head- binds to
Sliding Filament theory
When muscles contract…
o Z lines become closer
o The width of the I Band
o Width of H band
decreases and virtually
o There is no change in the
width of the A band.
Motor units and Spatial Summation
Motor unit= Motor neurone + muscle fibres.
Motor units will vary in size depending on the size of the muscle contraction
and movement ( either gross or fine). Motor units will have the same type of
muscle fibres, either slow or fast twitch.
All or nothing law- when a motor unit is activated it will contract maximally,
there is no such thing as a partial contraction.
Spatial Summation- recruiting muscle fibres controlled by the brain to vary
the strength of muscle contraction which can be high or low force.
How can muscle fibres vary the strength of contraction?
Recruit more motor units
Recruit larger motor units
Recruit more fast twitch muscle fibres rather than slow twitch
To ensure that skills are performed correctly information sent to the brain
from proprioceptors are compared to the long term memory
and past experiences.
Forces are what changes a body’s state of motion or direction.
There are two types of forces- internal which is generated from muscular
contraction, and external which come from outside the body such as gravity.
Vectors and Scalars
A Vector will have size and direction.
A scalar will just have size ( magnitude) such as time, distance, temperature.
The reluctance of an object to
change its existing state of motion
or direction.
The force of attraction between two
bodies. The force which pulls us
towards the ground.
Air resistance
When one object moves against
another friction is created, acting
parallel and opposite to each other.
Friction in the air. Created by air
passing over surfaces.
Newtons Laws
1. Newtons First Law- Law of inertia. The law states that an
object will stay in a state of uniform motion or direction
until external forces are applied which cause it to
change direction or state of motion.
Example- a 100m sprinter will remain in the set position until an external force is
applied, such as muscular contraction which causes them to accelerate.
2. Newtons second law- Law of momentum. F= MA. ( force= Mass X
acceleration) The rate of change in momentum is directly proportional
to the amount of force that is applied and will occur in the same
Example- a swimmer in the starting blocks, their rate of change in momentum will depend on the amount of
force applied to the blocks and will occur in the same direction.
3. Newtons third law- Law of equal and opposite reaction. To every action
there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Example- a sprinter in the blocks will apply force to the blocks and movement will occur in the opposite
direction and force given to them will be ground reaction force causing them to accelerate.
Impulse= Force X Time applied for. It is measured in Newton seconds.
Types of Impulse
Positive- impulse that will move the
body and creates movement.
Negative- impulse that absorbs
movement, such as when landing.
Positive impulse
When a runner is accelerating. The positive
impulse is larger than the negative impulse
therefore net impulse is positive.
Negative impulse
When a runner is decelerating. The negative
impulse is larger than the positive impulse
giving a net impulse of negative. The runner
will slow down.
Zero impulse
The runner is running at constant velocity.
The positive impulse is equal to the negative
impulse, therefore the net impulse is zero.
There is no change in speed.
Velocity – The rate of change in displacement (how fast someone/
something is going.) It is measured in meters per second.
Displacement- the shortest distance between two points in a straight line.
Therefore… Velocity= Displacement/ Time
Acceleration- the rate of change in velocity, or the rate of change in speed.
It can be calculated by working out the difference between the initial
velocity and the final velocity. Measured in meters per second squared.
Deceleration- the negative change in velocity over time ( slowing down).
Angular motion- Movement around a fixed point.
Key terms
Angular velocity- the rate of rotation in a given direction
Moment of inertia- the reluctance of an object to change from its existing
state and rate of rotation.
Principle of moments- the further the mass is spread from the centre of
rotation, the greater the inertia possessed. More force will be needed to
change the rate of rotation.
Torque- the amount of force that is required to rotate, measured in Newtons.
Angular momentum – the amount of motion an object possess when in
Angular Velocity X moment of inertia = Angular momentum( AM).
A rotating body will continue to turn with constant AM unless an external
force acts upon it. Changing the shape of the body will cause a change in
speed when rotating, such as a gymnast performing a somersault.
A change in moment of inertia will cause a change
in angular velocity.
When the body is spread from the centre of mass eg
in a straight shape, inertia will be high, and angular
velocity will be low therefore speed of rotation will
be slow.
When the body is tucked in, inertia is low, therefore
angular velocity will be high and speed of rotation
will be fast.
Tucked body shape= low inertia=
high angular velocity= faster speed
of rotation.
Straight body shape = high inertia=
low angular velocity= slower speed
of rotation.
Specialised Training Methods
Plyometrics is designed to improve power by engaging the stretch reflex. A
plyometric contraction will involve stretching the muscle eccentrically before
a concentric contraction.
There are three stages to Plyometrics.
1. The pre stretch or eccentric phase. This is where the muscle is
stretched eccentrically ( such as the down phase of a squat)
2. The amortisation phase. This is the small gap between the eccentric
contraction and the concentric contraction where elastic potential
energy is stored. The smaller the gap the more power is generated as
will not waste the elastic potential energy.
3. The concentric contraction, such as the jump.
4. The whole process is called the stretch shortening cycle.
Muscles spindles( proprioceptors) will detect changes in muscle length and
will send a signal to the CNS, where an impulse is activated and sent down
the spinal chord to cause muscular contraction. This is a preventative
measure to prevent overstretching the muscle. Plyometrics can be achieved
through hopping, jumping, bounding and counter movements.
PNF- Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
WHAT? A type of stretching aimed to increase flexibility.
HOW? Stretching can be passive or active. It involves
stretching the muscle to its limit of movement and
holding in an isometric contraction. A partner or
equipment is usually required. The muscle is then
relaxed and stretched again to its limit of movement.
CRAC- contract, relax, antagonist, contract.
The golgi tendon organ detects changes in muscle
tension around a joint. When activated it will cause the
muscle to relax and will override the stretch reflex,
allowing the muscle to be stretched further. This is
called autogenic inhibition.
Muscle spindles will also prevent overstretching by
engaging the stretch reflex if the muscle is overstretched
to prevent injury.
Altitude training
HOW? Involves training at high altitude above 2000 ft for at least one month/
30 days.
There are three stages to altitude training. The acclimatisation phase- lasts 310 days when the athlete gets used to the decreased partial pressure of
oxygen. The primary stage- which lasts 1 to 3 weeks and the athlete will be
able to train as normal. Recovery stage- before returning to normal altitude
the body must readapt to increased oxygen pressure. Lasts 3- 5 days.
Increased red blood cells
Increased EPO
Increased tolerance to lactic acid
Increased concentration of haemoglobin
Increased capacity to carry oxygen around
the body
 More myoglobin
Detraining may occur
May suffer from altitude sickness
Psychological problems such as home sickness
Will require considerable time away from normal training
Effects will only last 6 to 8 weeks
There are alternative available such as hypoxic tents and oxygen
 There is a limit to how much EPO the body can produce.
Glycogen Loading
Glycogen is the main source of energy for activities that are aerobic but last 1 to 2 hours long.
Glycogen stores are limited and will last maximum 90 mins, after an endurance athlete will
resort to slower fat burning sources. Endurance athletes need to increase their muscle glycogen
stores to delay resorting to fat burning or ‘hitting the wall.’
Original method
Heavy exertion the day before
competition and then ingesting a
high carbohydrate diet to achieve
This can cause fatigue, risk injury,
cause a heavy legged feeling,
bloating and lethargic as increased
glycogen will result in increased
water storage.
New method
A burst of high intensity exercise
that lasts 3 minutes to stimulate
high glycogen production. Follow
this with 24 hours of a high
carbohydrate diet immediately,
need to start within 20 minutes as
this is when the carbo window
Is the division of a training programme into cycles to ensure peak
performance for important competitions such as World Championships. An
athlete can peak twice in a season, such as for indoor and outdoor seasons
for athletics.
Macrocycle- a long term goal for example an annual goal. This is split
into 3 phases. The primary phase- where the majority of endurance
based training takes place placing emphasis on quantity over quality.
The competitive phase- where an athlete will start to focus on the
tactical and technical elements of their sport. Finally the recovery
phase/ transition phase- 4-6 weeks of general exercise to allow
physiological and psychological recovery.
Mesocycle a medium term goal, such as will focus on a specific
component of fitness.
Microcycle- repeated weekly training programme that will allow the
athlete to achieve the Mesocycle.
Wave like Periodisation
A common pattern of periodisation. First an
athlete will build up their volume of training
(creating a big ‘wave’ of miles) whilst
intensity such as speed and power will
remain low. The volume and endurance
‘wave’ will then decrease as the intensity
‘wave’ increases the closer to competitive
seasons. The athlete is ready for
competition once the intensity wave has
Tapering- the reduction in volume
in training to ensure peak
performance for competitions.
Peak Performance- an optimal state
of physical and psychological
preparedness for competition.
During exercise heat is produced as a bi product, we need to
maintain a stable body temperature of 37 to 38 degrees. There
are four main ways to lose heat.
Conduction- transferring heat through direct contact to an
object, such as holding the handlebars of a bike.
Convection- transfer of heat through gases in the air.
Radiation- Loss of heat through radiating infra red rays to the surroundings.
Evaporation- the most common method of heat loss. When we heat up we will
sweat, when the sweat evaporates from the skin surface we will lose heat .
Diet, supplements and performance
enhancing drugs
Functions of water…
Regulates body temperature
Carries nutrients and oxygen around the body through blood plasma
Helps to covert food into energy
Required for expiration
Removes waste products such as CO2
Protects and cushions internal organs
If we don’t take in enough water we will become
dehydrated. This can lead to physiological problems. This will include; thicker
blood, slower delivery of oxygen to muscles, increase in body temperature,
headaches, impaired judgement and decision making, increase in heart rate,
increase in blood pressure.
Electrolyte balance
The most important electrolytes are sodium and potassium.
An imbalance of electrolytes which can be caused by dehydration. Loss of
electrolytes can cause;
Drowsiness and impaired decision making.
Muscle cramps
Muscle weakness and fatigue
Arrhythmia (irregular heart rate)
How much water do you need before competition?
Plain water is not the best option, it suppresses thirst and stimulates water
loss. It is better to use drinks with carbohydrate content, this will make drinks
taste nicer and provide energy.
Before the event
Drink 400 – 600ml of fluid 2 to 3 hours before the event starts.
15 minutes before the event consume 150-350ml of fluid.
During the event
Performers should ingest as much water as they can during the event as
there is often a lack of opportunities and this can lead to dehydration.
After the event
After events performers need to take on board lots of fluid as it is unlikely
they are able to keep completely hydrated. This is down to lack of
opportunities, exercise will suppress thirst and there is an intolerance to
taking on too much fluid.
Food Supplements
Protein Supplements
Function- will provide explosive
power and speed by enhancing
the ATP-PC system.
Function- Can be used to build
muscle, to improve muscle
strength and power, will enhance
Athlete? Used by athletes who
require speed and take part in
explosive activities like a sprinter.
Athlete? Used by power athletes
such as weightlifters or sprinters.
Side effects- mixed evidence to
suggest creatine works, can cause
problems with kidneys, and can
cause muscle cramps.
Side effects- Not needed if diet is
balanced, can be taken by
vegetarians. Can cause problems
with kidneys and liver.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies stem from traditional medicine and can be used in the
form of oils, infusions and tinctures. There is unclear outcome for the
benefits of herbal remedies, some studies suggest arnica is good for muscle
soreness but others have found no benefit.
Bicarbonate of Soda
Function- natural stimulant found
in tea and coffee. Can improve
reaction time. Can also enhance
aerobic exercise by saving the
body’s glycogen stores.
Function- will prevent fatigue in
sustained anaerobic exercise by
preventing the onset of lactic acid.
It will benefit athletes that work at
near max intensity for 1 to 7
Athlete? Distance athletes such as
10 000m runners who take part in
prolonged exercise.
Side effects- can cause anxiety,
insomnia, restlessness, heart
tremors and act as a diuretic.
Athlete? Athletes that work for
sustained periods of time
anaerobically such as an 800m
Side effects- There are few side
effects, however some performers
report stomach cramps.
Performance enhancing drugs
Function- EPO naturally stimulates red blood cell
production, meaning more oxygen can be carried
around the body, improving VO2 Max.
Athlete? An endurance based athlete such as a
5000m runner or any games player who works
aerobically for sustained periods of time.
Side effects- increase in blood viscosity, increase
in blood pressure and heart rate.
Anabolic steriod
Function- Will artificially build muscle, will
reduce the amount of fat in the muscles and
overall fat levels. They will reduce recovery time
and prevent muscle breakdown.
Athlete? Power athletes such as weightlifters or
Side effects- Liver and kidney damage, high
blood pressure, acne, in women deeper voices
and baldness.
Human Growth Hormone
Function- regulates the growth of ligaments,
tendons, bone and collagen. It can enhance the
performance of explosive activities by increasing
muscle mass and repairing bones.
Athlete? An athlete that may receive lots of
impact such as a gymnast or a long jumper to
help repair damage.
Side effects- swelling of joints, fluid retention,
abnormal bone growth and joint deformities.
Beta Blockers
Function- To slow down the heart rate and blocks
the action of adrenaline in the sympathetic
nervous system. They will lower blood pressure.
Athlete? Useful for athletes that need a steady
hand under pressure such as archers, or
Side effects- cold hands and feet, sleepiness,
wheeziness, dizziness, dry eyes.
Function- they will increase urine output, useful
for losing weight or for masking the presence of
other drugs.
Athlete? A Boxer who wants to move down a
weight category, or a distance cyclist who wants
to hide the presence of other drugs like EPO.
Side effects- Dehydration, inability to regulate
body temperature, muscle cramps, exhaustion.
Function- To increase mental alertness of an
athlete, to decrease reaction time, decrease
fatigue and increase heart rate.
Athlete? A sprinter who wants to decrease their
reaction time at the start of a race.
Side effects- Nervousness, irritability, lack of
sleep causing tiredness, athletes can become
addicted to them and develop tolerance so more
is needed for the same effects.
Sports Injuries
Preventing Injuries
Preparation can reduce the chance of getting injured when playing sport.
There are many ways to reduce this risk.
Using the right equipment
Taping and Bracing- players can tape joints such as the knee or ankle to
provide extra stability to a joint and prevent ligament injuries. Taping must be
done expertly and must be adjustable to allow for movement.
Protective equipment- this is especially important for contact sports such as
rugby or hockey. Mouth guards, helmets and fencing masks
must be used and is often required by the sport’s governing
board when competing.
Shoes and boots- ill-fitting shoes can cause many problems such as Achilles
problems. A performer will need optimal fit for their shoes, and can be
worked out using gait analysis. Shoes can be
tailored to suit a neutral, supinated and
pronated gait.
Clothing- will need to keep a performer dry,
warm and reduce the chance of wind chill, this is especially important for
those who compete in winter sports. Clothing also needs to be breathable to
allow sweat to evaporate and keep the performer cool.
Injury Prevention through training
Core strength training- will develop the muscles in the abdomen, deep trunk
muscles, paraspinal muscles and lumbar muscles. Will help to improve core
strength which will prevent back problems and help with posture and
stability. Exercises such as Pilates will train these muscles.
Overtraining can cause injury, it can happen through stressing the body
during training and not allowing sufficient recovery between sessions. The
signs of overtraining include;
Deep muscle soreness
Persistent injury
Loss of appetite
Recurrent illness
Not sleeping properly
Difficulty in raising heart rate to desired training level
Low motivation levels
To avoid overtraining
Young children and overtraining
 Allow sufficient time for recovery
Children cannot work at the same
between sessions.
levels as adults, they risk developing
 Restore glycogen stores after training
joint and musculature problems and
 Don’t train when ill
putting off sport for life.
 Build up training loads gradually after
Two common overuse injuries in
children include Osgood Schlatter’s
 Try and use relaxation techniques to
and Sever’s disease.
improve sleep
To prevent overtraining Sport
 Ensure that diet is nutritionally
England and Sport Coach UK have
developed the Long Term Athlete
Development Programme ( LTADP)
They identified two key stages for children- FUNdamentals (ages 5-11) and
Learning to train stage ( ages 8-12).
Warm up and Cool downs
There are 2 main parts to the warm up. It will involve a general cardiovascular
warm up lasting 5-10 minutes, at the same time the performer will need to
mentally focus for training. This is followed by a number of sport specific
drills that will increase intensity and range of movement. They should be
completed over 20-30 m with a 10m jog after, and should last 10 – 20 minutes.
Benefits of a warm up
Increase in heart rate
Increase and maintenance of body warmth and temperature
Preparation of the muscles in a sport specific way
Improvement of co ordination and motor ability
Better mental preparation
Decrease the chance of injury
Cool Downs- the warm down should be active, it should consist of light
cardiovascular work lasting 5 to 10 minutes.
Benefits of a cool down
Will prevent the blood from pooling at the limbs
Help lactic acid and waste products to be removed
Help muscles to relax and loosen
Will prevent injury
Will prevent DOMS ( Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
Preventing DOMS
Undertake a dynamic warm up
When starting exercise avoid eccentric
muscle contractions
Gradually increase the intensity of
After a warm up, do extra eccentric
Undertake an active cool down, include
passive stretching
Use of massage
Use of Ice baths
Recovery after Injury
RICE- an immediate treatment for soft tissue injuries which can speed up
recovery time.
REST- the performer should rest as soon as the injury occurs.
ICE- the injured area should be iced for 10 to 15 mins. This reduces internal
bleeding through vasoconstriction and reduces swelling.
COMPRESSION- helps to reduce swelling and swelling will delay healing.
ELEVATION- should raise above the heart height, this will control swelling
and inflammation.
Core strength training- will prevent the chance of injury reoccurring again in
the future, by addressing biomechanical imbalances and strengthening core
Water based training- can be used to maintain cardiovascular fitness whilst
injured. There is almost no impact or weight bearing. Sport specific
movements can be replicated in water and specialised underwater fitness
equipment can also be used like treadmills.
Sports massage- will help to relax the muscles and connective tissues and
stop them from becoming tight. It will promote faster recovery and can
relieve the symptoms of DOMS.
Proprioceptive retraining- Information about our
balance and state of muscle contraction comes from
proprioceptors (such as the muscle spindles and the
Golgi tendon organ). After injury the sense of
proprioception may be impaired and needs to be
retrained through exercises like wobble boards,
trampette work and balances.
Technology and Sports Recovery
Hyperbaric chambers- will deliver oxygen at 100% concentration at high
pressure. It will boost white blood cell count to fight infection and will reduce
blood flow to injured areas to reduce swelling. It can stimulate air pressure at
Oxygen tents- will provide a high pressure oxygen environment, useful for
endurance athletes by providing an oxygen rich environment. This will
increase VO2 max and will recover from injury quicker. There
is mixed results for the effectiveness of oxygen tents.
Hypoxic tents – an enclosed living space which stimulates low
oxygen environment. It will stimulate more Red blood cells,
more haemoglobin and the body’s oxygen carrying facilities.
This will enhance V02 max, more oxygen is available for the working muscles
and will benefit endurance performers. It can be used as an alternative to
altitude training.
Cryotherapy- the use of general or local cold
treatment for injury. Ice baths are used for pre and
post-match recovery in contact sports. They can be
used to restrict blood flow in injured areas
(vasoconstriction) and reduce swelling to promote