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By Kira Smith
• This is Athens the capital city of Greece. In
Athens the most important thing was music
and art, but in the enemy city of Sparta the
most important thing was war!
The name for the Marathon running race comes from the legend
of Pheidippides who was a Greek runner, sent from the town of
Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been
defeated in the Battle of Marathon. It is said that he ran the
whole distance without stopping, but moments after delivering
the good news to the city, he collapsed from exhaustion!
• Life in ancient Sparta was different to any other of the ancient
Greek city's. The Spartans were proud, fierce, capable warriors. No
great works of art came from Sparta. But the Spartans, both men
and women, were tough, and the Greeks admired strength.
• Sparta's government was an oligarchy. The people were ruled by a
small group of warriors. The Spartans spoke Greek, wrote Greek,
thought of themselves as Greeks, but they were different.
• In most of the other Greek city-states, the goal of education was to
create a strong citizen of that city. In Sparta, the goal of education
was to make a strong warrior.
In 490 BC the Persians decided to invade
all of Greece. The Greeks and Persians
fought a great sea battle at Salamis.
Fun facts:
*Army wagons carried shovels, axes
and grain for food.
*In battle orders were given by
blowing horns and trumpets.
*The Spartans didn’t join the Greeks
because they were having a religious
The Olympic games started
over 2,700 years ago in
Olympia, in South West Greece.
People from all over the Greek world came to
watch and take part.
God of light & the sun, the arts, music &
poetry, healing & medicine
The Titan who held heaven on his
The God of love
The God of the dead
The ruler of all the Gods
Persephone -
Goddess of love
Goddess of wisdom
Goddess of youth (daughter of
Zeus & Hera)
Goddess of marriage & women
(Zeus’s wife)
Goddess of the underworld
• Centaur - half man half horse. He had the legs and behind of
a horse and the body and head of a man.
• Chimera - a fire-breathing female creature, made of the parts
of lots of animals: the body of a lioness with a tail that ended
in a snake's head, the head of a goat coming out of her back in
the middle of her spine
• Medusa – she had snakes for hair and those who looked at
her face would be turned to stone
• Minotaur - was a creature with the head of a bull on the body
of a man
These two girls are playing knucklebones
You probably wouldn’t believe this
But this is a rattle made of clay
• On this vase the Greek's are picking olives for
them to eat.
• The Greek's use olives to make olive oil
A Greek theatre would usually have 15,000 seats. At
the front there were seats
which had a back to them because the important
people sat there.
The seats were made from rock
people brought their own pillow to sit on.
Greek quiz!!!!
1) Which one of these are not a Greek city?
Athens B) Troy C) Glasgow
2) What colours are on the Greek flag?
A) Blue & White B) Red & White C) Green & White
3)What are Greek vases made from?
Copper B) Clay C) Wood
4) What did Greek children use to count?
A) Calculator B) Abacus
5) What was not an Olympic sport?
A) Running B) Jumping C) Skating
6) What material were Greek homes made out of?
A) Mud-brick B) Olives C) Wood
1) Glasgow
2) Blue & White
3) Clay
4) Abacus
5) Skating
6) Mud-brick