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Atomic Structure and Quantum Theory
Photoelectric Effect
Atomic Spectra
Quantum Interpretation of the Atom
Philosophical Discourse
Aside – Planck and Blackbodies
• No one could explain
blackbody curves
• Planck proposed that
the energy is not
continuous but rather
quantized… quantum
mechanics was born
Quantum Theory
E = hν
• Energy can only
exist in discrete
chunks or
quantities known
as quanta!
The Photoelectric Effect
• A photon collides
with an electron
and knocks it off to
create a steady
stream of electrons
Bohr ties it all together
• The transition from
one orbit to another
causes the emission
or absorption of EM
radiation (light)…
How does Energy behave?
Planck and Blackbody Radiation
Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect
E = hν
Make up your Mind!
• Wave-Particle Duality
• Light is a wave that acts like a particle
• Electrons are particles that act like waves