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1. What shaped the economic, social, and political
development of Greek civilization?
1. the physical geography of the
Aegean Basin
2. What allowed Greek culture to spread across the
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea?
2. trade and colonization
3. What is term for Greek culture?
3. Hellenic
4. Where did Greek civilization arise?
4. Aegean Sea
5. Where did the Minoan civilization begin?
5. on the island of Crete
6. What is another name for the Balkan
6. Greek Peninsula
7. What was included in the territory of the Greeks?
7. land in Europe and Asia
8. What was most important sea to all of
Greek civilizations’ vast trade networks?
8. Mediterranean Sea
9. What did the area east of the Greek civilization
9. Black Sea and Dardanelles
10. What were the two main Greek city states?
10. Athens and Sparta
11. What was the name of the area north of Greece that
was home to Phillip II and Alexander?
11. Macedonia
12. What resulted from Greece’s mountainous terrain?
12. independent city-states
outdoor life, trade, markets
13. Why did the Greeks colonize areas beyond their
13. overpopulation and lack of arable
14. What type of religion was mythology?
14. polytheism
15. What heavily influenced Greek culture, politics, and art?
15. mythology
16. Many of Western Civilizations symbols, metaphors,
words, and idealized images come from Ancient Greek
16. mythology
17. Who were the major Greek deities?
17. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis,
Athena, Aphrodite
18. What was the significance of Mount Olympus to
the Greeks?
18. home of deities (gods/goddesses)
19. What did each deity do?
19. Athena = wisdom and womanly arts
Aphrodite = love and beauty
Apollo = sun and poety
Artemis = the hunt and light
Zeus = king of the gods
Hera = Zeus’ wife, queen of gods
20. What type of government developed in classical
Athens that became a foundation for other areas?
20. democracy
21. What is the term for a Greek city-state?
21. polis
22. What is the term for the elevated portion of a
Greek city-state?
22. acropolis
23. In Greek political culture, who was considered a citizen?
23. free adult males
24. Greek citizens held political rights and also had
the responsibility of
24. civic participation
25. In Greece women, foreigners, and slaves had
25. no political rights
26. Whose alphabet was modified by the Greeks to
provide a foundation for today’s alphabet?
26. Phoenician
27. What was the original purpose of the Olympic
Games in Ancient Greece?
27. to honor gods
28. What is the term for rule by a person who inherits
the power to rule? This was also the first type of
government in Ancient Greece.
28. monarchy
29. What is the term for rule by a group of land-owning
29. aristocracy
30. In Ancient Greece, what type of government was
led by a ruler who illegally took power but had the support
of the people?
30. tyranny
31. What type of government existed in Sparta that
included rule by a small, militaristic group?
31. oligarchy
32. What is the correct order of the progression of
Greek government in Athens?
32. First Monarchy, second aristocracy,
third tyranny, fourth democracy
33. What type of government gives citizens the
right to vote?
33. democracy
34. Which two Greek tyrants worked to create
reforms that helped the people?
34. Draco and Solon
35. What type of government included direct political
participation, public debate, civic duties, citizenship,
and voting?
35. Democracy
36. Who is noted for establishing the first harsh
code of laws in Athens?
36. Draco
37. Sparta and Athens shared the Olympic Games,
a common language, and
37. mythology
38. Which Greek city-state included hoplites, oligarchy,
a rigid social structure, militarism, communal living,
and restrictions on freedom?
38. Sparta
39. Which conflict occurred Sparta and Athens versus
Darious and Xerxes?
39. Persian Wars
40. What contributed to the cause of the
Peloponnesian War?
40. competition between Sparta & Athens
41. What resulted from the tensions that arose
between the Delian League and the
Peloponnesian League?
41. Peloponnesian War
42. What led to the slowing of Greek cultural
advances and the weakening of political power?
42. Peloponnesian War
43. Whose culture became the foundation for Western
civilization during the Classic Era?
43. Athenian
44. What were the major characteristics of the
Golden Age of Pericles during the Hellenic Era?
44. colonies, democracy, Parthenon, coins
45. What term was first used by the Greeks to describe
the standard or ideal form?
45. classic
46. Which ruler is noted for extending democracy to
include most adult males, rebuilding the Parthenon
after the Persian Wars, and supporting the flowering
of Greek culture?
46. Pericles
47. What is an appropriate category for Aeschylus,
Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes?
47. Drama
48. Which Greek is credited with creating the epic stories
about the Trojan War in the Iliad and the Odyssey?
48. Homer
49. Herodotus and Thucydides were important Greek
49. Historians
50. Phidias created realistic
50. sculptures
51. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were Greek
51. philosophers
52. Greek mathematics evolved with the work of
52. Euclid and Pythagoras
53. What type of plays dramatized human suffering
and often ended in disaster?
53. tragedies
54. What type of plays made fun of people, the
government, and customs?
54. comedies
55. Who is known as the Father of History because
he sought to record and publish factual information?
55. Herodotus
56. Who is known as the Father of Medicine based on
his medical knowledge and code of ethics for doctors?
56. Hippocrates
57. Whose formula is still used today to calculate the
relationship between the sides of a right triangle?
57. Pythagoras
58. Who used a questioning dialogue to seek knowledge
and examine all aspects of life, and was sentenced to
death for his actions and beliefs?
58. Socrates
59. Which Greek philosopher established a school called
the Academy, wrote the Republic about an ideal society,
and taught Aristotle?
59. Plato
60. Which Greek philosopher tutored Alexander the Great,
created the Lyceum, and focused on a logical study
of everything?
60 Aristotle
61. Who was the most famous Hellenistic scientist, and
he provided the foundation for modern physics?
61. Archimedes
62. Euclid wrote the Elements and was also known as
the Father of
62. Geometry
63. “The unexamined life is not worth living” expresses
the philosophy of
63. Socrates
64. In Greek architecture what type of form was used to
support a building?
64. Column
65. Doric, Ionian, and Corinthian are names of Greek
65. columns
66. Which Greek structure is depicted in the picture?
66. Parthenon
67. What resulted from the weakening of Greek defenses
during the Peloponnesian Wars?
67. Macedonian invasion
68. How did the empire of Alexander the Great establish
a basis for the spread of Greek and Hellenistic culture?
68. blended Greek and Asian
cultures through trade
69. Which large empire was conquered by Alexander
that allowed his empire to spread to the Indus River?
69. Persia