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This paper not to be cited withou t prior refernc e to the authors Intern ationa l counci l for C.M .. l984/G en:l5 the Explor ation of the sea Mini-Sy mposium CLIMATIC VARIATIONS IN THE BARENTS SEA DURING THE 1970'S . by Harald Loeng and Lars Midttu n Institu te of Marine Researc h Bergen , Norway 2 ~· Recently three small reports were presented by members of the viz: Midttun, Nakken and Institute of Marine research Raknes (1981), Loeng, Nakken and Raknes (1983) and s~tersdal and Loeng {1934) all describing biological reactions to climatic variations in the Barets Sea. The biological reactions in the two larger fish stocks of the area, the Arctic Cod and the Barents Sea Cape1in. It is of considerable interest to study the nature of the biological reaction were and equally important is it to try to understand the mechanisms causing the climatic variations. The latter is however beyond the scope of this paper which is merely proc~sses, of climatic variations observed in the Barents Sea in the period 1970-1983. The paper may be seen to the two papers dealing with some as an biological variables observed in Capelin (Gj~s~ter and Loeng just a 1984) and Cod (Nakken and Raknes 1984) during recent years. in the Barents Sea. 2. Climat The Barents Sea is in the north and east covered with Arctic water masses, where ice is formed in winter and melts again during the surruner season~ In the south and west the inflowing Norwegian Coastal Current and the Barents Sea branch of the Atlantic Current form the Sub-Arctic water masses bordered (Fig. l) The climatic from the Arctic area by the Polar Front conditions in the Barents Sea are therefore determined both by effects from variation in the inflow from the west and by processes place in the sea itself. Several authors have studied the climatic conditions of the Barents Sea, among others He11and-Hans en and Nansen (1909), Lee (1963), Kislyakov (1964), Midttun (19691, Dickson, Midttun and Mukhin (1981), (1970)Q Buchkov (1976) (1983 1984) r B1indhe.im and Loeng Dickson and Blindheim (1984). - 3 - I ...~r--- 11 I I l / /- // STDR Bk I / )f I I t I I I / ;/ ~ I I / I I I I l I I ~ I I 1 / I t \ I \ I I / \ \ / / I, \ I I \ I " \ \ \ \ \ I t I t : I I I I / I I I I f / I 68° so I 10° ,ig. 1. 15° ' 20° 50° Location of the four sections A, B, K, and C seen in relation to the circulatio n pattern of the Barents Sea.----> : Atlantic water, - - - -> : Arctic water, ••••••> : Coastal water. The polar front is indicated by a broken line. A general conclusi on is that the climatic conditio ns of the Barents Sea depend mainly on the activity and property in the inflowin g water from the west. Climatic variatio ns can therefor e be recorded in the sections crossing the inflowin g water masses. 3. Variatio ns in standard sections The location s of the standard sections dealt with below are shown in Fig 1. The three sections A, B, and C have been observed by Norwegia n reserach vessels since the early 1950's, ar observa tions have been taken in since 1953. From 1977 the sections but at late (1981), (section A: 6 times, section B: Blindhei rn and Loeng s yearly) Loeng (1984) have studied the in and salinity in the three sections , ions of the sections containi ng the are more 4 the) Se reflecti ng the Atlantic influenc e. sal shows the location of the famous of the two neriods 1906-20 and Kola. are recorded back to 1900 for the depth layer 0-200 m between been made availab le to the Institut e 1941-44 , 70°30 N clrtd the Knipowic h Polar Research s and Oceanog- raphy, Murmans k. (1981} have calculat ed monthly of Mar:'ine Insti tt:li:e Midttun for the periods 1921-198 0 and mean values have been calculat ed for up to 1983. The complete series 60 anomali the whole in a paper by of artoma1 S~tersdal and Loeng crossing the eastward flowing current ·tempera ture, therefor e t.he Kola (1984) " at exactly the same waterma sses as the . But as is shown below, seed: ion in all the series. 1970 - 1983. 4. Var Ficr 2. and salinity variatio ns in shows the~three Norweqia n sections A, B and C and the correspo nding tempera ture the Kola The curves in late , the latter taken from Anon. (1983). mean values in the layer 50-200 m, observed each vear. The 9al A, B C ini imilar trends in all the three secti.ons is gradual ly decreasi ng from 127Q until 5 S%o 35.2 35.1 35.0 34.8 Fig. 2. Tempera ture (left) and salinity (right) of the 50-200 m layer in the three sections A, B, C and tempera ture in 50-200 m in the Kola section. August-S eptembe r, 1970-198 3. 1978-19 79 when values are observ ed. Later on the salini ties are genera lly increas ing up to normal values in 1983. The variati ons are greate st Ln the east (sectio n CJ where the standa rd deviati on for the perLod 1964-19 83 is 0.07 compar ed to 0.05 in the west (sectio n A) e Also the temper ature curves show parall ell trends , most pronounce d is the cold period 1977-1 981, which in the Kola section is the longes t period with negativ e anomal ies observ ed after 1920s The curves of Fige 2 are all based on only one observ ation per year and may therefo re be encumb ered with accide ntal short term variati onss Since 1977 the section s A, B and C have been more freque ntly observ ed In order to elimin ate the season al change s anomal ies have been calcula ted for the period 19771983. (Fig 3-5)_0 The thres curve sets show the same trends in the climat ic variati ons as was describ ed aboveo The salinit y was decrea sing - 6 -· t.12.lLL 7B 1 79 1s 80 1 B1 j__Jg_j_fu 0.15 0.1 1\/\ .}\f !\! vv" 0 '<!- Vl <l Fig. 3. Anomalies in temperature (left) and salinity (right) in the depth layer 50-200 m in section A (71°30' - 73°30'N)in the period 1977-83. ti9771 78 I 82 79 1 80 1 81 1 82 1 83 1 1 1 83 I 1.5 1.0 rv 05\ u 0 +<! 0 -0.5 0.10 t·'\ . .I ~ I' I \A I I ·v I'JI' I \! . IA / 0.05 j\1 0 0~ Vl <l 0 / -0.05 -1.0 -0.10 -1.5 -0.15 Fig. 4. Anomalies in t.emperature (left) and salinity (right) in the depth layer 50-200 m in section B (72°15' - 74°15'N)in the period 1977-83. - 7 - t19771 78 1 5~ 1.0 1 79 1 80 81 L1277 I 82 I 83 I 78 1 0.15 I 0.10 os 0.05 79 80 1 81 82 83 '\ \ 0 ~ L.J ~ V1 <J <J 0 -0.5 -0.05 -10 -0.10 -1.5 -0.15 Fig. 5. Anomalies in temperature (left) and salinity (right) in the depth layer 50-200 m in section C (71°15' - 72°45'N) in the period 1977-83. 1.0 10 I I I I I I I / ¥ 0.5 I I I n 1"11 w z ..._ <J ~ X -0.5 -5 -1.0 -10 -1.5 \ I I -15 \~ Fig. 6. Temperature anomalies of the 0-200 m layer in the Kola section (continuous line) together with the ice index (broken line) . - 8 - in the beginning of this period until lowest value in 1978-1979. Later on the salinity have been increasing. There seems to be a lag in the alteration from west to east as would be expected. The relative high salinity value in section C observed in August 1981 is difficult to explain. The temperature curves as well have similar trends. The lowest values were observed in 1978-1979, some warming through 1980, but again lower values in 1981. Since early 1982 the temperature has generally been increasing~ The best description of the climatic variations in the period 1970-1983 is presented in Fig. 6 which shows the temperature anomalies observed in the Kola section (section K) . The normal in the 0-200 m layer are monthly means for the period 1921-1980 In the same figure is also indicated the variation in the ice coverage in the Barents Sea taken from s~tersdal and Loeng (1984). s. Concluding remarks. Large variations have been observed in the climatic conditions in the Barents Sea during the 1970's. The second half of the decade was characterized by low temperature, low salinity anq large ice coverage. Through the beginning of the 1980's temperature and salinity are generally increasing and the ice coverage becomes smaller. The climatic variations are mainly determined by variation in the Atlantic inflow to the Barents Sea. - 9 - Refere nces Anon. 1983 Prelim inary repor t of the Intern ationa l 0-grou p fish survey in the Baren ts Sea and adjace nt waters in Augus t-Sept ember 1983. Coun. Meet. Int Coun. Explo r. Sea, 1983 (G 35): 1-27. (Mimeo .) Blindh eim, J. and Loeng , H 1981. On the varia bility of Atlan tic influe nces in the Norwe gian and Baren ts Seas Fisk. biro Skr. Ser. HavUn ders. 17: 161-18 9. Buchk ov, Yu.A. 1976. On the effec t of solar activ ity of variou s perio dicity on the terma l regime of the Barets Sea. Coun Meet. Int. Coun. Explo r. Sea, 1976. (C 2) :l-19. (Mimeo .) Dickso n, R.,Mi dttun, L. and Mukhi n, A. 1970. The hydro graphi c condi tions in the Baren ts Sea in Augus t-Sept ember 1965-1 968 in Drage sund, 0. (Ed.) Intern ationa l 0-grou p survey in the Baren ts Sea 1965-1 968. ICES Coope rativ Resea rch Repor t A (18). Dickso n, R. and Blindh eim, J. 1984. On the abnorm al hydro graph ic condi tions in the Europe an Arctic during the 1970' s. Jens Smed Volum e, Rapoo rts et p~oces-Verbeaux. (In press ). Hellan d-Han sen, B and Nanse n, F. 1909. The Norwe gian Sea. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. HavUn ders. 2 (2): 1-360 . Kislya kov, A.G. 1964. Horiz ontal circu lation of water on the Water shed of the Norwe gian and Baren ts Sea. Trudy polya r. nauch no-iss led. Inst. morsk . ryb. khoz. Okean ogr 16 : 215-22 5. (In russia nJ . Lee, A. 1963. The hydrog raphy of the Europ ean Arctic and Subar ctic Seas. Ocean ogr. Mar.!!! _ Biol. , 1: 47-76. - 10 - Loeng, H. 1983 Climatic variations in three hydrographic sections in the Barets Sea during the period 1977-1982 Fisken Hav. 1983 (3) : 5-21. (In Norwegian, abstract in English) . Loeng, H. 1984. The climate in the Barets Sea in 1983. Fisken Hav. 1984 (1): 9-15. (In Norwegian, abstract in English) . Loeng, H , Nakken, 0. and Raknes, A. 1983. The distribution of capelin in the Barents Sea in relation to the water temperature in the period 1974-1982, Fisken Hav., 198~ (1): 1-17 (In Norwegian, abstract in English o) Midttun, L. 1969. Variability of temnerature and salinity at some localities off the coast of Norway. Prog Oceanogr. 5: 41-54. Midttun, L. Nakken, o. and Raknes, A. 1981. Variations in the geographical distribution of cod in the Barents If Sea in the period 1977-1981. Fisken Hav., 1981 (4): 1-16 (In Norwegian, abstract in English.) S~tersdal, G. and Loeng H. 1984. Ecological adaption of reproduction in Arctic Cod. P. 13-35 in God~, O.R. and Tilseth, S. ed. Proc. of the Soviet-Norwegian Symp Re?roduction and Recruiternent of Arctic Cod, Leningrad, 26-30. September 1983. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen 1984.