... Substantial progress has been achieved in identifying the major cruises of the past 25 years. The Department of Geology, University College Dublin has been involved in a large number of the recent cruises and much of the data is available in-house. Information was also obtained from the Geological S ...
... Substantial progress has been achieved in identifying the major cruises of the past 25 years. The Department of Geology, University College Dublin has been involved in a large number of the recent cruises and much of the data is available in-house. Information was also obtained from the Geological S ...
International Conference on Rapid Sea Level Change: a Caspian
... The Caspian Sea is a laboratory for sea level change. Between 1929 and 1977 Caspian sea level fell three metres, and between 1977 and 1995 it rose again by 3 metres at a rate of 13 cm a year, a hundred times faster than sea-level rise in the oceans during the 20th century. Rapid sea level change is ...
... The Caspian Sea is a laboratory for sea level change. Between 1929 and 1977 Caspian sea level fell three metres, and between 1977 and 1995 it rose again by 3 metres at a rate of 13 cm a year, a hundred times faster than sea-level rise in the oceans during the 20th century. Rapid sea level change is ...
Adriatic Sea: Ecology
... Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Italy). This project has been ongoing since 1999 with funding from MIPAAF and EC- DGMARE (http://www.faoadriamed.org/); ADRIPLAN: Funded by the EU, this initiative is aimed at refining and providing recommendations and guidelines on maritime spatial planning in North ...
... Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Italy). This project has been ongoing since 1999 with funding from MIPAAF and EC- DGMARE (http://www.faoadriamed.org/); ADRIPLAN: Funded by the EU, this initiative is aimed at refining and providing recommendations and guidelines on maritime spatial planning in North ...
Black$Sea$Checkpoint$$ Literature$Survey
... “Data Adequacy” assessment, based upon the ISO and ISPIRE international standards and adapted to the Checkpoint needs. The framework consists of three main components: 1) collection of the metadata information about the input data sets required by the Challenges; 2) definition of the assessment crit ...
... “Data Adequacy” assessment, based upon the ISO and ISPIRE international standards and adapted to the Checkpoint needs. The framework consists of three main components: 1) collection of the metadata information about the input data sets required by the Challenges; 2) definition of the assessment crit ...
IOC/BSRC Workshop on Black Sea Fluxes, Istanbul, Turkey, 10
... Thus, the research of the suspended matter fluxes can initiate a new trend (i.e., 4D oceanology) in oceanographic studies, involving marine geology, biology, chemistry and ocean physics. A system of such stations established within a certain basin would ensure the acquisition of a complete and relia ...
... Thus, the research of the suspended matter fluxes can initiate a new trend (i.e., 4D oceanology) in oceanographic studies, involving marine geology, biology, chemistry and ocean physics. A system of such stations established within a certain basin would ensure the acquisition of a complete and relia ...
Sea Lice Monitoring and Non
... both wild and farmed, and uniquely the threespine stickleback in the Pacific. Both Caligus species are parasitic on a range of non-salmonid and salmonid marine species including farmed and wild salmon. Caligus spp. are known to parasitize a wider range of fish species than L. salmonis. The copepodid ...
... both wild and farmed, and uniquely the threespine stickleback in the Pacific. Both Caligus species are parasitic on a range of non-salmonid and salmonid marine species including farmed and wild salmon. Caligus spp. are known to parasitize a wider range of fish species than L. salmonis. The copepodid ...
Simulation of the mantle and crustal helium isotope
... following years in the Gulf of Lion was satisfactorily captured as well. However, some aspects of the model still need to be improved: in the eastern basin, tritium/helium-3 simulations have highlighted the too-weak formation of Adriatic Deep Water (AdDW), followed by a weak contribution to the East ...
... following years in the Gulf of Lion was satisfactorily captured as well. However, some aspects of the model still need to be improved: in the eastern basin, tritium/helium-3 simulations have highlighted the too-weak formation of Adriatic Deep Water (AdDW), followed by a weak contribution to the East ...
Strategic Research Agenda for the Black Sea Basin - SEAS-ERA
... One of the important outputs of the Black Sea WP of SEAS-ERA Project in to develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for the Black Sea. This document is the output of a long process which includes consultations with the partner institutions, regional experts and two Strategic Analysis Workshops. Thi ...
... One of the important outputs of the Black Sea WP of SEAS-ERA Project in to develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for the Black Sea. This document is the output of a long process which includes consultations with the partner institutions, regional experts and two Strategic Analysis Workshops. Thi ...
Where are the polyps? Molecular identification, distribution
... life stage (Duarte et al. 2012). For example, the introduction of a single 48 × 6 m pier caused an estimated 4.3-fold increase in the number of immature jellyfish (ephyrae) exported from a fishing port on the Inland Sea of Japan (Makabe et al. 2014). Many scyphozoan jellyfish species have a life cyc ...
... life stage (Duarte et al. 2012). For example, the introduction of a single 48 × 6 m pier caused an estimated 4.3-fold increase in the number of immature jellyfish (ephyrae) exported from a fishing port on the Inland Sea of Japan (Makabe et al. 2014). Many scyphozoan jellyfish species have a life cyc ...
annexes - Common Wadden Sea Secretariat
... starting point for all communication and stakeholder cooperation in particular in a socioeconomic context. A number of new, high-quality World Heritage products have been developed since 2009 which are used transnationally and are highly appreciated by local and regional stakeholders to consistently ...
... starting point for all communication and stakeholder cooperation in particular in a socioeconomic context. A number of new, high-quality World Heritage products have been developed since 2009 which are used transnationally and are highly appreciated by local and regional stakeholders to consistently ...
Management Plan for the Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) in Canada Sea
... Sea Otters are sexually dimorphic, although differences are not readily discernible at a distance. Adult males are slightly larger and can reach weights of 46kg and total lengths of 148cm, whereas adult females can grow to 36kg and reach lengths of 140cm. Fur colour in adults varies in shades of bro ...
... Sea Otters are sexually dimorphic, although differences are not readily discernible at a distance. Adult males are slightly larger and can reach weights of 46kg and total lengths of 148cm, whereas adult females can grow to 36kg and reach lengths of 140cm. Fur colour in adults varies in shades of bro ...
Progress in Seto Inland Sea Research
... Sea, converting the values obtained by other researchers into values under the same definition. Furthermore, Imasato et al. (1980) and Awaji et al. (1980) revealed that the Stokes Drift due to large gradients of amplitude and phase difference of tidal current around the straits plays an important ro ...
... Sea, converting the values obtained by other researchers into values under the same definition. Furthermore, Imasato et al. (1980) and Awaji et al. (1980) revealed that the Stokes Drift due to large gradients of amplitude and phase difference of tidal current around the straits plays an important ro ...
Primary production in the Yellow Sea determined by ocean color
... Algorithms also require information not accessible by remote sensing, such as the vertical distribution of phytoplankton biomass and photosynthetic parameters. To handle non-uniformity of phytoplankton biomass in thermally stratified waters, it has been customary to relate the remotely sensed chloro ...
... Algorithms also require information not accessible by remote sensing, such as the vertical distribution of phytoplankton biomass and photosynthetic parameters. To handle non-uniformity of phytoplankton biomass in thermally stratified waters, it has been customary to relate the remotely sensed chloro ...
The Law of the Sea Crisis - St. John`s Law Scholarship Repository
... oceans in 1949 as one of its first activities. 10 I was asked by that international body to collect the first laws about the new regulations that dealt with regions of the seas that extended beyond 3 miles, such as those relating to contiguous zones and continental shelves.11 By 1956, the Internatio ...
... oceans in 1949 as one of its first activities. 10 I was asked by that international body to collect the first laws about the new regulations that dealt with regions of the seas that extended beyond 3 miles, such as those relating to contiguous zones and continental shelves.11 By 1956, the Internatio ...
Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam
... a complicated depositional history and consists of two units, an upper succession of internally reflective beds, and a lower sequence of more weakly reflecting strata (Fig.6, 7 and 8). Except beneath the sloping flanks of Bering and Bristol Canyons, the two units are generally conformable. Strata of ...
... a complicated depositional history and consists of two units, an upper succession of internally reflective beds, and a lower sequence of more weakly reflecting strata (Fig.6, 7 and 8). Except beneath the sloping flanks of Bering and Bristol Canyons, the two units are generally conformable. Strata of ...
Major issues in the management of enclosed or semi
... The countries of the Caribbean have economies that are very open. This factor, in additio n to their geographical location between the continents of North and South America, has contributed to the growth of many large ports in the region. The massive trans-shipment ports in Kingston, Jamaica, and in ...
... The countries of the Caribbean have economies that are very open. This factor, in additio n to their geographical location between the continents of North and South America, has contributed to the growth of many large ports in the region. The massive trans-shipment ports in Kingston, Jamaica, and in ...
Georgakas D. Konstantinos
... calcite scales. (Calcite is a carbonate mineral often found in limestone chalk.). Blooms of coccolithophores are common in these waters in southern hemisphere's spring and summer. Diatoms also form part of the mix of phytoplankton during this period. (d). It is not always possible to identify the ty ...
... calcite scales. (Calcite is a carbonate mineral often found in limestone chalk.). Blooms of coccolithophores are common in these waters in southern hemisphere's spring and summer. Diatoms also form part of the mix of phytoplankton during this period. (d). It is not always possible to identify the ty ...
Phanerozoic environments of black shale deposition
... been amply demonstrated in the literature that black shales are much more varied than often assumed, and that casual inspection of hand samples is in most cases insufficient to determine the physical processes that led to their formation (Rine and Ginsburg, 1985; Macquaker et al., 2007, 2010; Schieb ...
... been amply demonstrated in the literature that black shales are much more varied than often assumed, and that casual inspection of hand samples is in most cases insufficient to determine the physical processes that led to their formation (Rine and Ginsburg, 1985; Macquaker et al., 2007, 2010; Schieb ...
Use of Baltic Sea modelling to investigate the water cycle and the
... studies of water and heat cycles have a long tradition in the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, which thereby provides an excellent region for climate studies. The Baltic drainage basin, with a total area of about 1.7 × 106 km2, can be used as a huge rain gauge or test site for climate modelling ...
... studies of water and heat cycles have a long tradition in the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, which thereby provides an excellent region for climate studies. The Baltic drainage basin, with a total area of about 1.7 × 106 km2, can be used as a huge rain gauge or test site for climate modelling ...
NGU Report 2006.067 Sediment composition and heavy
... and 2004 have been analysed for grain size distribution, TOC, carbonate content, clay mineralogy, main elements and trace elements, including heavy metals. This report gives the analytical results for the 0 – 1 cm sediment samples. The 73 sampled locations cover different depositional settings, incl ...
... and 2004 have been analysed for grain size distribution, TOC, carbonate content, clay mineralogy, main elements and trace elements, including heavy metals. This report gives the analytical results for the 0 – 1 cm sediment samples. The 73 sampled locations cover different depositional settings, incl ...
Relationships between dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface
... and Stabeno, 1997). This water mass mixes with the AW in the north, where productivity is relatively low (Maynard and Clark, 1987; Hansell et al., 1993). In the Chukchi Sea, surface waters result from the mixing of Arctic waters with a subpolar component originating from the Bering Sea. As a consequ ...
... and Stabeno, 1997). This water mass mixes with the AW in the north, where productivity is relatively low (Maynard and Clark, 1987; Hansell et al., 1993). In the Chukchi Sea, surface waters result from the mixing of Arctic waters with a subpolar component originating from the Bering Sea. As a consequ ...
The annual cycle of surface CO2 and O2 in the Ross Sea
... In the last decade the Ross Sea region has been extensively studied which has lead to a rapid increase in our understanding of the annual variability of inorganic carbon and nutrients (Gordon et al., 2000; Sweeney et al., 2000a; Sweeney et al., 2000b). In particular, the Ross Sea has been noted for ...
... In the last decade the Ross Sea region has been extensively studied which has lead to a rapid increase in our understanding of the annual variability of inorganic carbon and nutrients (Gordon et al., 2000; Sweeney et al., 2000a; Sweeney et al., 2000b). In particular, the Ross Sea has been noted for ...
Contribution of the Black Sea observing system to ECOOP
... chlorophyll-a concentration and other parameters. However, the experience shows that the standard NASA products often have rather low accuracy for the Black Sea region. Careful analysis of the sea color data was carried out to understand how to increase the reliability of the retrieved information. ...
... chlorophyll-a concentration and other parameters. However, the experience shows that the standard NASA products often have rather low accuracy for the Black Sea region. Careful analysis of the sea color data was carried out to understand how to increase the reliability of the retrieved information. ...
The record 2013 Southern Hemisphere sea
... numerous other records were also set (Table 1). Monthly extent trends for 1979–2013 are positive throughout the year at rates ranging from 0.8% (August and November) to 3.9% (February), with all except January having a significance level of >95%. High variability dominates the trend for the austral ...
... numerous other records were also set (Table 1). Monthly extent trends for 1979–2013 are positive throughout the year at rates ranging from 0.8% (August and November) to 3.9% (February), with all except January having a significance level of >95%. High variability dominates the trend for the austral ...
North Atlantic and North Sea Climate Change
... The strength of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) (based on sea-surface elevation slopes derived from altimeter data) is correlated with westerly winds (based on North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO] Index data over a nine year period [1992^2002] with 108 monthly values). The data time window includes the ...
... The strength of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) (based on sea-surface elevation slopes derived from altimeter data) is correlated with westerly winds (based on North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO] Index data over a nine year period [1992^2002] with 108 monthly values). The data time window includes the ...