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Cell Boundaries
All cells are surrounded by a thin barrier
called the cell membrane.
Many cells also have a strong supporting layer
around that membrane called the cell wall.
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Cell Membrane
 Cell membranes regulate what enters & leaves
a cell.
 They also aid in protection & support.
 Nearly all cell membranes are a flexible,
double layered sheet
called a lipid bilayer.
P. 184, fig. 7-15
Along w/ lipids,
the cell membrane
also has proteins &
embedded in it.
The lipid bilayer is
often called a mosaic,
b/c it is
made up of many
different parts.
The proteins form channels & pumps for
moving materials across the membrane.
The carbohydrates act like ID cards, allowing
individual cells to identify one another.
Cell Walls (CW’s)
• Found in:
– Plants
– Algae (Protists)
– Fungi
– Many prokaryotes
(not all)
• CW’s lie outside the
cell membrane.
• Most cell walls allow certain substances to
pass through.
• Such as:
– H20
– CO2
– O2
Main function is to support & protect the cell.
• Most Cell Walls
are made of fibers
of carbohydrate &
Plant CW’s are made of cellulose.
Cellulose is a tough carbohydrate fiber.
The fiber in your diet.
Diffusion Through Cell Boundaries
The movement of molecules from one side of
the cell membrane to the other.
Measuring Concentration
• Recall what a solution is.
– What’s a solute?
– What’s a solvent?
• Concentration –the mass of solute in a given
volume of solution, or mass/volume.
• Lets figure concentration of a solution.
– If you dissolved 12g of salt in 3L of water, the
concentration would be: 12g/3L = 4 g/L
• Diffusion –process of molecules moving from an
area of high concentration to an area of low
– Equilibrium –when the concentration of a solute is the
same throughout a solution.
What does diffusion have to do w/ a cell membrane?
P. 184, fig. 7-14
Diffusion requires no E output by the cell.
It’s free!
Diffusion will continue until equilibrium is reached
• Biological membranes are selectively permeable.
– Some substances can pass & some can’t.
• Water passes very easily.
• However, many solutes can’t.
• Osmosis –the diffusion of water through a selectively
permeable membrane.
How Osmosis Works
• H2O moves from an area of high H2O
concentration to an area of low H2O
• Water moves across the membrane until EQ is
Section 7-3
3 types of Osmotic Solutions:
P. 186, fig. 7-16
 Isotonic
– Concentrations are equal on both sides of the membrane.
– Normal looking cells
 Hypertonic
– Solution outside the cell has a higher solute concentration than the
inside of the cell.
– Water leaves the cell.
Cells shrink
 Hypotonic
– Solution has a lower solute concentration than the cell.
– Water enters the cell.
– Cells swell
Plant Cells
Plant Cells
Red Blood Cells
Osmotic Pressure
• Osmosis exerts a pressure known as osmotic
• Osmotic pressure -the pressure exerted by the flow
of water through a semi permeable membrane.
• This can cause serious problems for a cell.
– Cells can swell to the point of bursting.
• Fortunately, animal cells are in a isotonic
solution & don’t come into contact w/ pure
– If they did they would burst.
• Also, plant cells & bacterial cells have cell
walls that prevent the cell from bursting.
Facilitated Diffusion
• Facilitated diffusion –movement of specific
molecules across CM’s via protein channels.
– P. 187, fig. 7-17
• There are hundreds of protein channels that
allow only certain substances to cross
different membranes.
This process does not require E.
It acts just as diffusion.
– It goes from high to low concentrations.
Facilitated Diffusion
Active Transport
When cells move materials against the
concentration gradient, they are using Active
– This process requires E.
Active transport is carried out by transport
proteins or pumps found in the membrane.
Transport of larger molecules
can be done through 2 active
transport processes:
1. Endocytosis
P. 188, fig. 7-18
2. Exocytosis
For each of these
processes, the shape
of the membrane
Endo & Exo
Molecular Transport
Endocytosis –process of taking material into the
cell by infolding or pocketing of the CM.
– This process forms a vacuole in the cell.
– This process works for:
taking in food
larger molecules
other cells
– 2 examples of endocytosis are:
• Phagocytosis – extensions of cytoplasm
surround a particle & package it w/in food
– Amoebas use this method
• Fig. 7-18
• Pinocytosis –the process of taking in liquids
from the surrounding environment.
Many cells also release large amounts of
material from the cell.
This process is called exocytosis.
– The removal of water by a contractile vacuole is an
example of this kind of active transport.
Section 7-4
The Diversity of Cellular Life
Single-celled Organisms
Unicellular orgs. – made of one cell
Unicellular orgs. can:
– grow
– respond to the env.
– reproduce
– transform E
Leptospira bacteria
Star sand
Unicellular orgs. dominate life on Earth.
Volvox aureus
Staphylococcus aureus
Examples p. 190 fig. 7-21
Multicellular Organisms
Multicellular org. - made up of many cells.
Cells are specialized
• Cell Specialization – process in which cells develop in
different ways to perform different tasks.
Red blood cells
Pancreatic cells
Muscle cells
See p. 91, fig. 7-22
Specialized Animal Cells
• Examples of specialized cells in animals:
– Red blood cells
• Transport O2 throughout the body.
– Pancreatic cells
• Produce enzymes that aid in digestion.
• Contain cells specialized for making proteins.
– These cells have numerous ribosomes.
– Muscle cells
• Able to contract & relax, causing movement of our
Where in the human body do you think you would find
cells that are specialized to produce digestive enzymes?
These cells are found in the human trachea. What do you
think they are specialized to do?
Specialized Plant Cells
• Guard cells of the stomata:
– Monitor a plants internal conditions, & makes
changes accordingly.
Tomato leaf stomata
Levels of Organization
The levels of organization in a multicellular org.
are as follows:
Individual Cells
Organ system
 P. 192, fig. 7-22
neurons (nerve cells)  nervous tissue  brain  central nervous system
muscle cell  smooth muscle tissue  stomach  digestive system
Specialized cells play different roles
Tissue – a group of similar cells that perform a specific function
Example: The collection of cells in the pancreas that make proteins.
There are 4 main
types of tissue in
organisms :
• Muscle
• Epithelial
• Nervous
• Connective
• Organs – many groups of tissues working together.
– Each muscle is an organ.
– However, the muscle also contains nervous tissue
& connective tx.
(abbr. = tx)
• Organ system – a group of organs working
together to perform a specific function.
– Digestive system
– Circulatory system
– Reproductive system
– Nervous system
Altogether, organ systems make up the organism.
Body Systems