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AP Psychology List of Movers and Shakers
AP Psychology: Mrs. Caputo
1.Phineas Gage: 1st person to have a frontal lobotomy (by accident), his accident gave
information on the brain and which parts are involved with emotional reasoning
2. Alfred Adler (Psychodynamic- neo-freudian-inferiority/superiorty complexes /social
tensions impact personality) childhood influences personality formation; Studies: Birth Order
3. Gordon W. Allport (Personality: traits theorists-cardinal, central, secondary traits)
4. Solomon Asch (Social –conformity-line experiment-influence of the group over the indiv.)
5. Atkinson and Shiffrin (Memory 3 stages of memory-sensory, working/short term, long
6. Albert Bandura (Behavioralism/Learning- social learning/modeling: Bobo doll study,
7. Aaron Beck (Cognitive Therapy) created Beck Scales-depression inventory, hopelessness
scale, suicidal ideation, anxiety inventory, and youth inventories
8. Alfred Binet (Intelligence/testing)
9. Paul Broca (Brain /aphasias/speech production)
10. Raymond Cattell (Personality and Intelligence/ trait theorist)
11. Noam Chomsky (Language/LAD: language acquisition device)
12. H. Ebbinghaus (Memory: forgetting curve-much 75% of what we learn is lost in the first
few hrs/days)
13. Albert Ellis (Cognitive Therapy: rational emotive: focuses on uncovering irrational beliefs
which may lead to unhealthy negative emotions and replacing them with more productive
rational alternatives)
AP Psychology List of Movers and Shakers
AP Psychology: Mrs. Caputo
14. Erik Erikson (Psychodynamic/ stages of psychosocial development, focused on adolescent
search for identity vs role confusion) Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that
involves confronting "Who am I?"
15. Hans Eysenck (Personality: biological influences/genetics, coined the term the big 3:
psychoticism, extroversion, neuroticism)
16. Sigmund Freud (Psychoanalytic: id, ego, superego, defense mechanism, psychosexual
stages, unconscious, psychoanalysis, transference)
17. Herman Rorschach: developed one of the first projective tests, the Inkblot test which
consists of 10 standardized inkblots where the subject tells a story, the observer then derives
aspects of the personality from the subject's commentary
18. Howard Gardner (Intelligence: multiple intelligences 7-8 types of intelligence not tested on
traditional IQ tests) (logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic,
musical, interpersonal, naturalistic)
19. Carol Gilligan (Developmental) focused on the moral development of women, Kohlberg
only used boys in his studies
20. Harry Harlow (Developmental: monkeys/deprivation)
21. Karen Horney (Psychodynamic: feminist view of Freudian theories) criticized Freud, stated
that personality is molded by current fears and impulses, rather than being determined solely
by childhood experiences and instincts, neurotic trends
22. William James (/Lange) (Emotion)
23. Irving Janis (Social)
24. Carl Jung (Psychodynamic: archetypes, collective unconscious)
25. Lawrence Kohlberg (Developmental: morality/3 stages: pre-conventional, conventional,
post conventional) focuses on moral reasoning rather than overt behavior
AP Psychology List of Movers and Shakers
AP Psychology: Mrs. Caputo
26. Wolfgang Kohler (founded Gestalt psychology)
27. Richard Lazarus (Therapy)
28. Konrad Lorenz (Developmental: animals and attachment: imprinting)
29. Abraham Maslow (Motivation: hierarchy of needs, self actualization, unconditional pos.
30. Stanley Milgram (Social: influence of authority figure/ shock experiment)
31. Ivan Pavlov (Behavioralism/Learning: classical conditioning: dogs)
32. Jean Piaget (Developmental: stages of intellectual growth-object permanence, conservation,
egocentrism) 4 stages: sensori-motor, preo-perational, concrete operational, formal operational)
33. Carl Rogers (Motivation: Humanitic): unconditional positive regard, ppl have unique
potentials, free will
34. Schachter and Singer (Emotion): we experience emotions because of the way we interpret
our physical response/environment. Ekman: universal emotions/facial expression and emotions
are universal across cultures:
35. Hans Seyle (Stress: GAD-general adaptation syndrome: 3 stage stress response: alarm,
resistance, exhaustion)
36. B.F. Skinner (Behavioralism/Learning: operant conditioning: rats/pigeons, schedules of
37. Roger Spearman (Intelligence: G factor) the “it” factor for intelligence-underlying abilities
or “g” that makes some people successful on intelligence tests. found that specific mental talents
were highly correlated, (ex: math skills, reasoning, verbal skills)
38. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross: 5 stages the terminally ill go through when facing death (1. death,
2. anger/resentment, 3. bargaining with God, 4. depression, 5. acceptance)
39. Roger Sperry (Brain: split brain surgery)
AP Psychology List of Movers and Shakers
AP Psychology: Mrs. Caputo
40. Robert Sternberg (Intelligence) 3 types of intelligence: analytic, experiential and practical
41. Edward Tolman (Cognitive/Learning)
42. E.L. Thorndike (Behavioralism/Learning: incidental learning/ cats in the box, law of effect)
43. Lev Vygotsky (Developmental) created the socio-cultural perspective: investigated how
culture & interpersonal communication guide development, zone of proximal development; play
44. John Watson (father of behaviorism, Behavioral/Learning: Little Albert, conditioning of
fears and phobias)
45. Ernst Weber (Perception): Weber’s law: aka just noticeable difference: the smallest amount
detectable between 2 stimuli so that you notice a difference
46. Wilhelm Wundt (Perception: father of psychology) introspection-give your own thoughts
and feelings. First scientific approach to psychology
47. Clark Hull: drive reduction theory: motivated to reduce tension caused by drives: food, sex,
hunger. The goal of all motivated behavior is the reduction or alleviation of a drive state,
mechanism through which reinforcement operates
48. Yerkes/Dodson (Motivation/Emotion: Yerkes-dodson law of stress: we perform best with
moderate levels of stress)
49. Francis Galton: pseudoscientific mov’t –eugenics
50. Philip Zimbardo (Social) Stanford prison experiment-obedience/influence that roles and the
situation have on behaviors- good ppl. do evil things if the situation is right)
51. Elizabeth Loftus: lost in the mall, memories/false memory implantation/confabulation
52. Martin Seligman: learned helplessness: specifically related to depression: if we feel that
things are meaningless and futile, if we fail and feel helpless we are more prone to dwell
(rumination) on the negative and experience depression
AP Psychology List of Movers and Shakers
AP Psychology: Mrs. Caputo
53. Lewis Terman: revised Binet's IQ test and established norms for American children
54. Karl Wernicke: discovered the area of left temporal lobe involved language understanding;
Studies: person damaged in this area uses correct words but they do not make sense
55. Paul Broca: discovered Broca’s area: production of speech, Frontal Lobe
56. Benjamin Whorf: linguistic relativity hypothesis: culture influences the way we learn and
understand language