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1) Rinse heart the thoroughly.
2) Look for evidence of the pericardium; find the epicardium and try to separate a small portion of it
from the myocardium.
3) Identify the right and left ventricles by squeezing the heart.
is thicker.
The left ventricle wall feels firmer and
4) Locate the anterior interventricular groove and locate the left coronary (4,6)artery within the groove.
Using the next page as a guide, try to find the right coronary artery (3), the circumflex branch of the left
coronary artery(5), and the coronary sinus(9). Fat may obscure these structures but do not try to remove
the fat.
5) Identify the aorta, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary veins, and the inferior vena cava and superior vena
cava, if present. A considerable amount of fat and connective tissue may have to be removed to expose
some of these vessels.
6) Looking through the top of the right atrium, identify the tricuspid valve. Over a sink, fill the right
ventricle and gently squeeze the ventricle to observe the closing action of the valves.
7) Insert one blade of your scissors into the superior vena cava and cut down through the right atrium
and right ventricle toward the apex of the heart.
8) Locate the opening of the coronary sinus into the right atrium. Find the papillary muscles and
chordae tendineae.
9) With scissors, cut through the right ventricular wall up along its lower margin parallel to the anterior
inter-ventricular wall. Continue the cut through the exit of the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk.
10) Locate the pulmonary semilunar valve and the opening (valve) to the coronary sinus.
11) Insert one blade of your scissors into the left atrium and cut through the left atrium into the left
ventricle. Cut from the left ventricle through the aorta. Locate the column-like trabeculae carneae on
the interior walls of the ventricles.
12) Find the bicuspid valve, aortic semilunar valves, and the openings to the coronary arteries which are
located just past the semilunar valves.
a. How many papillary muscles did you find in each ventricle?
b. How many pouches or flaps are present in each of the valves?
c. Where does the blood enter and leave the myocardium?
d. Account for the difference in size and thickness of the two ventricles.