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Science 14
Chapter 9
Life Functions
Common To
Living Things
Chapter 9
Life Functions Common to Living Things
Introduction – What You will Learn
 about life functions common to all living things.
 the differences and similarities between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
 about some major human organ systems.
 about some of the technology used to monitor life functions.
9.1 Life Functions Common to All Living Things
Text pages 180 - 181
All plants and animals share many of the same life functions. Some examples of
basic life functions are:
1. _______________– moving the organism, its parts, or its internal materials
2. _______________– producing or obtaining food
3. _______________– building and repairing body parts
4. _______________ – making new cells or a new organism
5. _______________– responding to changes in the environment
6. _______________– breathing, digesting, and eliminating wastes
7. _______________ – creating needed substances
Cells and Tissues are Specialized
Cells, tissues, organs, and systems are all designed for their specific jobs, they are
specialized. For example nerve cells are long to allow them to transmit signals over a
distance. Also each system in an animal or plant works to keep it alive by performing a
specific life function. For example, plant roots are adapted to take in food and water,
just as a human’s mouth and teeth allow it to take in nutrients.
Check Your Understanding
1. How can you prove that you are living? _________________________________
2. Do plants and animals have the same life functions? Give an example.___________
3. Describe two ways in which plants o animals respond to their environment._______
4. Describe how one type of cell is adapted for its function._____________________
Investigation 9A – What Is My Role?
Text page 182
Cell Type
1. How is the structure of cells related to their function?
2. Choose any two of the above mentioned cell types and explain how their shape and
size help it to perform the required function.
9.2 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Text Pages 183-185.
Plants and animals both require a continuous source of energy in order to grow
and function. Animals obtain their energy from the food they eat. Plants obtain their
energy by making their own food using the process of photosynthesis. Both plants and
animals use cellular respiration, animals to release energy from the food they have
ingested, and plants to release the energy stored during photosynthesis.
Glucose that is produced in
photosynthesis is used by cellular
respiration to provide energy for the
plant to use. Because it is not always
sunny, plant need to be able to store
glucose for night times and cloudy
days. This glucose is stored in the
stem, roots, leaves, flowers, fruit, or
seeds of the plant. This storage
the plant
usually takes place in parts of the
plants that animals like to eat. Eg. the
root of a carrot plant or the seed of a
corn plant.
carbon dioxide + water + energy  glucose + oxygen
Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis. Glucose and oxygen are
now used up in order to make carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
The energy produced is used by organisms for their day to day functions. The process
takes place in the mitochondria of the cells in both plants and animals.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration form a cycle and depend on each other.
Without photosynthesis, humans wouldn’t have oxygen to breath or starches in plants
to eat. Without cellular respiration, plants wouldn’t be able to live through the night,
and would not have as much carbon dioxide to take in.
CO2 and H2O
Cellular Respiration
O2 and Glucose
Photosynthesis Disc Connect Activity
(1)______________ is the source of energy for most of the living organisms on
the Earth. In order to be useful, energy from the Sun must be (2)_______________ or
converted into (3)______________ ____________. Only 1-2% of the solar energy that
reaches the earth is converted into (4)____________ ___________ by(5) ____________.
Photosynthesis is the process by which ____________ ____________ convert
_________ __________ from the Sun into (6)________________ ___________. Each
year producers (plants) convert more than (7)____% of the total (8)__________
_________ in the atmosphere into (9)________________ such as glucose and starch.
Organisms are made up of (10)_________. Each (11)________ contains
specialized parts called (12) _______________. Green plants contain an organelle called
a (13)________________ where photosynthesis takes place.
During photosynthesis, green plants take in;
They then release;
(14)Write the equation for photosynthesis below.
________________ + ______________ + ____________  ____________ + ________
Both plants and animal cells contain organelles called (15)_______________
where cellular respiration takes place. This changes (16)_________________ energy in
sugar into usable forms that allow organisms to grow and do work.
(17)Write the equation for cellular respiration below.
____________ + ________  ________________ + ______________ + ____________
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration show us how matter and energy move in
nature. Energy does not 918)________________. It (19)_____________ from one form
to another. Matter (20)________________, it is used over and over again.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are related because the
(21)_____________ of one may become the (22)_______________ ________________
for the other.
9.3 Human Organ Systems
Text pages 186 to 189.
Our body is a machine with several different systems in it, individually
performing needed tasks, while working together to allow us to function. The four
main systems and their functions within our body are:
Organ System
Digestive System
Nervous System
Circulatory System
Urinary System
breaks down and digests food
rids he body of solid wastes
provides a communication network
regulates life functions
transports food molecules, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and wastes in blood
kidney filters wastes from the blood
and transports them to the bladder
urinary bladder holds wastes until they
are excreted through the urethra
Digestive System
The role of the digestive system is to break complex chemicals in food into
simple chemicals known as nutrients which can be absorbed and used by the cells. The
main nutrient types are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Figure 9.6 on page 186 in your text shows the path and parts of the digestive system.
Some key parts are:
Esophagus – pushes food to stomach with wave like contractions
Stomach – mixes, digests, and dissolves food into a liquid form
Small Intestine – neutralizes stomach acid, absorbs 80-90% of nutrients, digests
Large Intestine – absorbs vitamins, minerals and water
Anus – discharges solid undigested waste called feces.
Circulatory System
The role of the circulatory system is to move blood throughout the body. Blood
pumped from the heart eventually returns to the heart in a circuit. Some hey parts are:
Heart – hollow muscle that pumps the blood
Arteries – blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart
Veins – blood vessels that carry oxygen poor blood back to he heart & lungs.
Capillaries – blood vessels with walls only one cell thick that allow oxygen and
nutrients to pass through the walls of the vessel into the neighboring tissues.
Working Together
The circulatory system and digestive system work together. The blood carries
nutrients from the digestive system to the body. The blood then takes the waste from
the cells that would harm the individual if they accumulated. See page 189 for a detailed
explanation of this relationship.
Check Your Understanding
1. Make a flowchart to show the path that food travels through the digestive system.
Identify the organs at each step.
2. List the parts of the circulatory system and their functions.
3. Explain how the circulatory system works with the digestive system. _____________
4. What do you think would happen if the circulatory system were no longer able to
absorb food? ____________________________________________________________
5. Why do blood vessels under the skin look blue? ______________________________
9.4 Keeping an Eye on Life Functions
Text pages 190 – 192
We have many technologies and tests available to us for checking if our bodies
are functioning properly. See pages 190 and 191 in the text and the table below for an
overview of some of those technologies.
CAT Scan Machine
Checking Blood Pressure
Blood is pumped at high pressures in order for it to reach our hands and feet.
When we test the pressure of our blood we get back two numbers, such as 120 over
80. The first number represents the pressure of the blood at the moment when the
heart contracts, or pumps. This is the higher number and is known as systolic pressure.
The second number represents the pressure of the blood at the moment before the
heart contracts, when the pressure is at its lowest point. This is the lower number and
is known as diastolic pressure.
How Does Exercise Affect Blood Pressure
Problem: How does exercise affect blood pressure.
Prediction: _____________________________________________________________
Before any exercise…
Pulse: _______________
Blood Pressure: _____________ (1st trial)
Blood Pressure: _____________ (2nd trial)
After five minutes of exercise…
Pulse: _______________
Blood Pressure: _____________ (1st trial)
Blood Pressure: _____________ (2nd trial)
After five minutes of rest…
Pulse: _______________
Blood Pressure: _____________ (1st trial)
Blood Pressure: _____________ (2nd trial)
1. How did exercise affect your heart rate and blood pressure? _____________________
2. What happened to your heart rate and blood pressure after resting for five minutes? __
3. How might blood pressure be an indication of how healthy someone is? ____________
Chapter 9 Key Terms
Life Function -______________________________________________________
Specialized - _______________________________________________________
Cellular Respiration - _______________________________________________
Photosynthesis - ____________________________________________________
Glucose - _________________________________________________________
Digestive System - __________________________________________________
Esophagus - _______________________________________________________
Stomach - ________________________________________________________
Small Intestine - ____________________________________________________
Large Intestine - ____________________________________________________
Anus - ___________________________________________________________
Circulatory System - _________________________________________________
Heart - __________________________________________________________
Artery - _________________________________________________________
Capillary - ________________________________________________________
Vein - ___________________________________________________________
X-ray - __________________________________________________________
Blood Pressure Cuff - ________________________________________________
Specialized - ______________________________________________________
EKG - ___________________________________________________________
EEG - ___________________________________________________________