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Biology Final Exam
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. What advance in technology made the
discovery of cells possible?
a. the ultraviolet light
b. the particle accelerator
c. the centrifuge
d. the microscope
4. An advantage of sexual reproduction
over asexual reproduction is that sexual
a. requires more time
b. produces identical offspring
c. takes less time
d. provides genetic diversity
Picture of a permeable membrane
Based on the picture of a permeable
membrane, side A is _____________ to
side B.
a. Hypotonic
b. Hypertonic
c. Isotonic
d. A and B
3. Based on the picture of a permeable
membrane, if only water was moving
through the membrane, what would the
process be called?
a. osmotic pressure
b. osmosis
c. active transport
d. facilitative diffusion
Picture of cells
Based on the picture of cells, which
letter represents a vacuole?
a. D
b. E
c. F
d. O
6. Which means of particle transport
requires input of energy from the cell?
a. diffusion
b. active transport
c. facilitated diffusion
d. osmosis
7. Which scientist(s) figured out that the
shape of a DNA molecule is a double
a. Franklin
b. Griffith
c. Hershey and Chase
d. Watson and Crick
8. Which of the following is a nucleotide
found in DNA?
a. deoxyribose + phosphate group +
b. adenine + phosphate group +
c. cytosine + phosphate group +
d. deoxyribose + phosphate group +
Figure 1
Use Figure 1 to answer the question.
Given that structure A is the nucleus,
what is B?
a. mRNA
b. Codon
c. Ribosome
d. tRNA
10. In eukaryotes
a. Transcription takes place in the
cytoplasm, and translation takes
place in the nucleus.
b. Transcription takes place in the
nucleus, and translation takes place
in the cytoplasm.
c. Transcription and translation both
take place in the nucleus.
d. Transcription and translation both
take place in the cytoplasm.
11. Given the following DNA strand, which
of the following is its complementary
a. C C T G A C T A A
b. G G A C T G A T T
c. C C U G A C U A A
d. T T A G T C A G G
12. Which is the correct sequence of the
transfer of information in most
a. protein to DNA to RNA
b. DNA to RNA to protein
c. RNA to protein to DNA
d. RNA to DNA to protein
16. Okazaki fragments occur on the ___ and
are bonded together by ______
a. lagging strand, ligase
b. leading strand, polymerase
c. mRNA, anticodons
d. tRNA, polymerase
Diagram of ATP
13. Human males have
a. two Y chromosomes.
b. one X and one Y chromosome.
c. one X chromosome only.
d. two X chromosomes.
14. Which of the following combinations of
sex chromosomes represents a female?
a. XX
c. XXY
d. XY
15. Which of the following diseases and
conditions does not appear until late in a
person’s life?
a. colorblindness
b. huntington disease
c. cystic fibrosis
d. sickle cell disease
Based on the diagram of ATP, between
which parts of the molecule must the
bonds be broken to form an ADP
a. C and D
b. B and C
c. A and C
d. A and B
18. What happens during photosynthesis?
a. Autotrophs consume carbohydrates.
b. Autotrophs produce carbohydrates.
c. Heterotrophs produce ATP.
d. Heterotrophs consume ATP.
Diagram of a chloroplast.
d. carbohydrates
Based on a chloroplast, which represents
the stroma?
a. A
b. B and C
c. B
d. C
20. Plants gather energy with
light-absorbing molecules called
a. glucose.
b. thylakoids.
c. chloroplasts.
d. pigments.
21. When microorganisms in milk produce
acid under certain conditions, yogurt
results. Which of these processes would
you expect to be key in the production
of yogurt?
a. alcoholic fermentation
b. lactic acid fermentation
c. the Krebs cycle
d. photosynthesis
Diagram of the brain
Based on the diagram of the brain,
which represents the frontal lobe?
a. 2
b. 1
c. 4
d. 3
25. Which type of blood vessel carries blood
away from the heart?
a. veins
b. lymph nodes
c. capillaries
d. arteries
22. A substance that speeds up the rate of a
chemical reaction is called
a. an element.
b. a catalyst.
c. a lipid.
d. a molecule.
26. Which of these are the main working
cells of the specific immune response?
a. self and nonself cells
b. antigens and antibodies
c. histamines and interferons
d. B cells and T cells
23. Which of the following store and
transmit hereditary information?
a. proteins
b. nucleic acids
c. lipids
27. Which type of white blood cell defends
the body by engulfing pathogens?
a. basophil
b. B cell
c. T cell
d. phagocyte
d. G
28. What is the human embryo called after
the eighth week of development?
a. an infant
b. a morula
c. a zygote
d. a fetus
31. Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in and
out of a leaf through the
a. phloem.
b. stomata.
c. guard cells.
d. palisade mesophyll.
29. Vascular tissue in plants consists of
a. meristems.
b. parenchyma and collenchyma.
c. epidermis.
d. xylem and phloem.
32. Which bacteria killed the mice in
Griffith’s transformation experiment?
a. heat-killed, harmless bacteria
b. live, harmless bacteria mixed with
heat-killed, harmless bacteria
c. live harmless bacteria
d. live, harmless bacteria mixed with
heat-killed, harmful bacteria
33. Which type of vascular tissue carries
solutions of nutrients and carbohydrates
produced by photosynthesis?
a. phloem
b. tracheids
c. lignin
d. xylem
Diagram of a root
Based on the diagram of the root, what
letter indicates the tissue known as the
a. H
b. F
c. E
34. How do most primary producers make
their own food?
a. by using chemical energy to make
b. by breaking down remains to make
carbon dioxide
c. by using light energy to make
d. by changing water into carbon
Figure 3–4
35. Which of the following is a food chain
in the food web shown in Figure 3–4?
a. grass, caterpillar, robin, hawk
b. tree, rabbit, hawk, snake
c. tree, deer, mountain lion, fox
d. grass, grasshopper, snake, hawk
Based on the table of pH values, which
substance is most acidic?
a. Rainwater
b. Sodium hydroxide
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Sulfuric acid
38. Genetic engineering has successfully
transferred genes from eukaryotic cells
a. animals
b. all of the above
c. bacteria
d. plants
Animal cell diagram
Based on the animal cell diagram, which
structure tells you that this is a
eukaryote and not a prokaryote?
39. Which of the following findings, if true,
would support an argument IN FAVOR
of GM foods?
a. The populations of bees on farms
growing insect-resistant crops are
half as large as bee populations on
other farms.
b. Farmers who grow GM crops have
much higher yields that farmers
growing unmodified crops.
c. The cost of using GM crops is
prohibitively expensive for 75
percent of all farmers.
d. Farmers using herbicide-resistant
crops pollute groundwater more than
farmers growing non-GM crops.
Figure 14-4
In a pedigree, such as the one in Figure
14–4, a half shaded circle represents
a. an affected female.
b. a carrier male.
c. a carrier female.
d. an affected male.
42. Because the X chromosome contains
genes that are vital for normal
development, no baby has been born
a. without an X chromosome.
b. with one X chromosome.
c. with four X chromosomes.
d. with three X chromosomes.
Figure 13–5
Use figure 13-5. Which type of
chromosome mutation is A?
a. Inversion
b. Duplication
c. Translocation
d. Deletion
43. One difference between a gene mutation
and a chromosomal mutation is that
a. A chromosomal mutation can change
the number of chromosomes in a cell.
b. A gene mutation affects the DNA of
more genes than a chromosomal
c. A chromosomal mutation is more
likely to be passed on to offspring or
daughter cells.
d. A gene mutation can involve a
insertion or deletion, but cannot
result in a frameshift.
46. Which of the following represents a
testcross that starts with two purebred
(homozygous) P generations?
Ww x Ww
ww x WW
Ww x WW
Figure 10-3
Mitosis is represented in Figure 10–3 by
the letter
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Refer to the illustration above. The
phenotype represented by box 1 is
wrinkled, green
round, green
wrinkled, yellow
round, yellow
45. Situations in which one allele for a gene
is not completely dominant over another
allele for that gene are called
a. incomplete dominance.
b. polygenic inheritance.
c. multiple genes.
d. multiple alleles.
Picture of a bacteria
Based on the picture of a bacteria, which
letter represents the flagella?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
49. James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s
work suggests that
a. Earth is several million years old.
b. Earth is several thousand years old.
c. all fossils were formed in the last
1000 years.
d. all rocks on Earth contain fossils.
51. According to Darwin’s theory of natural
selection, individuals who survive are
the ones best adapted for their
environment. Their survival is due to the
a. possession of adaptations developed
through use.
b. possession of inherited adaptations
that maximize fitness.
c. lack of competition within the
d. choices made by plant and animal
Figure 16–1
In humans, the pelvis and femur, or
thigh bone, are involved in walking. In
whales, the pelvis and femur shown in
Figure 16–1 are
a. examples of fossils.
b. vestigial structures.
c. acquired traits.
d. examples of natural variation.