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What is propaganda?
What is propaganda?
What is propaganda?
What is propaganda?
Information used to manipulate
to manipulate behavior or belief
behavior or belief
In the 20th century, propaganda became a pejorative word So today our propagandists
pejorative word. So today, our propagandists call themselves (among other things)
¾ advertisers and marketers
¾ political consultants and speech writers
political consultants and speech writers
¾ public relations officers
Behaviors that propagandists commonly attempt to manipulate
that propagandists commonly attempt to manipulate
¾ voting
¾ purchasing
¾ health (i.e. vaccination, dentistry, etc.)
p p g
Beliefs that propagandists commonly attempt to manipulate
¾ religious
¾ scientific (i.e. evolution, global warming)
¾ foreign, public and social policy
Recognizing Propaganda
Recognizing Propaganda
Propagandistic messages are ones that
Propagandistic messages are ones that
¾ bypass reason
¾ suppress discourse
¾ leave individuals feeling that they have made up their own minds
their own minds
¾ are repeated so often, and from so many sources that the repetition itself creates an illusion of truth
¾ might be true or false, but do not contain enough information to reasonably make such an evaluation (
(propaganda and lie are not synonymous)
d li
How can one use propaganda rather than be used by it?
¾ ask what has been left out
¾ seek out evidence with which to evaluate its assertions, then do so
¾ identify and evaluate its assumptions
¾ identify its emotional triggers and determine if they are justified
they are justified
War Made Easy’ss focus is War Propaganda
War Made Easy
focus is War Propaganda
Basic messages in war propaganda
Basic messages in war propaganda
¾ We are good
We are good
¾ They are evil
They are evil
¾ Stop them from destroying us
y g
We are good
We are good
They are evil
They are evil
Stop them from destroying us
Stop them from destroying us
In its use of propaganda, our p p g
government is not unique; and d it h t
despite what our war propaganda d
says, we are all human.
Given that, it should not surprise you to learn that our enemies use propaganda on their populations in
propaganda on their populations in much the same way as our government uses it on us.
We are good
We are good
They are evil
They are evil
Stop them from destroying us
Stop them from destroying us
The documentary WAR MADE EASY shows how war propaganda has been used by politicians and the
propaganda has been used by politicians and the media to build support for U.S. wars from Vietnam through those we are now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As you watch, look for the messages embodied in the As
you watch look for the messages embodied in the
propaganda it presents. Ask yourselves if this film is one that students and teachers should view and discuss. Might it be used to help them learn to avoid manipulation and make reasoned choices as they encounter propaganda campaigns throughout their lifetimes?