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Psychology 4000
Evolutionary Psychology
Dr Darren Hannesson
Lecture 2
What is evolutionary psychology?
„ The theory of evolution by natural selection
„ natural selection
„ objections to evolution
The modern synthesis: Evolution and genetics
„ mendelian genetics
„ genes and DNA
Updates to evolutionary theory
„ Misunderstandings about evolution
What is evolutionary psychology?
a sub-field of biopsychology
the study of behaviour and mind in terms of their underlying
biological mechanisms
„ genes, development, anatomy & physiology, evolution
What is evolutionary psychology?
„ Field of study = Subject matter (question) +
explanation (answer)
„ “the study of behavior and mind in terms of their
function as solutions to adaptive problems faced
during human evolutionary history”
„ “the study of human evolutionary history and how it
may have generated behavior and mind as solutions to
adaptive problems”
What is evolutionary psychology?
Why do women show a preference for mating with
older men?
Explanation should be in terms of selective pressures
that could have made such a mating preference adaptive
during our species evolutionary history
What impact might hunting have had on human
Explanation should be in terms of adaptive problems
that arose as a result of using hunting as an important
means of food acquisition and how current
psychological traits may have helped solve these
The theory of evolution by natural
change in species over time
emerged to explain to three fundamental observations
there are a wide variety of species on earth
the characteristics of each species are particularly suited to achieve
distinct functions
species share a remarkable number of structural and functional
Lamarckian evolution
transmission of acquired characteristics
The theory of evolution by natural
Charles Darwin
The theory of evolution by natural
Darwin’s finches
The theory of evolution by natural
principles of population
„ results in a struggle for existence
„ “winners” are those with favourable variations
repeated over generations this results in new species
The theory of evolution by natural
3 key elements of Darwin’s theory
„ variation
„ inheritance
„ selection
The theory of evolution by natural
currency of evolution is “differential reproductive
„ do you produce more reproductive offspring than the
„ what about survival?
The theory of evolution by natural
objections to evolution
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
genetics helps account for two aspects of
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Mendelian Genetics
Mendel’s pea experiments
„ bred peas with seeds that were green or yellow
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Mendelian Genetics
Proposed particulate inheritance
„ genes
the unit of heredity
each person is made from a complete set human genes
each person has two copies of this set
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Mendelian Genetics
„ Dominant
vs recessive
„ Genotype vs phenotype
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Biochemistry of Genetics
genes are written in the language of a molecule:
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
DNA is constructed from
Sugar backbone
Paired nucleotides
two strings of sugar backbones interlinked by cross matched base
pairs twisting in the form of a double helix
„ each molecule of DNA forms a complex with some proteins
and forms a chromosome
each species has a characteristic # of chromosomes
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
The genetic code
genes do one of two things:
code for long strings of amino acids (structural genes) or
they regulate the function of other genes
the “code” consists of a sequence of 3 base pairs (a codon)
sequence of codons serves as template for stringing amino acids
together to form proteins
Structural proteins
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Meiosis generates gametes that contain one copy of
each chromosome
Contains 1 full set of genes
Offspring are created when one gamete is “fertilized” by the
opposite sex gamete creating a zygote with two sets of
Zygote has two copies of each gene
„ May be homozygous (same - yy) or heterozygous (different Yy)
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Sources of variation
Sexual reproduction
crossing over
meiotic errors
mitotic errors
Environmental effects
The modern synthesis of
evolutionary theory and genetics
Genes and gender
gender is determined by one pair of chromosomes called
sex chromosomes
XX Æ female; XY Æ male
all others are called autosomal chromosomes
sex-linked genes
genes on X chormosome will be apparent in different frequencies
in males and females
sex-limited genes
genes that have an effect on one-sex but not the other
Updates to evolutionary theory
sexual selection
natural selection emphasized adaptations that
promoted survival
„ some traits seem to decrease survival
„ traits that directly promoted reproductive success could
be highly adaptive
Updates to evolutionary theory
sexual selection
Intrasexual selection
„ traits that facilitate competition between members of the
same sex for access to mates
Updates to evolutionary theory
sexual selection
Intersexual selection
„ traits that promote being selected as a mate by the
opposite sex
Updates to evolutionary theory
Inclusive fitness
classical fitness = an individual’s reproductive success
„ BUT selection operates at the level of the gene not the
genes that promote their own survival/reproduction will be
selected for regardless of “who carries them”
„ therefore …
inclusive fitness = classical fitness + effects on
survival/reproduction of kin (since they also carry many of your
Updates to evolutionary theory
solutions to specific problems that impacted reproductive success
„ Must be …
Reliably expressed
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations are strictly genetically
„ Instead:
adaptations prepare response forms
responses are both elicited and shaped by the environment
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations produce inflexible,
unmodifiable traits or behavior
„ Instead:
organisms alter their environment
organisms have a repertoire of adaptations
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations should produce optimal designs
“why aren’t we perfect?”
„ Instead
several factors limit the likelihood of optimal designs
„ evolutionary lag time and environmental variation
„ costs
„ biological system constraints
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations should produce optimal designs
“why aren’t we perfect?”
„ evolutionary lag time and environmental variation
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations should produce optimal designs
“why aren’t we perfect?”
„ costs
Misunderstandings about evolution
Adaptations should produce optimal designs
“why aren’t we perfect?”
„ biological system constraints