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BI 102
Instructor: Waite
Final Exam Study Guide
Quiz 4: Lecture 13
Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will cover all lectures and all labs from the
course. This guide goes over material that has been covered since the last exam,
but you should re-visit the old study guides as well. This guide specifically
covers lectures 13-16 and labs 8-10.
Be able to define the term biotechnology
Is biotechnology new? What’s different about historical biotechnology vs today?
What are stem cells? What makes them so special? Where do they come from?
What is the difference between totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, and unipotent cells?
What is the difference between embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and umbilical cord
stem cells
Why study stem cells? What are some potential therapies that could be developed from
stem cells?
What are the three types of cloning? What is the difference between them?
What is somatic cell nuclear transfer?
Who was Dolly?
What is unique about therapies developed using therapeutic cloning versus modern tissue
and organ transplants?
What is genetic engineering? What are genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? How are
they made?
How common are GMOs? What are some of the most common GMO crops?
How are GMOs modified? What traits are they engineered to possess?
What are some of the concerns regarding GMOs?
What is biopharming?
Natural Selection
What were some of the early thoughts on biology and geology? How do those thoughts
differ from modern perspectives?
Who was Jean Baptiste Lamarack? What was his most remembered proposal regarding how
species change over time?
Where did Darwin’s voyage on The Beagle take him?
Who also thought of the theory of natural selection around the same time as Darwin, but
rarely gets credit?
What are the two major elements of Darwin’s theory? What do they mean?
What were Darwin’s 4 postulates?
What is artificial selection? How is it similar to and different from natural selection?
BI 102
Instructor: Waite
Final Exam Study Guide
What is the evidence for natural selection?
Know that natural selection is not random
What is convergent evolution? Be able to give examples.
What is biogeography?
Population Genetics
Understand what the Hardy-Weinberg equation is used for. Know what “p” and “q” stand
for. Given p or q, be able to calculate the other. Given the Hardy-Weinberg equation, be
able to solve for a missing variable.
Know the assumptions that must be true in order for the Hardy-Weinberg equation to be
valid (organism is diploid, only sexual reproduction, only 2 alleles exist, complete dominance,
not a sex-linked trait, no evolution, very large sample size, no migration, no mutation, random
mating, no differential reproductive success)
Know the definitions of the following terms: genetic drift, gene flow, mutations, sexual
selection, natural selection
Know the effects of genetic drift, and the difference between the 2 main types (founder
effect and bottlenecking)
Know that genetic drift is random
Know the difference between natural selection and bottlenecking
What is intrasexual selection? How is it different from intersexual selection?
Why were the Galapagos such a unique and perfect place for Darwin to devise the concept
of evolution
Define speciation
What is a species? What are different ways to define a species? What are some of the
problems with these definitions? What is currently the most widely accepted definition?
What is reproductive isolation? What are some reproductive barriers?
What is the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation?
Define adaptive radiation
How fast is evolution? Know the differences between gradualism and punctuated
equilibrium. Know what types of species are more likely to follow which pattern.