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The organic compound that is our
body’s major source of energy
The monomer of carbohydrates
The organic compound that
makes up cellular membranes,
steroids, & long-term energy
The monomer of lipids is fatty acids
attached to a = Glycerol
This organic compound catalyzes
chemical reactions, facilitates
communication between cells, &
transports biological molecules in
the body = Proteins
The monomer of proteins
= Amino acids
This organic compound makes the
genetic code that creates you.
= Nucleic acid
The monomer of nucleic acids
= Nucleotides
Sucrose is an example of a
= Disaccharide
This polysaccharide is what plants
store the food they make during
photosynthesis as = Starch
This polysaccharide makes up the
exoskeletons of arthropods & the
cell walls of fungi = Chitin
This polysaccharide is what
animals store energy in their liver &
muscles as = Glycogen
This type of protein lowers the
activation energy of a chemical
reaction in your body = Enzymes
This is the required amount of energy
to start a chemical reaction in your
body = Activation energy
Enzymes fit like a _________________
to its substrate. = Lock-and-key
The molecule(s) on which an enzyme
acts (Enzymes build & break apart)
= Substrate
The tendency of similar or identical
particles/surfaces to cling to one
another = Cohesion
The concept that
describes a molecule that
has an uneven distribution
of electrons, creating a
‘charge’. = Polarity
This demonstrates what
property of water?
= Surface tension
The tendency of dissimilar particles or
surfaces to cling to one another =
Water’s polarity gives it several
unique properties- such as water is
the universal ___________.= Solvent
The substance in the solution that is
dissolved is called the ____________.
= Solute
An reaction in which energy is
absorbed (the products have more
energy than the reactants). =
The substance in the solution that is
doing the dissolving is called the
____________. = Solvent
An reaction in which energy is
released (the products have less
energy than the reactants).
Cells that do not contain a nucleus
or any organelles; Example: bacteria
= Prokaryotes
These structures serve as sites for
protein synthesis and are made in
the nucleolus of eukaryotes
= Ribosomes
Cells that contain a nucleus and
other organelles = Eukaryotes
This structure provides the
scaffolding of the cell. It spans
throughout the entire cytoplasm
and is made of microtubules and
microfilaments. = Cytoskeleton
Cell membranes are
made up of
________________. =
Refers to an organism that makes
its own food = Autotroph/Producer
Phospholipids form
membranes by
making a unique
arrangement referred
to as a =
Lipid bilayer.
Refers to an organism that obtains
its food by consuming other things
(through absorption or ingestion)
The type of transport
across a membrane
that requires energy in
order to perform
=Active Transport
When particles
become distributed
evenly and uniformly
The type of transport
across a membrane
that moves down the
gradient to equilibrium;
it does not require
= Passive Transport
The diffusion of water across a
selectively permeable membrane
Another way of saying that a cell
membrane chooses what
substances enter and leave the cell
=Selectively permeable
Active transport; a large amount of
substances are taken into the cell
= Endocytosis
Active transport; a large amount of
substances are released from the cell
Active transport; when food/solids
are taken into the cell
Active transport; when large amounts
of a liquid is taken into the cell
The longest portion of the cell
cycle; Made up of three stages –
G1, S, & G2 phases =Interphase
The process by which a cell separates
the chromosomes in its cell nucleus
into two identical sets =Mitosis
The process in which the cytoplasm
of a cell is divided to form two
daughter cells =Cytokinesis
The phase in which the DNA of a cell is
replicated before mitosis & cytokinesis
=S phase
Cytokinesis is completed in animal
cells through the formation of a
=Cleavage furrow
Cytokinesis is completed in plant cells
through the formation of a
____________. =Cell plate
An example of homeostasis in
which an organism regulates its
temperature = Thermoregulation
The state in which an organism
regulates its internal environment and
tends to maintain a stable, relatively
constant condition of properties such
as temperature or pH = Homeostasis
The process in which food such as
glucose is converted into useable
energy (ATP) for the cell
= Cellular respiration
The process in which the energy from
sunlight is used to power the production
of glucose =Photosynthesis
Membrane-bound discs in a
chloroplast where the light
dependent reaction of
photosynthesis occurs =Thylakoid
The folds of the inner membrane of the
mitochondria where the electron
transport chain is located =Cristae
This organelle is the “power-house”
of the cell; it is responsible for
cellular respiration = Mitochondria
This organelle is the “food factory” of
plant cells through photosynthesis;
contains the pigment chlorophyll
The metabolic pathway in which
glucose is broken into two
pyruvates = Glycolysis
The second step of aerobic cellular
respiration is ___=Citric acid cycle___
also known as the Krebs cycle. It occurs
in the matrix of the mitochondria.
The __=Electron transport chain__
is the final stage of aerobic cellular
respiration; Here, oxygen acts as
the final electron accepter so ATP
can be made.
Aerobic cellular respiration makes
__=32-38 (36)__ ATP.
Fermentation makes _=2_ ATP.
Anaerobic cellular respiration in which
lactic acid is a byproduct; this is what
makes you sore after a work-out
=Lactic acid Fermentation
Cellular respiration without oxygen
is called =Fermentation .
Anaerobic cellular respiration in which
alcohol and carbon dioxide is a
byproduct; yeast does this in the
production of bread
= Alcoholic fermentation
consists of Photosystems I & II;
requires sunlight and water, makes
energy for the Calvin cycle, &
gives off oxygen
=Light Dependent Reaction
The second step in photosynthesis;
requires energy & carbon dioxide to
make glucose; also known as the Calvin
cycle =Light Independent Reaction
Factors in an ecosystem that are
living =Biotic factors
The type of symbiosis in which both
species benefit; Example: Clownfish &
the sea anemone =Mutualism
Factors in an ecosystem that are
non-living =Abiotic factors
The type of symbiosis in which one
species benefits, the other is neither
helped nor harmed; Example: Moss
growing on a tree =Commensalism
Biomes are classified based on
these things: = Precipitation,
Temperature (together makes
climate) & the flora and fauna
The type of symbiosis in which one
species benefits, the other is harmed;
Example: Ringworms in a dog
This is the single sequence of who
eats whom in a community to
obtain nutrition.
=Food chain
This depicts all the
feeding relationships in
a community.
=Food web
This graphical model
shows how much energy
flows through each
trophic level
=Energy pyramid
Each layer in an
ecological pyramid is
called a _=trophic_
level; this word means
This model shows the
relative number of the
members of each trophic
= Pyramid of Numbers
This demonstrates how
much biomass (dry
mass of the organisms)
is present at each
trophic level
= Biomass pyramid
Relationship between different
species or members of the same
species in which individuals strive
to get food, water, territory, mates,
etc. =Competition
Interaction when an organism captures
and feeds off of another =Predation
Examples of density-dependent
factors = Competition, predation,
parasitism, & disease
A factor that causes the growth of a
population to decrease =Limiting factor
Examples of density-independent
factors =Unusual weather, natural
disasters, seasonal cycles, and
certain human activities
Succession that occurs on bare surfaces
where no soil exists; after lava flow or
glacier movement = Primary succession
The observed changes in the
makeup of an ecosystem over
time. = Ecological succession
Succession following a disturbance that
destroy a community without destroying
the soil; Example: after tornadoes,
floods, or hurricanes
=Secondary succession
First species to populate an area
during primary succession; Usually
lichen =Pioneer species
Group of similar organisms that can
breed and produce fertile offspring
Group of individuals of the same
species that live in the same area
Different populations that live together
in a defined area (all the living things in
a given area) =Community
Collection of all the organisms that
live in a particular area together
with the abiotic factors
Group of ecosystems that have the
same climate and dominant
communities =Biome
All parts of Earth in which life exists
The average, year-after-year conditions
of temperature and precipitation in a
particular region =Climate
Condition of Earth’s atmosphere
at a particular time and place
Natural situation in which heat is
retained in Earth’s atmosphere by
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor,
and other gases =Greenhouse effect