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Integrated Science
Chapter 3 Notes
Section 1: Atomic Structure
1. What are Atoms
• Around 400 B.C. the Greek philosopher Democritius suggested the universe was composed of
invisible units called atoms
ƒ The word atom is derived from the Greek word meaning “unable to be divided”
ƒ Democritius said there were only four types of atoms: air, water, earth, and fire
ƒ The problem with Democritius’ idea was that it could not be proven
• In 1808, an English schoolteacher named John Dalton proposed an atomic theory
ƒ Dalton’s theory had three main ideas:
♦ Every element is made of tin, unique particles called atoms that cannot be divided
♦ Atoms of the same element are exactly alike
♦ Atoms of different elements can join to form molecules
ƒ Dalton’s theory, like Democritius’, could not be proven
• An atom is the smallest part of an element that still has the element’s properties
2. What’s in an Atom
• Less than 100 years after Dalton published his atomic theory, scientists determined that atoms
could be split.
• There are three subatomic particles involved in the everyday chemistry of most substances
ƒ Proton – a positively charged subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom
ƒ Neutron – a neutral subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom
♦ Nucleus – the center of an atom; made up of protons and neutrons
ƒ Electron – a tiny negatively charged subatomic particle moving around outside the nucleus
of an atom
• Although the atom is composed of both charged particles and neutral particles, the atom has no
overall charge
ƒ The number of protons (+ charge) equals the number of electrons (- charge)
Mass (kg)
1.67 x 10-27
Location in atom
In the nucleus
1.67 x 10-27
In the nucleus
9.11 x 10
Outside the nucleus
3. Models of the Atom
• In 1913, the Danish scientist Niels Bohr suggested that electrons in an atom move in set paths
around the nucleus
ƒ Each electron has a certain energy that is determined by its path. The path is called an
energy level
ƒ Energy level – any of the possible energies an electron may have in an atom
• By 1925, Bohr’s model of the atom no longer explained all observations
ƒ A new atomic model proposed that electrons behave more like waves on a vibrating string
than like particles
ƒ In the modern model of the atom it is impossible to determine the exact location of an
electron that is moving around the nucleus of an atom, scientists could only calculate the
chance of finding an electron in a certain place with in the atom
ƒ Orbital – a region in an atom where there is a high probability of finding electrons
♦ The orbitals have several different orientations in space
♦ There are four different types of orbitals: s, p, d, and f. The s orbital is the lowest energy
orbital, and the f orbital is the highest energy orbital.
Electrons fill the orbitals from lowest energy to highest energy, and each orbital can only
contain two electrons
Valence electron – an electron in the outermost energy level of an atom
Section 2: The Periodic Table
1. The periodic table groups similar elements together
• The elements are also arranged in a certain order based on the number of protons an atom of
that element has in its nucleus
• Periodic law – properties of elements tend to change in a regular pattern when elements are
arranged in order of increasing atomic number or the number of protons in their atoms
ƒ periods - a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table
♦ valence electrons determine the chemical properties of atoms
ƒ group – a vertical column of elements in the periodic table
♦ atoms of electrons in the same group have the same number of valence electrons, so
these elements have similar properties
2. Some Atoms Form Ions
• ionization – the process of addling electrons to or removing electrons from at atom or groups of
ƒ atoms will gain or lose electrons I order to have a full outermost energy level
♦ by gaining or losing electrons the atom no longer has a neutral charge, it becomes a
charged particle
ƒ ion – an atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons and therefore
has a net electric charge
♦ cation – an ion with a positive charge
♦ anion – an atom with a negative charge
3. The Structure of Atoms
• Because atoms have different structures, they have different properties
• Atomic number – the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
• Mass number – the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
• Isotopes – any atoms having the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
• The mass of a single atom is very small
ƒ Example: the mass of a single fluorine atom is less than one trillionth of a billionth of a gram
(1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 g)
ƒ The mass of on an atom is expressed in atomic mass units
ƒ Atomic mass unit (amu) – a quantity equal to one-twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
(the mass of one hydrogen atom is approximately 1 amu)
ƒ When compared to the proton and neutron, the electron has very little mass (it would take
about 2,000 electrons to have the same mass as one proton)
ƒ Average atomic mass – the weighted average of the masses of all naturally occurring
isotopes of an element
Section 3: Families of Elements
1. groups in the periodic table are sometimes called families
• elements in the same family have similar properties
2. elements can be classified based on shared properties
• metals – the elements that are good conductors of heat and electricity
• nonmetals – the elements that are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity
• semiconductors – the elements that are intermediate conductors of heat and electricity
ƒ semiconductors are also called metalloids
3. most of the elements are classified as metals
• there are four families of metals
ƒ alkali metals – the highly reactive metallic elements located in Group 1 of the periodic table
the alkali metals are very reactive because it has one valence electron that can be easily
removed to forma a positive ion.
ƒ Alkaline earth metals – the reactive metallic elements located in Group 2 of the periodic
♦ The alkaline earth metals have two valence electrons, so are less reactive alkali metals
ƒ Transition metals – the metallic elements located in Groups 3 – 12 of the periodic table
♦ Transition metals are less reactive than the alkaline earth metals
♦ Like the alkali and alkaline earth metals, they lose electrons to form positive ions, but the
transition metals can lose different numbers of electrons
4. Nonmetals and Semiconductors
• Nonmetals and their compound are plentiful on Earth
ƒ Halogens – the highly reactive elements located in Group 17 of the periodic table
♦ The halogen gases need to acquire only one electron to have a full outermost energy
level, that is why they are so reactive
ƒ Noble gases – the unreactive gaseous elements located in Group 18 of the periodic table
♦ The noble gases exist as a single atoms instead of as molecules
• The semiconductors will conduct heat and electricity only under certain conditions
ƒ This property makes them useful in computer applications
Section 4: Using Moles to Count Atoms
1. When people count out large numbers of small things, they often simply the job by using counting
• Counting units can be based on the size of a container or an exact number
ƒ example: the counting unit for buying popcorn at the theater is the size of the container,
small, medium, or large
ƒ example: the counting unit for eggs is the dozen, or exactly 12 eggs
• Because chemists often deal with large numbers of small particle they use a counting unit called
the mole
ƒ mole – the SI base unit that describes the amount of a substance
ƒ One mole equals 602,213,670,000,000,000,000,000 particles, or 6.022 x 1023 particles
ƒ This number is known as Avogadro’s constant and is the number of particles in 1 mole
ƒ Molar mass – the mass in grams of one mole of a substance
2. Calculating moles
• Because the amount of a substance and its mass are related, it is often useful to convert moles to
grams, and grams to moles.
ƒ An element’s molar mass acts as a conversion factor between moles and mass
ƒ example: what is the mass in grams of 2 mols of hydrogen?
2.0 mol H x 1.008
= 2.016 g H
mol H
example: how many moles of oxygen in 5 g of oxygen?
5.0 g O x
1 mol O
= 0.31 mol O
16.0 g O