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Chapter 15 Review
Atoms, Elements & The Periodic Table
1. The basic particle that forms all matter is called an ______________.
2. There are 3 types of particles in each atom: ___________ which have a _____________
charge, ___________ which have a _____________ charge and ________________ which have
____ charge.
3. The entire known universe is made up of approximately 114 ______________, 92 of which
are naturally occurring, the rest of which are _______________(created in a lab).
4. These elements are neatly arranged on the ___________________________by their
_____________________ or number of ____________ & ______________ (if neutral) in each
element’s unique atom.
5. To determine the number of _______________ in an average atom of an element you will
need to subtract the ________________________ from the _______________________, both of
which can be gotten from the Periodic Table.
6. Not all atoms of an element have the same number of neutrons. Atoms of the same element
with differing numbers of neutrons are called___________________.
7. The _________________ (or row) in which an atom is found will tell you which energy level is
the outer or ________________ electron shell.
8. Members of the same ____________________ (column) have similar chemical properties
including the number of _____________________ electrons which are of interest to us because
they are the electrons that are involved in chemical bonding.
9. Members of Group 1 are known as the ______________ and they are EXREMELY reactive.
10. Members of Group 2 are known as the ______________________.
11. Group 17 are the ______________________. They form salts when they combine with alkali
metals. They are all _________________ meaning you will never find a naturally occurring
solitary (single) atom.
12. Group 18 are the ______________________ and they are the most unreactive.
13. Metallic properties increase/decrease as you move from left to right across the Periodic
14. Chemical reactivity increases/decreases as you move from left to right across the Periodic
Table with the exception of _________________ (in the halogen family), which is THE most
reactive element in the known universe.
15. Metals are _________________ (luster), __________________, ___________________,
___________________ and often ___________________.
16. Non-metals have properties that are the opposite of metals, they are _______________,
_____________, and bad _________________.
17. _______________________ have properties of both metals and nonmetals. ___________
for instance is a semi-conductor meaning that it conducts electricity only under some conditions.
It is used in computer chips.