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Pediatric Advanced Life
Jan Bazner-Chandler
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Guidelines established in 1983 by the American
heart Association.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support: A Review of the
AHA Recommendations, American Family
Physician, October 15, 1999.
American Heart Association
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Published online November 28, 2005
Article can be found at:
Review of guidelines for Pediatric Advanced
Life Support – short version of AHA
Quick review of AHA guidelines
Students Nurse Concerns
You will need to learn the basics as outlined
in the PALS article 1999 and review 2005
AHA guidelines are expected standards of a
practicing pediatric nurse.
You will need to know basic CPR guidelines
and have a current CPR card prior to starting
the clinical rotation.
Cardiopulmonary Arrest
In most infants and small children respiratory
arrest precedes cardiac arrest.
92% of children with respiratory arrest only
have no subsequent neurologic impairment.
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric cardiac arrest is:
Rarely sudden cardiac arrest caused by primary
cardiac arrhythmias.
Most often asphyxial, resulting from the
progression of respiratory failure or shock or both.
Upper airway obstruction
Lower airway obstruction
Lung tissue disease /
Disorders of breathing
Hypovolemic (most common)
Distributive: septic, anaphylactic
Asphyxial Arrest
Respiratory Arrest
Early recognition and intervention prevents
deterioration to cardiopulmonary arrest and
probable death.
Only 10% of children who progress to
cardiopulmonary arrest are successfully
30 second rapid cardiopulmonary
assessment is structured around ABC’s.
Airway must be clear and patent for
successful ventilation.
Clear of foreign body
Free from injury
Intubate if needed.
Breathing is assessed to determine the
child’s ability to oxygenate.
Respiratory rate
Respiratory effort
Breath sounds
Skin color
Impending Respiratory Failure
Respiratory rate less than 10 or greater than
60 is an ominous sign of impending
respiratory failure.
Circulation reflects perfusion.
Shock is a physiologic state where delivery of
oxygen and substrates are inadequate to
meet tissue metabolic needs.
Circulation Assessment
Heart rate
Blood pressure
End organ profusion
Urine output
Level of consciousness
Muscle tone
Circulatory Assessment
Heart rate is the most sensitive parameter for
determining perfusion and oxygenation in children.
Heart rate needs to be at least 60 beats per minute to
provide adequate perfusion.
Heart rate greater than 140 beats per minute at rest needs
to be evaluated.
Circulatory Assessment
Pulse quality reflects cardiac output.
Capillary refill measures peripheral perfusion.
Temperature and color of extremities
proximal versus distal.
Circulatory Assessment
Urinary output
Adequate kidney perfusion
1- 2 ml of urine per kg / hour
Level of Consciousness / LOC
Blood Pressure
25% of blood volume must be lost before a
drop in blood pressure occurs.
Minimal changes in blood pressure in
children may indicate shock.
Cardiac Monitoring
Pulse oximetry
May be inaccurate when peripheral perfusion is
Airway Management
Bag-valve-mask with bradypenia or apnea
Suctioning to remove secretions
Intubation as needed
New Guidelines – Airway Management
Failure to maintain the airway is leading
cause of preventable death in children.
New PALS focuses on basic airway
Laryngeal mask airway.
LMA –Laryngeal Mask Airway
Inability to prevent aspiration.
Inability to serve as route for administering
Endotracheal Tube Intubation
New guidelines:
Secondary confirmation of tracheal tube
Use of end-tidal carbon dioxide monitor or
colorimetric device
Vascular Access
After airway and oxygenation needs met.
Crystalloid solution
Normal saline 20mL/kg bolus over 20 minutes
Lactated ringers – used more in adults
Vascular Access – New Guidelines
New guidelines: in children who are six years
or younger after 90 seconds or 3 attempts at
peripheral intravenous access – Intraosseous
access recommended.
Intraosseous Access
Gastric Decompression
Gastric decompression with a nasogastric or
oral gastric tube is necessary to ensure
maximum ventilation.
Air trapped in stomach can put pressure on the
diaphragm impeding adequate ventilation.
Undigested food can lead to aspiration.
Cardiopulmonary Failure
Child’s response to ventilation and
oxygenation guides further interventions.
If signs of shock persists:
Inotropic agents such as epinephrine are given.
Shock (cardiogenic, septic, or anaphylactic)
IV or ET through the endotracheal tube
New Guideline Epinephrine
Still remains primary drug for treating patients
for cardiopulmonary arrest, escalating doses
are de-emphasized.
Neurologic outcomes are worse with highdose epinephrine.
2 New Medications for PALS
Vasopressin – causes systemic
vasoconstriction – used to increase blood
flow to brain and heart during CPR.
Need to be studied further.
Amiodarone – antiarrhythmic agent – used in
ventricular fibrillation and ventricular
tachycardia. Given 5 mg/kg over 20 minutes.
Bradycardia is the most common dysrhythmia
in the pediatric population.
Epinephrine is drug of choice – dose is 0.01 to
0.03 mg/kg/dose
Sodium Bicarbonate
In instances where the child is acidotic,
sodium bicarbonate may be administered IV.
The drug is not as stable in the pediatric
population but is often used during the
resuscitative phase of CPR.
Glucose Levels
Monitor serum glucose levels
Replace with 10 % dextrose in the neonate
25% glucose in the child
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia is usually secondary
to structural cardiac disease.
Amiodarone – 5 mg/kg over 20 minutes
Defibrillator Guidelines
AHA recommends that automatic external
defibrillation be use in children with sudden
collapse or presumed cardiac arrest who are
older than 8 years of age or more than 25 kg
and are 50 inches long.
Electrical energy is delivered by a fixed amount
range 150 to 200. (4J/kg)
Post-resuscitation Care
Re-assessment of status is ongoing.
Laboratory and radiologic information is
Etiology of respiratory failure or shock is
Transfer to facility where child can get
maximum care.
BLS Updates 2006
Unresponsive infant less than 1 year and
children 1 year to puberty
Open airway
Give 2 breaths (if not breathing)
Begin compressions – 30 – (if no pulse)
Activate EMS system
AED after 5 cycles of CPR
Tilt Head to Sniff Position
Witnessed Collapse of Child
Activate EMS
AED before CPR
Compression 30 to 2 breaths – hand
placement at nipple line
2 rescue 15 to 2 – if infant circle chest and
use thumbs
Choking Infant
5 back slaps
5 Chest thrusts
Heimlich for Infants
Clearing the Mouth